Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Dream stuff

Dream stuff
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:20:20 AM
Good morning. We tried checking Our natural sleep cycle but We are not certain. We woke with no apparent outside stimulus yet We do not remember what We were dreaming like We “should” if it was at the end of a sleep cycle. We tried to go back to sleep but were unsuccessful but then as soon as We started typing We feel groggy. We will try to continue “paying attention” to Our cycles and see if We can determine what is Our optimum cycle. That is the intent of the exercise and experiment: find what works for Us. Once again: “paying attention” comes up.
We hope to get motorvated to go to town and do laundry today. We are adjusting to not having Shadow here in the physical and making several changes in Our daily life. We hope to “pay attention” and find what works for Us towards living as We truly are.
It just occurred to Us that We might not have a standard natural sleep cycle as normal. We may not “fit” the mold. What a surprise, NOT. This might be true for many youngstars too. It is interesting that “paying attention” is coming up as We have been thinking that “paying attention” may be what Our role will be in Our evolving life and world. Of course: which came first? The donkey or the cart?
Also, the first article that We chose to read this morning is about time and its flexibility. This is NOT mentioned in the title but it does resonate and confirm what We are experiencing. We also find We are having a hard time with words this morning. We have decided to go back to dream for a bit. We are reminded this is All a learning curve and what We read about techniques and programs are only pieces of a puzzle. There is NO One answer or key. We are finding the combination that works for Us and maybe it will work more betterer for others two.
Our dream session was very short being mainly a state of waking dream or trance. We got several insights which We hope registered in Our subconscious, Our child within. There are many, many variable and possibilities around Our sleep and diet. Even though the book We are reading does cite some “rules” which do apply to the norm it also tells Us to “pay attention” to what works for Us. We are combining many methods and techniques to find Our optimum (yes, We ARE repeating OurSelf). One important clue is that there are many different states that are very similar and often grouped under the word: “sleep”.
We are multitasking this morning and hopefully will not get too lost in another world (unless it is a pleasant world which We want to explore for a while). We are doing this gently and though Our head still wants to stay in a trap Our heart is becoming more and more of the leader. We are reminded that We read and study different techniques and programs in order to wake the knowledge and abilities and even power that lies dormant within OurSelf. This IS an important point. We are also reminded about: “laying on of hands”. It is NOT required BUT there is a lot of power and energy that is and can be released through Our hands. It may well be an important tool for Our tool box.
What We are doing and experiencing is hard to describe in words (at least within limitation 3D) because We are living AND experiencing within multiworlds and malleable time. It is interesting to be aware of this and in a waking state. We are also reminded that: 1. Many things that We have (in Our passed) taught, been taught and believed are THE very things that are intended to keep Us locked into this limitation and separation game. 2. Memories (which We rely on heavily in limitation 3D) are the very thing We are setting free in love through Our pony hopping.
We All-most forgot to mention that the book states that those who do not remember “their” dreams probably are not getting enough sleep. It might be more accurate to say that “they” are not sleeping naturally or for a natural amount of time. The quality of sleep could be increased just as easily by reducing the length as extending it. This is also connect to time being different and more fluid than We (masses) currently believe.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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