Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, March 31, 2013




Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:50:00 AM

Good morning. We did not sleep in as long as We thought We might but We were awake and remembered that We can go back to bed in a while if We want to.

There have been several times the last few nights that when We got up (in the middle of the night) and turned on the light (inside) something set off the outside, back porch motion detector. We feel it is Our Fae friends checking Us out. We have decided to call “them” friends to help remind Us, even though “they” still seem very shy and cautious. We certainly can not say that We blame “them”. Perhaps We will need to add more pretties to Our back privacy wall this summer. We also feel that Our effort to grow food plants is connected to Our connection with the Fae.

We feel/felt certain (in dream and waking) that Our recent dreams have been about transition and very advanced (as We have said and thought) because We can All-most remember some on waking. We are experiencing a much nicer world. It is kinda hard to find adequate words because this is far beyond anything We have ever needed words to describe before. The world/reality We are moving into is much softer, much more alive. The objects that We think of as inanimate (now) are actually very alive. Many people have started to real-eyes this before (including Us) but We are beginning to experience it. There is quite a bit of difference.

Some of the kids from Our route visited Our dreams. The Ones that are starting to connect more in 3D showed up to play. Others are being a bit more subtle, so far.

As We were doing some online banking and pondering some options, We real-eyesed that We are doing nothing out of fear and there is no feed to do anything out of fear. This relates to: “It does not matter what choice We make. All choices are good and valid and We will get exactly what We need, regardless.” This is something We learned a long time ago but the learning process continues.

We also recognize that We are in more than One world/reality right now. Everything We think that We have done or are doing or will do may/can change when We slip out of One reality and into the next. We have All-ways done this and experienced it but when We slip into a nearby reality, because it is sooooo similar We do not real-eyes that We are in a different reality. As We slip, slide along the scale/range/variations of realities We can gradually and gently move from One reality to a far removed reality and still not recognize/notice a change because We made the change in gradual increments and adjusted as We slip, slided along.

We are getting many feelings and intuitions about the new earth We are sliding into. We are certain that We are partially in this new manifestation of Gaia. Again, this is an experiential awareness not just head knowledge.

We returned to dream. We have no idea how long but We had some incredible experiences. This was definitely about Our new world. We were teleporting and talking about the new things We can do and new ways of living and being. We were learning and experiencing living without Our limits.

We got the sunshades re-tweaked and We will see how We like this next week. Now, We are going to add a 2x4 under both steps (here and carry with) for the dragon to make it a little easier for Us to handle. Then We will be getting ready to go to town.

Saturday, March 30, 2013



More connection

Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:20:44 AM

Good morning. It was a little easier to get out of bed this morning. Apparently We had set the alarm for 3:33 without real-eye-sing it. Either that or????????? That got Our attention.

Even though We do not remember what went on during the night We are aware of receiving messages during the night and probably many nights. These feel a bit different than night school. Maybe not but We felt the word messages rather than night school as We lay in bed.

We are finding some mundane things in Our waking life that We distinctly remember doing but have not been done. Apparently We did “them” in a dream life (alternate reality) but not in waking. The memory does feel like a dream memory now. Interesting, We are not usually aware of alternate realities so similar, probably because “they” are so similar We do not know that it is a different reality. We know We have talked about this before. Perhaps We are repeating experiences to make “them” familiar like We have been thinking and typing about lately.

The last student on Our route for the day did not ride yesterday and We did not feel as dreamy after route as We have been the last few days. We thought that maybe We were not connecting with this student as We have not had any verbal exchange except hi and bye stuff. We One-de-red if We are connecting on a telepathic level, it would seem that We are.

When We first became aware of a child taking Us into dream it was with an autist. We kind of expected this to be the standard. At least, We now expect it more from a nonverbal student. This is not the case with this last student. Also, We noted being in a silly mood after the student We had ride for the first time yesterday. “They” did not talk much to Us (though it was clear “they” can talk just fine) but it did seem like “they” were watching Us. Perhaps a joker, maybe a raven or coyote if Our mood afterwards had any relationship to what “they” were sending.

Just now, as We went to fill some water bottles for Our day the clock in front of Us read 4:44. We remembered the word messages and the clock reading 3:33 when We woke. We have been certain that We are dreaming about Our transition and transformation, Ours and Gaia's. Now, it feels like We are being told that We are receiving messages (in both waking and dreaming) that We have not been hearing. Is it because of “them” being unfamiliar? Or because We are not paying attention? We are reminded that We need to pay attention to Our feelings/intuitions more.

We do feel that major change looms on the horizon but that as We go through it, it will seem gradual. When We look back it may seem like it happened overnight.

Once again, even though We seem totally awake, We are NOT fully focused in limitation 3D. This is a good thing.

Our gradeschoolers were in a good mood. Some that had been quiet before are now smiling and laughing. The sun does affect the kids and it is Friday. One girl wanted to stay home with mommy and when I reminded she gets to stay with mommy tomorrow she was fine. The helpful boy was very talkative.

The live wire that rides alone was definitely wired. We think We may need to work on finding ways to keep him a little more settled. He is getting close to being unsafe. We have added car seats because of new riders and We may need to remove One to accommodate him better.

The highschooler that rides alone took Us into dream. We have an hour ride to his house and he goes into dream. We can not go to sleep with students on board but We can go into that altered state of waking dreaming and he took Us away.

It is another sunny day and the slyphs are out in force especially near the air force base. We saw more shapes and action from the slyphs than We have ever seen before. It is a combination of being a passenger rather than the driver (which was very rare before We started being attendant) but the main thing was the highschooler. We have no idea if he is aware of this connection or not. He was deep in dream and the slyphs were reacting and playing with Us. We could feel his connection with the Fae even though We had not guessed this before We felt it.

We just remembered, last night on the drive home We saw a beautiful sundog. We do not remember ever having seen One before.

The boy in a wheel chair told Us more about dinosaurs. He began with asking if We remembered him telling Us about dinosaurs and We said that We did. He seems to be especially fond of raptors. He told Us how he battled some bad raptors and then some good raptors helped him. He has sure opened up after a few days of silence.

There were only two students on Our middleschool section and We were able to connect a bit better on the 3D level. “They” are also getting used to Us as “their” attendant. Again, We are not as dreamy after Our route as We had been.

Since We got home early We got a few things done that We want to get done this weekend. The main thing was raising the plastic roof inside the hot box because the onions have grown to All-most touching it. Still no growth from the tomatoes. We theel We will probably have to replant some tomato seeds but We will give these a few more weeks at warmer temperatures (at least We hope the temperature is getting warmer). There are several little things that We wanted to get done and We did get most of the little things done. We also want to tweak the sunshades in the dragon a bit more and do laundry.

Oh, Our first priority is lots of dreaming. We theel that the kids have some adventures in store for Us.

