Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Doing 3D tasks while focused in multiD



Doing 3D tasks while focused in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:36 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

There is a lot that We wish to share about Our current transition and We really have no idea how much We will remember.

We slept and dreamt pretty well last night. We remember visiting quite a few other/alternate worlds. We do not remember a lot of details and We notice this is true in Our waking life/lives also. We DO remember theeling that some of what We experienced is other dimensions beyond 3D. This means that these other dimensions are becoming familiar enough for Our waking brain to acknowledge and begin to be aware of. This IS progress and We ARE delighted.

We had thought that We might go for water this morning and All night We vacillated between going and staying home. We chose to follow Our feelings in the moment and here We are. As We lay in bed (either waking or still awake) We decided that We want to get up and go for water. We do need to be present enough in 3D to drive safely and We are not sure just how present that is and/or We are. We are playing in multiD as We wake and doing some preparations before leaving. There is still a lot of snow on and around Our dragon. We are not getting caught up in planning how much show We will snovel today. Not easy to reign in Our head on this.

As We have mentioned a few times 3D is NOT going anywhere at least not for Us (personally). Sometimes this is hard to grasp and remember because most teachers are leaning towards 3D going away. We theel that it is only limitation that is going away and even that will remain available in infinity. Most teachers agree (somewhat) with the: “remaining somewhere in infinity” part. Most do not seem to think that We will continue living in 3D. It is hard for Us to accept and admit that We may All be right. NoOne has to be wrong for the other to be right and this IS VERY important. This is another new way of thinking and We still struggle with it.

We theel that just as 3D is not going away: neither are 3D tasks (as much as We wish it otherwise). The thing is that as We transition and evolve and admit and allow Our multidimensionality perhaps these tasks will become less painful and less of a struggle. The pain and struggle are part of Our old, limitation and separation thinking and not actually real. Our belief (however) makes “them” very real to Us. Resisdance is what creates struggle. Believing that any of this is important and “need” makes it hard because We know that that is not accurate. How We view and think of and believe about 3D is NOT accurate.

What We theel about those who think that 3D is going away is that the future in multiD and limitlessness looks and feels sooooo different that it appears that 3D is gone. We theel 3D remains (and We are certain that does at least for Us personally) just a very different 3D. We may even find/remember that We enjoy the tasks. It is the feeling/thought/belief that We “have” to do “them” that is painful. Insights, intuitions, etc do not (usually anyway) come in words. “They” come in visions, feelings, sensing and such. In order to share these in words We must interpret “them” and what tools We have for this interpreting are still limitation.

We keep noticing that Our dreams are becoming more like waking and Our waking more like dreaming. Often: We do NOT remember any details from either after the experience has grown cold or even lukewarm.

We are clearly bouncing around and back and forth with this sharing: reminds Us of Our current process. We can not really even imagine doing Our tasks out of pure desire and not requirement. Yet: that is what We are doing this morning. At least it is mostly desire and could wait until next weekend. We are even doing pretty well at NOT planning Our day and show snovelling. Progress NOT perfection.

We ARE grateful and We appreciate Our awareness of Our progress. We are assured that Our children are attending to Us. Thank Us.

We remember that as children many tasks were fun. We know that usually any task is NOT as bad as We anticipate that it will be. We know that We ARE the One who makes it bad. We know that We do this because We know that We do NOT “have” to do “them” and yet We think and believe that We do.

We successfully went for water and came home again. We are moving and driving a little slow because We are NOT fully focused in 3D. This IS a good thing and We used to think that it is a bad thing. We continue to process learning to live in 3D within multiD. MultiD is more. So much more that 3D Allmost seems to be eliminated yet it still looks the same.

We Oneder what Our future will look like and We real-eyes that We have absolutely nothing to gauge it by. We have no frame of reference. At least not in Our head. Perhaps in Our heart? Here is where the difference between forcing and allowing Our imagination comes in. Allowing is of the heart and forcing is of the head.

We returned to dream and now, awake We are very much more in multiD than only 3D. We ARE doing some 3D tasks while mainly focused beyond only 3D. We ARE learning how to do this by doing it. We are even doing some show snovelling and it is pretty painless.

Sometimes it is hard to believe that We ARE doing this. We ARE learning how to live in 3D within multiD. It is sooooo different than We expected. It is simple. When We do not resist it is also easy. Old habits die hard and limitation and separation are certainly old habits. “They” do not need to die: that is an old concept and belief. “They” can be free to play in infinity and eternity.

We are spending most of the rest of Our day awake in multiD. We do return to dream but only for short times. The more We are awake and aware in multiD the less dream time We actually need. Before: dream was Our portal into multiD. Of course it still is and We need to use that portal less and We cross back and forth less.

We are watching “Hemlock Grove” with a light, early dinner. We are going to try going to dream and We theel that We will probably be back up to visit multiD some more before going to dream for the night.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Another day in dream and multiD



Another day in dream and multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:48 PM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We slept and dreamt better last night and most of today. This last time We woke We decided to do some 3D tasks and is proving quite challenging. We keep wanting to say “difficult” but that is NOT quite the correct word. Everything that We are trying to do (doing) is different than We had remembered/expected.

It seems that We are in a slightly different world than We are used to. Not very different and just enough to throw everything slightly out of kilter. Along with everything else Our computer is running slow and glitching. This is NOT a fun experience. We ARE aware that everything IS working together for the best for Us AND We ARE practicing being aware AND grateful. Not easy at this point and yet not as hard as it would have been in the passed.

Now: some computer functions that were NOT working/available have suddenly started working?????? We ARE creating this. Remember: We ARE creating this. Hard to believe and even imagine. We ARE a bit baffled. Our head keeps trying to find logical reasons and explanations AND deny that We ARE creating this. We are done with that. (Or Allmost done anyway)

We are struggling with thinking, believing and demanding that any of this is important. Our head wants to chastise (is chastising) Us and looking for (demanding) the lesson. This is limitation and separation thinking. It is still about believing that We ARE less than and must attain Our divinity.

This IS about learning how to live in 3D within multiD and typing about it helps clarify. We had no idea how to put the experience into words.

We slipped into multiD and have no idea what else We did and experienced today.

We even forgot to finish this entry. We know that We stayed home and continued going back to dream. We spent Our day the way We wanted at the time and musta been a lot of multiD.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Another day in 3D withing multiD, mostly multiD



Another day in 3D within multiD, mostly multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:11 PM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We are spending Our day going back to dream, playing in multiD and watching “The Man in the High Castle”. We did not sleep and dream well last night. It was mostly short periods of dream and lots of time awake. We are practicing being grateful and remembering that whatever We experience IS Our creation and projection AND for the best for Us. We do not theel as upset about the new sleep and dream pattern as We have been in the passed. We KNOW that We ARE learning how to live in multiD and it IS different than We expected and different from living only in 3D. We really have no frame of reference for this. It is new and that makes it different.

