Returning to dream
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:48:01 AM
Good morning. We know We are focused on Our transition
in dream as well as waking. We open, let go and allow. In waking
dream We got the message that We will remember and introduce the
concept of control, doing, having, accomplishing by letting go. We
will find how it works and be able to apply it. Somehow, this feels
different to Us than any previous thoughts about any kind of
discovery. It feels real.
We were pondering not remembering anything from the last few nights
We get it that We are dreaming about letting go. Not much to remember
when We dream about doing nothing. How many times do We have to
repeat doing nothing before We get it right? We have spent years
practicing doing nothing. Eventually We will remember how. This may
not make much sense but to “not control” or
to not try to control is not human. It is Our true nature but it is
not known to humans. Humans want and try to control everything.
What We are learning to do is like breathing but We have
replaced it with machines and All kinds of devices and rules and
regulations and lies. Humanity needs (IOO) to learn to breathe again,
or to learn to fall off a bike. Failure is not an option, it really
is not even a possibility. Hard to imagine that.
And that brings Us to another part: We are open to
change and life far, far beyond Our wildest imaginings. That is what
We were processing and experiencing yesterday afternoon. These
changes are so foreign (even alien) to Us that We just can not
conceive anything remotely close to what lies ahead. We try. God
knows We try. We use words like flying and teleporting and the images
these words bring up are so limited and minuscule in comparison to
where We are going and what We will be experiencing that “they”
could All-most be called lies. We have to completely let go of Our
former limitations and concepts and perceptions.
That is what Our now is about. Others have other jobs.
We are blowing the lid off. We will discover/remember/learn how to
travel without effort AND enjoy the journey. This is NOT about
skipping the journey the way Our concept of teleporting would imply.
This is sooooo different that the only way to fathom it is to open,
let go and allow.
It is pretty awesome to know that We are on the verge of
such a startling discovery. We know We will be introducing it into
the mass mind. Few will know who the trailblazers were in this
development. That is not a problem. This is not about fame and glory,
those are old pair-a-dime needs. This is not about doubting OurSelves
and Our abilities. This is about letting go. Assension in freefall.
That term keeps coming up for Us. Something like jumping out of a
perfectly good airplane. Except, this limitation dimension is not
really that great. It has been an experience and a thrill ride to be
sure. We are not gonna abandon or destroy it. We will return
(probably many times). We just are over (way over) believing that We
are stuck here.
For some time now We have been saying and learning that
this is no longer a: “One size fits All” world. Maybe it never
was. Recently We are reading this from more and more of Our others.
Just like how this current new way of living, thinking, believing and
doing (that We are dreaming, experiencing and intuiting) will
gradually seep into the mass mind and then begin to leak out is tiny
trickles until it becomes a flood, so too is the concept of variety
and diversity beginning to come forward. Today's Abraham-Hicks quote
of the day says it well:
There is a big mix out there,
and there's lots of different things going on, and there is not one
way that was intended to be the right way. Just like there's not one
color or one flower or one vegetable or one fingerprint. There is not
one that is to be the right one over all others. The variety is what
fosters the creativity. And so you say, "Okay, I accept that
there's lots of variety, but I don't like to eat cucumbers."
Don't eat cucumbers. But don't ask them to be eliminated and don't
condemn those who eat them. Don't stand on corners waving signs
trying to outlaw the things that you don't like. Don't ruin your life
by pushing against. Instead, say, "I choose this instead. This
does please me.
Excerpted from the workshop in Rye, NY on October 12,
There is much that We are experiencing and intuiting
again today. We would like to get it All down but We just do not have
the energy and focus. That is okay because it is in the mass mind as
We (and any others) get it then Our connection feeds it into the mass
Getting it that others doing it different is okay is
hard for Us and We are certain that it is just as hard and harder for
many others. We are All in transition and We are doing it Our own way
and that is perfect.
We are having another ice storm today and “they”
canceled school. Of course because We have to leave so early to get
to town on time in adverse conditions, We were at base before We
found out. (the good news there is that We will at least get paid for
some time) We stopped at Wally World for some supplies in case even
though it is only expected to be One day. There is just no way to
know what the roads will be like in a few hours much less tomorrow.
Now, for Us here is the interesting thing: Yesterday
there were All kinds of predictions and nobody knew what might happen
since the recent forecasts have not been accurate. We thought about
stopping at the store to pick up supplies on Our way home. We really
wanted to just get home (as usual) and knew that We would be going in
to work today, school would be canceled and We could pick up supplies
on the way home. BTW: supplies are the necessities like extra milk,
cookie mix, almond bark and such.
Also, We have thelt for a while now that the stuff with
the dragon is partially because this/these ice storm(s) were coming
and it is better that We are driving the chariot in these conditions.
Over the years We have learned that things like: a car not starting
or not running right, loosing Our car keys, a flat tire, etc, things
that seem and maybe even feel bad, frustrating and irritating may be
the very thing that prevents Us from having some kind of really bad
experience. We have had many times where We learned (after the fact)
that We had just missed some multi-car pile up etc.
So, We had a piece of warm pie with I-scream and will
head back to dream soon.
We really enjoyed Our dream time. We visited many
versions of Our world and lives. Some are very abstract some are very
similar to this version. We had a lot of fun. That seems to be the
theme: have fun!!!!!!!!!
We are reminded of how many things We cling to that keep
Us locked in Our limitations. Very few are about having fun. “They”
are about responsibilities and struggle to survive. Life was never
meant to be a struggle. Struggle is only part of Our limitation
hologram. Yet, We have become addicted to it. Let go. We cling to Our
prison bars and if We would only let go and turn around the doors
stands wide open. Like the dreams of Our cabin that opens onto
everything. This is real. Everything awaits Us if We will just let
go. This is not a pretty song or dream. It is reality awaiting Us.
Here is an excerpt Suzanne Lie:
Although, it isn't really our short-term memory that we
are losing, but the memory of where our consciousness just dashed off
to and returned form. We do not remember what happened because we
just left time. Since our 3D memory is based on the past, present and
future time, it cannot register a concept of moving into a timeless
reality and returning just before, or shortly after, we left.
This explains a lot of what is going on with Our memory
of both waking and dreaming experiences.
We returned to dream again. We enjoy a day of returning
to dream. We would/will enjoy having more of “them”. We woke from
visiting a large city with friends. We did recognize anyOne from
waking but We are familiar with these friends. It was interesting in
that We were living/acting in many of the ways We foresee. Little
things, and incidents would come up and yet nothing phased Us. We
knew We would have any answer when We needed it. Happy go lucky is
the common term.
Something else came to mind from Our reading or dreaming
or, or, or...... that We wanted to mention but now it is gone. If it
comes back up maybe We will remember it long enough to share. It was
more about Our world and reality. Again: it is not that this world is
not real. It is the limitation that is not real and We totally see it
and believe in it as limited. This is changing.
Open, let go and allow.
Aha, We were reminded of the phrase: “nobody's
perfect”. What a bold faced lie and yet All-most everyOne (if not
everyOne) believes it. How could We believe anything so preposterous
unless We are the Ones telling the lie?????????
We just read the term: psychic passages. Perhaps that is
a key to Our quandary about travel?????? Again: if We instantly
teleport from One place to another We will miss the journey. At least
for now the journey is what is important.
Another round of dream life before dinner, movie and
more dream time. Fun, that is All We remember. It was about
transitioning and having fun doing it.
We theel We are in for an early dinner and an early
night dreaming.