Friday, March 29, 2013



A day dream

Wizard's Log Star-date: 12:27:38 PM

We remained in dream for an extra hour this morning. We do not remember what We were doing but We know that We did not want to stop. We felt very strongly that the kids had taken Us on an adventure.

It is certain that We will changing the way We do these entries. There will be mornings when We have to choose between dreaming and typing, for the most part We are sure that dreaming will win. We like feeling able to make these kinds of choices. We certainly have placed many restrictions and limits on OurSelves thinking it was necessary. We were deceived (deceived OurSelf). What We have All-ways thought of as the “real” world is actually make belief and what We called make believe”is actually real.

We are learning.

Our gradeschoolers continue to be fun and connecting. Most are not verbal, some only by choice. One boy is very helpful and carries on a conversation. Our second gradeschool section only has One rider and he is a real live-wire. He seems very sweet (and he is) but he really does like to bend the rules. If it was All up to Me, I would let him, but...........

We finally had Our rider on Our early noon section so now We know how that schedule goes. We will have some time then to type and do email and post to Our blog. We also have this One and a half hour break every afternoon but sometimes We have other things to do, like dreaming. We recognize that dreaming is Our priority. We never got it that We needed to make the time to dream when We were working before. We can clearly see how this is All a process, an ongoing learning, remembering and experiencing. As Abraham-Hicks says: “You never get it done and You can't get it wrong because You never get it done”.

The rider on the early noon section is a highschooler who is very nice and polite and so far quiet. “They” play guitar but that is about All We learned so far.

The boy in the wheelchair told Us that some of the things he told Us yesterday were imagination. We had a short discussion about imagination and We told him imagination is a good thing. We do not think he quite expected that.

We will have to see how these entries go and progress. Dreaming and spending time with the kids in waking (and dream) is Our priority right now but We also love being able to share about it All. We are very happy with the personal progress that We are making. We are transforming Our world daily.

We are certain that a lot of Our dream life is about this transitioning and transforming but it is further advanced than We are in waking (so far). It will take some repetition to make it familiar.

Oh, We forgot to mention, it has been a beautiful full moon on the drive to work yesterday and today. The temperatures continue to drop below 0 (quite a bit below) at night and then up to at least +20 in the afternoons. Today is another beautiful sunny day and it is definitely melting in the sun.

We are in a silly mood ever since the highschooler that We met for the first time today.

The middleschooler (whom We have One-de-red if We might need to make more effort to connect) did not ride today and We are not as dreamy after route as We were the last couple of days. This might indicate that We are connecting much more than We real-eyesed.

We checked Our mail (on the way home) and the check actually arrived. We knew We had nothing to worry about but this takes the fuel out of that fire.

We checked Our seedlings and it looks (so far) like We will be growing onions this year and a little mint. We will give the tomatoes more time but We may plant more seeds closer to summer or just buy a plant or two. We really only want One or two plants but We wanted to try growing from seed. No worries there either. We keep pondering the pallet garden on the front porch.

Since We are not as dreamy this evening as We have been We got a few things done.

Thursday, March 28, 2013



A day dream

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:52:13 AM

Good morning. We do not remember anything from Our dreams (yet) but it is an interesting morning so far. We woke earlier with a toothache, but somehow We know the pain is not real. Wish We could explain better, wish We had a better/clearer understanding OurSelf. We thought about getting up but it was clear We were not ready. That was about forty-five minutes before Our alarm would go off. We decided to stay in bed and drift some and We went back to dreaming even though We did not expect to. We were deep in dream when Our alarm went off. Then, as We were orienting to Our waking world the clock went to 3:33.

We are not sure if We are dreaming something new and expansive that We can not translate yet or exactly what. We know We are having a good time in dream much like We are in waking. Our waking is much closer to dreaming than We have ever allowed before. Being with the kids All day (and not driving while We do it) We are able to function more at “their” level and the connections are awesome.

We are having an interesting sensation that We are in a slightly different reality than where We normally wake. This is not really surprising given All Our recent changes. The pre-set reaction is to poo poo it away, or try to refocus on and in the old but We recognize what is going on and choose to allow it. We like slipping into other realities.

There is a beautiful full moon out Our front window.

We are getting the feeling that real-eyesing that Our pain is not real is very important. We vaguely remember going through something similar not too long ago. We worked with it for a bit and then it (apparently) faded into the background. Now, it is returning to the foreground. We could try to control and manipulate it but We choose to just flow with it, be aware of it and see where it takes Us.

When We let Shadow in the back door this morning, We noticed some new tracks in the fresh snow. We do not recognize these but We certainly got the feeling of the Fae. It feels like another Fae creature is checking out Our art wall and decorated portals and getting closer to the back door than before. We also noticed that the tracks are disguised as to be easily missed or explained away. It was more the feeling than anything that supports what We theel We saw.

As We begin Our day, drifting in and out (and allowing this) and pondering a few things We are reminded that everything is perfect. We are releasing the pressure We used to place on OurSelf. We were taught that this and that is important and needs Our full attention (and usually Our worry). This is a trap and We bought into it. Now, the cage door is open. We choose to walk through. We real-eyes that We may well still do and think things that belong to the old energy. Old habits die hard. Or, as Kryon likes to say: “Old energy dies hard”.

Many are feeling the shift in energies, the changes and it feels uncomfortable. We (personally) are experiencing things that might not quite seem to fit into Our plan for perfect. We have the choice to resist (and stay in the old energy by doing so) or release and face and accept and slide into the new. It is a subtle choice with a massive difference.

We decided to go ahead and check on the status of selling Our Wal-Mart stocks. Sometimes, when We can not stop thoughts from circling and claiming Our attention it is just better to see what (if any) actual information is available. This is what We did. We found out that the check is in the mail.

Having a typical day at work. The kids are fun.

The little boy in a wheelchair opened up today. We have no idea what changed other than he has now seen Me several times and is gettng used to me, familiar. Like how We are when dreaming of something new, it has to be repeated before We are comfortable with it. He told Us a bunch of things that he can do. He likes dig, and he digs his way All over the world. He has been some amazing places by tunneling. He can even tunnel under the ocean and come up in Japan or Hawaii. He said he does not like to tunnel his way home though. We asked him why and he said it is because One time he came up under a pile of moose crap. That sure explains that phobia.

It seems that either that boy or the middleschoolers took Us into dream. Two of the middleschoolers were playing some kind of computer game \on some type of wireless game pads. “They” were sitting in seperate seats, each had “their” own pad and “they” were playing in One game together. One made himSelf invisible.

This job is a lot like dreaming and when We got home, We had to go full into dream fairly soon.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013



Finding Our wings

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:55:14 AM

Good morning. We do not remember much or anything from Our dreams but We are mostly still dreaming. We like being able to learn how to do this. We like feeling that We can give OurSelf permission to be out of focus in 3D. That was a difficulty, We hated to wake because it meant We had to leave reality to return to the limitation illusion hologram. Another bit of programing. If We had not learned that We can not fly, We would still be flying. If We had not learned that We can not live in Our dream worlds, We would still be living in All those places and lives.

