Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, February 15, 2013



Help is here

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:25:00 AM

Good morning. We are love.

Where to begin? It used to be said (still is actually) that the best place to start is at the beginning. However, as We become more and more aware of being multidimensional there really is no beginning just as there will be no end.

And that is exactly what last night was All about: becoming aware (or more and more aware) that We are multidimensional. There was definitely some night school and it seemed perfectly clear and understandable while in class. Now, having drawn some (not All be some) of Our focus back into 3D it is mostly a blur. Thank God for recess. Another cool part is that We are doing it. What We did in class was not just some limited “pretend” mockup. It was not just a lab. We were aware of what We are doing which Our limitation 3D mind can not (yet) comprehend.

This morning We are also aware of morphing both physically and mentally. (Not sure about spiritually) It is Our limitation 3D aspects that are morphing at this time. We began the night last night with some sinus discomfort. It was not extreme but it was annoying enough to prevent relaxing, sleeping and going deep. It pulled Us out. We used some home remedies and attained enough relief to make it to night school. After class We applied some of what We had been practicing in class and more home remedies and We were able to sleep without pain. This morning the pain is negligible but We are aware of some facial swelling. We get the feeling that this swelling is more about physically than just sinuses and it is NOT something We want to escape.

In class We were learning how to make changes in Our hologram/illusion. What We consider Our reality is a hologram/illusion of limitation and separation that We created. We fell in and forgot how to get up. So, Our higher aspects, Our watcher, knower Selves and Our galactic friends and family are helping Us to remember. We can certainly use the help. Our expansion into more awareness of being multidimensional is being accomplished slowly and gradually. Last night's class is a good example. We hold some vague memories but We will take time to become familiar with the concepts We explored.

Basically We were looking at the frames/slides/holographic plates that are used to project the images that We believe ARE Our world. “They” are images, the real world is much, much more. Our images contain bits and pieces of the real but then We crop and clip and assign borders and limits in order to ssssssssssssqqqqqueeeeeeeezzzzzze it All into a single image. Then We create the next image/frame/slide/plate and then the next and then the next and on and on.

Here is where it gets interesting. We have been using the same images over and over for (at least) thousands of years. We make some adjustments for (so called) advancements but We have been recycling the plates over and over and over.

Now, We are in the state of awakening which requires making new plates/slides/frames and eventually We wake beyond the need and ability to believe that We are contained within these plates. So, before We can move forward (in this limited reality) We must create a new plate (or thousands). Then, when We step into Our new projection We can decide whether We like it or if We want to change it.

Many of Us want to change it “right now”. The problem with that is that We have not created it yet. First We must create it. This is where We get to be really creative.

So, this is the best We can describe class: First We created a new frame/slide/plate. Then We inserted it into Our projector (which is actually Us) and We projected it onto the screen (world) and then stepped in and tried it out. Our first question was: “Can We play with this?” Then We began to experiment and find out just how much play can fit into this new projection.

Needless to say that was the end of class per se. We evolved into recess.

There was another dream (One that kept running when We would wake and return) about working in an automotive repair shop. It is a shop We are fairly familiar with but it was quite abstract. Perhaps it is being adapted to upgrade cars and trucks to Our new, heart centered technology.

We are reminded to just be. Often, in a stage like this We humans try to force and “do” and make” something happen. We are again reminded of Our most recent intuit: Opening, letting go and allowing. That is All the action We need right now. At least for Us personally.

Much like Our ongoing dreams that kind of pick up One night where We left off the night before, today seems/feels to be a continuation of yesterday. We are certain that We getting more and more into Our multidimensionality. We are experiencing and exploring what being multidimensional really is. We have had a lot of preparation for this and yet We must go slow and gradual to integrate what We are learning/remembering.

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