Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Our process continues



Our process continues

Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:29:02 AM

Good morning. More and more stuff keeps coming up to be loved and set free. We are amazed at some of the memories and incidents (those We judge good AND bad both) that were sooooo deeply buried as to remain hidden after All these years. Of course, if someOne was trying to kill Us, We would hide well too. We love You. Please forgive Us. We thank You. We just remembered (thought) to ask forgiveness for trying to kill All these aspects and memories. We certainly do see why “they” do not trust Us easily. However, many can tell that We are sincere.

We felt and experienced many coming home to integrate and taking off on journeys to the far reaches of space. We still had instant communication with these distant parts and pisces that had been integrated. Just like science has found about particles that have met Once remain in instant contact no matter how far or how long apart “they” are. Love is the connecting thread/energy that knows no bounds.

We can feel OurSelf changing and expanding. Our world still looks the same and We no longer expect it to change. We ARE the part that is changing and adapting. We are becoming multidimensional and We really have no idea what that will be like.

We find that We do still have some expectations that need to be loved and set free. We love You. Please forgive Us. Thank You.

A question that came up during the night was: “If We were experiencing All the good stuff that We have intuited: would We still have compassion for those who are not experiencing this?” We would hope so but We can NOT be certain.

We called Our plow guy and went for water and heating oil. We got more snow than We real-eyesed so We are glad that We called. We are feeling more and more like We are changing AND more and more is coming up for loving and releasing. From One perspective if could look like Our world is staying the same and will fall down around Our head any moment. BUT, that is absolutely NOT how it feels. We are clear that We do NOT know what is coming and anything We would do to figure it out, try to plan and even if We try” to imagine would limit, severely limit the possibilities. We do get the feeling that it is about multiples and that is what Our experiences are about too.

We also called unemployment to reopen Our extended benefits claim from last summer. We are in the quay to be called back so We are waiting for that before We return to dream.

Our pony hopping is bringing many things to Our attention. One is how We feel about seeming to be stuck in a limitation world. We often think We hate injustice, inequality and All the rest of the results of separation and limitation. Yet, We created this so We also love it. So, We were saying to Our world and Our fear: We love You. Please forgive Us. Thank You. And, it came to mind (Once again) that this is a game We are playing AND this is Our playground. In the physical: if We were (which We actually are) placed in the most fabulous playground imaginable, with All the bestest toys and games and swings and slides and forts and, and, and …........ BUT: if We were/are held captive inside this playground, it would lose its appeal at some point. This is exactly what is going on for Us (personally AND many others). Of course, this captivity is an illusion BUT We set it up to be very convincing and it worked and is working. We love You. Please forgive Us. Thank You.

We open, We are open. We set it All free. We allow love.

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