Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Another day spent in dream

Another day spent in dream
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:13:03 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that We are allowing OurSelf to live in multiworlds more and more.
Interesting dreams and waking dreams (with many new friends). We are changing Our beliefs by becoming familiar with living limitless. We experienced many timelines happening at Once and We were introducing this to the people living in those timelines. Obviously this is hard to explain in 3D words since in limitation 3D it is impossible. Yet, We have very clear memories of it and like We said some of the dreams were/are waking dreams. In dream state (even while awake) We are able to imagine and accept the impossible. That too is a good learning experience. It is easier to imagine with the eyes closed.
We quickly glanced at Our email and it looks like someOne is arguing for “their” limitations. Of course this is Our projection and We are sorry. Please forgive OurSelf. We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us. We are also reminded that this could be a passive projection. It does fit with the process We are experiencing: introducing OurSelf and Our others to new concepts and beliefs.
Another aspect of this current experience of Our process is that We are adding new experiences to these other timelines. We are rich and benevolent rather than Our memories of All-ways being mean and ruthless when We are rich. There is the question of: “If 'they' have chosen to be victims are We doing 'them' a service or disservice?” The answer (interesting enough) is that it does NOT matter. That seems odd but We are reminded that these types of questions are only meant to tie Us up in debate and looping thinking. Our conscious mind does not have the faculties (at this time) to figure these things out. What We can do is trust Our unconscious. That too is new.
We spent Our day dreaming and playing. We read some of Richard Bach's latest book: Illusions II. We are enjoying it and it bringing up some good thoughts and ideas within Us. We watched a video that reminded Us that most people still can not even conceive of not needing to work. Of course this too is Our projection and We are sorry, We forgive OurSelf. We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us.
A lot of Our dreaming today is waking dreaming.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, May 30, 2014


Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:26:22 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that We are allowing OurSelf to live in multiworlds more and more.
Lots more worlds and lots more new friends. In One world We wore a different body. This is the first time that We are aware of being aware of this and it was very clear. We do not remember what anyOne else looked like but We are very clear about OurSelf. It is like We are the only thing We saw. In another We were in a horse and buggy era and driving a coach with a team of horses that picks kids up and takes “them” to school and then home again afterwards.
In another world, We coerced a reluctant young star to join Our team/tribe/pack/whatever. We did tell “them” that after a trial period if “they” were still unhappy “they” could return to the way things were. As We were doing something We were attacked by zombies (too many movies recently? But none had zombies.) and Our new recruit knew how to save Us. The answer/weapon was to face the zombies and tell “them”: “I love You”. Some zombies returned to being living beans and some returned to be dead. It was very cool and Our recruit was happy to join Us. The discovery was fully “their” own but “they” were/are certain it would never have happened if “they” were not with Us.
As We wake We feel Our progress. We are changing and therefore Our world is changing. The change is more obvious and dominant in Us and that is probably the way it should be. We are reminded to start where We are AND to start with what Our mind can belief. Even though We are changing, Our mind still can not accept the fullness of everything. It can only accept and allow and expand in small increments. We know that as We do through this process other following will find it easier. We are breaking trail. We are happy to do this (though at times We grumble) because those others following are parts and aspects of Us. “They” are Our pisces, Our offspring, Our pack.
And so, We sit looking out Our front window/view screen and it is lovely. We love Our home and We truly do have everything Our heart desires. Yes, We desire to grow and experience more and even have more. We know that the “things” will not make Us happy but it is acceptance of OurSelf, Our others AND Our playthings and Our playground as is that makes Us happy. We are happy. We are growing and progressing. One does NOT preclude the other as We have believed in the passed. Not much of anything We believed in the passed is accurate in limitlessness, connection, infinity and eternity.
The way We feel about and within OurSelf is different, quite different, than how We felt yesterday and especially further back. We have All-ways been more in tune with Our feelings than with Our physical sight. This was a real stumbling block for Us for a long time. We talked a lot about it and now We find that many of those teaching visualization are saying that “feeling” how what We visualize “feels” for Us has been a missing key to visualization techniques. It is certainly helping Us and We are aware of feeling how We are feeling. We are also reminded to remember to focus on love. Love has been another missing key in All Our techniques in limitation 3D. And now more and more teachers and lay people are focusing on love. Love IS THE answer regardless of the question.
As We go about Our day We are experiencing a lot of different stuff. One is that We are feeling inspired to play with Our website and add some stuff. Our computer is running slow so that is a bit frustrating but We are calling up Our feelings of Our transforming Self and that is a great help.
Throughout Our day, no matter what We were doing, One mantra keeps running through Our mind: “We are love”. Very important.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Changing perspective, changing OurSelf

