Night School
Good stuff, I hope I can remember some. There was more about looking at/towards being love and the rest will follow. There was also more about being in 5d which is where I seem to find MySelf now, unable to do the thinking and typing thing in 3D. I took a nap and immediately started replaying night school.
I visited My vision of how We can live as love. Perhaps I visited living in that reality but I don't really think so. I think I was learning about it and the journey there. Yes, We are All-ready love but most of Us (including the mighty ME) aren't living that way, at least not fully.
Most of Us (again ME) try to shortcut the process and get the fruit without ever growing the plant. We are so tuned in to this world and turned off by how unjust it seems and how down trodden We feel that We want to have and live better. We think that money is the answer. We tend to forget that soul development (learning to belief, think, act and live as love) is the answer. We usually think that those who are “in charge” and have money are not developed souls. Hence, We rarely relate being a developed soul with having money and power.
What if those folks only appear the way “they” do because of the villain role We wrote and assigned “them”????????? What if “they” are just playing “their” part? It might actually be painful for “them” but “they” serve Us out of love. Few of Us can see that “they” are actually serving Us. We may follow “them” blindly but most of Us resent “them” and think that “their” status is unobtainable for Us and undesirable if We could, yet We want abundance and to live a life of leisure. Looks like a mixed message to Me.
I have visited this before but it got a little clearer last night and the two concepts were better mixed. Rich and powerful people are NOT villains, “they” just play One on TV and love must come first and the rest will follow.
That's My story and I'm sticking to it.
For several years I have this concept or vision of immortals just knowing how to live and provide for “ThemSelves” and it just comes naturally. That is the fruit of love.
As love, as immortals, as multidimensional beings We know how to reach into the ethers (for lack of better words right now) and pull out whatever We want. We have no needs, at least not material needs. Here again, We have to believe this before We will see it in Our daily lives and We must come from the base/root of love to experience it. There may be a way to artificially create this but that is NOT what I want. I want the real McCoy.
Last night I definitely had the vision of that world/reality.
This change is what it will take to have an economy based on giving. It would never work otherwise, any fool can tell Us that. There is no other way to have a world/society of sharing and caring without first living from and in love.
This is not a sappy, lusty love. That can also be real but it is different or only a part of the love I speak of. It may or may not manifest as a result of this deep everlasting love. The love I speak of is the energy which All matter is made of. That is why We have no real needs. We are love and that is what everything We think We need is made of.
We think of OurSelves as separate, as unworthy, as undesirable, as broken and We think of love (real love) as something unobtainable and/or undesirable. These beliefs are what must change. We can not live as love if We think the way We think and believe.
Love does not foster lack and We believe in lack and need.
We are evolving. All-most everything I read and listen to speaks of this. What do We want to evolve into? Love or lack? Do We want limitation or limitlessness?
To Me: love, immortal and multidimensional are All terms for the same thing.
I saw/felt (selt) MySelf living a sustainable life. I was in tune and harmony with nature and Gaia and All her inhabitants, the other planets and space and All that dwell there. I was Self-supporting through My own contributions. I was giving to others AND I allowed others to give to Me. I did not “need” “their” gifts, but I appreciated “them” (and “their” gifts).
I selt MySelf as the All that is wanting to experience. One of the things I want to experience is exchanging energy with other parts of MySelf and this is what giving, sharing and caring are about.
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