This feeling and train of thought is a nice way to wake.

We still have not had Our rider for Our early noon section so We subbed on another route during that time. There were several different schools. It is interesting how different kids connect. One little boy (he is the only rider) looked at Me and We could tell he was thinking:”Who the ….... are You?” We said to him: “We're different huh?” He was fine after that.

At another school a couple of different girls wanted Our attention. One just wanted to connect other was having a bad time because a door at the school had shut on her, hitting her. She was fine Once she had a bit of attention.

Later, after most of the students had been dropped she was using her coat as wings. When We mentioned flying she really got into it. The only other student on the bus was another girl who heard Us and joined in the fun. We All practiced flapping Our wings (coats) and flying.

She (or One of the other kids) took Us to an altered state and We are having a bit of trouble getting/being here enough to function even though We do not have to drive. We like it and just hope no One thinks We are sleep walking.

Back on Our regular route the boy in the wheelchair is warming up to Us. We found that he can talk, at least to some extent but he talks about what matters to him (We have found this with other students previously too). Stupid questions like “how was Your day?” do not merit words or any response in his estimation. He does like smiles and waving and a bit of playing peek-a-boo.

After that section We are still mostly somewhere/somewhen else. It will be interesting to be with Our world/portal creators and dimensional travelers in this state.

Our middle school section was quieter than usual. A couple of students were playing video games and the other were absorbed in “themSelves”. Interesting to observe differences in behaviour. We connected more with this group than We had.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013



A typical day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 02:45:06 AM

Good morning. For some reason We woke up early and could not seem to go back to sleep. We remember that We were busy expanding and experiencing Our new world but again We do not remember details.

We do remember that there was a lot about permaculture and earth ships. We revisited Our faerie castle with the room that opens onto everything. It is a bedroom and it would be considered a greenhouse room in a 3D sense. We also remembered that the cabin wall opens onto an enchanted forest. Several of the students from Friday afternoon continue to visit Us and Our demon even showed up when We noticed We had not been aware of him for a while. As Adamus says: “All is well in All of creation”.

We were oft reminded that: “We are love”. It remains very important to: “open, let go and allow”. This is the basis of Our new reality. Love is the foundation and building blocks, allowing is how it is created. We were reminded again of how We have often said: “We will no longer try to force it to happen but We will allow it to happen and We will do the footwork that is in front of Us to do.”

Perhaps We do remember quite a bit after All, just not in any order or the particulars of what We were doing. Maybe We were being rather than doing. That feels right.

Once again, as We begin Our day We find that We are here AND there, not fully focused on limitation 3D. We are very appreciative that now We feel that We can allow this and just go with the flow. There was something flowing last night too.

We are feeling (both in dream and waking) that this gardening We are doing is important way beyond what anyOne might normally imagine. It is like a symbology that births a movement. We know many have been gardening long before Us, but for Us it is a move into the kingdom of Fae. It opens doors We had locked fast before. Whether or not anything grows for Us in 3D, We are growing Our new world in multi-D.

We just went outside and We have gotten at least another 3 inches of snow so far tonight/morning. Even though We will need to have the drive plowed again today or tomorrow We are glad We had it plowed yesterday or it would be just that much deeper today.

It seems like an uneventful day but We know better. It was busy because We had a safety meeting in between Our morning and noon sections. Something was accomplished there though it was not noticeable at the time.

We had several breaks and during the last One We let OurSelf do a bit of dreaming. We dreamt about the pallet garden idea and putting One as a porch rail when We take down the old front steps.

We did Our regular route today so We got to see Our middle schoolers again. We are not quite sure how We are connected/connecting to “them”, it's hard because this is only the second time We have been on that section. “They” were talking about some video/computer games and using some amazing words. One had a transformer type toy and gave it unlimited life. It could not be killed. “They” were talking about creating worlds. The only girl in the group is planning to make a portal in a world she is creating. “They” asked what kind of portal, will it go to other dimensions, what will the dimensions be like. hmmmmm, this sounds familiar. “They” may think it is only a game, or do “they”? Maybe “they” know it is real but do not talk about it because of how A-dults would react. It will be interesting to see where this goes.

Monday, March 25, 2013



Active day

Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:52:11 AM

Good morning. We know that We had fun last night. We do not know what We did but We remember really enjoying it. Again, usually when this happens it is because whatever We were doing is too unfamiliar to translate into 3D. Sounds to Us like are on another adventure. We woke with the song: “Mary had a little lamb” running through Our head only it was: “Mary had a photograph”. Go figure.

We also remember being reminded of something We got the night before: “These kids don't know that “they” can't fly”. That feels oh so important. We need to forget that We can not fly, then We will begin to fly which is actually Our natural ability. Then, We can apply the same idea to lots and lots of things. Flying seems like a great place to start. It seems like that is what the kids suggest We (at least personally) start now. We are smiling, thinking of the kids. “They” really do want to help Us. “They” (at least most) have no desire to punish Us for the wrongs We have done to “them”.

We are transforming Our world, whether or not it is evident to others. It is in the little things which grow into the big things.

When We started typing these “Today”s it was because We dreaded waking up each morning. Even though We were not getting up to “go to work” (at that time) We were waking up to Our Self-imposed prison of the hologram of limitation 3D. Even though We knew better, We still felt and believed that We were stuck/trapped here. We loved Our dreams, “they” were/are very real but We hated leaving Our dream life to experience Our waking life. We chose to change that and began these entries to chronicle that journey. Obviously “they” have turned into much more than that but “they” did accomplish the original goal as well.

It will be interesting to see how We do with waking up as We go along. Our attitude is much changed but We may also revert to Our old perspective. Back and forth seems to be a normal (whether or not it is natural) pattern. It is a way of being gently with OurSelves and fully integrating what We have gained. We are love.

We definitely feel that (and how) Our mantra: “Open, let go, allow” is vital to being able to slide into the new. It really seems to be what the new is All about. It is a sample of getting out of the way. Our logical, conscious mind is not (really has never been) in control. Our heart is in charge.

We got the new shelf unit put together and in the front window. We found onion and mint sprouts but no tomatoes (yet) but We do feel the tomatoes pushing “their” way into the light. The tomatoes were supposed to sprout first but We did have the onions and mint closer to the sunlight, so We turned that around. Today is the first day for the onions to germinate according to the package.

As much as We do NOT like anything in Our windows, especially the big front window, We theel that as open as this is and because it is All-most completely out of the line of sight for Our view from Our computer AND because soon it will be green growing plants We will actually appreciate it. We added an indoor/outdoor thermothingy so We can watch the temperature inside the box without turning it All the time.

