Again today I want to do My day different. I want to delete My reset button and live My day intentionally, remembering that I Am immortal, I Am abundance, I Am source. Believing, thinking, acting and living as immortal Me.
And so it is.
Remembering that I create and project this world, the world I see and think I live in. Therefore I can change this world. Remembering and believing that I can change this world by changing My beliefs. I want to add and nourish the beliefs that I Am immortal, I Am source, I Am abundance, I Am prosperity, I Am free of needs, I Am in tune with Gaia, I Am One with Gaia and I Am One with All I project.
I decided to go to town and hot tub and grocery shop. It was -30F at home and -40F in town but I just wanted to go even tho I could have stayed home. I was able to be in town without attaching to 3D. That was kind of new for Me. I had some interesting thoughts occur to Me which I wanted to share but am blank now.
Oh, it was about expectations, setting intentions, conscious manifestation and such. Also about remembering the forgotten technologies, adapting to nature and it pretty much All relates to expectations.
Expectations limit and that is All there is to it, at least for Me. It seems that every time I get an idea, or hint of what is to come I have an expectation and then I'm usually disappointed. UNTIL I get what I originally intuited and then it is sooooo far beyond what I expected that I see why I didn't get My expectation and why I need to let go of expectations.
This applies to All of those things I mentioned above.
Another point: advancement may be more about recognizing what is All-ready here. Such as crystalline energy and grid. Advanced technology may be more internal than external, remembering Our mental abilities and less mechanical/equipment needs.
After I got home I had an idea for some re-arranging that might make it easier to use My computers. The temperature had been dropping which seems to make My internet connections weird. (I had forgotten this affect at -40F.) So, since I couldn't really do much on the computer I decided to work on the re-arranging. Of course, it got more involved than I had anticipated, but I'm happy with the results. After that I fixed baked tilapia breaded with egg,garlic and Parmesan cheese with a nice green salad for dinner. I forgot about the potatoes I meant to fix.
After dinner the computer worked a little better and I returned to writing and reading. It occurred to Me that My day had been about doing what I wanted when I wanted. I wondered: “How long has it been since most people (including MySelf) have done that?”
Another thought that I have noticed before but is a good reminder is that 5D includes 3D. There was a time that I (like most everyOne else) thought I would somehow someday escape 3D. Ain't gonna happen! I may move to (or focus on) different versions and 5D may have many profound affects on 3D but 3D stays as part of 5D. Just like 1D and 2D are part of 3D. It's important.
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