Changing perspective, changing OurSelf
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:07:58 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that We are allowing OurSelf to live in multiworlds more and more.
We visited more faerie tale and cartoon worlds with more new friends of course. We are having some very interesting and I opening experiences both in dream and waking. We are learning and remembering more and more about OurSelves, Our powers and abilities and Our fears. Some/many of the memories that are coming up to be set free are not at All pleasant but never the less “they” are Us and Our actions. We can feel in ways We have never felt before. It is clear that most people are simply not ready to face some of this and that is okay. We (personally) are not fully ready to face All of what We have found. We are facing Our fear and letting it pass through Us but it is NOT easy.
The parts and pisces of OurSelf (and the world[s]) that We judge as bad and evil come from within. Easy to type but not so easy to feel and experience. So many things are easy to accept as philosophy and theory but not nearly so easy or acceptable as experience. We now know that every judgment We have place on an other is/was a judgment of OurSelf first and then We projected the behavior and judgment onto an other. We are doing a lot of pony hopping.
Kinda strange to say that We are also enjoying OurSelf. Even facing Our fears has an element of enjoyment. We are making a lot of progress but We real-eyes that there is much heart changing to be done before the world can fully accept itSelf. We see the reason for stalling and taking the long way home. We FEEL the reason for taking it slow, gradual and gentle.
As We feel how much We are changing it is pretty amazing. Setting Our old ways of thinking and planning free feels awesome. We are getting visions, intuits, feelings and sensings of what it is like to be limitless. It is interesting (to Us) how many of those trying to help people get over Self-limiting beliefs still cling to limitation. It is an All-most uni-versal belief that the world is the way it is and that is that. Even those changing “their” minds and “their” world from the inside out still cling to limits of time and money. Of course: that too is Our projection, Our judgment and We are sorry. Please forgive Us.
We are clearly in process. Please be patient. We are grateful for Our progress and Our process and for this time off to really focus on Us and changing Our mindset and belief system(s). We love Us unconditionally.
One of the things (a big thing really) that is coming is doing things with Our mind instead of with Our hands. This brings up deep belief, memory and judgment of misuse and abuse of power: more judgment and then blame. Even if it is OurSelf that We blame, it is still blame and blame has no place in Our evolving world. We face Our fear and let it pass through Us. Our fear comes from Our judgment and blame. We fear OurSelf, Our true Self. Sad butt true. We also love OurSelf unconditionally and that is healing Us. The only way out is through but it is not as dangerous a path as it appears IF We do not judge and blame.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:52:38 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that We are allowing OurSelf to live in multiworlds more and more.
Many more worlds and many new friends. We played All night. We are changing. We are becoming less and less attached to this limitation 3D world. We are becoming more able to live in multiD and multiworlds.
Not much to say right now. We feel adrift and that is a good thing but this version is a bit new. New is never comfortable because it is unfamiliar. We like it We just do not know what to do with it. Funny how Once We get what We want We do not know what to do with it.
It theels like pony hopping is a good place to start.
We are learning experientially how to be here and there. More and more We are getting more into there. It is a process of going deeper and deeper, adjusting and tuning along the way. At times it feels really odd because it is sooooo contrary to how We have All-ways lived and believed. It is not easy to completely change Our beliefs but it is necessary to live free and limitless. We are reminded (and need to remember) that some of the things We want in 3D are less than what We really want. We think “they” are things We need and We are learning/seeking to live free of need.
We are sooooo used to doing and planning Our doings that it feels uncomfortable to just be and stay in the now but it is getting to be more familiar.
There is so much to experience and so much to learn. Much of this may seem repetitious (and maybe some of it is) but even more than that it is about going further and deeper into multidimensionality than ever before. We are getting some very interesting images in Our mind, faerie tale images might be the best description.
We are reminded that Our old thinking and behaviors are habits and it takes repetition to change habits. We set “them” free with love. We are sorry for Our old, limitation habits. Please forgive OurSelf. We love Us unconditionally and We thank All of Us for being part of Us. We appeal to Our father and children within to assist Us to open to love and allow and accept love. We are learning to live as love. We know Our father and children within have been trying to assist Us but We have ignored, forgotten, denied and abused these parts and attributes of OurSelf and We ask forgiveness. We ask to hear what these inner parts have to say and to listen and follow “their” guidance. And so it is done across All time, dimensions, space and reality.
We are changing and We are grateful. It is a little bit scary because it is unfamiliar. We face Our False Evidence Appearing Real and We let it pass through Us.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

More insights and pondering

More insights and pondering
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:19:44 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that We are allowing OurSelf to live in multiworlds more and more.
We are changing and We can really feel it. Our hold on limitation 3D is relaxing and We are not nearly as attached as We All-ways were before. We are getting more familiar and comfortable with being aware of being in multiworlds and multiD.
Last night We visited many worlds with old and new friends again. In One world We are still driving school bus. Our bus broke down and We used a tricycle (go figure?) to do Our route. It was obviously a much more magikal world because We had three highschoolers plus OurSelf on the tricycle and could still pedal along faster than a person could walk. We were having a lot of fun with it and One kid even put a school bus sign on the front of Our tricycle. In another We were shuttling people up to a starship. This is kinda getting to be a rerun, apparently to get Us more familiar with the idea.
Waking up this looks like the same ol' world but We ARE different. We are sure We will go back to dream soon. It is a lovely day outside so far so We may feel like playing outside today. We are reminded to follow inspiration, that We want to follow inspiration rather than follow plans and try to fulfill needs. It is hard to live free of need while trying to fulfill needs.
There is a part of Our mind that is tuned in to limitation completely. This is probably Our conscious mind. We are becoming more and more aware that there are more and more parts of Our mind and it seems a bit like All the parts are running full tilt in different directions. We are certain that this relates to Our discovery of many, many children within. “The Group” that We read yesterday talks of eleven and twelve dimensions that comprise each of Us. We theel there are more, possibly sub parts of the twelve? Our current focus is to integrate these parts/dimensions and get “them” living and creating and playing in tune and in harmony and in sync. Pony hopping is One method of attaining this cooperation. Awareness is an important part and beginning. Setting it All free with love, especially Our expectations and plans is very important.
It is important to do (physically) what We want to do rather than what We think We need to do or want to get done. One would think that with All of Our years of not finishing anything We would easily real-eyes that it really is NOT important to Us whether or not We finish but We still think We gotta finish stuff. Part of Our limitation programing. Infinity and eternity are NEVER finished.
We are changing Our thinking and belief system. This IS very important because Our old way of thinking and belief system are totally locked into limitation. That is One world AND One piece of Our mind, One dimension. Perhaps it is the One (or ten) percent of Our brain that We use??????? and the part of Our DNA that We use? We really have no real way to fully and accurately describe All this in words because words are designed and intended (by Us, no blame here) to keep Us in the game (hologram) of limitation and separation.
Today We are playing in multiworlds and allowing OurSelf to drift around amongst and between worlds while We remain mostly in 3D. We are also reading Suzanne Lie's latest blog entry and it too is talking about Our multidimensional mind. Perhaps this is a key to Our trying to describe these different parts/levels of Our mind. We still tend to think in limitation 3D terms but in reality Our mind IS multidimensional.
Another point that is coming up is work. We real-eyes that We love what We do for Our job and though We try to blame time and/or money for Our discomfort it is really this idea that: “We HAVE TO work” that distresses Us for We know that it is a lie.
Also: We are reading: "How to figure stuff out" from The Reconnections. It starts with: start from: “Everything is perfect”. We have mentioned this before but often We forget and think that something is wrong OR that We must fix” something. It is sooooo easy to slip back and that too is an important part of the process even though it rarely seems/feels that way.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Dreaming while awake

