Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, February 8, 2013



Time to expand

Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:18:16 AM

Good morning. Quite a different variety of dreams last night. We visited a simpler world. It felt like modern day but We were still riding horses. We had chosen not to advance technologically. Many of the same problems still existed, namely people exerting power over others. Yet, there was a greater sense of community and friendliness. We were much less stressed and happily settled for simpler pleasures. In the part of the dream where some were trying to exert power over others it backfired on “them”.

Just before We were driving school bus again only it was awful. The route was completely messed up and unclear and even wrong. The bus was mechanically faulty and dangerous.

When We woke (shortly after ending the bus driving dream) We knew that We really must begin changing the world. We must recognize and admit and live that We are able, We have the power. In order to begin the changes We must stop denying that We can. We know We can. Something shifted in the course of Our dreams and We no longer feel powerless in this realm. We own Our power. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

We are certain that We need to engage this from Our hearts and keep Our monkey mind out of the process. In the passed We have tried to brain and logic and conscious mind Our way out of problems. That only creates temporary fixes and band aids. That is like shuffling a deck of cards after the dealer had kept All the aces for “themSelf”. We have thousands of band aids available All-ready. We do NOT need any more band aids and that is All the brain is capable of coming up with. We need solutions.

As the old saying goes: “We must get to the heart of the matter”. Interesting that the answer has been right before Our eyes All this time.

We may do a morning review on this but We also know that this is very simple and as humans We would want to complicate it. The bottom line is that We can change Our world. The kicker is that there is really nothing to do. At least for Us there is nothing to do in the physical. There is plenty to do in the etheric realms but that requires what appears to be inaction. Love is the only answer that will work. Living and acting and being in and from Our hearts is the key. We can only create effective change if We change from the inside out. Another key is to begin accepting, admitting and announcing that We do have the power and ability to create a new and better world. A world of love. Stop denying and playing victim. We change the world We see by changing what We project.

The change may (and probably will) appear small at first, too small to be of any value. However, the tiniest crack in the wall will be unnoticed and therefore unrepaired. As it grows gradually it will continue to be unnoticed because of this slow and gradual change. Hence it will continue to go unrepaired and continue to grow. At some point it will unrepairable and that is when it will be noticed.

The crack has All-ready begun. We (All-most everyOne) are aware of a problem with Our world. We are increasingly aware of the lie and illusion of separation and limitation that fosters other lies and defenses and further separation and limitation. We are becoming aware that We are the answer and the change must come from within.

This brings up several questions and most of “them” start with how”. Our first question is: “How may I serve?” and/or “How can I serve?” This is an internal question. And the answer for Us is also internal. Many may be called to act” and do” in the physical. But many are called to act on the internal planes. The internal, the heart-mind, love is the most powerful energy for change. The thing is that We really do need to acknowledge and work with those with a different calling. We are All partners in this.

The most powerful force in the multi-verse is love. The most powerful way to create change is to go within and be, knowing that We are creating change and that regardless of appearances the change is complete. We have taught the opposite. Our society supports the opposite. We have surrounded and drowned Our true knowing and abilities with lies. We support this with the statement: “This is the real world, it doesn't work like that.” One of the biggest lies of All time. This world We call and believe to be real is based on lies. It is time to believe the truth.

The real world does work like that.

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