Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

As hard to remember waking as dreaming



As hard to remember waking as dreaming

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:29:56 AM

Good morning. It was a little easier to get up this morning. We are still experiencing being here AND there as We wake. That is a good thing. “They” were predicting another ice storm but it is not here yet in the world We woke to but it is quite warm.

We do not remember what We were dreaming but We theel it was fun.

We went to sleep repeating: We are sorry for All the thoughts and beliefs within Us that cause problems for Us and others. Please forgive Us. We love You. We thank You. We real-eyes that We are asking love to do this AND that We are love. This is not something external, it is internal. We are asking OurSelf to change. We need and want an entire psychic change. We want to think with Our heart. We want to return to Our true nature which We forgot, buried and even denied. It is not surprising that Our true nature does not trust Us. We denied it, We turned Our back on it but it is still Us/OurSelf even if it does remain in hiding, safe and protected.

It is important that We let OurSelf that We are not destroying or abandoning Our limitation/separation creation/hologram/game. This may not give Our true nature confidence in Us but it too is part of Us because it is Our creation. It may take a little time before We trust OurSelf from either side of the fence.

We must have this change of mind. Only Our heart can heal Our broken parts, Our separated parts. We want to heal. We accept that We ARE responsible for All this even though it seems that the problems belong to others. Our first reaction may still be to externalize and blame but We are quickly remembering that it is Us. This is not new but this depth, this level, this expansion is new. We can only change Our world from the inside of OurSelf. We are sorry, We forgive Us, We love Us, We thank Us. It really is All about Us. The idea that knowing/thinking this is “bad” is just another trick to keep Us locked in the game.

It would be nice to get to stay home today but We real-eyes that We (at the conscious level) still do not know what is best for Us. Much that is happening currently is not understandable by Us (in waking) yet but We know it is for Our best interest. We know that everything is helping Us expand and live from Our heart. That is Our true desire. We are remembering to take it easy and be gentle with OurSelf. (sometimes)

This transition phase is a bit difficult. We are learning to live AS love while Our projection/reflection (which We call Our outer world) is still living in De-Nile. It is a bit tricky to say the least. A bit like swallowing a two edged sword????????? BUT: the important part is that We ARE doing it and We are learning. We are changing. Hopefully Our projection/reflection will catch up soon. Actually, it is caught up and just reflecting the dross that still lingers buried deep within. The difficultist part is the important part: the both”. The NOT abandoning ship is the hard part because We know how to jump into the ocean, what We do NOT know how to do is to stay in the physical AND be love.

Not much to type right now, may have more time this afternoon. So far the ice storm has been very mild. More stuff keeps coming up for release and owning Our responsibility. Own it and set it free.

We are having several interesting experiences. We met the father of One of Our gradeschoolers at the pool. We have seen him there for years (but not recently) and when We saw him at the house We knew We recognized him but did not know from where. We had a nice conversation with him and got some information about the student that is informative and nice to know. We recommended The Reason I Jump and shared a couple of insights from the book that may apply to this student. These parents are trying to avoid putting the child on meds. This is good for the child but harder on parents and society. Imagine accepting children as “they” are rather than drugging “them” into being what We want. What a concept.

The gradeschoolers were pretty wired when “they” got on the bus and it is a balancing act to let “them” talk and play (especially since Our driver would prefer “them” silent) yet keeping “them” quiet enough for a safe ride. We take responsibility. We created this entire scenario AND We are certainly learning from it. It is easy to blame and hard/unfamiliar to remember to take responsibility.

We do not remember the other interesting and enlightening events of Our day but We know We had “them”. It is also remarkable to see how remembering Our waking is getting to be as hard as remembering Our dreaming.

The ice storm hit a little more and some routes had trouble but We did not. We did not have any trouble getting home even though We could tell that it was getting really slick.

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