Dreaming while awake
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:06:26 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that We are allowing OurSelf to live in multiworlds more and more.
We ARE changing. We remember that early in the night there was some information and insights about being multidimensional but what We really remember is playing. Of course: play is a much bigger part of living as love than it is of limitation. This morning We are remembering to imagine and play and We theel like We are on ship.
In the passed, when We woke, We told OurSelf that We had to stop playing and imagining. We said We had to stop Our fantasies and face the real world. Well, that is true “if” We want to remain in limitation. We want to live as love so We need to make changes. We need to play. We need to imagine and fantasize in a limitless world. No world is more real or more important than any other. Our imaginary world(s) with imaginary friends is just as real as this limitation world. We have lived in limitation for sooooo long that it is hard to grasp that anything else is real and/or important.
We really do have to set it All free with love.
Once again: as We allow OurSelf to remain in a semi-dream state We do have to really concentrate to remember how to do simple task in 3D. We wish to note that We are not certain if what We are experiencing is limitation 3D or an expanded 3D. We figure “they” probably look a lot alike especially when We first enter unlimited 3D from limitation 3D. Probably kinda like a borderland between the two where “they” blend together and then fan out from there. Probably not a distinct division between the two.
So, what We think and believe in Our old mindset is actually the opposite of what We need to do “if” We wish to explore limitlessness, multidimensionality and live as love. Our old thinking and beliefs are designed (by Us not some outside bad guys) to keep Us in the game and We did real good. We need to allow this change that Our unconscious is implementing. It is Our choice. This will never be forced upon Us. We see an entire world that is resisting this change but that is Our projection from Our limitation consciousness.
We are practicing going into multidimensionality and multiworlds and Our imagination while sitting up awake. It is not easy because Our limitation programing is sooooo strong and deep rooted. But: little by little We are doing it and We like it AND We are grateful for the progress We are making. We are reminded that Our limitation world is Our creation so We only want to add to it, see beyond the borders and experience “this” and “that”. It might be easier (in a way) to go full bore into another reality but that is NOT what We are after. We have no desire to just move into another version of limitation. We seek being limitless even while in a limitation world. Lofty goals? Perhaps AND We are capable even if We do not fully believe that yet.
We returned to dream and visited alternate realities that are memories coming up to be cleaned (pony hopped) and set free with love. This is an interesting process We are in. We appreciate really having the free time to get into it. Today We have been real-eye-sing how much time is One of the locks in Our Self-made prison. In Our limitation world: time is hard to set free. Time and money are sooooo embedded into limitation that it is hard to find Our way out. However: it is happening.
When We first woke (this last time) We kinda felt like maybe We had reverted to full limitation 3D awareness. Perhaps this is because multidimensionality is becoming more familiar? Whatever the reason We can tell (as We are up longer) that We are not “just” in limitation 3D. We are also aware of the need to allow Our mind to travel and reach out to include other worlds, realities and dimensions. It is up to Us, Our choice.
We are reading “The Groups” May channeling (Steve Rother) which is talking about what We have been intuiting and experiencing. It had been a while since We have read these monthly channelings as We have felt a lack of time. We Oneder what it will take for Us to set this time limitation free with love?
Our day was mostly spent going back to bed with a little reading in between. We did practice letting OurSelf be aware of other worlds around Us All the time while We are awake. We even were/are successful at drifting and playing in Our imagination and reminding OurSelf that Our imagination is real. It is sooooo easy to think and believe that Our imagination is “only” Our imagination and that it is not real. It is very real and We are getting better at believing that.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

A day in dream

A day in dream
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:03:24 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that We are allowing OurSelf to live in multiworlds more and more.
Last night was about changing and transitioning. We woke focused on changing how We think and believe about Our waking world. It is no more real and/or important than All the other worlds and realities. If We can really get that and live from that then that alone IS a major shift. It might allow Us to shift more easily between worlds and realities in Our waking experience. We know that what We need to experience more and to grow is a change in Our thinking and beliefs. This is now Our focus. We hope to make some real progress this summer. We hope to follow intuition and inspiration. We hope to pony hop Our way to freedom and abundance. Or should We say: awareness of freedom and abundance?
We are practicing letting OurSelf imagine, drift and dream while awake. Kinda like taking day dreaming to the next level.
We are having an interesting day and Once again it is hard to describe what is going on inside. We returned to dream and had a good time. It is about expanding into more, not leaving but adding. We ARE here AND We are becoming aware of also being there. There are terms and words that people use which (while “they” are NOT right or wrong) can be inaccurate and/or misleading. Words are hard.
We came out of full dreaming to go to town and visit Our friends. We remained partially in dream, not quite Our waking dream state but as close as We are comfortable when walking around and driving a car.
When We got home We did not even turn on Our computer. We went straight to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Last day of school