Sometimes: these revelations and insights come as We are typing “them”.

Once again that typing about what We are experiencing is hard. We just are not in 3D enough to type and have the words. So far: We have not had the foot or two of snow or freezing rain as predicted. It is above freezing outdoors with a Chinook blowing. Some of Our snow is melting and We really do NOT theel like snovelling any show today. We intuit that waiting is the best policy today. We keep being reminded that We ARE creating what We experience. This IS new to Us.

We do remember visiting other worlds even though We do not remember any details. We are spending more and more time in multiD and that is what We want. One reason that We are enjoying “The Man in the High Castle” is the alternate reality. It is another typical version of what things would/will be like if We change only the outer without changing Our thinking, beliefs and own who and what We are. De-Nile is not a pretty place to live.

Interesting that Once again We are finding OurSelves having difficulty doing simple 3D tasks. We find OurSelves kinda coming to not knowing how to take the next step in 3D. We ARE here AND there. At times like this 3D takes a lot of concentration. Again: this is how We have kept OurSelves locked in limitation and separation by making the transition uncomfortable. We ARE facing OurSelf. We do know and believe that everything IS working together for the best for Us.

And so: We spent Our day going back to dream, playing in multiD and watching “The Man in the High Castle”. We finished All the available episodes and We did enjoy it. Interesting that We had no trouble streaming Amazon to watch it.

We theel that We must have spent longer in dream and multiD than We real-eyesed because Our day went somewhere.

Another light dinner and time to go dream. We are just too much in multiD to do much typing.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Turkey day in multiD



Turkey day in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 12:20 PM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

It is turkeyday and We ARE grateful. It is snowing and not as much snow and/or freezing rain as predicted. Our plow guy showed up last night as We were getting ready to have dinner so Our drive is clear and We get to go visit Our local friends. We are having rib steaks. I love rib steaks and do not know why “they” chose that over turkey and are totally okay with that.

So far We have spent Our day dreaming and playing in multiD. It took several tries to really get into dream last night and then this morning Our dream times were All short. We theel very dreamy and We are learning that that is okay when awake. That is a key and portal to living in multiD. We ARE delighted with Our process and progress.

We noticed yesterday and again today that Our world is right next door to worlds that are more severe and that IS Our choice. It sounds impossible and We know it IS real. It is All about choice. If We (anyOne) choose to deny that We DO create Our own reality then We get to drown in De-Nile. That is allowed AND honored. There are NO wrong choices and/or beliefs. Hard to believe: even for Us.

We ARE the divine. Each and every One of Us IS. We can accept and believe that or reject and deny it. Our life reflects Our choices. Many of those choices are/were made before We incarnated and at deep, deep levels (which We are often unaware of) since then. We can make new choices. What We really can NOT do is destroy Our old choices, beliefs, world and creations. We CAN add new choices and creations. Sometimes the new and old mix and mingle in a kind of dance. Sometimes “they” live next door never being aware of “their” neighbor(s).

We are going to town to have turkey day with Our local friends. It is snowing and the roads are a little slick. We have no trouble driving and We are glad We are driving Our chariot.

We have a nice visit and Onederfull dinner. There is some kind of tension going on with Our friends and We have no clue. Is it Our perspective?

We are gonna go home after dinner rather than staying for another hand of cards and “they” kinda suggest that.

At home We play in multiD a bit. We did overeat a bit and are a little uncomfortable. We are ready to dream early. We hope We can dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

And more 3D within multiD: Our new home



And more 3D within multiD: Our new home

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:56 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We slept and dreamt well until around midnight. After that We only dreamt for short periods and spent more time awake than dreaming. We are certain that this is a combination of the physical sensations and symptoms of Our transition AND since We are spending more time awake in multiD We do not need as much dream time. It takes some adjustment.

This is Our last day before turkey break four day weekend. It snowed a lot and We have a mandatory, fifteen minute early check in time. We would rather stay home. We were kinda hoping that We would be snowed in. It has not snowed much since We got home so We are sure that We can get out Our driveway and We heard the plows running on the roads after We got home. Our plow guy does not seem to have gotten home yet.

We are definitely drifting in and into multiD as We wake this morning. We likes that.

We rode as a third wheel again on the route We third wheeled before. This is mainly because “they” are just about the only other route to leave after Our checkin time. One girl is getting familiar with Us and sat across from Us and talked to Us most of the ride. We likes that.

We have plenty of time to get gas and eat on Our morning break and because Allmost noOne wants to do any extra driving in these conditions We get a standby driver for Our noon section. We like her but she gets really nervous and excited AND she had just had a fight with another driver before We left. Not the best combination. She wants to take her shortcut (We hate shortcuts) and We explained that is she went/goes Our way then We can give directions and if she goes her way she has to find her own way. After the first stop she chose to go Our way. The snow was quite deep on many streets (We are All in town on Our noon section) and she had to go fast to NOT get stuck in the deep snow. She is a good driver and We too were nervous. We made it fine and had time to go to Our friends on Our afternoon break. We are still a bit out of it from that ride.

Several students did not ride in the PM and for One outer stop the parents wanted to meet Us on the main road. We finished about half an hour early and would have been late otherwise. Even with a driver who is familiar with the bus and roads that We use.

We were deep into multiD by the end of route even though We could not really get into dreaming like We usually do.

Minutes after We got home We heard Our neighbor plowing his drive so We call Our local friends to tell “them” that We are sure We can get out and go to town to have turkeyday with “them”.

We here Our plow guy starting Our drive as We are getting ready to have dinner. We wait to start dinner until he has come down as far as Our cabin and We go out and pay him. He comments on how different Our weather is from just a few years ago. EveryOne is noticing that things are changing even though most are unaware of why and how deep it goes.

We have a light dinner and still feel a bit over full. We watch more of “The Man in the High Castle” and are ready to go dream (We hope).

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Continuing to experience 3D within multiD



Continuing to experience 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:21 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We slept and dream betterer last night. We woke and got up about 11:45 to play in multiD and then returned to dream until around 3:30 AM. After that We did not get deep into dream and could not stay in bed long. We continue to feel physical symptoms of this transition. We have been thinking of it as similar to (or exactly the same as) shedding Our skin or molting. Often: We have dreamed of turning from a caterpillar into butterfly. That is what We are thinking of this morning. Is this what the caterpillar feels. Mostly clueless as to what is happening and the beautiful creature it is becoming? Perhaps with cellular and genetic memories of what is happening and NO personal experience. Does entering the cocoon feel like entering the dark night of the soul? We do not quite feel like that yet Our body does feel quite uncomfortable most of the time. We are setting it free with love and We know that We ARE transforming. We are becoming an even more beautiful crystalline bean, a bean that can fly free AND allow others the freedom to fly in whatever manner suits “them”.

