Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Play and insights



Play and insights

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:12 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

This is the second morning that We have dreamt in until Our alarm went off. That is unusual for Us. We are also theeling more in multiD. We remember visiting multiworlds last night. The last One was definitely a transitioning world. We remember being much more free in many of those other worlds and playing with friends from Our school years in Our waking world as well as new friends. One friend in particular kept shifting between several friends from Our waking childhood. Maybe???????? Of course. There have been several times that We thought several friends were another version of Our best friend from growing up.

We slept better than We have in a while, waking less. The times We did wake We were aware of Our physical world being slightly different from the normal. Hard to explain. We have been typing that a lot. We are getting a lot of opportunities to take responsibility for Our entire world and life. At One point We were thinking: “Okay: We can take some responsibility but this is too much”. “Really? Why is that?” “We can’t handle All of it, All at Once”. “Your choice”. And that really is the bottom line. We do choose to take responsibility. We choose the theel happy thoughts. We choose to change. First: We change the way We theel. We love Us and We forgive Us. We ARE grateful. We are ready. At least: We are ready to be ready. We thank Us.

We are reminded that everything, absolutely everything (and everyOne) that We experience is Our projection of Our beliefs. Even if (especially if?) “they” are (it is) completely contrary to Our current beliefs (Our passive shadow). This can be hard to accept but We know that it IS true.

We notice that We are spending more and more time focused in multiD and less and less time focused solely in limitation 3D. We are willing. We love Us AND We thank Us.

We are having a fun day. The kids are sending Us images (telepathically) of children running, laughing and playing. There are two young brothers that We see at the pool quite often. Apparently “they” are home schooled. (We had never heard of home schooling before We moved here but it is growing in popularity everywhere it seems) Anyway: “they” were having a blast jumping into the pool. Kids are sooooo simple. “They” take great delight in simply jumping into the world (and the big splash IS an important part), climbing out and jumping in again. It is a delight to watch. “Their” feelings of joy and happiness are contagious.

We had a hard time getting back into 3D much after that. Then a bit later We focused on Our route changes for next week. What We noticed is Our negative thinking about the time and route changes. It was automatic to be pessimistic. And: that is normal. How sad. Our societal outlook is pessimistic. Our normal m.o. is to find fault. How often have We heard (and practiced); “Expect the worst and You will not be disappointed”?????? How sad is that.

We are able to find and hold thoughts of everyOne (young and old) playing. Playing for a living instead of working for a living. We have often (recently) thought about play school replacing school. What a pleasant idea that is. Imagining everyOne playing whenever “they” want is pleasing. We can create worlds like that and transition this world there too. It does seem like it is easier to create new worlds than to transition this world. Transitioning this world requires a change of the mass mind and thinking. That must be an inside job. It is certainly NOT anything that can be forced from the outside. Just look at how silly: “think happy thoughts” sounds. Very few think that playing All the time has anything to do with reality. Look at how We (masses/society) judge and condemn anyOne who does not work (in some way anyway). We (masses) make work out of everything.

We entertain thoughts and images and feelings of everyOne playing. Running, jumping and rolling in the grass. Frolicking in the water like dolphins. We really can learn a lot from dolphins. “They” could train Us much better than We can train “them”. We kinda got lost in these thoughts and THAT IS a very good thing. In that frame of mind We had a good time with the kids. The One boy who loves to tell Us about the play world had a hard time holding Our physical attention because it was sooooo easy to drift off into whatever world he was describing. He could tell but he did not seem to know that We were drifting into his worlds.

The temperature is rising but still around twenty to thirty below zero. That is still cold even though is is much warmer. We stopped to get some groceries and still got home earlier than usual. We forgot to credit OurSelf for this. We explained it All away. But We ARE delighted that We notice that. Our awareness is growing and Our thinking IS changing even though it seems to be happening slowly. If We consider how long (lifetimes) We have let Our thinking and mindset spiral into the negative and pessimistic: Our current process is going amazingly fast. We ARE grateful. We forgive OurSelves. We love Us.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, January 30, 2015

And yet more multiD



And yet more multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:10 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We dreamt in a bit again today. The worlds We visited are fun but We do not remember details.

We are delighted with Our progress in Our waking world. We are delighted with OurSelves. We are the divine learning and expressing how to live as love. Our experiences are worthy of celebration. We love Us and We thank Us. Lot of pony hopping going on. We are cleaning and setting a lot free with love.

We are reminded to stay in the now and NOT try to plan Our future. Our best plans are far more limited than what is possible. We ARE having visions of where We are going but Our mind can only imagine a small fraction of what We feel/theel. Instead of getting it All as One huge mix of worlds and lives: Our head still has to break it up into separate worlds and lives in order to conceive of anything close to what is possible. We theel it. We love how it theels.

We are getting it that: We have to accept and allow that what We are experiencing IS happening the way We theel it is happening in order for it to continue and evolve. We can NOT evolve using Our old limiting thinking. What the masses (again it IS All Our projection) think of as real is fantasy. That is “their” choice and it IS well honored. No judgments please. In order to have it All (which is what We have been after for years now) We MUST admit that is All possible, then allow it to emerge. It must enter Our thinking gradually just like You can not force an elephant into a Volkswagen. Interesting graphic there.

There is sooooo much to this process: some keys are staying in the now; observe Our thoughts, thinking process and feelings; start where We are and theel happy thoughts, theel better theeling thoughts.

Another day in multiD and functioning in 3D. Which way did he go?

Our driver recognized that she was letting an incident with another driver ruin her day. We told her that We used to be like that and she asked Us to help her change too. We did Our best. She is neck deep the way We used to be. We recognize that We do Our best work at the dream, telepathy level. We still want to do something in the physical but that desire is much weaker than it used to be. We really are getting it that the inner work We do is much more important and effective.

The kids continue to assist Us and delight Us. It is interesting to watch “them” change and open a little more over time. There are certain Ones that clearly take Us into dream. We enjoy that but it can make it hard to stay awake while “they” are on the bus. That (of course) would be fine with “them”. We wonder just what “they” might get up to if We went deep into dream while “they” are on the bus. We stay awake because that is Our job. We go deep into dream as soon as the bus is empty.

At home We did whatever and had dinner and now We go dream Once again.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

More changes and more observations



More changes and more observations

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:30 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We decided to dream in an extra hour and We are going to go back for some more. It is important.

We are having visions and experiences of multiworlds and portals between these worlds. There is some kind of shift going on and We will probably be more able to describe it later.

We are not fully in Our body and that’s the good news. We probably never were but right now We are VERY aware of it. We are doing a lot of pony hopping: mainly the gratitude and love part. Very important. We are taking it slow and feel like We are traveling at supersonic speeds.

It kinda feels like We are stumbling through Our morning but not really. We just are not used to the slip, sliding around. We ARE reminded to stay in the now. We are actually this experience and We are certain it is multidimensional and whatever it is: it is fun.