Happy are We. We really do feel the presence of the kids as We play. We got a couple of simple toys out of storage to take with Us on the bus.

We have several more things We want to do today but We do not feel pressured like We used to with things to do on the weekends while working 5 days a week. Part of that is that We clearly gave OurSelf permission to postpone some things and add in others. We do want to redo/tweak the sunshades in the dragon and pickup/chariot to make it easier for Us and better for Shadow. BTW, Shadow thinks We are being silly All the way around today. He thinks dreaming would be better, or at least stay at the computer typing, everytime We get up it disturbs him.

We added another pad to his bed inside because We found it and he really seems to appreciate the better padded beds in the dragon and chariot. We found out Friday that he likes salad. He has never (before) taken food off the counter or table. He knocked the salad container off and proceeded to make a mess and eat the parts he wanted. Then yesterday he got into One of his treat bags in the chariot while We were visiting friends. He has never done that either. Looks like We will need to be a little more careful from here on out. We can not get mad at him, well We could but We really do not want to. He is All-most 15, what the heck. He has not done anything like this in 15 years and he deserves to get what he wants now. We All-most One-der if he did a walk-in or share-in???????

We got a bunch of stuff done, everything We wanted We think. It went well and We enjoyed doing it. That is a change for Us. Shadow supervised from nearby or from the porch depending on if I stayed within view of the porch. It only got up to +10 today but when the sun did come out it did some melting but it was mostly overcast.

Sunday, March 24, 2013



They” do not know that “they” can not fly

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:52:02 AM

Good morning. Wow, what an incredible night. We know that it is the kids from that last section We did yesterday, probably others too but definitely that last group. What a challenge “they” were and what a reward.

We are also learning about headaches: Yes, headaches are a pain, however, (for Us personally) there is perspective involved. We are finding that there is a distinct difference in how Our head acts and feels at different vibrations, dimensions, realities etc. (especially when awake and shifting between these “zones”). As another measure to keep Us locked in to limitation 3D, We taught OurSelves that these sensations are painful and to be avoided whenever possible. We medicate when these sensations arise to numb and dumb down OurSelves. It has worked very well. If We choose to venture into these shifts, slips and slides while awake and in Our physical bodies, there may be some physical discomfort. We can view it as pain or We can view it as evidence of expansion. Our mind and body will react accordingly to what We tell “them”. It may (and probably will_ take a while to move out of old programming into new programming but the payback (freedom) is incredible.

This brings up some other messages from Our dreams: about being “free”. A while back We were mentioning ascension if free fall, because that is what it felt like. Last night We again experienced this but it was more than “free fall”. It was “free flow”, “free form”, “free will”, “free flight” and other “free …....s” that We are spacing out right now. That happens when One flows into free flight while trying to type. It is okay, it is fun and it is free.

As We were/are experiencing this free flight, We are very aware of several of the students from that last section Friday and others that We are not identifying as easily. Our system is trying to regiment these kids as well as All kids but these Ones have not learned that “they” can not fly. A very important lesson NOT to learn. We have read about children like this, some fly secretly others talk about it when “they” feel safe to do so. Sadly, some talk about it not knowing that it might not be safe to talk about and are ridiculed or even chastised and punished for making things up. If A-dults only knew that We are All making it All up.

So, some of these read Our energy, We connected and with Our most willing permission “they” attached to Us energetically and as soon as “they” could get Our full attention “they” not only talked about flying “they” took Us with “them”. Did We mention that this was incredible??????? We are pretty sure that others have tried (to do this with Us) before and were possibly successful to some extant, but nothing like this. We were full aware of taking flight and flying free. The headache is like what We feel when flying in an unpressurized airplane or other methods of going to great heights. A very small price to pay for Our freedom and if We remember correctly: Once We adapt, adjust and get familiar with the sensation then it is much less annoying.

We visited many different worlds (We will use the term generically for realms, realities, dimensions and etc.) with many new and old friends. We are excited to have these adventure with kids We are meeting and connecting with in waking. We are reminded of how much We used to desire to bring dream experiences into waking and now We are excited to be bringing waking experiences into dream. The realms are merging and the boundaries are fading. It was just so damn much fun to fly with these kids. To fly within Our current world and then to other worlds and explore those in flight. We are grateful that these kids (and others) did not believe it when “they” were taught that “they” could not fly.

After many adventures throughout the night and such joy and enjoyment that words are totally inadequate, We had a dream about some fears and really strange manifestations of fears. It was rather interesting how Our fears manifested as totally bizarre and laughable incidents. Of course, if We had believed that those incidents and creatures were real, “they” would have been truly fear-full. However, We recognized “them” for what “they” are, fears coming up for acknowledgment, acceptance, love and release. So, We blessed “them” and set “them” free. Now, “they” too can fly free if “they” choose.

There was also a lot about claiming and even demanding Our limitations. We have typed a lot about this before. We observed more examples about how We do this. It is far reaching and invades nearly every corner of Our lives and All-most every belief that We cling to and pass on to Our children. Once again, the children are trying to teach Us that We are limitless. “Their” methods of teaching are much less invasive that the old ways. This is One-der-full but also easier to ignore and deny. No longer are We forced or coerced to belief. We are invited to open and expand. We are welcome to choose limitation for just as long as We desire. Our choice is honored. However, it is getting harder to deny that We ARE choosing limitation. No longer can any of Us fully that “this is the real world”. It is becoming more and more obvious that it is a hologram, an illusion based on an impossibility.

The children (many anyway) are flying free. We are welcome to join “them”. Once We do We will probably be amazed at some familiar friends whom We might never have guessed were exploring ascension in free flight.

There is/was much that We are leaving out. There is a real awareness of being multidimensional and living multidimensionally. As We have All-ways said, multi-D includes 3D so much seems much the same but We can definitely feel the change.

We forgot to mention We got about 3 inches of snow last night. It was cloudy and cold All morning but the sky has cleared and We have some slyphs flowing across the horizon. Looks like it will warm up nicely. It is predicted to snow more tonight. We want to add or redo the sunshades for the dragon. What We did originally will be good when it really gets warm but We need something a little less in the interim.

We are trying to catch up on typing and emails but the kids seem to keep drawing Us away. We enjoy going away.

Saturday, March 23, 2013



Lots of new contacts and connections

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:31:27 AM

Good morning. This is fun. We experienced a sense of vertigo All night. Early on we thought We might need to take some aspirin for the headache this seemed to be causing so that We could get to sleep. We looked at the clock and We had been asleep for two hours. We real-eyesed that this is a symptom of being in more than One world at a time, an adjustment, a letting go of the old. It has happened before but We All-ways fought it and held on to the old and tried to make this sensation “go away”. Now that We recognize it, it is very different.