Last day of school
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:41:19 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that We are allowing OurSelf to live in multiworlds more and more.
A large part of what is going on at night is changing Our thinking, Our mindset and beliefs. Remember that We are (and have been) seeking a complete change and that IS what is needed. Our entire thinking and belief system is set (like concrete) in limitation. Each and every day, We see/experience more and more how true this is. There is a lot more involved in living free of limitation than We would ever have guessed when We started this journey.
We have spent many lifetimes developing Our system of control, scarcity, lack, limits and inequality. It is deeply ingrained in Our thinking and belief systems. This programing invades every area of Our existence and Our world. Our world is Our projection gone mad. It is clearly a very tangled web and it is unraveling. All the king's horses and All the king's men can NOT put it back together again. However, if left to Our own devices We can tangle it in whole new ways. And the tricky part is that We love Our creation. We must allow OurSelves to know, be thoroughly convinced that We can return here in order to allow OurSelves to live anything else.
We Oneder what it will take to convince Our mind just how powerful it is. We have spent so many eons forgetting and denying who and what We are that it is not a simple task to change directions. Especially when We love this mess We have made. Even if We hate how it looks and feels, it is still Ours and We still love it. That alone is a hard thing to grasp and come to terms with. And what are the terms? Love, balance, acceptance to name a few. We Oneder what it will take?
That is part of what is going on at night. We are also visiting and playing in worlds of grandeur and delight with lots of friends but those are hard to remember in waking because Our mind is so busy struggling and resisting. We are happy with Our progress and hate it at the same time. We fear that We will be denied access to Our creation(s). We really have done a huge mind job on OurSelf and We must go slow and gentle.
Our children within do not yet fully trust the parent(s) within. It is the proverbial vicious circle. We chase Our tail and that too is part of the game. We want the banquet that awaits Us but We want to stay outside and play for just five more minutes: “Please mom??????” Our children do not understand or believe the concept of “return later” because to “them” “later” means NO. “They” barely understand the phrase: “We love You” because of the many mixed messages around that One.
We can not think, figure out and understand what part(s) of Our mind are doing what because it is such a tangled mess. Everything is intertwined and matted from Our eons of pretending to be what We are not. What We can do is pony hop, stay in the now and open to love. These are important steps that We can take AND repeat. At this point repetition is crucial. There is sooooo much baggage and garbage built up over the passed that it takes a lot to get through to Our unconscious which is really Our decision maker.
We Oneder what it will take to trust OurSelf and We know it will take a lot and yet it could even happen in the blink of an I. In retrospect it will probably look that way too. We are also reminded that We are doing this, making this change for (and as) the entire planet and maybe more. This really is no small feat. We appreciate Our progress. We ARE grateful for what We have but that does NOT preclude growth. Growth and change are part of life in infinity and eternity. Being resentful of what We create and created does not encourage growth.
There are sooooo many things that We have bassackwards: basically everything. We think that being grateful for what We have means We will be stuck there: FOREVER. That is a long time.
Today is the last day of school this year. We are really, really, really looking forward to more dream time AND slip, sliding more into Our new mindset and psychic change. Did We mention being thrilled to have more dream time?
As We ponder learning how to live in multiD and multiworlds: We are getting the image of how We used to test the water One toe at a time but now We are kinda coming out of the water and testing the land One toe at a time. Slipping into multiworlds and multiD is not so hard, it is slipping back into limitation 3D that can be a real bugger.

Let Us not forget the power of setting it All free with love. Another key.
We felt very connected to Our students today and We said goodbye personally to each One. There were many different gratifying moments with many of the students. We were driving Our pickup to the swimming pool when We passed One group of Our students that were out walking somewhere. Even though none of these students or teachers had ever seen Us in Our pickup many recognized Us (these are preschoolers so “they” are under five years old) and by the time We got the window down to call out and wave, One was All-ready calling Our name and everyOne waved. That kind of recognition is very touching.
Some thoughts We had as We were drifting here and there were that We wish We could more easily put Our current experiences into words. Much of Our experiences just don't fit well into words much like most of Us do not fit well into Our bodies. Much of Our waking is more dreamlike and much of Our dreaming is more like waking. That is the best We can do for now.
We are definitely in Our change of thinking, beliefs and mindset and We clearly see the need for more. All of Our thoughts, plans, understanding and figuring stuff out is totally bound and based in limitation. We have very little idea what limitlessness is like and no real frame of reference for anything in a limitless world or setting of any kind. We really are clueless about what multidimensionality and connection to everything is like. At least in Our conscious awareness. We have tinglings in Our unconscious about it though. It is familiar to Our unconscious. We can tell that much.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, May 23, 2014

School comes to a close

School comes to a close
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:46:14 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that We are allowing OurSelf to live in multiworlds more and more.
More interesting and fun worlds and new friends but We still do not remember much. We only remember that there were clear messages that We can not translate now and that We had fun. It is still unfamiliar and We wanted to remain there when We woke. One more wakeup and then We can dream in. Even with summer school We can dream in later than regular school days.
We are transitioning and We appreciate the changes We are making. We are no longer nearly as attached to limitation, no longer arguing for as many limitations. Every day brings a little more progress and expansion.
We have been given many tools, insights and techniques. Right now We are backing off on taking in any new webinars etc. and processing and integrating what We All-ready have. We are in the midst of this shift and changing Our thinking and mindset. The voice that says: “We can't” is growing weaker.
Once again We are reminded that We can demand and argue for Our limitations or We can set “them” free. There are no “right” or “wrong” choices: there are only choices. We want to set Our limitations free with love knowing We can return here any time We want.
Also: We keep being reminded that this limitation reality is NOT more important than any other reality. This is very important. We have All-ways (as far as We are aware anyway) believed that this reality is the be All and All and most important thing that exists. We even believe that is life and death: literally. These beliefs keep Us totally focused here with no time, energy or focus for anything else. We only see, feel, perceive and live the tip of an iceberg.
EveryOne at work is excited to be coming to the end of another school year. Some students are better behaved than ever and others are too bouncy and thrilled to stay in “their” seats.
We are spending Our day pony hopping and dreaming. We are very gradually going through Our complete psychic change. Like Our children: We are having mixed reactions. Anticipation and fear mix and mess with Our emotions.
We Oneder what is next.
Because school has early outs these last three days We got home quite early and are having an early dinner and going to dream quite early. What fun. We do love to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Focused in multiworlds