One thing that We are experiencing in Our waking life is that We can show others the door to “their” salvation but We can NOT force “them” to walk through. We have told several people what We did to improve the heat on/in Our bus and no One really cares or is interested. A common reaction is: “that’s not My job”. True: but it is Your ass that is freezing. It is a great metaphor for awakening and assension. As We experience: We real-eyes that it is Our changing Our thinking that enables Us to have a warm bus at forty below zero.

It seems like it was a physical act because it was. How the divine chooses to work and bring Us what We desire in not up to Our head. We do what We know to do and what We are learning to do and leave the how up to the divine, Our subconscious, Our family within and the uni-verse. All the same yet different. This is a big lesson and a great experience. We ARE grateful. We remember to thank Us. It is All Us learning about who and what We really are.

The kids are great. Many are not riding because of the cold and who can blame “them”. We would like to stay home in this weather but We ARE grateful that Our bus is warm. The kids who are riding seem to be adjusting and in better moods than Monday. We are projecting more fun and play and “they” are helping Us.

This is a real learning, changing, evolving and growth time for Us. There is much more that We would like to share but We just are not finding the words. Theeling happy thoughts is a great place to begin AND continue. We really never understood: “Find a better feeling thought” until We started with remembering a happy time in Our life. At first We had to dig. That is how far into the negative Our thinking had slipped. Now happy thoughts seem to flow much easier. It is still easy to slip into limitation thinking because it is still familiar. It is also easy to find and hold happy thoughts.

We have now experienced changing how feel physically (with Our thoughts) and by changing Our thinking. It theels like a spring board into much, much more. Of course it can easily be explained away. It is Our choice. The red pill or the blue pill or a new pill. We choose to embrace Our abilities and who and what We naturally are. We love Us. We are enjoying Our process.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Very multiD



Very multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:50 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

We woke from a world/life where We are in a war. It seemed like We had been there a long time. We do not remember doing any fighting (personally). We were comforting and encouraging those who were injured and/or had lost friends and/or family. We are finding happy thoughts. We like happy thoughts. Happy thoughts do work. We are finding this through experience.

We seem to have strayed from Our paradise world and We are heading back. Thinking about Our paradise world does help Us find and hold happy thoughts, better theeling thoughts. Our head tries to tell Us that it is not real and We need to stay in the real world. We know this is a lie. Our paradise is just as real as Our waking world, probably more. Our belief is what makes Our waking world seem real and the only thing that is real.

We are reminded that divinity IS the only thing that exists. We ARE divine. This too helps Our thinking.

We are experiencing how Our thoughts and Our way of thinking affect Our outer/projected world and the way that world affects Us. It is a circle.

That is what Our day is about. We are going to keep this short because We are not in 3D enough to really make much sense anyway.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

More experience changing Our thinking



More experience changing Our thinking

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:46 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.

Whenever We woke during the night We practiced theeling happy thoughts. It helped. Our head tried and tries to think in limitation and need but We see through that old mentality. It feels warmer than expected and We know that We ARE responsible. We ARE changing. We are learning to live as love.

We visited lives and worlds that are more free and less needy. We had fun playing with new and old friends.

We are pony hopping and celebrating. We are practicing thinking in new ways. Our head keeps telling Us that that is not reality but it is. Limitation and need are the fantasies. Our old thinking and mindset easily assert “themSelves” because “they” are sooooo familiar. We practice and rehears thinking happy thoughts. It does make a difference.

We have found that a direct approach to changing Our world with Our mind does not work so much. Changing Our thinking, beliefs and mindset does work. That is how We change Our world: by changing how We think rather than changing how We think. We remind OurSelves that a world of stress, struggle, strife and suffering is the fantasy that We have made look like reality. We theel better theeling thoughts even IF “They” seem like fantasy.

We are experiencing how changing how We think and theel changes Us. It may (or may not) change the world around Us but it certainly changes how We feel and how We feel about Our world. That makes a lot of difference.

It seems that Our head wants to suffer in this cold weather. Isn’t that absurd? But it is familiar. Our head thinks that We live in a world where suffering is inevitable. We know that is a lie but it is also a belief. We love You for You are Our belief. We comfort You. We set You free with love. NoOne is being cast out into the cold and forbidden zones. We embrace All of Our parts and pisces, All of Our creations. We forgive Us.

We are reminded to stay in the now. In the now everything IS perfect. It is only in planning and worrying and designing Our future in limitation where imperfection exists. The only thing here is the divine and We ARE that divine.

Our driver is back and very talkative. WE are able to drift in multiD but not spend much time in dream. We really want to dream. At the end of the day, on the drive home We do get to dream and We really enjoy that.

It has been forty below and colder All day. How much it affects Us depends on Our thinking. If We focus on warm and happy thoughts We feel much better. Suffering IS an option. We are having a hard time finding Our paradise world or staying focused there but We are theeling other happy thoughts. The kids are doing fine but cold. Several did not go to school. Those are the smart Ones. That is not fair to the others. Many have working parents and staying home is not an option.

At home it takes a while to warm the cabin up so We are up a little late but We are warm. We really did experience changing how We feel, how Our world feels by changing how We think.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Making choices



Making choices

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 6:14 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am, WE are the divine. Celebrate.

We do not remember much from last night except that We played and had fun with new and old friends. There was another world where We are driving school bus but it is more pleasant than the One from yesterday morning. We practiced theeling happy thoughts as We went to dream and throughout the night. That does work.

This morning as Our head tries to think about Our life and world: We find better theeling thoughts, happy thoughts and We are reminded that Our world is very different from what We have Allways believed. We can theel that We have the choice of holding on to Our old beliefs or setting “them” free with love. Every morning We make this choice but before We started looking for and holding happy thoughts; We did not know how to make a different choice. A simple tool that works Oneders.

We got up a little early (for a day off) to play in multiD a bit and then go back to dreaming.

We are reminded that We can face Our fears and set “them” free with love OR We can hide One more time. Hiding keeps Us stuck in limitation. Hiding only buries Our fears and causes “them” to fester and erupt later.

We also reminded to stay in the now AND rather than try to consciously plan and design Our world to open and allow Our subconscious, Our family within to design and create Our life and world. This can seem like a two edged sword and One hell of a conundrum. That is how We got here. Sorta. BUT: that assumes there is something wrong with here and that there is less than the divine here. Words fall short and this leads to looping. This is old thinking and We certainly do not want to design any more worlds from there. (Even though We probably will) It is time to recognize the value of All of it. We are better off to consciously be the experiencer and the observer but NOT the designer. Not yet. Not until We retrain Our thinker. Not until We can design from happy thoughts NOT from fear and limitation.

We ARE changing and evolving AND We are just beginning to learn. There is nothing wrong with HERE but We are tired of feeling stuck and trapped here. We never were stuck and trapped but We believed that We were. Our belief makes it a reality. There ARE other realities that coexist.

We are (Once again) real-I-sing how much We operate and think from a scarcity and lack mentality. We forgive Us. We wanted to explore limitation and We did. The thing is that We fell in and are having difficulty digging OurSelves back out. We chose to experience that also. Nothing to forgive really but it sure feels like there is.