We remember being very busy in dream. A lot of 3D stuff came up for Us to: worry about”. We consciously chose to just let it go. We chose to stop the pressuring that We usually do to OurSelves when working a job. We are changing. We like it.

Sooooo much is happening inside. We have no idea if it is apparent in the outer world yet, but that really does not matter. We change the world by changing OurSelves on the inside. We are learning to live from Our heart(s).

This morning We are having some very interesting insights. Many things that We used to resist We now see as expansion. Things We used to hold onto We see as limits. Sorry that We do not remember the specifics in Our waking awareness even though it was only moments ago that We noticed the last One. This is another part of being in multi-realities. And We used to fight and resist it. Now, We just notice and let go. We are here AND We are there.

It feels very different not to have to be alert enough to drive the bus.

We are also making little changes in what We carry with Us and how We prepare for work in the mornings. These are little things but a big part of not putting so many expectations on OurSelf and sooooo much pressure.

Today We get to substitute on an extra noon section. Most of the students on that section do not ride on Fridays so We had a lot of extra time with the first student on the section. A preschooler who could read remarkably well. We were totally unprepared to entertain a child for that long and with this One a nap was NOT the answer. We did look at the maps in the route book and this worked for a while but it was short lived. We enjoyed spending this time together but it got boring for both of Us. We needed toys. We have some We plan to carry but We were waiting to get to know Our route. As much as We are on other routes We may start carrying some general interest toys.

We did Our regular 2nd noon section which is picking up a little boy in a wheelchair. He doesn't talk much but We have not figured out yet whether he can talk or not. He does not seem to like being asked questions. He entertains himSelf and seems to enjoy being watched while he does things like twirling his gloves round and round. We did a couple of smiles in return for Our smiles. This is only the second day that We have been with him and We theel that he will open up as We ride together regularly.

Our regular PM section was canceled and We went out on another route We had never been on and would not get to be on under normal circumstances. These were the kids (or some of “them” anyway) that met with Us in dream before We started. At least some of “them” are clearly starchildren. We connected with All of “them”, each at a slightly different level. One girl had a very hard time staying in her seat. She never stood up but she rarely sat down. Finally, We moved her to another seat and sat next to her. She did fine. She needed someOne to be with her.

One of the boys was also an energy bomb. He really did try to behave but he had too much energy to sit still. We have a lot of tolerance for this but he really pushed the limits. We got to work gently with him and talk with him. The girl We had moved saw that he had gotten mad (his seat mate had fallen asleep) so We asked him what was wrong. No answer. We asked if he was mad at Us and he said no. We asked if he was okay, he nodded and mumbled yes. We asked what was wrong and he still did not respond so We let him be. He was fine though sullen the rest of the ride. Another boy who gets off at the same house did not communicate much but did want a little attention but not a lot.

A second girl was very quiet and not talkative but beamed a huge smile everytime We smiled at her.

The boy who was sitting in front of Us really wanted to connect. As soon as We acknowledged him he started talking (hard to understand) and showing Us things he made. He was very good at bending paper clips and making things that were obvious what he had made. One was a flag on a pole with tape for the flag. Another was a star. He really wanted Our undivided attention but We explained We needed to also watch the other children. (Keeping the One boy and One girl tight in “their” seat belts and something close to seated was a real challenge.) Everytime We reminded “them”, “they” did as We asked and We thanked “them”. Minutes later We had to do it All over. The boy in front of Us seemed to understand and We knew when he got off the bus that there was an energetic connection that We both took with Us. He waved a cheery goodbye as he walked up the driveway.

Once home We can feel the energy of several of these kids still with Us. “They” are drawing Us into dream very quickly.

Friday, March 22, 2013



First full day with the kids

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:43:31 AM

Good morning. This is Our first morning getting up early to go to work so here We are, well, not exactly. We are here AND We are in dream somewhere.

The only dream We remember (besides the One We are in) was living in an old west type town. We are not sure if We returned to that time or not. It seemed like current time. We will see what We have to say later.

The kids are trying to get Our attention now. We only did One of Our regular sections yesterday. As soon as We were done with Our paperwork another route was ready to leave and had no attendant and only a substitute driver so “they” asked if We would do it. “Sure. Why not.” And off We went.

So, for now, We are gonna listen to the children.

We just remembered, going back to work will affect these sharings somewhat. Obviously the content will expand as well as when We are typing “them”. When We began these Our intent was to track Our progress at waking up (every morning) without regret. At that time We really wanted to remain in dream and not have to leave. As much as We love Our dreaming, We were able to do enough dreaming that We did/do not feel cheated by having to wake. We will see how that goes with returning to work.

One of the things We knew going into this is that We must maintain as much dream time as possible. Hopefully, the kids will help with this. We theel that “they” intend to. We are expanding. We are love. We open, let go and allow.

We have mostly quiet kids on Our first, morning section but the second section has only One boy and he is a real live-wire. He is another One that is intrigued with maps and he definitely wants to interact with Me. We had fun even though his ride is only about ten minutes.

One thing We are noticing is that many of these special needs kids show no sign of being special needs but We could tell there is a different level of sensitivity from the kids on big bus. This route has not had a regular attendant for quite a while so it will take a little time for some of the kids to get used to having Me as the attendant regularly.

We do theel this is the right choice for Us. Intuition is proving itSelf true.

Because, because We got switched to a different route for the afternoon. It was obvious why We needed to meet these kids (nine gradeschoolers). Lots of different interactions: a little girl was having a bit of a hard time because she was very tired. When she told Us what she needed, We were willing and able to listen and bend the rules just a bit to make her comfortable. A boy who has to be in a harness (and yes he hates it) was having a very rough day. After the teachers got him settled enough for Us to start the route We were able to listen to what he had to say and ask questions. All he needed was for someOne to listen to what he was saying and he was fine the rest of the trip. It did not change anything, no problem solved in his life or anything but someOne listened to him instead of telling him................ Another boy was making up stories and telling “them” as if true. We got to tell the driver and other students: “That's what imagination is for”. Planted some seeds, We felt it when We said it. Several other students just wanted to talk, connect, have someOne pay attention to “them”.

It made for a very enjoyable afternoon.

Just before dreamtime We felt OurSelves slipping between and amongst worlds.

Thursday, March 21, 2013



We got the call

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:18:57 AM

Good morning. It seems We visited some alternate current and future realities. Some that We want to visit and be aware of but do not want to live there. “They” even had a certain appeal and draw yet not where I want to spend energy.

One in particular remains very clear. The people (en masse) were finally fed up but not armed with the truth of what We really are. “They” (the majority) still believed that We are only these bodies and so “they” acted from this perspective. It was a revolution to be sure. Fortunately it was not a “blood running in the streets” revolution but too close for My taste. The authorities were ill-treated, like “they” were actually the Ones at fault. We each have Our faults. What One of Us would shine brightly if standing in the noon day sun? Which One of Us would want Our closet emptied in the street for All to see?

