Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

A brand new choice
Morning Review (as We are waking and/or resisting waking)
It was a very busy night but a lot of it did not make sense until We reviewed it and it still seems a bit scattered. We will try to sort and arrange it a bit to clarify. (Or not.)
Many of Us are caught up in doing. That is normal for humans if not natural. Human beans like to do, do, do.  Humans really believe that the only way to get anything done is to do. That is a deep rooted belief and We created tons and tons of proof. Besides, it is just obviously true. “This is the real world” is the phrase used so often to justify Our denial of what We really are. And so We ask: “Is this the real world?” It is based on impossibility. It is based on separation and limitation which are impossible. Yes, the world is real but the way We perceive it and interact with it is through a veil of impossibility. It is up to Us whether We change or not.
The change, the transmutation must be an individual One. Hence it may seem for a while that We are (Once again) the lone wolf trying to survive in a transitional world that is constantly in flux. We may feel like We are trying to climb an avalanche. Once We can get Our own perspective shifted, We will see that (by choice) We are in the world but not of the world. We will see that We are not trapped and enslaved by the systems that We see crumbling All around Us. If We choose: We can rise above it All even while Our others may scream: “But this is the real world. You can't just live above it All in Your dreams.” Then, Once again We will get to make a choice. Up until now whenever this choice was presented, We chose to forget (Once again) what We really are.
Doing needs to be balanced with being. We must embrace Our human being before We dive into All of Our human doing. We must “be as little children” and children play. Children play naturally, long before “they” are taught to build.
We are love. That is the world, the New Earth, the state of being of Gaia. We are the human embodiment of love even if We completely forgot. We have the opportunity to live in a world of love. It will seem like We are creating this because it will seem brand new. In a way, that will be true. The thing is that to fully experience it We must fully believe in it. Our old beliefs and denials are sooooo strong, so embedded, so deep that We will have to be very aware and willing if We are to change.
This year will be remembered in history as “the year of Evolution” and WE are the evolutionaries.
We have been playing a pretend game of separation and limitation. In order to fully experience separation and limitation We had to fully believe in “them”. We did good. We did very, very good. We totally believed that We are separate and limited and We (All-most) completely forgot Our true nature. We have spent eons and millenia pretending to be what We are not.
Now if We choose, We can change All that. It must start with each person individually and it must start in Our heart(s).
At One point (during Our dream last night) We were given a gun. Other people asked: “Is it real?” We showed it to “them” and said: “See, it is real.” “No, We mean does it shoot bullets? Is it loaded? What is it full of?”
We replied: “It is full of fear. It shoots fear and that is much more effective than any number of bullets.” (This is not a side of OurSelf that We wish to brag about.)
We were shown a method of gaining power and control. It is slow and gradual. It takes generations and even longer to fully gain everyOne's trust and acquiescence. It works very well.
We really questioned this One. At first We had thought it was something to be applied now (2013). (Because All time is now that is how We experienced this method. We were doing it, practicing it in Our now) Then We real-eyesed that it was a means of control and manipulation and NOT something applicable to being used in 2013. We wondered and wondered. (when dreaming there is a lot of time to wonder)
Finally We got it that this was a kind of history of Our world. (It was also important to note that We were a part of implementing this system of control) It may be helpful to have a clear understanding of this method to undo it OR We may bypass All of that by simply remembering what We are. We are love. If We can remember that and begin (Once again) to live it then We can skip All the tearing down and undoing and unraveling etc. ad-nauseum. It is Our choice and We (the masses) have NOT fully decided yet. First the choice is individual but for it to encompass the world it will have to be a mass choice. One by One We must each choose what We desire.
Then We looked into money. This was actually the question that We took with Us into dream. Money is sooooo important to Us (society and seemingly everyOne in the world). It really does seem to be the make it or break it item on Our list of honey-do's. Money is neutral but Our beliefs, emotions and attachments to money are anything but neutral. Money is the foundation of Our society. It is the building blocks of everything We do and believe. Money is the mortar that We use to connect those blocks. AND, money is the thing that We use to keep OurSelves under someOne else's control.
We must replace money with love. Love must be the foundation upon which We build. Love must be the material We use to build and create. Love must be the glue that binds it All together. Anything else will be like building a mansion on a mudslide.
The choice is Ours. We are love.
Now, the million dollar question is: (see what We mean about money, it is insidious) How do We replace money with love? It starts with a choice. We will have to learn how. It has never been done before, at least not the way We are doing it. We chose not to destroy anything and everything. We will probably go through a lot of trial and error. We will try to force this and that. Force and struggle are part of the human condition and We will probably not let go of that without more struggle. That is okay. We are here to experience and We will wring everything out of this experience that We can.
We will just keep reminding OurSelves that: We are love. Then, maybe We will stop and breathe (if We are ready). Perhaps some of Us will spend more time being. Others are doubtless going to keep doing, doing, doing. Those are choices and in this new paradigm (no more pair-of-dimes unless We want that) All choices are honorable and cherished.
Somewhere in the night there was stuff/information/experience about the “criminals”. We All have a few. We have more choices ahead of Us. Will We punish or will We reconcile. There is (at least) One country where the people chose to reconcile rather than feed the divide, the hate through justice and punishment. The results were amazing.
You may not be able to find this country through the lens of mainstream media.
This led Us to another amazing point: If We look at Africa, India and the middle east (probably many other places but these were the focal points last night) without the lens of CNN We will see a very different view than We might expect. If You are aware of Your ability to practice remote viewing (We can All do this but few have acknowledged it yet) or if You know someOne who practices remote viewing, We invite You to take a look. You will be shocked and amazed. We are not going to tell You what We see. You would not believe Us and if You would believe Us then You All-ready know what We see.
There was more but this is All that We seem to be able to fit into words for now.
Oh, don't forget: We are love.

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