Wow, so much last night. Much can't really be translated, but I'll do My best. Once again I feel much less reset to 3D, still in 3D as 5D and beyond (or within) includes 3D, but not so focused on separation/limitation. Easier to stay in the now and quickly get of worry mode. I find MySelf being aware of more than just what I see.
Lots of different realities last night. Less similar to My current reality than most have been recently. Now that these have become common, not really much to report there. The first part of the night was definitely night school, apparently We had early classes last night. Most of the time I was more in waking dream. It was about 5D including 3D and shifting focus, beliefs, thinking, mindset. It was about: “How do I explain MySelf to My world, to My friends?” Thoughts that came in/through: “I change the world by changing My mind.” “When I'm in 5D and beyond the others I see will also be in 5D and beyond.” “My immortal, eternal, angel aspects are around Me All the time, I just haven't been noticing.”
I real-eyesed that just as I and the youngstars from My dreams have 3D and 5D (and beyond) aspects or versions, so do ALL the people I interact with. I didn't comprehend this before (and just starting to now) because I was focused only in 3D during My waking hours. So, what happens to the 3D versions? Nothing. 5D includes 3D. In 5D We All have access to Our expanded Selves, expanded beliefs and thinking. One 5D bean recognizes and relates to another 5D bean.
Trying to listen to a 90 minute webinar by Steve Rother about 2012 but having trouble because of My connection. Tried to download the MP3 from wifi yesterday and something isn't working right. Maybe operator error. What I have heard so far is mostly confirmation of what I feel with a bit of new input to further support the same. Taking some pics w/My digi-cam for blog and email. Gonna try a silent video for My blog since blog-spot doesn't support audio files maybe that is the problem w/My vids?????? We'll see, also that should make it smaller in memory size.
Doing a little reading and a bit w/My blog but mostly testing stuff on blog. Added the picture I wanted to use as video to “Remembering Dreaming the Dream”. So far All experiments with vids seem too long. Will do an audio recording and add link to it in blog.
The audio download for Rother's webinar finally downloaded and started playing around 9:30 PM. Scared the crap outta Me when it started playing. I listened to it All and enjoyed it. Kinda wish I could watch the whole vid 'cause he had some pics and diagrams that sounded helpful. But, really, Once again it was mainly confirming what I All-ready feel/know. The confirmation is very nice and re-ass-uring and still I forget and doubt.
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