Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013



Experiences, insights, lessons and dreaming

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:38:16 AM

Good morning. Lots of experiences and lessons in time and being masters of time. Also, as We were dreaming We got it why (or One why) We have not been remembering much of Our dreams. We are experiencing living in multi-worlds All at the same time. That is still hard to translate into 3D words, thoughts and memory.

In waking We are becoming aware of being in more than One reality/world/dimension at a time but in dream We are experiencing many at Once. Both are a bit hard to translate fully into 3D awareness. Perhaps because it is a multi-D experience????? Can We say: “Duh”?

In dream, We are reminded of how We can observe and do observe the kids doing this multi-worlds experience. Many do it All the time. “They” live in Our world, generally playing by Our rules (or pretending to) and yet living in a world where left is right and right is left. (We have experienced this with several when trying to get directions to “their” home.) In Our mind “they” told Us the wrong way but in “their” mind “they” told Us the right way. In “their” world a goat can be “their” sister and “they” can be invisible. “They” can have unlimited lives and shield against knives and evil eyes.

Sometimes, “they” let Us observe “them” in “their” world. Admittance by invitation only. No suit and tie required.

We have commented (often) lately about not remembering Our dreams. We were just reminded that We do not (usually) remember the details from Our waking a few days later. It is All merging and when We are busy, busy, busy having experiences in both waking and dreaming Our 3D brain just can not hold it All. Imagine being everything and everyOne and everywhere. Imagine experiencing that moment to moment and then imagine remembering every experience We ever had. That is really a lot.

We subbed on an extra noon section today. It is a route We have subbed on a couple of times before and the kids are kinda getting to know Us. There are six of “them” and “they” are energetic and really do not want to follow the driver's rules. We got “their” names down and One boy asked if We knew everyOne's names. There were two boys who wanted to sit together but the driver did not want “them” too. When “they” sat next to each other anyway the driver said We could try. We explained that We would try but if “they” did not behave We would split “them” up. “They” were great.

We had the feeling (either real or imagined) that the driver does not like the way We handle (work with) the students on his bus. “They” are a challenge and make no mistake about that. We got the feeling that the driver prefers someOne who is stricter and more of a disciplinarian. We feel Our method works even though it may not appear as immediate as a heavy hand. What is interesting is how strong Our desire to please others (Our peers and coworkers and bosses) remains. Our natural instinct and reaction is to be kind and gentle (unless pushed too hard) and We have no intention of changing that to please anyOne. Yet We do want to be accepted and even appreciated by those We work for and with. That just is not going to happen, at least not immediately. Many/most people still live in the old paradigm and even if “they” don't, old habits die hard.

We only had fifteen minutes between sections and on Our way to the next school We real-eyesed that someOne had taken us to dream. The boy in the wheelchair (Our next section) was telling Us more about and the alien movie he watched today. We were paying attention but could hardly stay awake. After We dropped him at his daycare (not to worry, We dropped him gently) We let OurSelf go All the way out (since the bus was empty and We really had no choice).

After We got back to the barn and were walking Shadow We recognized that We were walking in several worlds and could not keep focused in any One reality. We have a little over an hour before Our next section but We barely know what We are typing and doubt if We can read much.

Will be interesting how the middleschoolers react to Us today.

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