We are reading another channeling that speaks of what We are intuiting and experiencing. This guy seems pretty good at sharing Our journey. Of course: We do recognize that We ARE projecting these channelings too. We also found a picture online that depicts a childhood experience that We have held in Our memory All this time. This may not seem unusual except that We hold very few childhood memories. It may be because We have lived sooooo many parallel lives and it is very hard to tie those different life memories together. We are also creating new memories to depict Our newly chosen lives. A life (lives) born and lived in an instant. Very different from what We have Allways thought and believed.

We ARE very different than We have Allways thought and believed.

Amazing to experience that We can create a new life out of any picture and/or memory or imagining and then live that life in the instant of a dream. We are even finding that We can do this in waking dream. We have had the theeling that as We venture more and more into multiD in waking that We are needing/desiring less and less dream time. Our waking is becoming more like Our dreaming. If We force this creation or use pictures or waking memories then it is still limited. Less limited to be sure than Our old, familiar limitation 3d yet still limited. If We take free flowing imagining and dream then is can be (or at least approach) limitless and multiD.

We never imagined what living in multiD is like. Of course: We have only just begun and 3D may fade as We get into other Ds or knot. Perhaps: be over shadowed would be a better term? We ARE sooooo much more than We ever imagined and so is 3D.

We have a scene from Our imagination and dreams that We have been replaying over and over for as long as We can remember. Often: there are different players playing the same scene with Us. Sometimes the player repeats and often it is a new player each time. It is about intimacy and the forbidden passion(s) and connection(s) in limitation and separation. It IS about being limitless, free and One. Individuals discovering “their” connection.

We ARE love. We can theel Our children within sending Us encouragement and insights.

It is snowing and has been most of the night. We are Onedering how much We will get because Our plow guy is out of town. We are thinking about calling Our other plow guy who was plowing for Us before Our neighbor built his new plow truck. We really do not want to get snowed in and then again?????

We are stuck in dispatch again and from the sounds of things that is a good place to be today. There are four or five wrecks and over half a dozen routes are well over an hour late. We are doing a lot of parent calls. The new buses do not have good snow tires and “they” found that the chains will not go on the dual wheels. There are places that require chains this morning.

We have time to have breakfast during Our morning break since We get off at Our normal time and We have a driver that We like on Our noon section. The driver that We do not like gets done faster and finishing later is worth being with this driver. We still have time to go to Our friends on Our afternoon break. We call Our sub snow plow guy and he thinks that Our neighbor will be home soon and gave Us Our neighbor’s cell phone number. We are satisfied and comfortable with that. We kinda hope We get snowed in tomorrow. If that does happen the buses should not be running anyway.

We have a good time with Our students. The afternoon students take a bit of convincing to quiet down due to the slick roads. We take the time to explain to “them” that it is really slick and Our driver needs to concentrate and not be distracted by “their” noise. The snowfall varies in different areas. Some places/routes got a foot and We got probably about six inches most places. The warm temperatures (near freezing) makes the road slick and this is a wet snow.

Another sped bus thinks that a powerline fell on “their” bus a few minutes away from Our last stop. Since a supervisor is driving Our route We go to rescue the student, driver and attendant after We drop off Our last student. With All that We finish only about a half an hour late. There were several students that did not ride and with the deep snow Our driver feels it is better to drive faster than some drivers would have. We theel safe and that is what counts.

We do not go as deep into dream and/or multiD on the way back to base as We sometimes do and yet We are quite deep by the time We finish. The drive home is a little slow as traffic is moving slow and that is okay. We have a late dinner with “The Man in the High Castle”. We do not like the alternate passed and We DO like the idea. We Oneder what explanation “they” will give???????

We are ready to go dream and theel that We will be able to dream a while.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

And yet another 3D day in multiD



And yet another 3D day in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:12 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

At first We could only sleep and dream for very short periods (less than an hour). Eventually: after getting up briefly several times: We slept for several hours. After that We got up to play in multiD and dreamt for a few more hours. We do remember visiting other worlds and again “they” are not the kinds of worlds that We would expect to choose and “they” ARE part of All that is. From a different perspective, from expansion and non-judgment: would “they” still be places We would not choose? A lesson in acceptance perhaps?

We are kinda excited because this is a three day week. Then a four day weekend. We love being with the kids and We love being home even more. In dream We are with the kids at a whole different level. We do not have to do discipline in some other worlds. There ARE worlds, lives and realities where We can let the kids run wild and free. We do long for those worlds.

Many times when We wake We remember to be thankful for what is happening whether We likes it or snot. We definitely prefer long dream sessions and We know that this is happening for the best for Us.

The bus company put at least three new buses into service Friday afternoon so We may actually have Our bus and do Our route this morning. We hope so. We do enjoy Our students even though it was also fun to meet other students. Mentioning the kids reminds Us that “they” ARE Our children within who have chosen to show up in Our waking world. We ARE grateful.

We are aware of experiencing multiworlds and possibly from a multiD perspective. We do not know what a multiD perspective is like because (until recently) We have never been aware of this before.

This morning We are on a route that We have been on before only today We are the second attendant: a bit like a third wheel. We have had a second attendant a couple of time and this is the first time that We have played that part. Still: better than sitting in dispatch. Our bus is available since there are the new buses in service. There is no driver available. We must have a reason for creating this.

This route that We are on ends later than Ours so Our morning break is short. Our noon section goes smooth even though We really do not like the driver. We have found several drivers that We do not like and We are able to work with “them”. We do not have to like “them” to work with “them” and love “them” unconditionally. In fact: that makes the “unconditional” easier.

We go to Our friends to shower on Our afternoon break since the pool is closed All week for maintenance. “Their” stove and fridge seem to be dieing and “they” are shopping for new Ones. We will probably help get the new appliances hooked up and put in place. “They” may hire someOne to do the installation since “they” may not want to wait for Our availability.

Several students do not ride on Our PM section and that is good because We have a slow driver and the roads are a bit slick because of the warmer temperatures. Once again We are quite deep into multiD when We finish Our route. It is cute that when Our last student says goodbye: “they” say: “have a good time”. We likes that even better than “have a good day or evening”. Kids have sooooo much to teach Us.

At home it has started snowing fairly hard and yet there is not much accumulation. We will probably drive Our chariot again tomorrow since it is a wet snow. Old limiting beliefs keep coming up and We recognize “them” much sooner than ever before and set “them” free with love. Lots of pony hopping.

