Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


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I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Experiencing transition



Experiencing transition

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:36:55 AM

Good morning. We visited some more interesting worlds and made more new friends. Interesting that We do not remember details from the world that seemed most clear and understandable during dream time. The dream world that We remember was about the little people but that is All that went on: We were just aware of the little people, especially focused on a house gnome.

Perhaps the little people are reaching out to Us more right now or maybe One of the kids is trying to talk about “them”?

We really are making progress in engaging Our heartmind. We do not notice much this morning yet there is a strong feeling........

It is still cold but it is supposed to be back above 0 this weekend. The sudden change is another reason it seems sooooo cold.

We are reminded that there are several reasons why the dragon is still leaking and overheating AND it really is in Our best interest. We are okay with that, mostly. We open, let go (set free) and allow. We engage Our heartmind. We love OurSelf unconditionally. We ARE learning how to do this.

There has been a lot of draw towards flying lately as well as time flys.

As We (Our head) try to linger in old thinking and beliefs We are getting practical application experience at setting old stuff free. We bless it and set it free. We are changing AND We are changing the rules. We may even be starting to live without rules, maybe. We are reminded that this is NOT destroying or abandoning anything, it is All still right here and available to visit any time. In fact this is about being here AND there at the same time. We are learning how.

Part of what We are experiencing is the habit of living by routine and habit. It is easy to do. Right now We have to think about many steps and mundane tasks to accomplish what We used to do by rote. That used to upset Us. Now, We see it as a sign of progress. Our memory and routines and habits were anchors into limitation and separation. What is hard to get and practice is that We can have All the memories that We want without “them” being hooks into limitation and separation. We can watch All the home movies of Us playing that game, We can even return to the game without getting lost (falling in) and forgetting what We really are.

We can, We ARE beginning to live by Our true nature. Pretending to be what We are not is sooooo familiar that it seems natural. It is only normal and totally NOT natural.

It seems colder but "their"-mom-meters are not showing any colder.  We really are seeing and feeling how this is Al in Our mind.  We do not know how to explain it better.

We are experiencing more and more being in multiworlds.  We are not having to leave or destroy or abandon this world, creation, reality, hologram, whatever to be in and experience other worlds.  We are shifting, expanding Our focus.  Is One world more real than another?  Who knows.  Probably not.

What is not real and only imagined is limitation.  Limitation is the cornerstone of how We perceive and experience Our world but it is not real.  When We remove limitation it seems like an entirely new world.

This is what We are experiencing while being in and functioning in limitation 3D. We see and experience it as limited AND expanded both at the same time.

We get the feeling that We could imaginarily impose limitation upon any world or reality or dimension and experience it from that perspective.  We theel that some are probably experiencing this world (which We experiencing as limited and separate) as expanded, infinite and All is connected.

It is hard to imagine, grasp, understand this but We are starting to experience it.

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