Focused in multiworlds
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:56:27 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that We are allowing OurSelf to live in multiworlds more and more.
It is interesting to Us how sometimes We have memory of what We did at night and other mornings there is no recall. This morning We have no recall but We really wanna stay wherever We are. When We first got up, We did go back to dream and it felt like We were immediately back where We had been and yet had no conscious awareness of where it was or what We were doing. It must be something very deep and very hard to translate into 3D thinking and awareness. We do have the question on Our mind of what it might take to convince Our mind of what it is really capable of? We do theel that We are still partially in that other reality with no mental images of where it is or what We are doing there.
Maybe We are on ship.
We are pony hopping in Our 3D awareness.
As We made Our first trip outside We are quite aware of how Our focus has shifted from physical progress, goals and projects to being focused beyond the physical. The physical is still very much here but much less captivating. We theel this will be a very interesting summer with little attention on the physical. Of course this can (and probably will) shift in an instant when focused in multiD since that includes 3D and the physical.
We are reminded that We must shift/expand Our thinking and that that is Our request and here We are: shifting/expanding Our thinking. We gotta do that in/from 3D in order to experience it in 3D. DUH.
Yesterday: Our driver announced that now he sees a 50/50 possibility that he will be back next year and wants to team up again if he does come back. There are a lot of points good and bad about this. Of course: All these points ARE Our projecting, projections and and reflections. We are gonna cross that bridge IF We get there.
We are reminded to stay in the now. That is where Our growth, progress and process is.
Throughout the day We are very present with Our students but the rest of the time We are mostly mind traveling. We are focused on getting All the parts of Our mind in sync and harmony We are talking and pony hopping directly with the different parts. We are aware that there are probably parts that We are still unaware of and We are sorry. We also want to awaken the ninety percent of Our brain that is still asleep. That is probably part of what is happening for Us.
On Our way home We stopped to get water and it was busy. We had to wait for what seemed like a long time but We ended up getting home only about an hour after We left work. There had to be some fluid time going on.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Our projections

Our projections
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:51:52 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that We are allowing OurSelf to live in multiworlds more and more.
More transitioning, more worlds, more new friends and more play, what can We say? We are learning experientially that Our imagination and dreams are real. As We drifted into dream We were pondering the idea that We ARE learning to walk in multiworlds while awake and We really do not have a role model for this. We really do not know anyOne else who is doing this (except in Our dreams).
EveryOne that We see is still focused in limitation 3D. Of course that too is only Our projection. Each of these people have versions of “themSelves” who are exploring everything just like We do. We do not see those versions yet because We are still projecting limitation for the most part. We are also reminded of active and passive shadows. Perhaps there are also transitional shadows???????
What We see is what We project and only that. Seeing IS deceiving and We are learning to feel beyond those borders, boundaries and limits. We are learning to see other worlds and realities in Our peripheral vision. We are beginning to use Our real eyes. A big part of this is staying in the now. Trying to plan and figure out the future and/or replaying/reenacting old memories are tricks and traps that keep Us focused in limitation.
During Our day We thought maybe We were more 3D focused than We have been recently but We real-eyesed that was just because We had students on board. As soon as We had little need to be 3D focused We were off on multidimensional adventures.
When We got home We were barely 3D functional. We watched more Star Trek. We are not impressed with the violent nature of this latest segment but it is still intriguing,

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

More and more aware of multiworlds

More and more aware of multiworlds
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:50:44 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that We are allowing OurSelf to live in multiworlds more and more.
Lots more worlds, lots more new friends and lots of play. Also: a lot more time on ship. We are noticing that a lot of the players are on ship with Us AND on several different worlds too. It is said that when people keep showing up in different realities and worlds that “they” are part of Our soul family.
The important thing is that We are changing. We feel it and experience it. We are much less attached to limitation 3D. We spend a lot less time planning and trying to figure out what is happening and what will happen next. We are much more in the now and that builds Our confidence.
We real-eyes that even as We have been exploring multiD and expanding for several years: We still tend to think and believe that We have to choose between this and that. We forget that We can (and do) have/live it All. That old limitation 3D thinking really trips Us up and keeps Us stuck.
We want to mention (maybe repeat) that whether We type about it or not: We do a lot of pony hopping every day. It is definitely part of Our life. There really is sooooo much to clean and doing the cleaning and taking responsibility is very liberating. We know it is a key to being aware of living in multidimensionally and in multiworlds and being on ship.
Once again We are spending most of Our day in multiworlds. We are in 3D enough to function but that is it. There is sooooo much more and We are starting to experience it. We are beginning to experience that Our imagination is real. We are just barely experiencing some of the worlds and realities that exist at a slightly different vibration and/or dimension.
We are pondering how All the insights and intuits and teachings We have gathered the last few years are coming together. We have slipped slowly and gradually into this expansion.
We are fully able to pay attention to the students and continue having a great time with “them”. “They” teach Us a lot. We do a lot of pony hopping to clean and open up to inspiration. We are having a dialog with the different parts of Our mind (the Ones We are aware of at this time anyway). We are bringing the parts together and encouraging and allowing “them” to work together in unity and harmony. That alone is a big step.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Another, nother day dreaming

Another, nother day dreaming
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:31:13 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that We are allowing OurSelf to live in multiworlds more and more.
We are having a very non limitation 3D weekend. We have not done much of anything physical and it feels like today will be the same. Words are hard again.
What little We remember from Our current dream life is about being onboard ship. It seems We have transported and are transporting many onto One or more motherships for adjusting and training. Getting used to being multiD is no small feat. Because of holographic technology it is very hard to notice anything different on ship from on earth. This way We can adjust and learn gradually.
Whatever is going on is definitely about transition and We ARE IN IT.
We are doing a little reading online in between Our dreams. Of course: everything that We find to read is confirming what We are living and experiencing. One important point that is coming up is Our third dimensional thinking (Our limitation thinking and beliefs). Imagine that. Our limitation 3D thinking and beliefs need to change. TG “they” are in the midst of changing and expanding. Remember: We set “them” free with love and add multidimensional thinking and beliefs which includes 3D. Nothing is ever lost or destroyed, it/”they” is/are only set free to roam infinity and eternity. We can return here any time We want AND We do NOT have to fall in over Our head ever again.
Another point which We have been noticing (but may not have typed about) is coming up in Our reading: All realities are equally important. Part of being/feeling stuck in limitation 3D is believing that even if there really are other parallel and alternate realities (where We live other lives) limitation 3D is the most important reality. We really do believe that We can truly suffer and even die within limitation 3D and that this overrides anything/everything else.
Again: We spent Our day dreaming and really enjoyed it. This is taking Us to a different space while being in the same space. It is no longer this “or” that, it is this “and” that.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Another day dreaming