We had another nice dream session and will probably do that again soon. The temperature outside is thirty to forty below zero (Fahrenheit) and We are plugging in Our chariot and dragon for a few hours and starting “them” and letting “them” run a while since We are not driving anywhere yesterday and today. We are enjoying staying home this weekend and spending Our days going back to dream.

The temperature is dropping and sadly We are letting it get to Us thinking about riding in a cold bus tomorrow. We would like to be doing better with happy thoughts but We are where We are. We are delighted with OurSelves for being aware of where We are. We can be the neutral observer and at least We do know that Our thoughts create Our reality. We can pony hop and We CAN find and hold at least One happy thought.

We have spent Our day going back to bed and soon We will go dream for the night. Who knows what reality We will wake in. Happy thoughts. That phrase alone raises Our attitude. Thank Us.

We are not really hungry so We are having a small snack and then going to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Mostly multiD insights and experiences



Mostly multiD insights and experiences

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 9:08 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day.  Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!!  Only the divine exists.  The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine.  Celebrate.

What a horrible world We just woke from and believe Us here: it is hard to remember to celebrate and believe that the only thing here is the divine. We ARE refocusing but it is NOT easy. Most of the night We were playing and having fun with old and new friends. In this last world We are driving sped bus with Our waking driver’s old attendant. We blame her for making Us late and it just gets worse and worse. We are scared and under pressure and We get really nuts. We run red lights and railroad crossings. We end up driving from the back of the bus with a different attendant (actually several) and a couple of supervisors who will surely report Us even though One of the supervisors is now in the driver’s seat. We were driving using Our psychic abilities but still bound by limitation 3D laws and rules.

We had to wake from this world because it felt terrible. We did NOT recognize using Our psychic abilities until just now. We can not explain it any better BUT it was clearly from Our old thinking, beliefs and mindset. Projecting from there just is NOT any fun anymore. We choose happy thoughts. We choose better theeling thoughts and to be delighted with OurSelves (even in situations like those) and to celebrate and to remember that only the divine is here. All that changes Our perspective and it changes Our life and world. Now: We can be (and are) delighted with OurSelves. We can see/feel that only the divine is here. We can theel how changing Our beliefs does change Our world even if it seems too slow. Now: We are celebrating.

This feels sooooo much better. Trying to hide and cover up Our mistakes is Our default behavior. We are seeing and experiencing that in Our waking life to some degree. Thankfully NOT in/on Our job. We are very willing to change. We do see how what is happening in Our waking life is helping Us to bring this behavior, these fears and beliefs to the surface to be recognized, owned, loved and set free with love. We thank Us and Our family within, especially Our children within. What a change this makes. It brings freedom.

All of Our fears are reversed. We fear that facing Our life will destroy Us but running and hiding just makes it fester and erupt in totally ugly and unpleasant ways. More and more that everything We have thought, believed, taught and been taught is bassackwards. We have been living (in waking, limitation 3D) a lie (actually many lies). We have been pretending to be what We are not. Now: We are beginning to see/experience this turning around. IF We resist: We will live in Our own, Self created hell. That is NOT Our choice. Even in that hell only the divine exists trying to lead, push and even force Us back to an awareness of Our own divinity. This can NOT happen against Our will but usually when the pain gets great enough: WE change.

We are just beginning. Some of Our thoughts, premises and descriptions may be faulty. We are okay with that. We CAN change. Nothing that We think/theel and/or type is set in stone. T.G. We start where We are and We start over and over. We have been on this journey, this path for years and yet We have only just begun. That IS the nature of eternity and infinity.

Words are hard. It is like there is (Allmost) a battle going on inside of Us between change and resisdance. Being gentle, kind, caring and loving with Our children within, Our head, Our brain and Our ego causes much less resisdance and less clinging to Our old, limiting thinking, beliefs and mindset (psyche). We theel that We are in Our familiar life and We get impressions of very expanded and desirable possibilities. We start to slide along through the varying degrees of nearby possibilities through possibilities that are further and further from Our current limitations and separations. Our fear pulls Us back from the possibility of pure bliss to something closer to Our familiar waking life but not quite All the way back. Something called balance perhaps? Something that is more acceptable to Our head and ego but NOT as limited as Our familiar, daily life.

There ARE more and more examples of Our thoughts and beliefs creating Our life and world. All of these can easily be explained and poo poohed away. If We wish to embrace “them” We must choose to do so. Or: We can deny and explain it away. Either way is Our choice and honored. Either way is experience. Either way is divine. Either way is celebrated and We choose to be delighted with OurSelves.

We ARE magnificent creator beans. We ARE learning to live as love in the physical. Thank Us. We celebrate Us if only in Our mind. Well: in Our mind is where it All begins anyway.

Our day is flying bye. We are taking care of a few things but mostly just playing in and experiencing multiD. The sky has cleared and We got about three inches of snow but NOT the foot or more that was predicted. The temperature has dropped and is probable continuing to do so. We have not heard back from Our local friends so We do not know if We will go to town or snot.

Forgot to mention that We had several experiences with time altering during the night and morning. Once it was an hour earlier than We had seen on the clock and another time it was an hour earlier. Again: it IS Our choice whether to believe in this or deny it. We can open the door or slam it shut. We choose to open the door even though Our head doubts and resists. We really theel We need to move forward.

We returned to dream and had fun. These worlds that We visited are much more pleasant than the last One this morning. “They” are more free and equal, limitless and connected. These are the kind of worlds We want to focus on but We do want to remain aware of the other worlds too. Anything less would just be another form of limitation and We ARE over that.

Here is a quote from Abraham-Hicks which could Allmost be a quote from Us: “You are liquid love in physical bodies, wanting, more than life itself, because it is life itself, to adore the vessel that’s you through which this Source Energy flows. You are God. You are Source.You are creator.”


We are playing in multiD and enjoying it. We are finding more and more examples/possibilities that Our world is NOT what We have Allways thought. Well: it is but it is also very different. It is more. It is sooooo much more as to make what We have experienced (in waking so far) a lie. We continue to real-eyes that the choice IS Ours. Do We expand, do We theel happy thoughts, do We celebrate, do We accept AND express Our divinity? Or: do We retreat back into Our shell, Our cage of limitation? The choice is completely Ours and either way is honored because either way (or some unforeseen option) is experience.

We had dinner and are staying up a bit, watching “Jericho”. We do not know why but it seems important. We do know that it is One of the scenarios that may unfold IF We do not change Our hearts and live as love.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

More multidimensional experiences in



More multidimensional experiences in 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:55 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day.  Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!!  Only the divine exists.  The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine.  Celebrate.

We met more new friends and had a lot of fun playing with “them”. The world was definitely more free and easy. We would really like to set Our old limiting beliefs free and spend more time in that type of world. We know that We are responsible. There is no blame or guilt in this. We make choices and We are just now remembering that We can make different choices in Our waking world. Our process and programs are changing Our thinking, beliefs and mindset. It is an ongoing process and it is gentle and gradual. We ARE having Our complete psychic change. We ARE delighted with OurSelves.

