Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Dreaming while awake

Dreaming while awake
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:06:26 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that We are allowing OurSelf to live in multiworlds more and more.
We ARE changing. We remember that early in the night there was some information and insights about being multidimensional but what We really remember is playing. Of course: play is a much bigger part of living as love than it is of limitation. This morning We are remembering to imagine and play and We theel like We are on ship.
In the passed, when We woke, We told OurSelf that We had to stop playing and imagining. We said We had to stop Our fantasies and face the real world. Well, that is true “if” We want to remain in limitation. We want to live as love so We need to make changes. We need to play. We need to imagine and fantasize in a limitless world. No world is more real or more important than any other. Our imaginary world(s) with imaginary friends is just as real as this limitation world. We have lived in limitation for sooooo long that it is hard to grasp that anything else is real and/or important.
We really do have to set it All free with love.
Once again: as We allow OurSelf to remain in a semi-dream state We do have to really concentrate to remember how to do simple task in 3D. We wish to note that We are not certain if what We are experiencing is limitation 3D or an expanded 3D. We figure “they” probably look a lot alike especially when We first enter unlimited 3D from limitation 3D. Probably kinda like a borderland between the two where “they” blend together and then fan out from there. Probably not a distinct division between the two.
So, what We think and believe in Our old mindset is actually the opposite of what We need to do “if” We wish to explore limitlessness, multidimensionality and live as love. Our old thinking and beliefs are designed (by Us not some outside bad guys) to keep Us in the game and We did real good. We need to allow this change that Our unconscious is implementing. It is Our choice. This will never be forced upon Us. We see an entire world that is resisting this change but that is Our projection from Our limitation consciousness.
We are practicing going into multidimensionality and multiworlds and Our imagination while sitting up awake. It is not easy because Our limitation programing is sooooo strong and deep rooted. But: little by little We are doing it and We like it AND We are grateful for the progress We are making. We are reminded that Our limitation world is Our creation so We only want to add to it, see beyond the borders and experience “this” and “that”. It might be easier (in a way) to go full bore into another reality but that is NOT what We are after. We have no desire to just move into another version of limitation. We seek being limitless even while in a limitation world. Lofty goals? Perhaps AND We are capable even if We do not fully believe that yet.
We returned to dream and visited alternate realities that are memories coming up to be cleaned (pony hopped) and set free with love. This is an interesting process We are in. We appreciate really having the free time to get into it. Today We have been real-eye-sing how much time is One of the locks in Our Self-made prison. In Our limitation world: time is hard to set free. Time and money are sooooo embedded into limitation that it is hard to find Our way out. However: it is happening.
When We first woke (this last time) We kinda felt like maybe We had reverted to full limitation 3D awareness. Perhaps this is because multidimensionality is becoming more familiar? Whatever the reason We can tell (as We are up longer) that We are not “just” in limitation 3D. We are also aware of the need to allow Our mind to travel and reach out to include other worlds, realities and dimensions. It is up to Us, Our choice.
We are reading “The Groups” May channeling (Steve Rother) which is talking about what We have been intuiting and experiencing. It had been a while since We have read these monthly channelings as We have felt a lack of time. We Oneder what it will take for Us to set this time limitation free with love?
Our day was mostly spent going back to bed with a little reading in between. We did practice letting OurSelf be aware of other worlds around Us All the time while We are awake. We even were/are successful at drifting and playing in Our imagination and reminding OurSelf that Our imagination is real. It is sooooo easy to think and believe that Our imagination is “only” Our imagination and that it is not real. It is very real and We are getting better at believing that.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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