However, if We choose to remain in limitation (at any level or dimension) that is how it will probably play out. If We try to change the outside (and God knows it does need changing) first, We really will get more of the same. Even if We get a better life (which is really what the majority wants at this time) it will deteriorate over time if We do not begin to acknowledge Our sovereignty, Our divinity, Our multidimensionality. It is Our choice.

We spent a lot of time being and sending love. These messages must reach the hearts of the masses or We will indeed see a revolution rather than evolution. We will contract again rather than expand. At first, while the masses remain focused in limitation 3D, the message sent in verbal and written words will tend to fall upon deaf ears (We keep typing years, hmmmmm). This is a reality that exists and will progress. We hope it is not the reality We choose to focus in.

As We were waking We got the impression of many, many people getting the heart message and searching the internet for information and guidance. “They” find the messages that have been written over the passed few years and begin to get the picture. These are the people, living in the reality that We would prefer. Waking and opening “their” hearts and minds to who and what We really are.

Yet, We do not wish to bury Our head in the sand and think that any One reality is the only reality that exists. We have discussed this before. We also get it that this is a reason why We sometimes feel like We are not progressing. We asked to be aware of All the possibilities and so We get to be aware of All the possibilities. And then We wonder why We seem to be treading water. It takes a little longer to explore everything than it does to explore only One thing. DUH????????

Not being the victim really does take some getting used to. When trapped in a small cage, it was easy to see Our progress Once We stepped without the walls of that cage. Once out in the big wide world, the boundaries take longer to reach and pass through.

We continue to feel the presence of the children and fae and galactics encouraging Us to stay the course. We are love. We send love. We open, let go and allow.

We are reading email and quite a bit is confirming exactly what We are feeling right now and in dream last night.

First Student just called and We will be going in to sign the new hire paperwork and work a partial day.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013



Sending love

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:20:35 AM

Good morning. A very insight-full night and another morning that We are definitely not fully present in 3D. We are reminded of how We used to fight this and be frustrated by it. Now, We are happy and excited by it. “Yay!!! We are somewhere else AND here too.” No longer feeling the need to be only One or the other. Finding and living Our freedom.

And really, that is what Our dream experiences were about. We visited many realities that are very similar to this One AND several that are very different. Even the different had noticeable similarities it was the freedom there that made “them” sooooo different. What We noticed was how easy it is to slide from One reality to another. Like flipping through the pages of a book only much smoother but that easy.

We were in Our cabin and One minute/second it was a ship the next it was a faerie castle and the next it was an earthship. (Earthship is the name being given to houses that are earth friendly and usually with greenhouses as the front room. “They” often resemble hobbit houses.) Then it was All of the above and more and We would slide through All the versions in random order. It was a lot of fun and different friends would be playing the game with Us.

We remember theeling that We were interacting with the children We will soon be working with in 3D. “They” All-ready know who We are and what Our job will be. That is exciting.

This morning when We let Shadow in the back door We noticed that the tracks We saw yesterday are more distinguishable in the porch light than in daylight. We know that too is indicative of the Fae.

Throughout the night We found OurSelf repeating Our mantras: “We are love”, “Sending love”, “Open, let go and allow”. The last is very important, it is a vital key to how We wish to live. To experience (in waking) the ease We found in Our dream We must let go of Our cherished limits. In order to experience the new, the expansion We must allow it without any of Our restrictions. We do tend to want to remain in the familiar. That is why We are experiencing in dream: so it becomes familiar enough to allow in waking. Of course, since Our dreams are real, living there is actually enough.

It will be interesting to see how this unfolds. We do real-eyes that We did get a bit caught up in Our fears, doubts and limitations yesterday, late in the day.

During the night last night and the night before, We knew that there is much shifting going on. It is interesting that though nothing (on the outside) appears to have changed We are in a very different frame of mind this morning. Our other realities feel closer than ever.

We've been playing at collecting All the various and sundry plastic containers We have that can be used as flower pots and drainage trays. Next We are gonna go get water and check the dumpsters for recyclables for planting pots. A wee bit of fun as the day warms up from around 0 when We last checked.

We went for water and checked the dumpsters on the way. We found a great tub for growing Our onions and some Xmas decorations like We use to decorate Our privacy wall(s) and portals.

We are feeling very strong that We have been and continue to slip between worlds and live in several at the same time. We like that. Our head still looks at things from the limitation perspective but We know there is more and We are beginning to experience it.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013



Some new, some old

Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:59:30 AM

Good morning. More change and expansion and more new friends. It does not get much better than that. And just when We say that, it gets better.

We continue to notice that We rarely remember visiting the same world twice in Our dream life. This gives a tiny sense of how vast the choice of realities is. Some nights We remember visiting several realities in One night and even if We do not really remember (upon waking) it feels like We visit other realities every night. Imagine how many that makes in just One month or year. Yet, most think there is only One option and everybody “must” experience the same reality. We do not even visit/experience the same reality as OurSelf much less anyOne else.

Apparently this is Our current theme as it seems to be coming up a lot. Where did We wake up today? Our memory tells Us that it is the same reality We went to sleep in and woke up in yesterday and the day before. It suggests that this too is an illusion.

We are free. We are love. We open, let go and allow.

Again this morning Our cabin feels like much more than just a One room dry cabin in a forest in Alaska. We real-eyes We have held on to believing that is All it is because We truly love it as that. It is more, much more and We are also much more than the belief We have held on to.

When We let Shadow in the back door (the second time this morning) We noticed some new, small tracks in the snow near the faun tracks and around and threw the portals. These look about the size of Shadow's paws but he was not in that area and he does not go there because of the deep snow and it's on a steep bank. These tracks start underneath a wreath We have hanging in One portal and go to the side of the cabin. We will look closer when it is daylight. Could be a bird with very large feet? Or a bird that landed and then body hopped along for quite a ways rather than taking flight again. Or, a squirrel that fell out of a tree and then body hopped to wherever or had very large feet. The tracks look smaller and shallower than the faun's. The only thing that We thelt was some type of fae creature but no intuit about what type.

We are aware of having some kind of expanded/expanding experience this morning but We are not clear what it is while We are in or at least in the early stages. We are reminded to open, let go, allow and just go with the flow.

In 3D We are mostly focusing on cleaning up and rearranging stuff on computers and making corned beef and cabbage soup while We have time and it's still below 0 outside.

We are also drifting but do not notice quite as much while sitting, it's when We try to do things like walk that it shows up how much We really are not fully here.

We also looked closer at the new tracks but can not think of any limitation 3D creature that would have made “them”. We do not have any specific fae in mind either, perhaps One We are not (yet) familiar with.

We returned to dreaming twice today, both were intense. Lots of shifting and slip, sliding going on. We are making a lot of changes. Lots of friends around too.