We celebrate Our divinity. Divinity is another word for or expression of love. Love is the answer. Love is the energy that We are made of.

We are remaining mostly in multiD and that is a good thing. We are aware of spending more time awake in multiD and that We do not have to be in dream (as much now) to experience multiD. This is progress. 3D still exists and We are there and functioning but We no longer feel like a victim of limitation and separation. Limitation and separation exist and seem to be All around Us but “they” do not affect Us (Our life) as much. This is a process and a learning experience. As long as We do not develop expectations based in/on limitation We enjoy Our experience. Limitation expectations drag Us down.

The kids do help but it is at a deeper level than physical help and sometimes easy to miss.

We are really looking forward to dreaming in this weekend and hope to have little/few 3D tasks to work on.

When We go outdoors We find that it has snowed a couple of inches and it may still be snowing very, very lightly. We clearly theel a sense of the surreal. How much effect the new snow has on this We do not know. We theel it is more Our allowing and being open to multiD. We ARE changing and We can feel it more strongly with every passing day.

We are spending Our day alert and functional in 3D while also being very much in multiD. We have enjoyed the kids and everything else about Our day but Our memories are vague and gossamer. This seems to be part of Our process. We ARE grateful and We celebrate and We ARE delighted with OurSelves. Our head may be resisting but even that grows weaker and more fleeting. We do seem to be taking the bite out of Our resisdance.

We had the same drivers that We had Tuesday so that lets Us relax more. We pony hop Our driver. She does NOT like missing work so she must really be feeling bad. We also know that a big part of this is to give Us contact with these sub drivers. We hope We are doing well.

The weather forecast still varies between over a foot of snow and forty below zero. Little chance of both. We have decided to stop at the store on the way home and stock up on milk and treats in case We do get snowed in.

Neither of the brothers are riding home today so that cuts over an hour off Our work day. Nice, even though We do miss the brothers. We found out that We will not be seeing the younger brother for at least a month. He is having a very hard time. We pony hop him and We do theel that We are in contact on the inner planes and that he does know We care about him. That really IS the very best thing that We can do for him.

At home We do something and maybe something else. We find OurSelf falling asleep and not really knowing what We did. So: We go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Awake in multiD



Awake in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:40 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day.  Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!!  Only the divine exists.  The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine.  Celebrate.

We remember having fun but We do not remember what We did. But: as We have said before: We do not remember Our waking life much more than We do Our dream lives. Certainly there are experiences that stand out from each but not much details.

More and more We ARE in multiD. Even though We do not yet experience Our natural abilities and being limitless: still there are theelings and ghost memories of flying and teleporting and such. Limitation is losing its grip on Our mindset. This is the first time We have thelt that (or been aware of theeling it).

We really are delighted about this. We ARE making progress. We are setting limiting expectations free with love.

We are reminded to stay in the now. We can feel how thinking and planning keep Us stuck in limitation. We have know this but now is more experiential. The more We acknowledge and allow Our feelings the more We sense what lies beyond the borders and edges of limitation. We are more conscious of multidimensionality.

We continue to find that is hard to describe Our experience with limitation words. How can We express the infinite with the finite? We keep repeating to OurSelves that only the divine exists and that We ARE that divine. It is getting through Our walls and barriers. We still balk at celebrating (even just accepting) that what does not feel and look nice is the divine. However: We do know (and are starting to believe) that All things work together for Our best. We can be (and are) delighted with OurSelf. We are getting it that what seems like attacks on OurSelf is actually trying to get Us to accept and acknowledge Our divinity. What We do not know how to do is describe how this feels because it feels beyond the scope of Our limiting words and beliefs. It feels surreal.

As We go outdoors We can theel that there is much more here than the limited physical. Is this more physical? We do not really have a clue BUT: We theel that as it becomes more real and familiar there will be much less distinction between the physical and the more that lies beyond the borders of limitation. We theel that Our hologram is not as limiting and imposing as it was under Our limiting beliefs. We can theel that We ARE on ship even in Our familiar surroundings. How do We describe this fully? We do not. Just know that there is more and when We are ready We can return to that: Our natural state, We can embrace Our divinity.

Another thing that We are experiencing is time: how it is NOT limited and limiting. Try explaining that to limitation thinking. The now is much more expansive than We have ever conceived. We speak of timelines but timefields would be more accurate. Most of Us think that time moves passed Us but it is more like We move through time and We can travel any way through time that We choose. We plot Our course through time as We choose and We can change that course. However: We have to believe in this BEFORE We really experience and are aware of it. As with everything: belief comes before experience and NOT the other way around. IF We believe it then We project it (manifest/create it) onto/into Our holographic world.

This is not just theory anymore. It is becoming experiential.

We are reminded that ho’oponopono is about healing NOT about abandoning and/or destroying. Many Self help, Self improvement, etc teachers are still teaching destroy and abandon parts of OurSelves. Maybe that works for some but it certainly does NOT work for Us. What works for Us is owning, loving and integrating All of Our parts and pisces. Even the ugly and rebellious. We welcome Our lost boys. We are learning to stop trying to restrict “them”. No limits.

Our driver is out sick again today. Our drivers are All great but We do have to stay 3D focused a lot more to give directions. It would be nice if We kept the same driver but that is NOT the way it goes. We still get to pay lots of attention to Our students but do not get to dream as much when there are no students on the bus. We really appreciate Our dream time and We notice when We do not get as much.

Everything is going smoothly and We are more in multiD than We might think. We are awake in multiD. This is good for Us even though We think that We would rather be dreaming. The kids are having fun except the older brother is not in a good mood at first. He goes to sleep fairly quickly and is in a much better mood when he wakes. We did ask if there was anything We could do for him before he went to sleep.

We finished a little early because not All Our students rode.

At home We have a little more time to do some email and experience doing 3D stuff while clearly being in multiD too. Our 3D and multiD experiences are much less exclusive of each other. We are having a hot dog for dinner. Our children within like hot dogs. We ARE noticing that the colder temperatures are not affecting Us the way “they” used to. We can feel Our changing. Changing Our thinking and beliefs is changing how Our world affects Us. It is changing how We affect Our world. The change is gentle and gradual. This makes it less extreme and that is a good thing.

Our mindset is shifting from a negative outlook and feeling trapped in limitation to a positive outlook and feeling much more free. It is not that Our life was bad. On the contrary. Our life was simple and delightful but underneath We had this negativity about feeling trapped and stuck in limitation. We knew/know that We are sooooo much more, We are free and equal but We were projecting this negative of being stuck, trapped, less than and NOT what We are. WE had gotten very good at pretending to be less than We are. That is changing but it is changing gently.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

More 3D focus today



More 3D focus today

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 1/21/2015

Good morning. We wake to play another day.  Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!!  Only the divine exists.  The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine.  Celebrate.