We watch a couple of episodes of “The Man in the High Castle”. We are enjoying it surely because it is about alternate realities even though it is NOT a reality We ever want to live in. Neither do the heroes of the story. We do not eat much because Our driver gave a piece of pizza which filled Us up.

We are going to dream early.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Another day of lots of 3D within multiD



Another day of lots of 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 12:07 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We woke from a world that is very wild, wild west. We do not have a clue what that is about. Why is the first dream adventure We have remembered in some time? We do theel it is more an experience rather than anything profound and meaningful. Several people were threatening and bullying each other in a crowded room. The players are people from Our present waking reality. We were afraid that some bystanders would be injured and that did not happen. One villain/hero got an artery cut and is bleeding to death. We want to help “them” and “they” want Us to let “them” be and go help anyOne else who is less badly injured. Interesting that We were not paralyzed by someOne else’s bleeding injury like in Our waking life.

So far: We have been sleeping and dreaming for about an hour at a time. Now: We are playing in multiD again before returning to dream.

We visited another world that is much more like Our waking world and yet it is NOT Our familiar waking world. There is even a lot of small acts of terrorism. Again: We have no idea why We took note of that world. Of course: it is part of everything, infinity and All that is which We do want to be aware of even if We do not choose to focus there.

More worlds: We remember how it feels. We do not remember what We did, what it looked like. A higher vibration: We remember thinking about that and knowing that is what We are doing. Our waking brain has no frame of reference (yet) for these worlds. “They” are not familiar. We may touch and be aware of the fringes, the outer realms closest to Our physical world and that is about it so far. We feel the xmas morning feeling as We venture into something very new to Us.

We wish that We could better describe what We are theeling and experiencing. We can tell You that it is NOT about leaving and/or going anywhere. It is not about 3D going away or dieing. It is about more. Being here AND there AND being functional wherever We are.

We have gone through a lot to get here. Lots of ups and downs and lots of (seemingly) wrong turns. We have fallen into other peoples ideas of what is coming and found that many of those do NOT work for Us and finding that We do want to be aware of All these choices and options. We are learning not to judge anyOne’s ideas and hopes and dreams. That is NOT normal and yet it is natural. We ARE infinite beans and We live in an infinite world. We can not even begin to conceive of what that really means because We have spent sooooo much time believing only in limitation. All the proof and evidance that We have created, that surrounds Us every moment of every day is about limitation and separation.

Lies, All lies and We ARE the One telling OurSelves the lies. We lie so well that the lies are no longer lies. “They” are fantasy and make believe and Our belief makes “them” real. “They” are now real with lives and lies of “their” own. “They” are NOT the only thing that is real. Just over the horizon (and We are beginning to see and experience this) is much, much more than We ever dreamed possible. Third star on the right and straight on ‘til morning is a real place.

We are aware that We are slip, sliding through multiworlds. The worlds that We are consciously aware of are 3D and nearby on the sliding scale We mentioned before. Therefore the differences are subtle, minor and could easily slip by unnoticed. That has been going on for lifetimes. Now: We are choosing to notice.

Outside it is snowing and has been snowing off and on All weekend. The temps are somewhere above 0. We did a little show snovelling and will probably do a little at a time the rest of the day. It does not feel as imposing and demanding as it used to. 3D within multiD and noOne to blame. Not even OurSelf. We are setting blame free with love.

Our plow guy came while We were dreaming. A little/lot earlier than We expected so We did not get the snovelling done before that. Oh well. It does clear the path for some snovelling and We can tell exactly what We need to snovel. Everything IS working together for the bestest for Us. Now there is no rush about snovelling this morning. It is warm enough that We do not theel the need to bundle up to snovel so that makes it easier to do a little snovelling and then come inside for more dreaming and back and forth. Of course: the best part is the dreaming.

We did some more snovelling and it seems to be a bit colder. There is not much snovelling left and came in to warm up. We theel that We will bundle up to finish the snovelling and We are making some instant, hot, spiced cider with breatheasy tea for when We come back inside.

The snovelling is All done and it was not as painful as We often imagine. We are noticing that several things that We used to judge as bad do not look so bad from where We are now. We even Oneder why We judged and labeled “them” bad?

We can only dream for short periods and yet time has slipped right on by. Perhaps: some dream sessions were longer than We thought. Perhaps We got deeper into dream than We thought AND deeper into multiD while awake?

We have another early dinner and start watching “The Man in the Tall Castle” (or something like that) on Amazon. It is about an alternate passed. We are surprised that today Amazon is streaming just fine. We forget that We create All of this and this is another lesson and reminder in that.

We are going to dream early and We will see how that goes.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

More multiD insights and separation awareness



More multiD insights and separation awareness

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:38 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Have We ever mentioned that multiD includes 3D? Well: it certainly does. Expecting 3D to go away, expecting things to be/look completely different, thinking that We can/will escape Our creations are some ways that We keep OurSelves from experiencing multiD. We ARE multidimensional beans who forgot and denied that We are multidimensional beans for an experience. We have done that in spades. Many of Us continue to deny who and what We are and expect to experience being something different than what We are. Maybe We will. Personally: We want to experience being what We are. We want to live in Our natural state. That means leaving De-Nile. De-Nile (and All its trappings and decorations) will and does remain for Us to return to, play in and explore any time We want. Hopefully: We will remember that it IS play and not fall in again.

So far tonight: We are waking every few hours and We do not know why except that it IS about Our transition. The good news is that after getting up and playing in multiD a short time: We are ready to go back to dream. We like to dream.

We have continued to dream for short spells and get up to play in multiD. It does seem that We are processing Our process during Our dream and waking sessions. One thing that keeps coming up is that multiD is more not less. 3D within multiD is also more not less. Whatever We expected multiD to be is limitation at best and NOT what We are actually getting. We theel certain that We could create, manifest and project limitation multiD if We choose. That is NOT Our choice. We do not theel that it is conscious OR subconscious choice. Of course what the future is remains to be seen and lived. So far We are experiencing more NOT less. 3D is very much here. Limitation 3d may fade and even seem to go away: We do not know and We ARE certain that it will remain as part of infinity and multiD.

3D within multiD is different NOT eliminated. We ARE learning how to do this: how to live within multiD. Functioning in 3D while focused in multiD is taking practice and experience. It IS a learning and growth experience. This is what We seem to be getting and exploring in Our dream life. Our waking head is resisting. We ARE being gentle and compassionate with OurSelves.

We continue to spend Our day going back to dream for short periods and We likes it. Longer periods of dream might be nicer and We know that We are getting what is best for Us. We are learning how to live in 3D within multiD both in dreaming and waking.

