Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Thursday, March 7, 2013




Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:18:11 AM

Good morning. A lot of dreams about Our transitioning last night. One main dream continued every time We woke and returned to sleep. There were other dreams that wove in and out of this main One. As All-ways there were many friends new and old but it seems that more and more people from Our waking life are showing up in Our dreams and more and more people from Our dreams are showing up in waking life.

Even though of the old stresses and pressures (that We used to put on OurSelf when working) are coming up We are letting “them” go. Often We will begin to think: “I need to........” and finish the thought with “let go”. Where it used to be a struggle to remember to do this, it is becoming automatic. We feel the presence of the fae this morning. Shadow woke Us up at 7:00 AM and Once We got up he went back to bed. Whatever was going on with him in the car seemed to be over as soon as he got out of the car. He love to “go with” but We will see how it goes. We hope to work on the dragon and the truck today to make it easier for him. Maybe the fae will have more ideas and be of assistance?

In Our dreams We were definitely going back and forth to ships and returning to planet. We spent a good deal of time on ship.

The part/dream that kept going on and on All night was about some type of resistance group or movement on planet. We were instigating trouble and resistance with the powers that were. We were not fighting but “they” were hunting Us and shooting at Us. It was a game for Us just like it was in previous dreams a few years ago. That is until “they” started getting better at hitting “their” target.

Several of Our friends were wounded as well as OurSelf. We did not feel any pain but We noticed feeling weak. While We were tending/comforting One friend We were told that another friend was hurt bad. We went to him. This an old friend (from waking when We lived in Sacramento) who was very popular. He died in Our arms. We did a lot of processing and in town there was a memorial for him. There was some kind of trust or memorial fund set up in his name and We were the first to donate. As other friends appeared (some We recognized from waking and others from Our dream lives) and We began to cry. We went somewhere private and as One tear hit the floor Our dead friend seemed to grow from that tear. He assured Us that he is real and Our love and tears had called him back to 3D life. He explained this was not like a ghost who can not leave or does not know “they” have died or any of those things. He had crossed over and chosen to return.

He now had the ability to appear as a physical or not. He told Us that he would be making his appearance to others gently and gradually as most are not yet ready to see anyOne return from the dead. We fully agreed with this and thanked him for showing himSelf to Us. Especially for explaining so calmly and simply what was going on. We are not certain that We would be ready to see someOne grow from a teardrop and return from the dead without this gentle experience.

It seems that We went to a ship and that ended that dream. We were also helping another friend get used to living on ship and moving back and forth to the planet throughout the night. After dealing with the friend who had returned from other realms after dieing We returned to check on the friend who was adjusting to being on ship AND planet. It was as if We had never left that friend. We were asking him if he wanted to return at the time he left or would he like to have some time pass while he was gone. Actually, We were both a bit surprised that there is a choice about this.

We got some 3D stuff done, updated resume and such. When applying for the attendant job We real-eyesed that We did not have All the information written down since last few jobs. We had trouble printing a copy. Tried several, several ways and finally real-eyesed that Our printer was not printing black. We use the printer so seldom it is probably dried up.

Did a little email and gonna go work on taking the passenger seat out of the truck to make it more accessible for Shadow. He is perfectly fine today so We gotta assume yesterday was mostly shock from falling off the seat but We want to make it so that does not happen again. We got the passenger seat out of the pickup now just have to pad the floor and figure out steps etc. to the back seat. Shadow will not really to look out unless he climbs up on the back seat and We don't want him falling off that like he did in the car yesterday.

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