We do not remember much from last night but it does seem like We were processing Our waking life. We would love to explain what is going on but We do not know what is going on. What We do know is that We ARE learning experientially how to be multidimensional AND function in 3D. Perhaps the better way to type it is: be AWARE of being multidimensional AND function in 3D.

Some of what is happening looks like failure but We know it is not. It IS something that We need. It is working for Our best. The only thing here is the divine. Do We really believe that? Not totally yet. Our experiences will assist Us. This is not exactly the way We envisioned Our process working. Expectations. And fears. Our fears (of course) are based on believing that We are limited victims with an abundance of scarcity and lack. Old beliefs are being dredged up to be owned and loved and set free. Yes: We do love “them” for “they” are Ours.

Perhaps We do know what is going on after All????? We are gonna pause now for station identification but You probably won’t even notice that We are gone.

We real-eyes that We seem/feel to be failing on One hand and yet on the other having great success. Our head (of course) wants to focus on the failure but Our heart is pointing our Our successes. We ARE making progress. We love Us. That is very important. It might be the closest to celebration that We can come right now. We start where We are. Sometimes We hate that but that too is Our head. We comfort Our wounded child.

We theel like Our current process is learning to multitask. Perhaps that is part of experiencing being multidimensional?

Our driver is out sick so We are having to spend a lot more time awake and aware to give Our sub directions. For the most part the kids understand that We are not able to focus as much on “them” but “they” also show that “they” notice. Even those who do not interact with Us much let Us know that “they” notice that Our silent attention is not directed as much towards “them”. Everything went smooth which is not Allways the case with sub drivers.

We are practicing being grateful, being delighted with OurSelves and celebrating Our divinity AND Our adversity. We recognize that We are changing and the limitation world does not have as strong of a hold on Us. Our thinking and beliefs are evolving.

We really do not remember much more except the sensation of setting worry and expectation free and really beginning to get free of those burdens. Even though We had to focus more in/on 3D: still We are evolving into being more multidimensional. 3D is definitely part of multiD and We are experiencing just how much this is so.

At home We are downloading some new vids which are designed to help Our mind accept change. Another part of changing Our thinking. We keep having, going through Our complete psychic change.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Another very experiential day



Another very experiential day

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:56 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day.  Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!!  Only the divine exists.  The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine.  Celebrate.

We are practicing noticing how good We are at everything We do. We truly ARE divine. We are even great at scaring OurSelf. In fact that is One of Our strongest abilities. We have set up this game of being what We are not sooooo well. Even now: We still have this lingering belief that We are a victim, less than and NOT the divine in action. We do this well and We whine about really well too. We truly are superb. We are truly masters of this game of limitation and separation. YAY!!!!! Let’s have a party.

What We remember from last night is meeting and playing with more new friends and reuniting and playing with some old friends (from Our waking childhood). We also rehearsed: “Only the divine exists”. Our head is trying to berate Us and throw rocks at Us telling Us We are becoming One of those who jumps on the bandwagon of the latest teaching and then moves on to the next with the greatest of gusto and then on to the next with even more fervor. Well: each teaching does go deeper. It does not annihilate the old teachings as much as build upon “them”.

Our head does try to sabotage Us but it is also the divine. Only the divine exists. Everything IS perfect. All things work together for Our best. We ARE love. We love Our head and We treat it gently the way We would treat a wounded child, which it is.

We are reminded that Our world is VERY different from We have Allways thought and believed it to be. We are changing these thoughts and beliefs. This is a major life change, a complete life change. It may have some rough spots and certainly some resisdance. We love Us and We can and will be patient with Us. We celebrate Us. YAY for Us.

Another day spent mostly in multiD and functioning in 3D. Some of 3D looks great and some looks like shit. What can We say? We certainly do have experiences happening. Thank Us. We do not like All of Our experiences. Thank Us.

We ARE the divine creating everything in Our life for Our best interest. Regardless of appearances.

The situations with the students seem to be resolved and Our work day is easy. We really want to be in dream and so whenever there are no kids on the bus that is what We do. This is normal now but We would love to be home alone and dreaming uninterrupted. However: that is not where We experience and apply this in 3D. This becomes a real part of Our life out on the streets and back alleys.

The younger brother still is not in school and no One is telling Us why. Apparently not something that We need to know even though We do theel it is affecting the older brother.

We are having more fear come up to be loved and set free. The fear is around scarcity and lack. We real-eyes that IF We had lots of money this particular fear would not come up. However: lots of money would not really heal the fear but only avoid it. Then it would come up in another, stronger form. We do get what We need regardless of how much money We have. It is a fear that We thought We had dealt with and then We brought it up and out. Our head thinks: “If only We had done things different” but We know that We would still get what We need. We are grateful even though We do NOT like it.

We do NOT have to like it to accept it. We do not have to like it to love it. We do not have to like it to celebrate it. Celebrating adversity is totally going against Our limitation thinking and training. We ARE learning experientially. We certainly did not expect these latest fears to exist much less come up to be celebrated. We certainly are learning experientially about being in 3D AND being multidimensional. We have been (and are) doing a lot of future projecting that is based in limitation beliefs. We ARE delighted with OurSelves that We are aware of this. Thank Us.

We are very grateful that We know how to pony hop.

We are glad that We are home and ready to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A very experiential day of creating



A very experiential day of creating

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 6:44 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day.

Some rather bizarre worlds but “they” are still fun with old and new friends. Perhaps multiD will seem bizarre because there is sooooo much more than in limitation 3D. Plus: much of what We think is bad, etc will be common and normal. Probably a good time to release judgments. We really did have a good time even though We were shocked by some of the behaviors of OurSelves and Our others. Pleasantly shocked.

We find Our head trying to return Us to limitation thinking and We can theel the new asserting itSelf into Our awareness in the most pleasant way(s). We can theel the possibilities All around and within Us. If We allow with love. If We stay in the now. Our head is really trying to get Us to plan and then worry. We are delighted with OurSelf. All that is here is the divine. We celebrate Our exisdance. We ARE the divine. There truly is nothing outside of Us. We ARE grateful.

Now We remember that We watched the latest Matt Kahn video yesterday and We hope to watch it again later today, perhaps while We do dishes. He speaks of celebrating everything as the divine. A bit hard to fathom with Our logical head, Our limitation thinking and mindset but it does ring true to Our heart. As usual he speaks of many things that We are experiencing and intuiting. We theel that his “celebrate” is another way of saying: “Allways be delighted with OurSelves”.

We real-eyes that We ARE learning (by experiencing) how to live in multiD AND function in 3D. The words to fully describe it are hard. It is NOT logical and intellectual. It is experiential. It is about feeling and theeling. Words fall short.

Matt speaks about everything, absolutely everything being an expression of the divine. Hard to fathom but it refers to what We have said for years: “All includes All”. We have lived in and from a limitation perspective and mindset for sooooo long that We can not comprehend anything beyond duality and polarity. We have categorized everything as either good or bad and never the twain shall meet. That is what Our dream worlds/experiences were about last night: the twain ARE meeting and that seems/feels bizarre because of Our passed, limitation experiences and beliefs. We ARE in the process of changing and evolving.

