Play and insights
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:12 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am the divine. Celebrate.
This is the second morning that We have dreamt in until Our alarm went off. That is unusual for Us. We are also theeling more in multiD. We remember visiting multiworlds last night. The last One was definitely a transitioning world. We remember being much more free in many of those other worlds and playing with friends from Our school years in Our waking world as well as new friends. One friend in particular kept shifting between several friends from Our waking childhood. Maybe???????? Of course. There have been several times that We thought several friends were another version of Our best friend from growing up.
We slept better than We have in a while, waking less. The times We did wake We were aware of Our physical world being slightly different from the normal. Hard to explain. We have been typing that a lot. We are getting a lot of opportunities to take responsibility for Our entire world and life. At One point We were thinking: “Okay: We can take some responsibility but this is too much”. “Really? Why is that?” “We can’t handle All of it, All at Once”. “Your choice”. And that really is the bottom line. We do choose to take responsibility. We choose the theel happy thoughts. We choose to change. First: We change the way We theel. We love Us and We forgive Us. We ARE grateful. We are ready. At least: We are ready to be ready. We thank Us.
We are reminded that everything, absolutely everything (and everyOne) that We experience is Our projection of Our beliefs. Even if (especially if?) “they” are (it is) completely contrary to Our current beliefs (Our passive shadow). This can be hard to accept but We know that it IS true.
We notice that We are spending more and more time focused in multiD and less and less time focused solely in limitation 3D. We are willing. We love Us AND We thank Us.
We are having a fun day. The kids are sending Us images (telepathically) of children running, laughing and playing. There are two young brothers that We see at the pool quite often. Apparently “they” are home schooled. (We had never heard of home schooling before We moved here but it is growing in popularity everywhere it seems) Anyway: “they” were having a blast jumping into the pool. Kids are sooooo simple. “They” take great delight in simply jumping into the world (and the big splash IS an important part), climbing out and jumping in again. It is a delight to watch. “Their” feelings of joy and happiness are contagious.
We had a hard time getting back into 3D much after that. Then a bit later We focused on Our route changes for next week. What We noticed is Our negative thinking about the time and route changes. It was automatic to be pessimistic. And: that is normal. How sad. Our societal outlook is pessimistic. Our normal m.o. is to find fault. How often have We heard (and practiced); “Expect the worst and You will not be disappointed”?????? How sad is that.
We are able to find and hold thoughts of everyOne (young and old) playing. Playing for a living instead of working for a living. We have often (recently) thought about play school replacing school. What a pleasant idea that is. Imagining everyOne playing whenever “they” want is pleasing. We can create worlds like that and transition this world there too. It does seem like it is easier to create new worlds than to transition this world. Transitioning this world requires a change of the mass mind and thinking. That must be an inside job. It is certainly NOT anything that can be forced from the outside. Just look at how silly: “think happy thoughts” sounds. Very few think that playing All the time has anything to do with reality. Look at how We (masses/society) judge and condemn anyOne who does not work (in some way anyway). We (masses) make work out of everything.
We entertain thoughts and images and feelings of everyOne playing. Running, jumping and rolling in the grass. Frolicking in the water like dolphins. We really can learn a lot from dolphins. “They” could train Us much better than We can train “them”. We kinda got lost in these thoughts and THAT IS a very good thing. In that frame of mind We had a good time with the kids. The One boy who loves to tell Us about the play world had a hard time holding Our physical attention because it was sooooo easy to drift off into whatever world he was describing. He could tell but he did not seem to know that We were drifting into his worlds.
The temperature is rising but still around twenty to thirty below zero. That is still cold even though is is much warmer. We stopped to get some groceries and still got home earlier than usual. We forgot to credit OurSelf for this. We explained it All away. But We ARE delighted that We notice that. Our awareness is growing and Our thinking IS changing even though it seems to be happening slowly. If We consider how long (lifetimes) We have let Our thinking and mindset spiral into the negative and pessimistic: Our current process is going amazingly fast. We ARE grateful. We forgive OurSelves. We love Us.
Good night AND thank You for playing.