Another day of focusing on reprogramming My reset button. Definitely making progress. Finding it easier to recognize choices as I wake and make intentional choices about each thing I do as I do it. I recognize that I set some auto-pilot actions to avoid forgetting what I deemed important. However, that is just another way to keep MySelf locked into My conditioning and avoid expansion. It helps Me forget who I really am and I want to remember who I really am.
I did a little on My blog, a little reading and decided to take a nap. I don't know if I actually went to sleep on not. Some processing for sure. I have some ideas of things I want to do with videos. I'm excited about that. I'm feeling quite dreamy today, it may be a day for going back to bed.
The more stuff from others that I read, I continue to be amazed. It seems everyOne is telling My story. I shouldn't be surprised, it really is what I asked for and am working on believing. “I Am creating My reality. I Am projecting what I see.”
I successfully made a video of Me reading Remembering Dreaming the Dream. Now I just need a reliable, fast connection to upload it to My blog. It turned out much larger than I had hoped (don't know how to downsize it, I'm just happy I could make it) so will take a bit to download. So far so good. I used My wolf picture by Calaya Williams that she gave for a birthday several years ago.
Being a bit more productive than I had anticipated Once I got into the video. Enjoying reading other people writing what I Am feeling.
I added links to The Reconnections and The Star Children sites to My blog, also a search box. Loving it.
Got several old pieces of writing onto blog, interesting to re-read about 10 years later. I enjoyed this.
Dinner, movie, a bit of reading and then dreamtime.
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