Monday, March 18, 2013



Enjoying OurSelf

Wizard's Log Star-date: 05:46:45 AM

Good morning. Another fun and interesting night of which We do not remember much. However, We do remember some. We remember playing with Our friends. It is All-ways a delight to meet someOne/anyOne for the very first time and be instant friends and help each other play.

Most of the world We visited were very similar to Our waking world. Many were/are in the same process of transition. That is mostly what Our adventures were about, changing and expanding worlds. Based and focused on love. We had a lot of fun. We real-eyesed that One reason for so many people having such a good time is acceptance. As easy as that is it can be very hard for some/many/most.

We experienced a lot of what We wish to experience, alternate realities rather than living in only One reality. It no longer matters (except when We forget and think it does) whether We experience alternate realities in waking because We do so in dream. However, other realities are definitely bleeding into Our waking reality. We are changing. That changes the world that We live in whether the world that We live in changes or not.

We are working on Our sprouting box and redoing the front window area. We are finding that some of this was more about rearranging other areas to make more space there and We did not even know that We wanted to do that. We bought the light fixture and a switch while in town yesterday (for Our sprouting box) but forgot to look at shelving and an indoor/outdoor thermothingy. Oh well. We decided that since the only light fixture We found has a pull chain and the timer We have has a manual switch (and is in easy reach) We will wait about putting the switch (that We bought) on the cord.

We are happy with the way everything is coming along. We are mixing watching some vids and reading and typing some emails in with Our projects. We are continuing to be reminded that everything is perfect and We are love and We open, let go and allow. It is a great way to live.

We will not need the shelving We did not get until the seeds sprout and need to be transplanted. We actually ended up with extra shelving from All the rearranging but not the kind We want when We start transplanting. We are not sure what We want to do with the extra shelving.

Next We want to go outside and play with setting up sunshades for the dragon and pickup for when Shadow is in town with Us.

It is looking really nice out there and was warming up nicely last time We went outside.

It is amazing Us All the little things We are finding We want to get done before going back to work, but We will not have a lot of free time at home until summer vacation. We want to be able to spend as much time dreaming as possible.

We think We got the sunshades set up quite well, easy to use and blah, blah. Will probably tweak as We go along, that's how these things usually go.

Beautiful day outside and the sprouting box is 80F from the sunshine (light is off) while it's a comfy 62 inside the cabin.

We got the sunshades set up for both the dragon and the pickup.

We had a very interesting (and it surprised Us) sensation. Even though We are preparing to go back to work, We are enjoying OurSelf.

Sunday, March 17, 2013



Paiting waitiently

Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:45:26 AM

Good morning. Another fun night living in many different worlds very similar to this One. (We use the phrase this One for ease and simplicity) Early on We were aware of being on ship as We often do early in the night. Many mornings We do not remember that We were on ship early in the night because so much goes on in between. Do most/many of Our adventures into other lives and realities begin on ship?

We woke with a kind of excitement and it seems to be growing. We real-eyes that this an expanded excitement about expanding Our awareness and perceptions. We real-eyes that Our job concerns are just plain silly. For the most part whenever concern has arisen We meet “them” with a knowing that everything is perfect. Yesterday We typed about knowing there are realities where We get to work as an attendant and realities where We get to do something else and We want to experience All this with the awareness that it is All perfect and regardless of what reality We are in, there are other realities. We are no longer dependent and anyOne or anything outside of OurSelf. This is progress. This is what the apparent delay is about. It is about learning/remembering about who and what We are. It is about growth, deeper and stronger growth than We have ever experience before.

This time waiting for a background check really is not excessive. We just are not All-ways aware of the time for various reasons. Like when We first went to work for First Student: We gave two weeks notice at Our other job AND had a full week of training before actually being hired. That is three weeks from Our interview date to get the background check back before Our actual hire date. Add in slip, sliding between realities and who knows????????

We have some things to learn/remember about OurSelf before We go back to work. The equinox is next week and supposed to be even more powerful and important than usual. We know We are feeling more expanded than last year at this time.

The neat thing about All the realities We were aware of living in last night is that in everyOne, We All knew that everything is perfect and We had been living in and with and projecting this knowledge and creating with this knowledge for sooooo long that it was completely apparent in Our world(s). We are All free and easy. We live in and exude these conditions. We run and play with new and old friends, free as birds. Of course We fly.

We theel that in Our dream We are beginning to go into another deeper and unfamiliar level as We do not remember much of what We remember playing. How is that for a pair-a-docks? We remember playing We just do not remember what We were playing. But even that limited remembering puts a smile on Our face. Maybe We were being naughty????????????

Now, We are slip,sliding into Our gardening reality. We are thinking of adding more shelves to Our greenhouse as We will probably need more room when the seeds sprout and We start transplanting. We have some more shelves that We can move from other areas or We may want to buy some more, We are not certain yet.

In Our reading We find that We do not keep the cabin as warm as birthing seeds like. So, We are making a sprouting box from a wooden box We had been using for shelving. We want to put a light fixture inside and have it on a timer. We have most of the items We will need including the timer but We were surprised to find We do not have a spare light fixture.

We picked up a light fixture on Our trip to town today. We are doing some email but dreams are calling.

Saturday, March 16, 2013



Operator error?

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:03:03 AM

Good morning. An incredible night and it is All for Us. We do not remember a lot of (any) details but We do remember living in many different realities that are very similar to this One. We have been feeling very strong that this is really what 2013 is about.

After getting a lot of stuff typed up We decided to turn it into a morning review, so We did. We are having plenty of experiences that We may be able to share here later (or not).

We are happy with Our “Morning Review” but theel there is more We want to add. We will give it some time.

Next We are playing around with learning how to transfer Our “Today”s to Our laptop so We can add to “them” when We are in town. Still having trouble with Open Office on Our laptop. It kinda looks like it might be a networking problem. We can only download the newest version of Open Office for Our laptop and We are running the previous version on Our desktop. We prefer staying at least One release behind as We find We get less glitches. We will try to copy Open Office from this desktop computer to Our laptop. Well, that did not work for Us so We will try downloading Open Office to Our laptop again. This seems to be working and We theel that there may have been some operator error. Okay, We theel that We are learning how to do this. Technology is sooooo One-der-full, and so damn frustrating.

We got Shadow's ramp to take with Us for the pickup carpeted. Because, because it was a lot more work than We anticipated. It kinda feels/seems like We slipped into a cantankerous universe somewhere during the day. Our heater keeps going out when turned low. We had that same problem a while but got it fixed last winter or the winter before and it worked fine All that time. We have not heard back from First Student yet and somebody rearranged Our keyboard again. Yet, We are fine and everything is perfect.

The weather is beautiful, We are catching more somethings out of the corner of Our eye and saying “hello”. Sun is out bright and beautiful and the wind went away (We do sometimes wonder where “away” is??????) so it is warming up nice outside. We're gonna go out and enjoy it here soon. We are just taking everything slow and gentle and remembering that this is only One reality and We live in others. Some are harder, some are easier. There is no suffering but there is occasional operator error.

