Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013



Pondering and dreaming

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:55:31 AM

Good morning. We woke from a world where We All are much more free. This may be the same world of freedom We dreamt of about a week ago, or just a similar world. Once again We had trouble adapting to this freedom. However, Once We got used to it We really loved it. We really did not want to leave and return here but …........

As We are waking We remember that We transitioned into this world of freedom from a world where everything We touched turned to shit. We were basically ostracized from Our home and community because We were causing/creating havoc everywhere We turned, literally. We nursed a guinea pig back to life and We are not sure where this fits in. It was an abandoned and forgotten pet. It was very grateful for Our attentions. Ahhhh, metaphor.

We know that We are in the midst of major transition. We have no idea exactly how this affects the outer world and/or if others are feeling the change the way We are. We are changing from the inside out. Everything is perfect regardless of appearances. Appearances are what We created to support Our believe in the game of separation/limitation. It is a hologram. A distorted version of the real. A limited version of the real. We are transitioning beyond that. It will probably continue to exist but it is only a very small fragment of All that exists. We (the masses) believe it to be All there is and that is the illusion, the lie.

As We read some messages posted on discussion lists We are reminded that many people continue to try to change the world from the outside in. Maybe this will work for “them”. We (personally) remain focused on changing from the inside out. Perhaps the results are not as instant but We theel “they” will be more lasting. If the change from outside in does result in inner change, then that too will be a success. If not, if there is no inner change then that outer change will also fail. We have seen examples of this throughout history. Teaching that tell Us that: “going within and doing Our inner work is to do nothing” is another trap We laid for OurSelves. We were very clever when We set up the physical limitation/separation game.

We really feel this “change from the inside out” and the teaching that it will not work. This is important stuff for Us. We are the example for Us that it does work. It is working.

We feel quite a bit clearer today and We are doing some processing of the information We are getting. We get it that when We claim and demand Our limits We really do keep OurSelves limited. It is sooooo easy to do. So many things that We think are bad are actually the portals to multidimensionality. It is a hard concept to grasp. It must be experienced but since it tends to “feel” bad, We avoid going through the experience.

That is part of what has been going on for/with Us.

The gradeschoolers on the bus continue to be fun and insightful. It did seem like the boy who does not talk was communicating with Us this morning.

The energy boy is more co-operative this week. (There is sooooo much that We do not know about these kids, it's hard to have a clue what might set “them” off.) He really enjoys looking at Our map book and he is delighted that One of the maps has his name on it. We will probably make a copy of that map for him.

We had a nice conversation again with the highschooler who lives an hour away. He is opening up more and more and We continue to learn little things about him and his background through Our conversations.

We really enjoy this learning experience that We are living.

We had more musings about Our process that We wanted to type about but what little We did share tells Us that We really do not have the focus and words yet.

It is interesting how much We are NOT focused in 3D. Hard to really explain clearly in 3D what it is like to not be only in 3D. Once again We have the feeling that We are on/at the verge of a major breakthrough and change. These things can turn out to be sooooo different from what We might conceive or expect. Our expectations would limit Us. If We open, let go and allow, then We can slide into the fullness that awaits Us.

Again, this is quite contradictory to what We have All-ways been taught and experienced. The traps We laid for OurSelves to keep Us locked into the experience of limitation are very effective.

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