Another thing that is coming up is about manifesting (especially money). We real-eyes that what We really want, what We are really after and part of Our mission is to live free of need. We see how if We easily, regularly and commonly manifested extra/lots of money it would be very easy to never stretch to or attain to living free of need. Living free of need is very different from having All of Our needs met. We Allready have All of Our (perceived) needs met. Having lots of money or easy access to manifesting lots of money could easily distract Us from ever being aware of living and being free of need. Need is a limitation. It is Self AND world/society/mass imposed. It IS a lie.

Another way to describe Our current experience and learning situations is: We are learning to live and be here AND there. It certainly is disorienting to say the least until it becomes familiar.

We are playing in multiD while getting ready to go for water and heating oil and then do dishes later today. More being multidimensional AND functioning in 3D.

Well: that was an interesting trip for water and heating oil. We got stopped by a trooper and got a fixit ticket. Not a big problem but We really wondered why he was pulling Us over. It is amazing All the things Our head can project. Even though We have fixed the problem Our head wants to tussle with worry and negative thinking and projections. We do still have to go to the troopers and then the courthouse and Our head is having a hay day with that. We are finding better theeling thoughts. Not holding “them” very long yet but We are delighted that We ARE aware.

We are getting ready to do dishes and doing some cleanup on Our computer AND playing in multiD. As/when We ask why We got stopped by a trooper (and All the related doomsday scenarios Our head comes up with) We remember that this is the divine (Our divinity) playing and expressing itSelf. All things work together for Our best (regardless of appearances). We ask why when We are practicing manifesting money and living free of need: do We manifest more expense? We know that We need to celebrate this. We need to do what We have learned to do to change Our thinking. Until We change Our thinking and beliefs (which We ARE in the process of doing) We WILL continue to manifest need. We ARE IN the process and We are well aware that when We do manifest need and expenses We have Allready/previously manifested enough money to meet that (apparent) need and the expenses. We should be celebrating that and We ARE celebrating and being delighted with OurSelves to the best of Our ability. This is totally new thinking and acting for Us. We are being gentle and patient with OurSelves. We thank Us.

We rewatched the Matt Kahn vid from yesterday while We did dishes (funny that he mentioned doing dishes in this vid) and We rarely rewatch or reread anything. We knew there is a lot in there and it IS important for Us. It really is an expanded version of what We are getting from the course/program/process that We have been doing. We ARE the divine and ONLY the divine exists. There is nothing other than God/divine/Us here BUT We create evidence (and We are sooooo very good at creating false evidence) that there is something other than the divine here. So: We celebrate how good We do. Yippee, kie yay We really created some awesome evidence that there is something here other than the divine. We rock. We ARE delighted with OurSelves. We really had an awesome reaction out of fear. Look how good We did at acting and reacting out of fear. We ARE truly awesome. Until We get it that only the divine is here and everything that We experience is the divine AND WE are the divine: until then: We will continue to create and manifest proof positive that there IS something here other than the divine and We are NOT the divine.

What a lesson.

See how good We are at creating False Evidence Appearing Real? We are obviously magnificent, power-full, creator beans.

And now it is time to have dinner. We have time to play in multiD a bit before going to dream. We are also rehearsing Our experiences, insights and intuits.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, January 19, 2015

A very multiD day



A very multiD day

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 7:22 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day.

We wanted to remain in dream but Our body is ready to get up (at least for a while). We visited some friends from Our school days most of the night. We kept returning to “their” world when We woke and went back to sleep. We also returned to One of the worlds where We live and work in some type of institution where children are allowed to play and do what “they” want to do and “they” are given lots of personal attention. We met more new friends there.

It theels like there were other worlds too but probably too unlimited and free for Our head to process in waking. We do have the theeling that it would be easy to slip into some of those worlds in waking but Our head still resists. We can theel the nearness of expanded worlds and lives but also the familiarity of limitation and separation.

We are allowing OurSelf to drift in multiD some. It is nice.

We find OurSelf doing some kind of tapping with Our fingers. We have noticed this from time to time recently. It is similar to what autists do with “their” with “their” fingers. It is some type of processing, some way of accessing deeper thinking, memory, knowledge, awareness and whatever.

Even though We thought We had woken fully in limitation 3D: now We can tell that We are definitely focused more in multiD and We likes that. We do find that We have to take Our time and focus to do common 3D tasks. That is a good sign.

We real-eyes that even though everything looks the same as usual: We are NOT in limitation 3D unless that is what We choose. We ARE very much in multiD and that includes 3D (even limitation 3D) and it is Our choice, Our option whether to fully focus only in 3D or to expand Our perspective into multiD. We are (so far anyway) choosing multiD and that theels different even if it looks the same. Most everything looks limited but We can theel OurSelves pushing those boundaries, those edges.

This experience is part of the gentle and gradual process. We are starting to attune to multiD. We are getting used to and familiar with multiD in a gentle and easy manner.

We ARE evolving.

We seem to have fallen into multiD and do not wanna come out to type. We spent the day going back to bed and zoning in multiD while awake. We really can not tell You what We did because We simply do not remember. It really does seem that Our waking is becoming more and more like Our dreaming.

We do remember thinking that We are doing better at changing Our thinking, believing and actions than We real-eyesed. We ARE delighted with OurSelves. Limitation 3D has a lot less hold on Us. We are learning to live free and less limited. We thought a lot about becoming aware of and living free of need. We had nearly as much fun in waking as We do in dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

A day in and out of 3D focus



A day in and out of 3D focus

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 8:13 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day.

Well: We woke several times thirsty and each time We know that We woke from a different world. However: We also remember going to sleep (or right after that) into a world where We are working in some kind of institution where children are living and allowed to play and do what “they” want to do. This is a transitioning world or at least a transitioning institution in some world. We could tell because the kids do not want to go there because of how it used to be. Once “they” are there “they” find that “they” really like it.

The staff are learning (and We are training “them”) to treat the children differently. “They” are learning to respect the children and NOT try to tell the kids what to do. The staff is NOT there to teach the children but to prevent any harmful or hurtful behavior. So: this is not (yet) a world where it is impossible to do harm. This is a very advanced institution but the base thinking and beliefs of the world still need to change in order to live in peace, harmony, prosperity, equality, freedom, free of needs and limitless. Even though this is a physical change before a complete, worldwide, psychic change it does theel that it is a step in the right direction.

This is interesting because We have trouble being tolerant, loving and accepting of people who are trying to make physical changes in Our world without getting at the root of the problem: Our thinking and beliefs. Of course We ARE seeing more and more people (in Our waking world) trying to help and teach people to change “their” thinking. Yet: in this dream We are the people making physical changes first and then aiming at helping people change “their” hearts and minds. We do notice (in waking AND in this dream/alternate world) that most kids are still so indoctrinated that even “they” have forgotten how to be children. “They” have All-ready lost that childlike innocence at an early age. In Our waking world special needs children start school at age three. Even the most loving and caring teachers that We have met are still indoctrinated in the old ways.