Another day dreaming
Wizard's Log Star-date: 09:15:29 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that We are allowing OurSelf to live in multiworlds more and more.
Once again We do not remember much from last night but We remember that some of Our current students were there and some new friends too. Whatever We did: it was about transition. This morning We are reminded about the role memory plays in Our staying stuck in Our limitation game. We automatically look for the familiar (what We remember) and (because We are sooooo powerful) We find it. We find Our memories and replay “them” with some now twists or even just the same ol', same ol'.
We did not used to see this as being stuck, We thought of it as being safe and secure. The thing is that We also programed some glitches and gremlins into the game and it is eroding. There are dangers and pitfalls that are being insinuated into Our familiar surroundings. Plus: We are remembering that there is more. We ARE grateful for what We have in Our life AND We seek more because We know that this NOT All there is. It never was, We just forgot real good for a long, long time.
As We walk around We walk very gently, a bit carefully because We are aware that Our world is shifting and changing. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. We feel the effects of being in the old and familiar while imaginating something new and different. Well, not actually “new” because it has been here All along but certainly new to Our waking experience. There are sooooo many tools that We are using and “they” are All working together to good.
There is (and has been) some kinda glitch in Our Adobe updater so We are trying to resolve it. Kinda interesting doing this while NOT fully focused in limitation 3D. We are learning how to walk in multiworlds. We are reminded how important it is to completely change Our way of thinking and Our beliefs. Not destroying or abandoning Our old ways but rather setting “them” free and adding new (or forgotten) ways. Being grateful for what We have (after All We created it) AND not trying to destroy or abandon it is very important to Us (personally anyway). We theel these are keys that We have been missing.
Another point/block is that We have never really believed that what We ARE doing is even possible and then We also applied All Our limiting beliefs to it. Now, little by little We are experiencing (and being aware of) making/applying the change. Whenever We even got close to this point before fear, limiting beliefs, counter intentions and All the rest stepped in to keep Us in the game just the way We had it programed. We ARE changing that programing.
Our local friends just emailed and wanna be alone today. We can relate. We are pony hopping “them” AND Us.
What We are doing is working and what is happening is what We used to deny and avoid because of Our old programing (no One to blame here).
So far We are spending Our day dreaming and We likes it. We are imaginating Our ideal world and life. It is nice to be able to do this and not have Our head yelling at Us. It is mildly trying to suggest that We do this and that but it is a very weak voice and when We remind OurSelf that We can do more by dreaming then Our head leaves Us alone.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Multiworlds are hard to put into words

Multiworlds are hard to put into words
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:54:35 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that We are allowing OurSelf to live in multiworlds more and more.
Last night We were focused in/on Our transition and making changes. We have definitely changed and We were reviewing some of those changes and allowing more. Some of this is subtle but when seen and felt together it makes for a major shift. We are much less 3D focused and not bound hand and foot by limitation.
Waking this morning We find OurSelf mostly in multiworlds and multiD. We are allowing OurSelf to feel and also to imagine more of what it is like to live as We really are.
After today there will be only One more week of school before summer. We are looking forward to more dream time.
As We go about Our morning and mostly drifting in multiD, We are reminded that when We do not remember what We did at night: it is often because Our conscious mind still can not relate to it and translate it. We ARE getting closer to integrating Our conscious, subconscious and superconscious.
We were sent a picture and slogan about autism and added it to Our site as well a bit We have been pondering for a few days now. We are enjoying drifting and learning how to function in 3D without being totally focused only in 3D. Learning to be in the world but not of the world. We are now reminded how much this describes extreme autism.
It was another day of traversing multiworlds and multiD. We ARE learning experientially how to do this AND be functional in 3D. We were gonna type “limitation” but get the feeling that would NOT be accurate.
By the time We got home We were/are way too multifocused to do much of anything in the physical realms. We get the theeling that (at least for right now) All the webinars We had slated might be too limitation oriented to fit in to where/what/who We are.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Multiworlds and multiD

Multiworlds and multiD
Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:09:23 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
We do not remember what We did last night but We are definitely more in multiD and multiworlds than in limitation 3D this morning. We like where We are this morning even though up until recently We resisted feeling this way. We resisted because We did not know that this is how it feels to begin to adjust to not being totally focused in only limitation. It is new and going deeper.
This is All part of the change We have been seeking for sooooo long. We are giving much less resis-dance and much more openness, willingness and acceptance.
More and more We are learning to live in the now, live in multiworlds and multiD. It does take a lot of adjustment and We know We have delayed for quite a while with Our resis-dance and lack of awareness. We also know that We are right on time. Our old limitation beliefs that We have to give up One to have an-other were a huge block for Us. We want it All and if We can't take it with Us, We ain't going.
We are having a sort of: “Through the looking glass” type experience. Our progress makes Our world seem more surreal. We are finding that much of what We think that We need and want is NOT in alignment with Our mission and purpose. Trying to “figure” it out and define it and set rules and guidelines only keeps Us stuck where We do NOT wanna be. Freedom is a big part of what We are after yet We often try to keep OurSelf bound by definitions and distinction of directions. We want to be free flowing but We are sooooo familiar with being bound hand and foot that We find confinement more comfortable than freedom.
It is very important to Us that We can return here anytime We want. We do love Our creations no matter how much We hate and despise being/feeling stuck in “them”. For Us (personally anyway) this a huge key.
We spent the day mostly in dream again. It really feels like the kids are showing Us “their” worlds. When We got home We were not in 3D enough to listen to any webinars.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Still in a world of time

