Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


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I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Much dreaming



Much dreaming

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:44:57 AM

Good morning. Another interesting night even if We do not what it was We were doing. We remember that We were processing, some in waking and some in full asleep. Again, it was really clear at the time. We are processing and integrating and We can feel the change in Us. We woke theeling that We are in the midst of complete change of mindset, complete psychic change and We are willing to have more. We really do theel that this is a major key. As We experience it, it is introduced into the mass mind as well. Introduced and/or reinforced.

We are being reminded to stay in the now and let go. Our head does still try to plan and worry. Our head is useful for remembering things but it needs to pass that information to Our heart and not be afraid. We are making progress.

There are sooooo many things that need to change in Our way of thinking and beliefs. This is surely the next step. Certainly not the final step, that probably does not exist. Final does not exist. We are letting go. We open, let go and allow. So much that needs to be loved and set free. We do need to remember that We are not destroying or abandoning or forgetting anything, any part of Us. Instead We are owning, honoring and loving “them” and setting “them”/Us free. Whatever We cling to, We hold hostage. No Oneder We see sooooo much rebellion and acting out in Our world. Look at All the hostages We have taken.

The world is sooooo different than We think and believe it is. We acknowledge that the way Our dragon and chariot are acting are really helping Us to slide forward and make these changes. Now is the time. We truly are having a complete psychic change. This is Our mission and We chose to accept it. We know that the autists are working with Us. Also, many other kids are helping too but We feel and relate to those with autistic characteristics the most. We are drawing closer and closer to having these characteristics but We are kinda approaching this from the opposite direction.

Again We are having lots of experiences.  We are also getting to examine a lot of Our thoughts, beliefs and fears.  When winter hits We really do go into survival mode and forget to play and be playful.  We certainly forget that this is All a game.

Our autistic highschooler slapped One of the new riders who got too close.  He seemed to feel really bad about it afterwards and did his best to apologize.  In The Reason I Jump the author discusses this type of behaviour.  He says the action is simply beyond "their" control and "they" feel terrible about having done it.

On Our gradeschool section half the students did not ride.  We are seldom told the reason why. We had fun with those who did ride and were able to give "them" more personal attention than We usually get to.

We are going deep into dream whenever there are no students on board.  There is definitely a lot of transition going on.  The fantasy and make believe quality of this world (the One that We have All-ways called real) is become more and more clear and real to Us.

Fears still come up but We real-eyes that "they" are not  real.  Fear is also make believe.

We keep repeating Our mantras, pony hopping and telling OurSelf that We llove Us and everyOne and everything unconditionally.  It is only naturall for We actuallly are unconditional love.  We just forgot and then denied it.

We are getting Our change of thinking and beliefs.  We also others starting to take back "their" power.

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