Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Thursday, April 18, 2013



Living and learning/remembering

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:39:02 AM

Good morning. Again We do not remember much from Our dreams. We continue to process the information We have been given and are receiving. We are in the midst of the shift, but most people do not know this and continue to live and create out of habit. We are repeating the same dramas, the same reality even though the door (portal) is wide open to slip into something brand new. We (the people, the masses and the individuals) are the Ones who must pass through this portal. No body can take that step, make that choice for Us.

This is an individual process and each of Us will bring the story Our personal experience (how We awoke, how We ascended and just how many times We went around the mountain to get home) to the collective. It will be a grand sharing with much revelry. We will have some amazing stories to tell. Living those stories may not feel quite so grand.

Everything is perfect exactly as it is. Can We grasp even a tiny bit of that concept? Everything is designed and intended to help/force Us to wake up and take back Our power. Even as difficult as life on planet limitation 3D has gotten, most would still rather cling to the familiar than take responsibility for “their” life.

We are the Ones who created what We have and how We live. Yes, that includes the ills and woes. Who wants to hear/read and accept that? Not many. We would rather blame someOne else and go back to sleep, return to misery and deny Our part as co-conspirators. Most would and will claim: “I would never do that”. And so it is. We believe Our own lies and deceits.

As long as We believe that Our world is not perfect, then Our world continues to be/appear as not perfect. There is a perfect world waiting for Us just beyond Our Self-created veil of: “not perfect”. The world We created, the world We are projecting onto Our view screen and Our stage in based on impossibilities and lies. Yet, We believe in it with unwavering devotion. Our belief makes it real.

No Oneder We are not remembering Our dreams. We are cracking the shell of delusion and at the same time trying to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

We are transitioning. We dream of Our world in transition and as it emerges yet We can not believe (in waking) that it is really even possible. We demand Our limits and cages walls. We bloody Our fingers scratching on the air believing it to be solid walls and iron bars that hold Us in a life of slavery to a system that We created. We have a plethora of evidence to support Our delusion because We create the evidence like a factory mass producing consumables. We are caught in a loop of Our own creating.

Yet, We are also awakening. Little by little We open Our eyes and see the dawn. There is hope and cause for joy but it does not lie in anyOne or anything external. We are the Ones. Until We get that, until We stop denying and demanding Our limits, We will not allow the sun to fully rise. We are not dependent on the masses awakening for Our personal awakening. We each are the One.

We continue to be reminded that everything is perfect exactly as it is. It is the the thinking, the believing, the speaking that anything is: “not perfect” just as it is that keeps Us trapped in “not perfect”.

It is (or seems to be) that the desire for something better keeps Us trapped in Our world of illusion. Once We accept that Our world is perfect and it is only illusion that it is anything less is what can free Us to move on.

Being multidimensional can seem to be (and usually is) much different from what We expect. The expectations limit Us and keep Us trapped. Paid-a-docks after paradox.

The gradeschooler who can talk but does not talk (much) was delighted when the driver showed him how the ladder (on his firetruck) extends. The boy got the biggest grin and immediately extended the ladder when he got the firetruck back. He spent the rest of the ride opening and closing the ladder. One time when he opened it too far and it came apart he figured out how to put it back together right away.

Another boy who (so far) appears totally non-verbal is learning to buckle and unbuckle the straps on his car seat and is very proud of himSelf. He also helps hold a friends hand walking in to school and had the biggest grin, apparently because he was helping.

The downs boy continues to grin and giggle every morning. He is a real delight (until he decides to lay down in the hall on the way to class but to him that too is a fun game).

The gradeschool girl is not riding (at least) for a while so it is now All guys on the gradeschool section.

We are going to sub on another noon section today so it will be interesting to see what that will be.

There is another set of kindergarten age twins on the route We subbed on. Very bright boys. Interesting that these two want to sit together and the twins on Our regular route want to sit separate. There was a boy who rides alone to another school and at first he sat with his back to Us. However, on the walk into school he played games with Us and talked about the things We would do together.

The boy in the wheelchair was excited about what he wanted to tell Us today. He seemed to have something wonderful planned out. Yesterday he told Us about dragons and today it was about ultimate aliens. A very animated story and information.

Only two middleschoolers rode today. The invisible boy was very something and just would not keep his hands to himSelf. The driver finally had him sit up front by himSelf. We sat behind him and after a bit he settled down and stopped making faces etc. at the other student. He really does not like to conform and yet........ He had a certificate and bumper sticker for being on the “merit roll”. He was very proud of this and showed “them” to Us. An interesting paradox. We congratulated him. We want to support him but that does NOT mean allowing him to poke and make fun of others. A fine line to walk. More to learn.

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