Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, March 8, 2013



The same, yet different

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:03:56 AM

Good morning. We woke singing “We Are the World” in Our mind. Guess what We were dreaming about.

Shadow tried to get Us up at 6:00 this morning but We told him it was too early. But, even though the light does not normally affect Our sleep, it did this morning. We woke feeling the change that is happening.

Most of the night Our rich friend from Our previous dreams was working with Us. The concepts he was encouraging Us to embrace are hard to even consider by those of Us living in separation and limitation realities. However, Our familiar world of separation, where people starve and live under harsh conditions are the lie and illusion. If We can begin to look/feel/smell/hear/taste through the veil, the faerie mist, the shadow that grow thin and transparent We can find the same world without the conditions caused be the lies of separation and limitation.

In Our friend's world: there is no poverty, no violence, no war, no hierarchy. Hard to even imagine that a world like that could exist. Yet, he lives there and is willing to assist Us to live there too. We are welcome to visit or live in a world where All is connected and limitless. The cool part is that these worlds are drawing closer and closer together.

A lie can not stand strong and support a world for long. It has done so for far too long. It is time to slip through the smoke and mirrors and into the truth.

When We accept Our friend's belief in his world, it is truly magnificent. It is the same world We All wake up to every morning yet it is also a very different world. It is not far away, across some great divide, it is as close as opening Our eyes. If We allow OurSelves to imagine it, We can rub shoulders with people who have never lived in a world with war and conflict, a world of sharing and caring. Those people are Us.

We real-eyes that as much as We remember from Our dreams and as delightful as it is, We just do not have words to express. Adequate words do not exist for Our language is designed to support the lies and illusion of separation and limitation.

We understand how easy it is for people to believe that worlds with suffering, struggle and adversity are All that exist or the only thing available to Us. That is only a belief, not the truth. Those worlds are the realities that We created based on lies. Our creative abilities and beliefs are very strong. We make these worlds real and keep OurSelves locked within through Our belief.

These are not concepts that We can spread by words alone. Shifting to believing that We can change these worlds by changing Our thoughts and that that is the ONLY way to really change “them” has to begin in the heart. All the action that We can imagine will fail if We continue to believe that separation and limitation are even possible. The only way out of this hologram is through Our heart-mind.

We spent a lot of the night sending love. We could imagine the grid filling with love. Many, many children were/are feeding love to the gird constantly. The old beliefs are habits and habits die hard. We created such strong proof of Our lies being real that it takes quite a shift to see that a world of hope, freedom and equality awaits Us right here and right now.

It seems that the children and galactics working with Us has begun in earnest.

Somewhere/everywhere in waking and dreaming We are reminded of the connection between the fae, the galactics and the agarthans (inner earth).

As We go about reading emails and preparing to return to work We experience examples and cases of walking in multi-worlds. This used to frustrate Us a lot before We knew what is going on. Still, when We do not remember and recognize what is going on it can be frustrating. Nearby worlds are similar with only slight differences so it is easy to think We are in the same world We were. It may be mere seconds since We left “that world” or it may be months.

We went to town to have Our PPD read and open an account at the credit union and buy a 3 month pass at the pool (All part of preparing to return to work). We were at the pool at the same time as some special needs high school students.

Shadow really enjoyed his new bed in the dragon. He was hesitant getting in at first but was successful. We theel We want to build some type of small ramp to carry in the car and use in addition to the step when he is unable/unwilling to climb in from the step. On the way to town We made Our usual stop at the dumpsters and there were some very nice (brand new) carpet scraps so We grabbed some to carpet his car steps and ramps so he can get a better grip.

Somewhere/somewhen We slipped realities and/or focus. We did not real-eyes it for a while, the shift was gradual. It either began at the pool (hmmmmm, with the kids?) or at the clinic afterwards or at the bank after that.

After returning home and having dinner We real-eyesed that We were definitely shifting and unable to really focus on 3D. We theel it is some kind of phase shift. We have experienced these before while awake but in milder form. We decided to let this carry Us into dream and off We go.

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