Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Our psychic change continues

Our psychic change continues
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:37:03 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
Another night of many worlds/lives and many new friends but the only One We remember clearly is the last One. There are new friends that We have never met or seen before (at least as far as We know) and friends that are people We have seen around town in Our current waking reality and friends from Our passed and current students and friends from Our childhood. EveryOne was school age except Us. We were a bit shy at first because of the age difference but the kids/friends included Us in “their” antics and We were soon comfortable being part of “their” group. We woke with the song lyrics: “no more tears” playing in Our head.
As far as We remember We had fun in All Our worlds and lives that We explored. We theel that this not remembering clearly the worlds and lives that We visit is part of learning that We ARE living in multiworlds and multiD. It is part of learning about Our unconscious and how powerful it is. There is much that goes on which We do NOT remember rather than the way We think that We remember/know everything.
We are reminded of how, in Our waking life: A-dults observe kids who think “they” actually know everything there is to know and Our saying: “back when I was young enough to still know everything”. This is probably very similar to how beans who are familiar with living multidimensionally view Us still knocking about in limitation 3D.
This is also part of changing Our beliefs and mindset. We think in limitation and then project it onto Our view screen and call it the “real” world. This is becoming experiential for Us.
There is some theeling about experiencing being multidimensional in Our dreams and other experiences that We forget AND observing this waking version (often struggling) from that expanded version's perspective/experience. This has been coming through as not being able to translate and/or remember much from Our dreams. We have created this veil of forgetfulness and it works very well. However, it grows thin. It seems that it remains firmly in place for most of Our others in waking but that too is Our projection.
As We proceed more and more makes sense and more and more is revealed. We really do filter out much more than We allow OurSelf to remember or be aware of. We are enjoying being aware of more. Feeling how We feel in these other worlds. The importance of feeling AND remembering and re-feeling Our feelings when We imaginate/visualize is currently coming out in many people's teachings and methods for expanding Our awareness. This means that We are projecting it more.
Many of Our passed experiences and insights are coming together now. There is much We have forgotten and/or set aside for seeming lack of manifestation and/or support. Theories and philosophies are becoming real to Us. The concepts We have gotten about how and why vampires live and are All-ways rich (even in the twisted stories society tells and believes about “them”). Vampires (and others whom We judge as bad and evil) are simply living in reality and We make “them” bad and assign evil intent and actions to “them” through Our judgment, blame and rejection. Being rich and having everything at “their” fingertips (literally) is as natural to “them” (and would be to Us if We allowed it) as breathing water is natural to fish. It only seems impossible to Us because We have chosen to live in and experience only limitation and separation.
Several years ago We real-eyesed that what We read that resonates are actually hints and breadcrumbs that We left for OurSelf. Now, We can tell (real-eyes) that We ARE projecting what We read. We had let this slip for a while (maybe). We are sooooo familiar with and entrenched in Our limitation world that it takes a lot of adjustment to expand beyond limitation. We have spent sooooo much time believing that limitation is the only thing that is real and that scarcity and lack are just the way it is. Boy, did We do a mind job on OurSelves.
The students continue to play imagination games. This pleases Us. We continue to pony hop and focus on flying cars and buses and people and teleporting. Our waking world is expanding and We are getting a little more familiar with how it feels to be multidimensional and live in multiworlds. It is interesting how much We avoided and resisted this feeling and experience even while seeking it.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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