Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, April 28, 2013



An experience

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:56:11 AM

Good morning. Another busy night. We do not remember a lot of details but We do remember some. There were a lot of the students from Our route and We were in some type(s) of community. Here is the really cool part, there were many versions of each of the kids and there were many similar but different worlds and lives that We were living. There were also some of the people from the kids family and circle of friends. There was not anything earth shattering happening, just living in joy and happiness and acceptance.

There was no feeling of handicaps or problems with the kids. “They” are seen and honored as gifted. Some needed more help with daily living and others just needed friendship and acceptance. The worlds We were visiting accepted these kids as “they” are and recognized “their” gifts for what “they” are.

We guess it was All earth shattering compared to the world We seem to live in where society tries to mainstream these kids and stifle “their” gifts and abilities. Then again, We do not really live there any more. We are aware of that world, and perhaps We could say that We function there, but We live in an expanding world. We like the experience We are having and the world(s) that the kids take Us to.

We definitely feel the galactics observing and assisting as We transition into the new earth and new energies. We recognize that many still do not see and experience the transition and others see and experience it in a much different way. Our typical reaction is to think that someOne is in the wrong. Now, We know that this is not true. Each One of Us is exactly where We belong doing what We are here to do.

We are just now reading an article that talks about gathering (not necessarily in the physical) to join and strengthen Our energies and intents. At first, We kinda balked because often a gathering means trying to get everyOne to do it (whatever it might be) the same way. Then, We got it that this can be a choir (and the article is talking about singing Our songs). In a choir, We do not All sing the same note at the same time. That is exactly what is going on in Our world. We are beginning to harmonize rather than sing solos or everyOne trying to sing the melody or some dis-harmonic cacophony. This is new in this context.

We could also liken this building a house or other building (and maybe keep in mind that soon We will be growing structures rather than building). We are not All installing windows. There is just no way to build (or grow) a structure that is All windows. We need a foundation of some sort and something to support the windows, something like walls. We also need some form of energy to power Our toys and some method of transferring this energy as needed/wanted (in the present this would be electrical wiring). A source of water and a system to transport it is also desirable. If All We have are windows, We would not be comfortable.

For some reason, We (most/many of Us) have a mistaken belief that We must/should All be singing the same note at the same time, or that We should All (everyOne in the world) be window installers. This perspective only supports limitation.

We got lost in there somewhere, or slipped into another reality.

We have a first aid class today. We did get to sleep in an hour but We really would prefer a day off like Our normal Saturdays. We really detest these classes. Sad that We feel this way but alas, We own Our feelings.

We definitely slipped a reality or two, too bad We didn't slip into One (or twelve) where We get to stay home today. Yes, We know something good could come from the class. We are trying to stay open to that. We real-eyes that part of living in a perfect includes this required class attendance being perfect. We are much less resistant than previously so We claim progress. We accept that this class is part of the disguise and illusion that We are beginning to see through.

The class was not nearly as painful as We had anticipated. There were several factors. Fist, We allowed OurSelf to be OurSelf and not focus on only 3D. Next, even though We had the same instructor as last time We did not have to practice on each other. We really have difficulty with touching people in such a setting. Plus, there were signs of people waking even if it is (apparently) very early in “their” process. A bumper stickers saying: “Kill Your TV before it kills You”. The instructor saying We are not designed to live the lifestyle most people live. People talking about getting and living off the grid. A driver talking about moving to a village in Russia to live more natural. This is encouraging.

We have grown and changed in the three years since the last class We took and it is reflected in this experience.

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