Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, March 25, 2013



Active day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:52:11 AM

Good morning. We know that We had fun last night. We do not know what We did but We remember really enjoying it. Again, usually when this happens it is because whatever We were doing is too unfamiliar to translate into 3D. Sounds to Us like are on another adventure. We woke with the song: “Mary had a little lamb” running through Our head only it was: “Mary had a photograph”. Go figure.

We also remember being reminded of something We got the night before: “These kids don't know that “they” can't fly”. That feels oh so important. We need to forget that We can not fly, then We will begin to fly which is actually Our natural ability. Then, We can apply the same idea to lots and lots of things. Flying seems like a great place to start. It seems like that is what the kids suggest We (at least personally) start now. We are smiling, thinking of the kids. “They” really do want to help Us. “They” (at least most) have no desire to punish Us for the wrongs We have done to “them”.

We are transforming Our world, whether or not it is evident to others. It is in the little things which grow into the big things.

When We started typing these “Today”s it was because We dreaded waking up each morning. Even though We were not getting up to “go to work” (at that time) We were waking up to Our Self-imposed prison of the hologram of limitation 3D. Even though We knew better, We still felt and believed that We were stuck/trapped here. We loved Our dreams, “they” were/are very real but We hated leaving Our dream life to experience Our waking life. We chose to change that and began these entries to chronicle that journey. Obviously “they” have turned into much more than that but “they” did accomplish the original goal as well.

It will be interesting to see how We do with waking up as We go along. Our attitude is much changed but We may also revert to Our old perspective. Back and forth seems to be a normal (whether or not it is natural) pattern. It is a way of being gently with OurSelves and fully integrating what We have gained. We are love.

We definitely feel that (and how) Our mantra: “Open, let go, allow” is vital to being able to slide into the new. It really seems to be what the new is All about. It is a sample of getting out of the way. Our logical, conscious mind is not (really has never been) in control. Our heart is in charge.

We got the new shelf unit put together and in the front window. We found onion and mint sprouts but no tomatoes (yet) but We do feel the tomatoes pushing “their” way into the light. The tomatoes were supposed to sprout first but We did have the onions and mint closer to the sunlight, so We turned that around. Today is the first day for the onions to germinate according to the package.

As much as We do NOT like anything in Our windows, especially the big front window, We theel that as open as this is and because it is All-most completely out of the line of sight for Our view from Our computer AND because soon it will be green growing plants We will actually appreciate it. We added an indoor/outdoor thermothingy so We can watch the temperature inside the box without turning it All the time.

Happy are We. We really do feel the presence of the kids as We play. We got a couple of simple toys out of storage to take with Us on the bus.

We have several more things We want to do today but We do not feel pressured like We used to with things to do on the weekends while working 5 days a week. Part of that is that We clearly gave OurSelf permission to postpone some things and add in others. We do want to redo/tweak the sunshades in the dragon and pickup/chariot to make it easier for Us and better for Shadow. BTW, Shadow thinks We are being silly All the way around today. He thinks dreaming would be better, or at least stay at the computer typing, everytime We get up it disturbs him.

We added another pad to his bed inside because We found it and he really seems to appreciate the better padded beds in the dragon and chariot. We found out Friday that he likes salad. He has never (before) taken food off the counter or table. He knocked the salad container off and proceeded to make a mess and eat the parts he wanted. Then yesterday he got into One of his treat bags in the chariot while We were visiting friends. He has never done that either. Looks like We will need to be a little more careful from here on out. We can not get mad at him, well We could but We really do not want to. He is All-most 15, what the heck. He has not done anything like this in 15 years and he deserves to get what he wants now. We All-most One-der if he did a walk-in or share-in???????

We got a bunch of stuff done, everything We wanted We think. It went well and We enjoyed doing it. That is a change for Us. Shadow supervised from nearby or from the porch depending on if I stayed within view of the porch. It only got up to +10 today but when the sun did come out it did some melting but it was mostly overcast.

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