Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


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I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Are We getting familiar with this?



Are We getting familiar with this?

Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:39:02 AM

Good morning. We really want to stay in dream again and again We are practicing being awake AND in dream. It is kinda hard to do because We are so trained and programmed to believe that We can NOT be and do both at the same time. We are learning how. We have not learned how to type much, how to translate Our dream thoughts etc. while in dream and get “them” to come out Our fingers.

We did have a clear dream that We knew is about clearing and forgiving. We woke knowing it is part of the process the pony hopping is assisting. Having trouble finding words with Our fingers here. In that dream world a friend's young son was snatched by a band of thieves living/camping on Our property while We were away somewhere. Eventually (as We pursued the band to get back the boy) the boy became more of a handicap than asset so “they” killed him and left him for Us to find. This was a hard One to take responsibility for but We instantly knew that is exactly what it is about. Anything that is in Our life is Our responsibility and Our creation. We can accept that and heal or fight it and suffer.

It will take a real change for people to accept this and We certainly are NOT going to put it out in words until We have done a lot more dreamwork to introduce it to the mass mind. When We fully accept and live by this then We will see the masses start to shift too. Remember, if We see the masses resisting, that is Our responsibility AND Our projection.

We are very glad that We can spend most of Our work day dreaming or We might be able to go to work. We are sorry for All the erroneous and unloving thoughts and beliefs within Us that cause problems for OurSelf and others. Please forgive Us. We love You/Us. We thank You/Us.

Our extremely autistic highschooler has not ridden in over a week. We have no idea what is going on with him at the physical level but We still feel him at deeper levels. He is busy working with Us in ways that are beyond Our full comprehension.

Another highschooler likes to draw and he is really pretty good at it. He showed Us his latest drawing of a guy he calls Palipto. We asked where Palipto is from. He replied: “He's from shadow realms. He's not sci-fi (We think he said genre but not sure) he's fantasy (genre?). We had a feeling the answer would be something like this and We left the question very open to see where the student is coming from. We like his reply and there was little or no hesitation or embarrassment. We were supportive. He also showed his picture to a student who seldom rides and it appears that these two are becoming friends. “They” are probably both mildly autistic.

In The Reason I Jump he says that autists want friends but because communicating is sooooo hard it is easier to be a loner. We hope these boys can find a desired friendship. We are also reminded of how for Us the pain of separation is sooooo great that We would generally rather be alone by OurSelf than alone in a crowd.

We are surprised at All the stuff that is coming up for clearing, blessing and release. Our old habits and programming try to hang on and argue and demand limitation. We just keep pony hopping and it just keeps working.

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