Still in a world of time
Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:10:10 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
It seems like Our mind was trying to find ways to improve Our life last night. It is kinda hard to explain but that is what We are focused on in waking. It has been a bit like We were fighting Our mind in the passed but now We are asking Our mind how We can move forward. We seek Our mind's aid and advice and guidance rather than trying to tell Our mind what to do. We realeyes that it is All in Our mind, just the different parts trying to take charge or even bully the other parts. Now, We are moving more towards harmony and balance. It is kinda One of those: “You had to be there” experiences.
So, We were exploring different versions and experiences that We might be able to accept and enjoy to make Our life better. We recognize that We have a good life now and We are grateful. Many of Our desires have been met and We have enough. Now: We would like to have plenty not just enough. We would like to know that We ARE safe and secure at All times. This is a mindset NOT a bank balance. We know that. Sometimes We still fear scarcity and lack even though it has been a long time since We had any experience of that.
What We desire is to expand Our limiting beliefs and blocks so that We live in connection and limitlessness even when in a limitation world. We love All Our beliefs, thoughts and creations so We do not want to destroy Our limiting beliefs and blocks but rather to know and experience that We are NOT stuck in limitation. Our limiting beliefs are just a holographic game, nothing more but We love “them” and it is important to know We can return here anytime We want.
We are learning a lot and it is not just theory, it is practical application. It really is a complete psychic change, a complete change of beliefs and mindset. That takes a little bit and lots of repetition. We have spent many lifetimes building up Our current beliefs and mindset. It takes a few days to build a new way of thinking and believing (or remember the original).
The kids took Us into dream a lot. “They” are getting excited for school to end and summer vacation to begin. Some will be going to summer school but that is far from “their” thoughts. As We continue working with Our energetic gradeschooler We find that he has little concept of time. He is second grade and has less concept of time than most second graders. He tends to bend time in his mind which is great except that he still lives in a world ruled by time. We hope to remember this more when dealing with him AND with OurSelf.
It was later than usual when We got home due to an auto-pedestrian accident and road construction. We have no idea how bad the accident was but We are certain that the pedestrian lost the contest. We will probably here more this morning. We theel that the reason We found road construction everywhere We turned was to delay Us so that We just spent time with OurSelf instead of listening to any webinars. We are finding that We just need to be with OurSelf and Our process rather than trying to “figure” it All out the way We normally do. Just be with it rather than trying to define and describe.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Loving OurSelf

Loving OurSelf
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:47:41 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
We spent the night playing with a group of youngstars. It seems that everytime We woke and went back to dream We returned to the same group. We have no idea if it was One world or different worlds because All We were focused on was this play. It could have been any world where people are allowed to play freely.
There was a lot of pony hopping and repeating: “We are love”, “Open to love, set OurSelf free with love, allow and accept love”.
A suggestion from yesterday's webinar is to list Our core values. What a concept. We started doing that.
It does seem that Our dreams and other night processes is continuing to be about transition. Finding the steps that We can take next. Finding the bite size pieces rather than choking on the whole plate at Once. We have never been good at taking small bites either in Our physical or spiritual development.
There is some stuff from the intuition webinar last week or the life before that stuck with Us. We were also reminded about playing: “I wonder …...” and We are doing that a lot. Especially: “We wonder what Our next step will be?” “We wonder what Our mind can accept and allow?” Plus We are reminding Our mind of its accomplishments so far. It really has made a lot of progress and deserves a lot of credit.
We are also repeating: “We love OurSelf unconditionally” a lot. We are reminded that more than creating or manifesting something/anything new We are becoming more aware of what is All-ready here. Multidimensions and multiworlds All-ready exist and everything that We want is All-ready here. We just forgot and denied it. Now: We are acknowledging and reclaiming All that We buried, All Our buried treasure. We All-ready have abundance, prosperity, equality and freedom but We had to forget in order to play limitation and separation.
We continue to ask Our mind (remember there are several aspects plus Our heart mind and head mind) “We wonder what We can do next?” “We wonder what Our next phase is?”
Lots of pony hopping and opening to love, setting OurSelf free with love and allowing and accepting love.
We listened to another Silva webinar and enjoyed it. She is teaching fast, quick meditation techniques. The Silva method teaches dynamic meditation. It is about getting to Our unconscious and making Our choices and decisions from that level.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Another day in multiworlds

Another day in multiworlds
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:51:37 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
Our night was about transitioning. We remember that early on We visited other worlds and thought We would remember to type about “them”. Wrong. We spent most of the night talking with Our mind. Asking what it will accept, what it can do to help Us transition. We want All the parts of Our mind to work together. We have many examples of how Our mind has All-ready created the seemingly impossible. We do not want to try to trick Our mind, We want to use Our mind to create more. We want to live as love. We want to be free.
Our mind is All-ready working for Us not against Us. Our desires come from Our heart and that is where We want Our thinking to come from too. Our head can follow Our heart.
We really did not want to get up this morning but We reminded OurSelf that We can remain in dream and that is what We are doing.
We theel that a good round of pony hopping is in store.
There is something that still wants to be dreamed. This (what We are feeling and experiencing this morning) is part of Our change, Our transition. We are looking for Our next small step that Our mind can accept and accomplish. Not a giant leap, those are very hard to accept and accomplish. Baby steps, One at a time, will eventually take to another country. We want to live as love in a world of love.
We are reading an email about mirrors and everything is perfect which is where We are this morning. We are just being and allowing. Our head is trying to scramble but there is nothing to scramble. “Be still and know that I Am God.” That is how We spent Our yesterday and that is how We are spending Our now.
We theel that what We are creating now is personal AND collective. We are being reminded of Our head and Our heart and balancing these. It is not about putting One ahead of the other: it is about balance. Did We mention balance?????????
Not sure where Our day went, mostly to dream. It seems that We are less and less focused in limitation 3D.
When We got home there was a video We wanted to watch. We are not sure how We feel about perusing this particular teaching but there are some good points that can aid Us. We did not finish the video because it was too long and not streaming well. There are a couple of suggestions that We like: listing Our core values and making a vision bank as well as vision board. We All-ready have Our slide show for Our vision board but We realeyes that a lot of Our goals do NOT have a price tag like most people's. However, the same concept of breaking Our goals down to bite size pieces applies.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Out and about in multiworlds