We do hope that We remember this experience as it might just help Us be more tolerant and understanding of the need to make physical changes before and during the mental and heart evolution of the masses. We do NOT have All the information and We know that and even remember it most of the time. Healing hearts and minds is Our primary mission here (We theel anyway). It is One of the very first things We real-I-said about OurSelves and We have remembered it for many years now. This often makes Us intolerant at those who try to change the world from the outside in. Knowing that in some worlds WE ARE those people might help Us. We have known (in Our heart) for some time that it IS possible to change the outside and then change the inside but We still remain judgmental of those who think that the outer change is the goal and endgame. There is NO endgame and that IS the good news.

We ARE changing. This IS part of Our own mental and psychic change. We welcome it even if We have been dragging Our feet in this particular area. The kids do and are helping Us in dream AND in waking. These are some real insights into Our waking experiences. Yesterday: We were really questioning the experiences. It seems that We have really gotten some real lulus. Of course: We have no idea what All the other routes go through. We do doubt that many (if any) handle “them” as well as We (Our driver included here) do. That is NOT pride and ego speaking (or at least not totally). That is recognizing Our gift. That is taking credit where credit is due. That is a sign of increasing Self esteem and NOT the false pride of Self debasement. We ARE making progress and Our head does try to resist and continue to lie to Us. We ARE being gentle with Our head for it does think (key word there) that it is doing what is best for Us. We love Our head, brain and ego. We love and appreciate “them” and All Our children/family within.

We also want to mention that Our driver really has changed a lot in a positive way. The care and love for children that she had tried to bury, hide and deny under a hard crust is resurfacing. It is gradual but actually pretty fast (less than half the school year before it started to emerge). We do know that We ARE responsible (at least in part) even though Our head wants to deny this. We ARE sorry for whatever it is within Us that causes this fear in Our head. We forgive Us. We hold Us and caress Us as We would a frightened, injured child. (We know this is no longer allowed by non-family in Our society and that is a crime against humanity). We love Us unconditionally AND We thank Us.

Unfortunately: We seem to be short on time this morning before We need to go for Our firstaid class. We know this is an illusion but We are creating that illusion.

Our class was not as painful as “they” used to be. The format and instructor have changed. There is still too much limitation 3D focus and touching other people but We survived.

The thing is that We ARE aware that during and after class and after yesterday’s incident We are having a hard time finding and holding those happy thoughts. We recognize that any better theeling thought is a start but Our head is having more success than a few days ago. We ARE delighted that We recognize this. This IS progress.

We fiddle around some and have dinner early. We will probably go to dream early. We really do not know what We are doing. Perhaps We are more in multiD than We real-eyes.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

A VERY experiential day



A VERY experiential day

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:41 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day.

The song “Cherokee People” was playing on the bus radio yesterday and it was going through Our head most of the night. We visited several worlds but “they” seemed more serious and less playful than the night before. “They” were transitional and more free than Our waking world but still a bit of limitation. We met several new friends and really enjoyed “them”.

We are clearly still in multiD (which is a good thing) and words are hard. We are reminded that We can start Our weekend early and perhaps that is what We are doing. More and more Our waking worlds seems surreal.

We are reminded to stay in the now. Now is where multiD lives. Our head does NOT like Our mood and focus this morning because it is not limited and certainly NOT familiar. It is not entirely new but in the passed We were really good at resisting it.

Happy thoughts do seem to be the doorway, gateway and portal to multiD. We theel closer to Our paradise world than We have (in waking) before. If only We will allow it.

As We check Our email and do NOT find much interest in reading most of “them” We real-eyes how often We have NOT followed inspiration but chose to follow “duty” and responsibility instead. This too is part of Our old thinking, beliefs and mindset. We ARE changing. Our head still does NOT believe that Our changing will change Our world and that soon We will have to return to the real world. The thing is that We have NOT left that world. We just know that it is NOT the only thing that is real. We know that We do not have to plan and worry about that world. We know that All things work together for Our best. Oh: Our head does NOT want to hear this. This is new and unfamiliar and NOT limited. We set the old free with love. We are sorry if this scares Our head but We are here together and We can and will support each other.

Our head thinks that it has been left alone, hanging off some cliff before. Maybe it has and We are sorry (even if it never happened). We forgive Us and We ask forgiveness. We love Us and We thank Us. We are going to watch Our cleaning video now.

Most of Our day was pretty typical for now days. We were totally functional in 3D but mostly focused in multiD. We are very aware of living and experiencing multiworlds. We are reminded that multiD DOES most definitely include 3D. That 3D may even appear limited because that is still Our default thinking and experience. However: as part of multidimensional awareness AND experience it is no longer limited and actually never was. Limitation is only Our imagination and projection. Nothing more and certainly nothing less and because We are sooooo f’ing powerfull it IS real. Our belief makes it real. Again: the physical brain can not yet fathom this dichotomy.

Our last section of the day is Our gradeschool section. And what an experience it was today: it started out with finding out that One of Our students was taken out of “their” home by the state and the outcome is unknown at this time. We are NOT told the reason. Then One of the students had an incident at school that affected “them” (and the rest of Us) on the bus. (Notice We are being very to NOT identify and of the students). We got “them” seated and went back to the rest of the students. Our driver came back and tried to talk to, listen and calm the first student who was nearing meltdown. We had One student who was screaming because “they” had a bad day and are still having trouble adjusting to All the changes in “their’ life. Two other students still needed to be buckled into “their” star seats and another was crying/sobbing because “they” had a headache. If We did not know better We have blamed it All on a full moon.

We got Our driver to start the bus moving because that usually quiets the screamer. We got the rest of the students settled down. The moving bus helped with that. We started sitting at the back of the bus as usual but quickly moved forward to sit with the melting student. Through the efforts and attention of Us and Our driver the student never did reach full meltdown but did continue to rise and fall emotionally. We listened to what the student was saying and even the most talkative and interrupting other student left Us alone. We talked calmly with the melting student but did NOT really know what to say. We did Our best. “They” did calm for a wile but would work “themSelves” back up until late in the ride. We know that also paying attention to the other students did NOT help but “they” need the attention too and We do NOT want to short any student.

After We finished Our route both Us and Our driver did incident reports and Our supervisor called/notified Our general manage, the school district transportation manager and the superintendent of schools. The school district got ahold of the principal since Our supervisor was unable to. The principal happened to be nearby with another principal and came over to talk to All of Us.

The principal said that “they” will take Our reports to OCS (child services apparently) who will contact the troopers and the incident at school will be investigated. WOW but We knew this needed to be the case. Our waking world remains One where harm is possible. We do NOT know why We get some of the experiences that We do. We do know that the students We have need Our attention and how We handle such things. We appreciate the prompt response and attention that We received from Our supervisor, school district and the principal. “They” thanked and complimented both Us and Our driver. It felt good. We knew We had done the right thing. So far: no One has asked why We left school without getting an administrator. We theel that with the other students and other circumstances going on with All the students everyOne agrees with Our decision to get everyOne home as quickly and calmly as possible. We did emphasize that We talked calmly with the melting students AND took care of the other students as well.

