Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Imaginating and doing

Imaginating and doing
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:00:48 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) We wish to report that more days feel like play. It seems that (perhaps) taking the steps to begin Our autism website opened Us up.
We visited lots of worlds last night and met more new friends. We kinda remember some worlds with no clear details. That is not quite accurate: We actually do remember some details like someOne's smile or even a full scene but not in a way that “they” fit together. Scattered bits and pisces. Hmmmmm, that sounds familiar. Could it be?
It feels like We will probably return to dream soon. We may stay up and become more aware of being in multiworlds but it is much easier and more fun to do in dream than waking.
We are learning to walk in multiworlds by bits and pisces. Little by little AND We are setting Our expectations free with love. Expectations are based in limitation and “they” limit Us. We are slip, sliding into limitlessness. We are setting OurSelf free in love. We are reminded of Our unconscious which is made up of Our super conscious (Father within) and Our subconscious (children within). We have All-ways thought that it is Our waking conscious which controls Our life. Our waking conscious actually filters out most of Our life/lives and Our world(s). This is what We are beginning to shift and (again) it takes getting used to. We still argue for and demand Our limits. That is a pattern and memory looping over and over.
However, this too is changing and expanding, gently.
We continue having visions of turning Our vehicles into non-polluting, sustainable/renewable energy powered hover craft. However: even that is part of limitation. Beyond limitation Our vehicles are All-ready perfect and within limitation We have just superimposed and image of something much less than perfect. We have known (or at least suspected) this for some time but it is becoming more and more real to Us. It is still more philosophy than experience but the experience is drawing closer if We will only allow it.
We are still afraid because it is unfamiliar. We hope to imaginate it more into Our waking reality. The more We imaginate it, the more familiar it becomes and the less We fear it as We begin to recognize it. No matter how much We want something, if it is unfamiliar We fear it and that blocks it. As We dream and imagine it: it (usually gradually) becomes familiar and the more We dream and imagine it the more familiar and the less fearful it grows.
This morning We are going back and forth between putting on Our summer tires and waiting until tomorrow. Back and forth, back and forth. We decided to start giving OurSelf permission to stop at any time. We could start today and finish tomorrow but We have said that every year and never done it. We are at least half in dream and multiworlds which is an interesting state to be changing tires in. It is part of learning how to do and live this change that We are in.
We got the summer tires on and both the chariot and the dragon back in “their” homes. We are reminded that many of the things which We think We want are NOT what We really want. We want and are seeking and even creating something much more and expansive. Often what We think We want is actually only more of the illusion of limitation. Therefore We actually push it away. We seek to come to a balance with that. We also fear that some catastrophe will strike before We have created/remembered what We really want and We will need what We are pushing away in order to survive. Obviously: this is False Evidence Appearing Real but it is Ours.
As We read some stuff online We still see most everyOne projecting “their”/Our stuff onto someOne else rather than owning it and taking responsibility. This too is Our projection. We are reminded about active and passive shadows and know that We can project what We are growing out of as well as what We are actively living in/with. In other words what We see, project, reflect may NOT be who We are today, it might be who We are yesterday. If We are to set OurSelf free We must still take responsibility and set it free with love AND forgive OurSelf. Thank You.
Getting ready for dream time We remember that what We see is what We project. The evi-dance that We are living in limitation, the proof of scarcity and lack ARE Our creation. What We call “facts” are actually Our beliefs that We have projected onto Our world.
We like the idea of going into dream with these thoughts and reminders.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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