It has been snowing off and on and is snowing fairly hard now. It was a driven snow for a bit. The forecast has been for winter storm(s) this weekend. A very gentle storm so far. Of course: We ARE creating this.

As We process Our journey: We real-eyes that at least for Us personally: We no longer wish to escape 3D. 3D IS changing. It is (and Allways has been) very different from what We thought and believed. We ARE learning to think and believe differently. We theel that these changes are much like a sliding scale. When One moves gradually and smoothly along this scale the changes appear subtle and Allmost unnoticeable. If One jumps from where We were a few months ago to where We are on that scale now the change would seem drastic and maybe even unfathomable.

We have no idea how much of this We are getting in dream and then bringing into waking and We theel there is quite a bit being shown to and experienced by Us in dream that is affecting Our waking thinking and real-I-sation.

Our attention is being directed to the thought that We have been focused on limitation and limitlessness Allmost completely forgetting and ignoring separation and unity. What is 3D like without separation? Different for sure. Unimaginably different. We have no, absolutely NO frame of reference to come up with any concept of what 3D is like without separation. Perhaps We can let Our imagination run free and even then would We be able to remember what We find? Is this what We have been dreaming recently?

Now: combine limitless and unified and what world and life will that be? What world and life IS it?

There are sooooo many beliefs that We accept as facts, as “the way things are” which are only beliefs. These beliefs frame Our world and Our life and Our reality. The only thing(s) that We know are based on and grown in and from these beliefs and NOT facts. NOT the way things really are. This is a fantasy, a make believe world. We open, allow, believe and set it All free with love.

We forgive OurSelves unconditionally. We accept OurSelves unconditionally. We love OurSelves unconditionally and We thank OurSelves unconditionally. Our children within are trying to aid Us. Thank Us.

And so We spent Our day dreaming for short periods and getting up to play in multiD and it IS good.

We are having an early dinner with more “Hemlock Grove” and going to dream early.

We got up a few times after short dreaming to play in multiD and return to dream again.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

More 3D experiences within multiD



More 3D experiences within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:44 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Note the time!

We slept and dreamt well until about 1 AM. We got up and played in multiD a little and then returned to dream until around 3 AM. Then We turned up the heat because it had been out All night. It is warmer outdoors and stayed fairly warm inside.

We are processing and integrating Our changes and shifts and evolution. We ARE learning how to live multidimensionally while still in 3D and the physical. This is new and there are no road maps or instruction manuals. We ARE writing the course and it is a home study course as well as long distance education. Space is a construct of limitation and it has served Us well. We are sooooo familiar with time and space that it is still hard to conceive of anything beyond (within and/or without) those.

We continue to theel like it is xmas morning.

Another channeling saying what We have been saying, learning, living and experiencing for some time now. We appreciate the confirmation. We know that We are projecting All of it (All in Our world anyway) and yet it is hard when We are the only One (that We are aware of) saying something that is new and different. We still cling to the old laws of the pack like “they” are valid and secure. We know better but old beliefs are strong and very deep. We are adding new beliefs not destroying and/or abandoning old beliefs. It might be easier if those old beliefs did not remain and We know that “they” remain whether We deny it or not. To change by adding and not taking away is more of a challenge. The old beliefs remain so that We can return there any time that We want and it is very easy to return to the familiar.

We do hope to see more and more people adopting these new beliefs and ways of living. If We see it then that means that it is real enough to Us for Us to project it. It means that We are living what We know. That is REAL change.

We just got a call to come in a little early and do the same morning route that We did yesterday. We like those kids and We hope it is a driver who knows the route because We did not pay any attention yesterday.

We had another different, different route this morning. It is a driver who knows the route and We are using Our route bus. It is nice to be in Our bus, it is warm. It is also about thirty degrees warmer today than yesterday and the day before. It is amazing how fast it can change and it is still hard to really believe that We ARE responsible. We know it and are learning to live and believe it.

So: another new group of kids and yes: We like this group too. We have never ridden with this driver and We did think it might be a challenge. It turns out We did pretty well together. He does have a very low opinion of some of his kids and IS very opinionated. That was a bit hard for Us and We also understand his dilemma with those kids. This route is longer than Ours and We go right through Our morning break.

Our noon section runs a little late because We have to fuel after and this driver is a little slow. Another very opinionated driver but on Our route the sub-drivers usually defer to Us.

We do not have time to hot tub and that is a disappointment. We do recognize that We are creating Our experiences and it IS for the best for Us. We will not be able to hottub next week either because the pool is closed for maintenance. We will survive.

Our PM section goes well and We finish on time. It has snowed lightly and the temps are warm. We have another driver who has only driven Our route Once before: the day We had mandatory chains. The student whose mom just had a baby has been acting up a bit lately. We are certain it is because of the baby getting sooooo much attention and We do try to be patient. We work with Our students to maintain a safe and comfortable ride for everyOne. That is not Allways easy.

Once again We go deep into multiD by the time We are back at base. We have some grocery shopping to do afterwards to stock up on goodies for the four day weekend next week. The stores will be crazy next week and are starting Allready.

At home: We have dinner right away with more “Hemlock Grove”. We are staying up a little late because it is Friday and We want to take time to play in multiD before We go dream. Now: off to dream We go.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Each day in multiD is a little different



Each day in multiD is a little different

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:56 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Our first period of dreaming was only a couple of hours. After getting up and playing in multiD for just a few minutes We were ready to return to dream. We slept and dreamt through until around 3 AM. After that We could only dream for a few minutes at a time. We keep typing about Our dreaming because others are probably experiencing something similar. Even if what You are experiencing is quite different from Our experience: the question is: is it different from Your normal experience? Are You experiencing some type of transition too?

There is much being written now about this shift and transition. Nobody can tell Us where We are going or what it will look like because this is brand new (except in the sense that All time is now and nothing is actually new). We ARE making this up as We go along. We used to use that line a lot when someOne was telling a supposedly true story. Guess what. Here We are.

Our story IS true. History: not so much. Any history is only One version of what happened and how. There ARE infinite versions. These concepts continue to be hard to fathom. We have lived in limitation for sooooo long. NoOne to blame here. Not even OurSelves. We wanted to experience limitation and separation. Even though those are actually impossible: We created it and We did good. We created a world where the impossible is possible and very real. Now: We are changing up the game. IF: that is what We choose.

That choice may have been made a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Most of Us resist change. That is normal. Probably NOT natural. Resis-dance is painful.

Here is another channeling about what We are living. It speaks about being the uni-verse as opposed to how We have Allways believed that We inhabit the uni-verse. Remember the song: “We are the world”. Did anyOne even have a clue back then. It sounded nice and it certainly did NOT feel real.