We are up a bit late. Processing. Getting the roasts (that We bought on Our break) in the crockpot. Making and eating dinner. Processing. Doing Our best to theel happy thoughts. Looking for better theeling thoughts. Doing Our best to simply observe Our looping, mental rehearsing of the incident and not judge and criticize Our head. Remembering that Our head is also an injured, frightened child. We ARE delighted with OurSelves for how We acted and reacted and how We are acting and reacting now. We are delighted with OurSelves for noticing and observing when Our head reacted in Our old default manner. We are delighted with OurSelves for how We are handling and observing Our head and old thinking.

Our current program/process IS working and We are delighted for the change. The squirrel cage is calming and We really want that as Our way of life and thinking. We do NOT need to feel stressed and worried. We need to be calm and at ease and We see/theel that happening. We ARE delighted with Our progress.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, January 16, 2015

A short report



A short report

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:56 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day.

More worlds, more new friends and more play. We felt more free and less stressed. Even though We were not completely care free: We ARE getting there. We really wanted to remain in those other worlds and lives. We look forward to dreaming in on Our upcoming three day weekend. We are practicing remaining in multiD while We wake.

As We relax: We are aware of being on ship. We are aware of Our world changing if We choose to accept responsibility and We do. Our head tries to sabotage Us and We theel happy thoughts. We are kind and gentle with Our head knowing that it IS an injured, frightened child.

We are sorry. We forgive Us. We love Us AND We thank Us. We go gently forward.

As We do Our cleaning video We real-eyes just how much (or at least more of how) We keep OurSelves in limitation with Our planning and expectations. Often: when We imagine what We will do when We live rich We base and keep Our ideas in limitation. Being/living rich in limitation is NOT what We are after. We want to live free of need. We real-eyes that others wanting to be rich within limitation is more of Our projections. We will allow Our subconscious (the uni-verse) to design Our outcomes. We will do the footwork which is not really work at All. It is actually pleasure.

Another day spent mostly in multiD and dreaming. We did have a safety class during Our first break but We were not very present. It did kinda drag Us back into limitation focus but We got back to happy thoughts fairly quickly. We knew that We did NOT like the thinking going on in that meeting and so We ARE delighted with OurSelves for NOT wanting to return to that stagnant pool.

SomeOne’s video recently suggested that We be more like dolphins and We have been imaginating that a lot.

It is kinda hard to describe multiD in limitation 3D words. We are still in 3D and functional but not as focused and zoomed in. MultiD is more, much more and We are aware of more even if not All (yet). We still enjoy the kids (a lot) and “they” continue to teach and delight Us. Some are very sensitive and We do have to be careful not to offend. One boy made a delightful face and We laughed and he took it as laughing at him. We apologized but it did not help much. He is truly a delightful child and usually a lot of fun to interact with. He has been more serious since xmas break.

Several students did not ride on Our last section so it went by quicker and We were able to give more attention to the older brother. He liked that a lot and so did We.

We had a more relaxing evening because We allowed it. As We have said before most of Our pressure comes completely from OurSelf. We played more in multiD and did a few extra 3D tasks (at least We think We did).

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

More multidimensional insights and experiences



More multidimensional insights and experiences

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:04 AM

Good morning. We wake to play another day.

Our dream lives were very active and wore Us out. We decided to sleep in a bit and We do feel more rested AND more multidimensional. Before We were just plain tired. One of the students from Our waking world was also very predominant in the worlds/lives that We visited. The worlds and lives were similar to Our waking world but with more freedom.

Our head did/does try to drag Us back into limitation but We recognize it and theel happy thoughts. Even just theeling the words: “happy thoughts” helps and starts Us theeling happy. We really do want to change Our mindset and live more in happy world(s). We ARE making progress and We ARE delighted with OurSelves. We ARE taking responsibility for what We have in Our life: good and bad. It is very important to recognize and take credit for both.

We really do theel great even though Our head is still trying to protect Us by sabotaging Us. We theel better theeling thoughts. We theel happy thoughts. We theel a better theeling world. We theel a transitioning world. We ARE making a difference. We theel it even if/when Our head denies it. Our heads efforts this morning are strong yet feeble.

Our head is trying to make Us worry about time since We slept in a bit. First of All: We are masters of time. Time is part of Our limitation and separation mindset AND the old pair-a-dime. Secondly: We know that everything works together for Our best.

Yesterday after work it looked like One of Our dragon’s tires was low on air. We are not sure if it is the way it is parked or what. Our head is trying to use that to make Us worry but everything works together for Our best. And not to forget: everything works together for Our best. To really feel and theel this DOES make a difference. Happy thoughts. “They” were hard to find at first but now: “they” are everywhere.

Again: as We go outdoors We experience many insights. The dragon’s tire looks the same as it did last night. We will take Our compressor with Us just in case. We want to keep it in there anyway. Our head tries to plan and We remind it that We CAN follow inspiration instead. We are gonna watch Our cleaning video.

We are reminded that “just the way it is” is NOT really the way it is. That is the way We have been pretending it is. Now: We change Our pretending, Our beliefs.

Another great day thinking happy thoughts and being aware of being multidimensional. We focused a lot on taking the kids to play and have fun. We ARE changing and Our world and life are changing as a result. Our world may not seem to be changing as much as We are but as We do change Our projections will change too.

The kids are a delight. It is sad when We see these special Ones caught up in the old thinking that “they” learn(ed) from parents and teachers and the rest of society. Again: this IS Our projection and as We learn to think differently then Our projections will change too. There is no action that We need to take except to take care of OurSelves. Even changing Our thinking is not so much action as just being aware, being willing and allowing. We do choose to think happy thoughts but even that does not require much action. Love is the key and love is the answer AND We ARE love. We are now learning to live as love.

We are delighted with OurSelves even when We appear to fall short. All things work together for the best for Us. Knowing and remembering and repeating this helps and changes Our negative thinking a lot.

We are reminded that some of Our recent musing may make Our life sound much worse than it actually is. We love Our life and it is really awesome. It is just that We see/feel so much more potential than We have allowed in the passed. We resent limitation. Our life is great (for a limitation life) but there is sooooo much more. We do NOT seek a better life in limitation or better limitation life. We seek a less limited or even limitless life. We theel that We will go through less limitation on Our way to limitless.

We do not remember much else from Our waking day. As usual We did a lot of dreaming when We did not have kids on the bus. We did think about thinking of the kids being happy thoughts. The only problem there is that this is still fraught with rules and limits. If We can think of being with the kids and what “they” give and teach Us then those ARE happy thoughts. It is just that thoughts about the A-dults and Our society creep in and “they” are definitely creepy.

When We get home We decide to try letting OurSelves stay up another hour to relax and play. We long (so much) to get to dream that We pressure and rush OurSelf when We get home rather than relaxing and thinking happy thoughts. Another trap Our head has laid for Us.

Good night AND thank You for playing.