Out and about in multiworlds
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:50:14 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
Again: more worlds, more friends, more play and not too many specific memories but lots of smiles. There was One world where We owned businesses and employed lots of youngstars. We paid a lot more than the average going wages and the jobs were more play than work. As it should be.
We are mostly in multiD and multiworlds this morning so it is hard to type. We are letting Our unconscious blend with Our conscious.
Again We are having insights and intuits as time goes bye. We are reminded that We ARE imaginating something even better. We are reminded that dreaming is even more powerful than doing. We have thought it to be the other way around in Our physical world AND as We believed so it was. Then We forgot and denied that We created/made it that way. We blamed time and circumstances for what We created.
Recently: We have been reminding OurSelf that We have the rest of Our life and after that it won't really matter. DUH!!!!! We sooooo often feel that there is just not enough time. For what? Everything of course. Just now We were thinking that there are no longer enough days in the week to eat everything We would like to experience eating. Yes, now this is kinda a joke but it is also very true and real. Where did those other days go?
While Our body is very much in Our familiar, waking, physical world: Our mind is very much NOT in limitation. This is part of Our changing beliefs and mindset. We recognize that what We see is NOT All there is.
There is not (at this moment) enough focus in the physical to do much and that is okay. We went outside for a while to just sit and enjoy the nice weather and it is still a bit chilly to stay out very long just sitting. It is nice and clear blue skies.
Once again We find Our head trying to demand that there is just NOT enough time and that We MUST get busy. That is another limitation trap that We have set for OurSelf and We are not gonna fall in right now. If limitation 3D was All there is then there truly is NOT enough time. However: there is much, much more and the only way to have enough time for All this more We must allow OurSelf to move beyond linear time and that is gonna come from Our unconscious. Our heart mind knows the way.
We choose to set OurSelf free with love.
Today is turning out to be a day of dreaming, envisioning and imaginating with a very little physical activity thrown in. Certainly not the way Our conscious mind expected to spend the day but it is what Our inspiration, intuition and children want.
Another day spent mostly in multiD.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Which way did We go?

Which way did We go?
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:34:42 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
The world that remember visiting is a transitional world. We were playing with more new friends and learning to live in Our new found freedom. It is still so new to Us that We are surprised and even shocked at the things We can do. This is One of the problems We have with assuming that We are waking back in limitation 3D: We keep assuming that We can't. It brings Us back to the three unconscious limiting beliefs: “No One will want Us”, “If We try We will fail”, and “We are not worthy”. These are NOT facts, “they” are only beliefs but “they” are very strong and deep rooted beliefs.
Everything that We see and experienced are beliefs NOT facts but We think/believe that “they” are facts. This is changing. Our feelings and sensings are beginning to acknowledge and reveal this to Us. We theel more and more that We are on ship and experiencing a holographic game. We like being aware of this feeling. The change of mind and beliefs, the complete psychic change that We seek IS underway.
As We sit here at Our communication center on Our ship and ponder Our day We realeyes/remember that dreaming is actually more productive than doing. We have many things We would like to get done around Our cabin and it is easy to forget that doing just for the doing is great but doing just to achieve goals is part of limitation thinking. In limitation 3D: dreaming does NOT actually accomplish anything but in the “real” world it moves mountains AND molehills.
We returned to dream and even though We are up and out of bed We are definitely more than just here. We ARE getting, feeling and experiencing energy: multi-energy. As We (Once again) consider things We may want to do around Our cabin We really feel the ability and need to focus on using and working with energy more than Our physical body (even tho that too is energy). There is something about balance in here.
The day went somewhere and We did something and that's just the way it is.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Learning by experiencing

Learning by experiencing
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:46:12 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more and more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
More worlds and lives and more friends. The world that We remember the best is not the last dream before We woke. It is a world where the public buses also have special sped buses. “They” are a type of small hovercraft with metal plates about four feet out on All four sides that are connected to the bus by magnetics. These plates prevent anything hitting the actual passenger compartment. These buses can expand or contract to accommodate the number of passengers and mobility devices. We were just a general/typical member of the public and the sped driver was quite offended that We wanted to get on the sped bus to check it out. It was cool to see this type of vehicle.
Once again We do remember that We had fun in Our dream worlds and lives but We do not remember clearly what else We did. When We woke, even though We would still prefer to remain in dream, We did not mind getting up because Our waking life/lives awareness is expanding and merging with Our dream awareness. We are feeling and experiencing more of Our true Self in waking the way We do in dream times. Even though Our waking world appears mostly the same We are beginning to feel much less restricted. This is because We demanding less and less of Our limitations. We see more and more how We argue for and demand Our limitations without having a clue that We are doing so.
It is kinda a funny process: We have to learn to accept and own and be responsible for the world as it is and THEN We have to realeyes that the world is NOT as it appears. The world is much, much more than it appears to Our limitation senses and mind/brain. Our heart mind has a much better sense of what and how the world really is.
This morning We are aware of sitting at Our communication center onboard ship. The more We allow this and the less We resist the more Our world shifts into something more like Our dream worlds. We ARE living Our dreams by allowing the impossible to gradually take over Our world and life. There are sooooo many things that We thought We have to do and remember which were actually Self-made traps. We are free Once We begin to allow OurSelf to be free. The world We see supports these traps and being stuck to One degree or another because it is the world that We project. A squirrel cage to be sure.
We continue to be reminded (and experience) that is very important (to Us personally anyway) to remember that We can return to visit and play in limitation any time We want. As much as We may hate feeling small and restricted this IS Our creation and We love it. It is NOT an option (for Us personally) to destroy it or even just abandon it. We can play here without believing that We are the/a victim of this world. We have played from that perspective long enough. We have gathered and garnered plenty of memories of that All-ready. Now it is time to make new memories AND to remember that “they” are only memories NOT steel traps.
Same game, new level which makes it feel like a brand new game. But again: We can return to this level anytime We want. No One and no thing gets left behind.
Lots of reminders and here is another: What We used to call magik, We now know is energy work. Another secret that We hid from OurSelf.
It is hard to how We felt throughout the day: the best We can do is to say that We were sooooo NOT focused in limitation 3D that We were not aware of being multidimensional. At One point late in the day We were kinda surprised to notice that We were noticing being multidimensional. At first We assumed that We were not aware of being multidimensional but then We real-eyesed that We were not aware of being in limitation. Even though everything seemed the same: We did NOT feel limited. We were being grateful for Our success and Our freedom and loving Our life and world (lives and worlds). That was/is Our focus. We really are learning how to live as love in the physical embodiment.

Good night AND thank You for playing.