Another different, different route this morning. This bus did not sit outside All night yet the heaters do not work as well as some other buses. It is a little cold. We are NOT suffering because that is Our choice. We accept this. We ARE creating Our own reality and We ARE living that (most/some of the time). Another interesting group of kids to meet. One boy is showing Us his videos. He likes to share. There is One boy (who We had on Our route a few years ago) who is not well liked and he is the reason. Who knows what is in his background. Another boy mouthed off and We did well in how We reacted. We did NOT try to play the ultimate authority. We explained OurSelf. He did fine after that. We have seen some of the others around but only had the One on Our bus before.

Our next morning section has two students that We have had before. One recognized Us. That is cool. We finish a little later than normal and still have plenty of time to do everything that We want to do on Our morning break without too much time to fill. Our afternoon break is just a bit shorter than normal and We still have time to hot tub. We get back One minute late because there is a real cluster getting into the yard. We ARE masters of time and We are also forgetful after All the years of denial. It really is easy to revert to those old memories and beliefs that are waiting for Us. Still: allowing “them” is the best for Us. This is not a race and going back and forth between old and new is how We have chosen to experience and integrate this.

Our last student of the day goes to dream and takes Us with “them”. It is hard to stay awake until We drop “them” off. Afterwards We go directly to dream and do not pass go. The $200 dollars is overrated anyway.

We are able to get into 3D focus enough to drive home safely. It is still cold even though it is warming up.

At home: We try to nap/dream and find that We prefer watching “Hemlock Grove” and having dinner. We have some jambalaya and freeze the rest. We are going to dream a little early. We hope We can stay in dream a while. We theel the need to dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

MultiD includes 3D and suffering IS a choice



MultiD includes 3D and suffering IS a choice

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 5:13 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We slept and dreamt fairly well even though We woke several times. Whenever We got up it was only for a very short time and then went right back to dreaming. We theel that Our waking was about processing and integrating Our shift and transition. It seems like We are moving more and more into multiD both in waking and dream. We did not want to get up and be awake. We remember that We do not have to leave multiD to get up and be awake. We would like to be even deeper in multiD when awake.

We ARE learning how.

We are sooooo familiar with only being aware of One world, life, reality and dimension that it is easy to return to that awareness and harder to expand. We ARE expanding. When We focus on only limitation 3d We quickly real-eyes what We are doing. That is new and that IS progress. We ARE changing and We ARE delighted. We are exploring and experiencing Our divinity. We can not force OurSelves to evolve or even imagine what it is like to live in Our divinity, in multiD: to live as love in the physical. This IS new. Even though We never left: We are returning and We do not remember what it was Allways like. Our physical head/brain has never been aware of Our multiD Self. It has no frame of reference and no clue.

Here is another channeling that says what We have been saying. We do like getting confirmation especially for concepts that are not widely accepted or acknowledged. One hundred monkeys and All that.

It is amazing to Us how We can experience being here AND there at the same time. Even though We have known that We can (and even experienced brief flashes) for some time still as We get more into it: it is new. New territory is thrilling and scary at the same time. Our head tries to fight, resist and argue. Our head wants to worry and be afraid. We continue to try to paint monsters in/with Our brain. We are reminded of the saying: “How long will Our head think it can try to kill Us and get away with it?”, We ARE amazing creatures and creators.

We are theeling about how nice it would be to stay home until Our noon section and We do NOT theel that that would be the right move for Us. Home is great and on the streets is where We learn to apply what We receive while at home. Out in the world is where the practical application is: where the rubber meets the road and apparently that IS important.

We went out on route this morning. Not on Our route but out on another route with Our supervisor. That route does not have a regular driver either. The bus We used had sat outdoors All night and had only been warming up a few minutes. It was really cold. We only suffered a little as that was Our choice. Fortunately the heaters in that bus are good and it did warm up. Not quickly and We really had to focus on misery being an option. Hard for Our head/brain to believe. We are sooooo good at creating proof positive of pain and suffering being real and since We are the One telling the lie: We totally believe it. At least We have believed the lie for eons and now the lie is the only truth that We know.

It was a good thing that Our supervisor knows the route because We are too cold to read.

It was fun to meet some new students. The first boy is very quiet. His father goes to the pool a lot too. The second boy is very talkative. Some of the girls are non-verbal and One is very helpful with the others. We thanked her for All her help. On the way back to base We stopped at a convenience store that We have never been to before. “They” sell some candy that We have never seen before. We tried One of “their” beer dawgs. It was quite tasty. Our supervisor wanted to try One and was afraid it might affect him or even just give him beer breath. The ride back to base was fairly warm and We finished at Our usual time.

We have time to go hot tub on Our morning break. It is cold outside and We keep reminding OurSelves that We can feel the cold without feeling miserable. A choice that We have been practicing for a couple of years now and still are not real good at. The old suffering is very embedded in Our psyche. We ARE experiencing and living Our complete psychic change. Perhaps it could happen instantly and that would probably fry Our circuits. Perhaps for those who follow it will be faster and easier. Our process is slow and gentle. Sometimes it seems sudden and very hard.

The point is that We ARE learning how to do this as We do it. There is noOne to lead Us. Humans like to be led. We are used to playing follow the leader. No leader is very new. We would rather buy Our way or stay stuck than forge into something brand new. Breaking trail is NOT normal for humans. Yet: here We are.

We are theeling quite sleepy most of the day and We remind that this too is different than We have Allways thought. Everything IS different than We Allways thought and believed. We believed in and projected limitation. Our world, any world, every world is NOT really limited. That is the illusion.

At home: We left the heat turned up again so it does not take long to warm Our cabin. We still get to choose whether to suffer or something else. We are sooooo used to suffering that We really do not even know what something else might be. We practice gratitude. That IS something else. Most of the time (now) We actually feel grateful and it is not just an exercise. Sometimes it is still an exercise. We keep exercising. We were never big or repetition OR exercise. We know that this is for the best for Us.

We watch “Hemlock Grove” with dinner. We kinda want a bigger dinner and We have been eating junk All day. We find that Our small dinner fills Us up Allmost too much. We are ready to go dream after staying up a bit late to play in multiD. Good choice.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

More insights and multiD experiences



More insights and multiD experiences

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:43 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Even though We woke several times: We slept and dreamt well. Actually: We got up to play in multiD the usual number of times it is just that it was much earlier than usual. The cold woke Us several times after and We only got up to turn up Our heater a little. Because Our heat does not require electricity: it does not have a thermostat. We just adjust the flame and that varies sooooo much depending on the temp. These are colder temps than We have had since last winter.

