Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


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I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Facts are beliefs and beliefs are thoughts

Facts are beliefs and beliefs are thoughts
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:37:47 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play)
Another busy night that We do not have much clear memory about. We did wake from a world/life with more new friends playing and living free. It is another transitional world. We remember that earlier We really hoped We remembered those lives and worlds to share. There were some great experiences and insights that are filed away. Sometimes it is just too much of a stretch for Our waking head to allow through the filters.
We continue to find that when We do imagine what those expanded worlds feel like We smile. The feeling is euphoric, thrilling, and more.
Somewhere, somewhen We were pondering these other worlds and We are quite certain that what actually changes is Us. We have mentioned this before. If We were transplanted into a progressive world without any changes within Us We probably would not even notice that We were free. Freedom is in/from Our hearts and minds not just in/from the outer world. We could argue about that and show lots of Self-created proof that the world imposes hardship. It is still a lie no matter how much proof and evidence and belief We put behind it.
We ARE the key. We live in a world where noOne believes that, not completely because that is what We project. We are the problem AND We ARE the solution. We are sorry and We are beginning to forgive OurSelf; All aspects of OurSelf. We ARE changing and expanding. We are starting to work in harmony with All Our parts but it is still a work in progress/process.
Most (if not All) facts are merely beliefs that We have found/created proof of/for. As Abraham/Hicks says: “Beliefs are only thoughts that We have thought over and over”. Of course: (Once again) this flies in the face of deep rooted societal/projected beliefs, dogma, taboos and stigma. Is it any Oneder that Our brain does NOT want to remember??????? It is trying to protect Us from real or unreal threats and disasters and harm and even death that We remember from Our passed. Those are All Our projections and nothing more but “they” seem very, very real.
Now We remember that in One dream life We were having a gathering of some sort in Our home. (GOD forbid, well not that is not quite as strong as it would have been even a few weeks ago) The thing is that though there were a few of Our blood family there most were NOT blood family. It was an odd and interesting assortment of beans and it seems that Once We met a person coming in We had NO interest in “them” after that. It seems like We were focused elsewhere that it seemed that people left All-most as soon as “they” arrived. We theel there is a message here. We will pony hop this. We do NOT have to struggle and try to figure it out. That is old pair-a-dime thinking. We can just set it free with love and anything We need will be given to Us clearly. We only have to clean and allow inspiration and love to do its job.
It seems that there is more We wanted to type but We are blank. Aha: this is the experience We typed about yesterday (and many other times): shifting worlds. The thing is that it is getting deeper and more pronounced as We continue Our journey.
As We go about Our day (kinda) We are getting many insights and inspirations and many We forget (consciously) before We get back to Our computer. One is that We are reminded that anything/everything which We notice (whether good or bad, whether We like or dislike it/“them”) it IS Our projection of what is within Us. This is a HARD concept to come to terms with. Everything: good AND bad is OUR projection. When We do begin to accept and believe this then it is much easier to believe that the bad stuff is Our projection but the good stuff?????? If We project the good stuff too then We must be making progress AND taking responsibility AND manifesting what We actually want: God forbid????????? Well?????????
We are spending Our day walking in multiworlds, doing things around the cabin and playing on the internet. We are catching up on some vids We wanted to watch.
There is a lot of great information and suggestions for growth and transformation available on the internet and lots of it is free. The thing is that few (if any) are going where We really want to go, or talking about it or even seem to have a clue that We truly can live without limits and needs. We really can multi-locate and teleport and All that jazz. We know We can and We even know that We do. We just do not seem to be consciously aware of it (yet). This lack of confirmation We are finding (in/to the depths that We seek to experience) is probably/certainly another example of Our projection. We pony hop again.
One of Our current online courses is suggesting that We write down Our desires (life/world/Self) so We did that some more. We want a lot and We can have it All. One thing that We really want is to live in tune and harmony with nature/Gaia. Another is more free time while still working with/playing with.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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