Friday, March 15, 2013


A lot of worlds

Morning Review (as We are waking and/or resisting waking)

We decided to type this up as a morning review even though it is a combination of some night school and some review but is mostly from a reflective perspective. We do not remember a lot of (or any) details (from Our many dreams last night) but We do remember living in many different realities that are very similar to this One. We have been feeling very strongly that this is really what 2013 is about (at least for Us personally).

Kinda funny, as We were waking We really thought that the last life would be remembered. That is exactly what the dreams were/are: different lives We are living. That is part of why We do not have clear memories. How does One remember details from living an entire life in One night? Now, multiply that by many lives being lived in One night. Then add in that We still have some (maybe even a lot) of the old programing to prevent Us from remembering anything beyond the limitation 3D hologram. In reference to this programing: some say that uninstalling the programs works and maybe it does for “them”. As with everything else We have tried eliminating: We find We need to add new rather than destroying the old. What was All-ways remains a part of All that is and is available for exploring at any time. That is how it works for Us. Destroying the old is part of the old.

For years We have felt that a world flowing with milk and honey and streets paved with gold would only be another form of limitation “if” that is the only world We know (or know of). Damn right We would like to live there but only if We get to visit other realities also. We are getting Our wish, at least in reference to the other worlds. We are living Our passion.

To say it is only” happening in Our dreams is a denial of Our dreams being real. Sometimes even We need to remind OurSelf of this. If We believe that Our dreams are real than experiencing something/anything in Our dream life is enough. To say that it is only” in Our dreams and therefore not real” is like saying: “since We only get wet when We are near (very near) water this means that getting wet is 'not real' and never really happens”.

Many people are holding on to a One size fits All philosophy and that is “their” choice and reality. We wish to honor and bless that choice. Sometimes We have to step back a bit to do so. If We allow OurSelves to get enmeshed on/in that type of world then We feel trapped and stuck and We tend to act like a caged animal when We do that. It is hard to watch others raging against “their” caging but when the door is wide open, what more can We do?

That is where We see/feel the world(s) to be. Many are living in One version (and most are moving into another version with or without real-I-sing it) and expect everyOne to experience the same version as “they” do. So, that is what “they”/We create. Remember, Our creations are real, We are that powerful. There is All-ways more, but what We create is still real even if it is limitation.

Oh, now We are remembering some parts from Our dreams. There are worlds where We live as a starving people. Some worlds like that are developing to be able to feed OurSelves (some with outside help, others purely through Our own efforts). There are/were worlds where everyOne is wealthy. In some of those worlds machines do the mundane chores, in some such things are accomplished with Our mental talents and abilities and in some people who enjoy being of service perform these tasks. In each of these worlds We are happy. Why is that? For Us it is because We know there is more and that We live in many, many, many different versions of that more.

Most people can not or will not accept this as a real, viable and livable possibility (much less an ongoing reality). To Us it is very real. We recognize that We are also experiencing it in waking (everyOne is to some extent) but the nearby realities (that We slip into every day throughout the day) are so similar to the reality that We are slipping out of that We rarely recognize that We are spending Our waking hours slip, sliding away. Misplaced items are One of Our greatest hints and clues but We poo poo that away, every day.

Beginning in dream We real-eyesed that We could very well (and surely do) have realities where We get hired as a special needs attendant and realities where something snafus, or maybe We decide it is not the best choice, for Us, at this time, after All. There are even realities where We did not take a fifteen month vacation (shudder the thought). Now, We feel that We are slipping back and forth between these realities in waking.

According to most teachers, We must” decide which reality We want to experience. Man, We really, really HATE that. We want to explore and experience BOTH (and every other versions). And by All the little gods We will!!!!!!!!!! That is Our story and We are sticking to it. Yes, We choose to think that We are living in the reality where We get hired and only visit the other realities but what We really, really want is to real-eyes that We are living in ALL of these realities. BUT, We are not stuck” in any of “them”. And that dear friends is THE difference. THAT is the new. At least in Our world.

Life is an amazing experiences. There is sooooo much We deny OurSelves by demanding Our limitations. We do so under the guise of: “it is the 'real' world”. However it is the B.S. (belief system) world.

There are many realities running All at the same time. There All-ways have been, that is what infinity and eternity are All about. However, with a few exceptions up until now noOne was aware of this and even if We were, it was even rarer to be able to live and experience more than One reality at a time. We slip and slide between nearby realities All the time, but only One at a time (at least relatively).

Now, We have the opportunity to be fully aware of multirealities and live in and experience more than One at a time. This is Our (personal) heart's desire. This may or may not have any appeal to anyOne else but it is available to All and it is available now. It definitely DOES take a good deal of getting used to. Probably much like getting adjusted to the world being roundish after lifetimes of believing it was flat.

Once again, We are discovering (or remembering) that there is no edge to sail off of.



Early to rise

Wizard's Log Star-date: 02:04:33 AM

Good morning. We have no idea why We are up this early. We had some really great/fun dreams, too bad We do not remember what “they” were. We do remember having a lot of fun and doing fun stuff. Did We mention that it was fun? Yet, We also thought We were awake most of the night. We certainly felt that We could not go back to sleep now.

Something is going in Our world but so far We are clueless. We are shifting and changing from the inside out, that is for sure. We are really feeling being on board a ship this early morning. We like that. The back door definitely had a hazy image and distinct feel of being a hatch. Hard to fully explain but it was different than the door We are used to. These are All good things.

We remember feeling like things are moving and changing very fast now. We dreamt of the robot from: “Lost in Space” with his head spinning trying to keep up with everything going on.

We are certainly slipping and sliding in and out, around and about this morning. It's fun. It still takes more getting used to but it is fun.

We returned to dream and now We are back among the waking, kind of. Lots of shifting going on. It was windy All night and still is tho not as strong. We are getting ready to plant Our tomato seeds this morning.

All done planting seeds. We put in on Our computer (Google) calender when to expect germination and All thatish. Now, We hope to find pots and buckets at the dumpsters and We can use Our old milk jugs too. We All-ready have several plastic under-liners for watering from the bottom. We may need to raise and lower the bamboo shade a bit more than have been so “they” can get sun All day long.

Feels like it is going to be an interesting day.

We seem to have lost another day to play. Well, if One is going to lose anything what a great way to lose it. It has been an uneventful day except for the planting. We told an internet friend that it was All-most the most noticeable in the lack of anything happening. And that is the thing when working with energy, We rarely know whether We cause something or prevent something. We could be busy as hell preventing One hundred things and never see/experience anything because Our efforts are successful. Whatever is happening or not happening We know inside that it is All perfect.

We are living Our passion(s).