And speaking of the cold: We read several articles and channelings that say that We are Allready in 5D and multiD. We do not theel that “they” are speaking of having Allways been there. This is a shift and change for Us in the physical. Most mention that We are keeping OurSelves in the familiar 3d. None acknowledge limitation 3d and expanded 3D which We theel is a major important point. At least it is for Us. Perhaps that is Our journey. Writings that are popular are usually aimed at the majority and it has been a while since Our intuition and insights led Us to living in the herd.

Most mention that old fears keep coming up to be released (different words and versions of this). Fear of the cold is One of Our oldest and biggest and deepest fears. Guess what? Here We ARE. It is hard for Us to believe that the cold is not really real because We believe in it and fear it. That makes it real. We have the power to accept Our power and no longer suffer from the cold. Perhaps the cold IS real? It is the suffering, the judgment of cold being bad that are NOT real. Those are Our projections. Still hard to believe and We know that it is true. Can You guess what Our night was about? Facing and processing fear. It is no longer gut wrenching fear and it is still quite strong. At these temps it constantly affects how We feel. How We feel IS Our projection of Our beliefs and fears. We remember to thank Us unconditionally. Another new idea from some article: We accept Us unconditionally. This ties to the rest and is an important factor. We forgive Us unconditionally and We love Us unconditionally. This is the way (as much as We know now anyway) into living multidimensionally.

Fear and other limiting beliefs keep Us stuck in limitation 3d. We cling to those fears and beliefs. We cherish “them”, We love “them”, We are addicted to “them”. We do not try to destroy “them” and/or abandon “them”. That is limitation and separation tactics. We set “them” free with love. “They” remain available for Us and anyOne else who chooses to play in forevermore. We can return here anytime that We want. Hopefully: when and if We return the word “PLAY” will be the operative word. We certainly forgot and keep forgetting that “play” is what We are doing here. We forgot and We take it All sooooo seriously. Fear and feeling threatened tend to do that to a people. We ARE making a lot of progress and this goes very deep. The layers of the onion grow infinitely small.

We got up a little early today to type about this.

We are not so much afraid of the cold (at least not like We were): We are just uncomfortable with it. How uncomfortable depends on Our frame of mind in the moment. It IS Our fear and old beliefs that cause the discomfort.

We ARE shifting and transitioning.

Again there is no bus for Our morning route. We do Oneder how long this will go on????? As long as We need this experience. At least We are not fighting and resisting it. We ARE glad that We chose to read One of Our free Kindle books while sitting around. There is another attendant doing parent calls for the late sped routes so We have even less to do. When Our supervisor returns from route he enlists Our aid in reaching into a narrow space to replace “their” phone cord. He comments on Our being skinny. We say that We are not skinny, look at OurSelf and say: “Well, I guess I Am now”. We likes it.

Our physical changes ARE part of Our transition. Many say that We are evolving into Our crystalline form: Our energy body. We likes that too. We have no idea what this will be like because it is new. This is All new. Our human pattern is to try and figure it out and to build specific, limited expectations. We are setting that pattern of behavior free with love. Today: We are practicing gratitude. We are practicing forgiving OurSelves unconditionally, accepting OurSelves unconditionally, loving OurSelves unconditionally and thanking OurSelves unconditionally. We ARE making progress and We ARE grateful.

We are living in and with the feeling of Xmas morning. As a child: on Xmas morning We got new toys and somehow the impossible became possible. That is exactly what We are experiencing. It is not quite as fast as childhood Xmas was and it does not pass and dissolve the way that did either.

We have a really good time playing with the kids on Our noon section and in the PM One of Our students who rides AM and PM expresses missing Us in the mornings. It is Allways nice to hear that.

We slip deep into multiD again and We still feel the cold of this limitation 3d. It is not bad unless that is what We wish to experience. It is still hard for Us to get it that Our waking world is NOT absolute and that We do have the power and ability to change how We experience it. Sooooo many years of denial have taken “their” toll.

On the ride back to base We go into dream. Once again: We ARE certain that some of the kids (maybe All) take Us into dream with “them”. We theel that it would be really nice to get home and be able to go directly to dream skipping All 3D tasks.

At home: We left the heat on higher than usual because it is colder outside than it has been. It IS nice to come home to a warmer cabin and yet it is still too cold for Us to be comfortable going straight to dream. We could go for a short dream session and still: We do not theel that that is what We want to do now.

We do have an early dinner with “Hemlock Grove” and are ready to head to dream early. The cabin being warmer helps Us be able and willing to do that. Our head still resists and fights the concept of the temperature NOT being absolute. Like time and space” temperature is another construct of limitation 3d. We know this and have yet to really begin to live it. We ARE learning how to do this.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Facing Our 3D fears in multiD



Facing Our 3D fears in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:53 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

Something is shifting in Our waking and dreaming. We can theel it. We are in it and therefore can not really describe it. We ARE going multiD that is for sure and multiD does include 3D.

We would love to describe what/how We are theeling and We have no idea how to describe it. We are certain that it is part of going multiD whatever that means.

It is about being here AND there. Even though this is not brand new: it is still new. At least at the level We are heading into. We have never been here before. Of course: since All time is now: We have Allways been here AND there. We just forgot and We did not write it down. No maps, no journals, no instruction manuals. Even if We had: would it be in a language that We could read? Would We understand of just dismiss it as the raving of a lunatic?

We have no bus for Our morning section again and even more buses are breaking down due to the cold (or so “they” say). We accidentally pick up the phone a couple of times when trying to make parent calls for late sped buses. One was a complaint which We sent to the base manager. We did learn something from that, actually have learned a few things from All this time in dispatch. Most of which We never wanted to know. It IS All Our projection. What a powerful creator and projector We ARE. Hard to believe and much easier to deny.

Lots more processing today. We are certainly in Our process. We are theeling about imagining. If We force Our imagining: “try” to imagine and have specific expectations then We limit Our possibilities. If We “allow” then the possibilities are limitless. It seems to be human nature to “try”. It is habit and training and programming NOT Our nature. Nothing natural about it though it is very normal. A clue: if it is “normal” then it probably is NOT “natural”. Hmmmm.

The kids (of course) are great and continue to teach Us even though We only get to go on Our noon and PM sections. We have connected and We do not have to be on the bus for the kids to reach Us. We do easily forget that.

We decided to read a Kindle book on Our tablet while stuck in dispatch. We are interrupted a lot and it makes the time go faster. We also go into Our trance state a bit. We ARE in multiD even though We are quite focused in 3D. We are letting Our beliefs about the cold affect Us and that reminds Us to change how We are thinking.

We enjoy Our breaks and slip deeper and even deeper into multiD.

We continue to notice the cold and how Our attitude affects how it feels. We ARE facing Our fear.

We theel about how Our world will look, feel and be as We change. We really do NOT know. Our wildest imaginings fall way short unless We open and allow Our imagination to fly free. (Our alarm just went off to remind Us to shave etc and We had no idea where it was coming from) Even when We allow Our imagining (rather than trying) We have no frame of reference so Our waking/conscious brain/head can not (yet) translate these imaginings (beyond the nearest edge which is barely even a fraction of the possible). We do try to picture Our new world. That is only a very limited picture. Habit and habit over and over again.

We finish a little early because several kids did not ride in the PM. We are very deep into multiD and still 3D looks much the same. The cold still feels cold and how much is up to Us. We real-eyes just how attached We are to Our old limitation and separation thinking, beliefs, world and life. What We think that We hate We actually love. A few years ago We got the idea of love that includes hate. We had no idea what that could mean yet We knew that it is real. We are living in it and We were living in it back when We could not imagine it.

At home Our cabin is quite cold and We go back and forth between being grateful for the experience and suffering. How We love to suffer. Sometimes this onion shit is annoying. No One to blame.

We have dinner and watch more “Hemlock Grove” and head for dream. We are fairly certain that it will be a short dream session initially.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Living multidimensionally is sooooo different than We expected



Living multidimensionally is sooooo different than We expected

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 7:01 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We got up a little early to get ready to go to the spring for water. Later We plan to fill Our heating oil and We will get more heating oil on Our way to town One morning next week. The store out by the spring was the cheapest for a few years and now there are places in town selling heating oil in small quantities for over a dollar a gallon less than last year.

You see: even though We are very deep into multiD these days: We are still very much still in 3D too. Not at All what We expected yet here it is. Will it change? The only thing constant IS change.

We have Our dragon plugged in since it is somewhere below 0 outside and We are warming up Our cabin. We did wake a couple of times during the night to get up and play in multiD a while. Even though a couple of dream sessions were only around an hour: We did sleep and dream well. We do not remember what We did or where and when We visited in Our dreams and We know that We did. We also know that We had fun. We also had fun playing in multiD while awake. We are aware of meeting new friends and some from Our waking world also live in Our other worlds.

Are All those worlds Our creation and projection also? Probably. The only reason to really even Oneder about this is to further establish Our belief in Our power and ability. We ARE sooooo much more than We ever believed.

Once again We want to mention Our labels that We use on Our daily entries. Even though We do not Allways mention “them” in Our posts: “they” are now Our way of life. We ARE getting more and more into living in multiD, living multidimensionally and as We do We theel that We are living more and more like people with autism. There are many, many degrees of autism and We theel that We becoming a little bit like a high functioning autist. We are coming closer to getting lost in other worlds and dimensions. We can still easily come back at will. We usually practice ho’oponopono and pony hopping throughout Our day.

Our children within are very active every day AND We are aware of “them”. We know that the students on Our bus (and children everywhere) ARE also Our projection of Our children within. We could probably benefit from being even more aware of children within throughout Our day. We do care for and nurture Our children within and We theel that We have a positive working relationship with most of “them”. We do not theel that “they” are acting out nearly as much as “they” used to. We know that “they” get much more love and attention than ever before in Our life. Progress.

We do plan on going back to dream after We getting water. We do enjoy experiencing being awake in multiD (even though We judged it bad and wrong and avoided it for lifetimes) and still We usually enjoy dreaming even more. We often do not remember what We did in either a few moments afterwards. We used to think that this was bad too?????? We Oneder???? Another key to being multiD?

Our trip to get water was successful. Our dreaming seemed less successful yet We theel that We did dream. More time passed than We had thought: that much seems certain. We got up to play in multiD again and that is successful too. We have a few more 3D things that We want to do and We keep reminding OurSelves that there is absolutely nothing that We “HAVE” to do.

More dreaming and a little more 3D tasking and more playing in multiD.

We made jambalaya for dinner and ate early because it was ready and We did not want to wait. We watched some “Continuum” and more “Hemlock Grove”. We found “Vikings” on Amazon and it still does not stream well. We wonder if it would stream more better on Our desktop than through Wii?????? Maybe We will check that out sometime. Maybe knot.

We are going to dream early and kinda expect it to be a short session. We will probably get up and play in multiD more soon. For now We are ready for some dreaming.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

3D within multiD: different than We ever expected



3D within multiD: different than We ever expected

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 11:52 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.

We slept and dreamt well. In fact We thought that We had woken a couple of times to get up and play in multiD and only really remember waking and getting up Once. A phone call woke Us at 10:30 AM and We really have no idea if We would have woken otherwise and how long We had slept. We were way deep into Our dream life: that is for sure. We did not get completely back to dream after that (or do not theel that We did) and when We got up We were way deep into multiD.

A thought came to start this entry and it seemed like the thought and typing were a million miles away even though We had also been thinking about paying bills. Definitely here AND there and it is very exciting.

We are going to visit Our local friends today and have chicken pot pie. We have been wanting chicken pot pie for a while. We have not bought any because We are trying to use up some of the food that We have in the freezer. We are eating sooooo little these days that it really is taking a while to use up Our frozen left overs. Most weekends We also think of something that We want to make and that is usually enough for three or four meals.

As We walk around a little We ARE clearly here AND there. We see and experience Our normal 3D AND We theel much more too. This is the beginning of living in multiD and it is nothing like what We expected. Expectations really are limiting. This is sooooo much more than We ever imagined and yet it is imagination that is the key. Once again: there is a huge difference between forced and allowed imagination.

We really ARE delighted with Our progress. We are grateful and We appreciate Our process. Slow and gentle IS the way that works best for Us and it IS All working together for the best for Us. Thank Us.

We continue to find evidance of being in multiworlds today. Little things that are NOT the way that We remember “them”. The kinds of things that are easily dismissed and explained or poo-pooed away. Memory and imagination ARE keys to this awakening process. We have used linear, consistent memories to convince (and prove to) OurSelves that We are living only One life in only One world and reality AND that that is All there is: EVER! It is a lie and We only believe it because We are the One telling it. Well: that and We create empirical evidance to support Our lies.

So: We take notice of these subtle, little changes in the landscape of Our projected world, Our hologame. We also notice that simple, familiar tasks take a lot of concentration and intentional focus. Our autopilot is no longer tuned to limitation 3d. We likes that. We thank Us unconditionally.

We went to town to visit Our friend. “Their” stove had stopped working and it had just tripped the breaker. We have no idea why. “They” do have a history of messing with electrical stuff with “their” energy. We played cards and had a turkey pot pie. We enjoyed that. We never really fully left dream and/or multiD and We really likes that. We felt comfortable talking about what We are going through whereas We rarely do theel comfortable with that anymore. We do not know why. We are glad that We did.

We drove home safely even though We do not really remember that. At home We are playing in multiD before going to dream and having some I-scream. We are enjoying both and now it is time to go dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.