Hop on My pony
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:28:13 AM
Good morning. We know that We spent the night cleaning
and releasing (setting free). We dreamt of other worlds and memories
and asked for forgiveness. Lots of interesting memories are coming up
to be cleaned and set free with/by love. Some of these memories are
from this life others are from lives which We do not recognize but
the memories are clearly Ours. We are getting more and more clarity
about this.
recognize that ho'oponopono is not the only answer and/or method but
it is certainly affective and definitely what We need at the stage of
Our journey. It is working on and for Us. For some, the idea of
weather and objects being living beans is very far fetched but it is
not new to Us. It is even comfortable for Us. We like the idea of
working with these (so called)
“things”. That is
in Our nature that has been restored All-ready.
The temperature seems to be going up and down rapidly.
Yesterday it warmed up for a while and then dropped back down in the
afternoon. The suddenness of the change and back and forth are both
unusual for here. We are working with the weather but that One (the
cold) is still hard for Us because Our fear and dislike of the cold
is sooooo deep. We love You, please forgive Us. We love Us, please
forgive OurSelf. Thank You. Simple lines and the old adage to: “Act
as if” comes into play.
As We have said (typed) before: We are integrating many
techniques. We are grateful to have such a well supplied tool box. We
are grateful for Our process. How many times has it looked like We
were done? There is All-ways more, that is what eternity and infinity
are about. There are sooooo many memories, fears and abuses from Our
passed and “they” run sooooo deep. We love You, please forgive
Us. This is quite a process and goes to depths We have never plumbed
before. We are certainly grateful for All the preparation that We
have had.
We continue to work with Our gradeschooler too.
Sometimes We forget that it is Us that We are working on, he is
reflecting OurSelf but it sure looks like him even though We are
having memories that relate to his behaviour. We do NOT want to feel
like We have to keep punishing and/or restricting him. We real-eyes
that this process runs to Our entire world system.
are sorry that We trapped everything and imposed limitation and
separation on everything. (We One-der what it will look like when
everything, Our entire world is connected AND limitless?) It is not
so much the world that We are sorry about it is the trapping and
bondage: the taking it All hostage. We are truly sorry, please
forgive Us, please forgive OurSelf. We love You and We love Us
unconditionally, and We thank You. We All choose to play this game
but We do not theel that We intentionally fell in and completely
forgot Our origin and Our true nature. We know that it was necessary
to believe completely in order to fully experience but it seems We
missed the final bell and kept playing. Perhaps We were caught in
some type of feed back loop and yet We know that We ARE responsible.
We love Us. Please forgive OurSelf. We do not know how much was
intentional and how much is accident AND it does NOT matter. We are
setting it All free with love. We love Our game because We created
it. We created an entire world based on impossibilities and built on
and of impossibilities. We love it. We are “attached”
to it. Our negative attachments are
just as strong (or stronger) as Our positive attachments. Love Our
creation is not hard, not difficult in the least. Detaching with love
is the hard part. We set it All free.
We are certainly getting lots of insights. We would love
to be awake and living in a world where We could let the children run
free. We are sorry. Please forgive Us for taking You (and OurSelf)
hostage. We love You/Us unconditionally. We set You/Us free with love
AND We thank You/Us (for playing?). Talk about the ultimate game
show. No Oneder game shows have been sooooo popular over the years.
Games within THE game. We love You. Please forgive Us/OurSelf. Thank
We only had One break (same today and tomorrow) so We did not type
about some of what went on. We had a long down period so We went to
lunch with Our driver and got to talk a bit about the kids and what
is going on inside “them”. He actually seemed to listen some and
not “just” criticize.
We see OurSelf in this yet it is hard since We have grown beyond this
anger, fear and judgment. We forget about passive shadows so easily.
This is a version of Us that is no longer active in Our waking life
but infinity goes on for eternity. We are sorry. Please forgive Us.
We love Us and We thank Us. The wounded child/healer goes on forever
and so the healing goes on forever too. Very hard to grasp with Our
limitation mindset. It could seem hopeless if We dwell on it BUT We
know it is far from hopeless. That is old limitation thinking. We are
integrating these parts of Us and this bring balance.
That is what this is about: balancing Our super
conscious (father), Our conscious (mother) AND Our subconscious
(child). It is NOT about rejecting, destroying and/or abandoning any
part of Us (physical or otherwise). It IS about integrating and
blending and loving every part. If the wounded parts were to cease We
would be losing part of OurSelf and that is NOT the plan. No body
gets left behind. This is hope AND promise NOT hopelessness. WOW. Our
thinking IS changing.
There is a lot of process going on and much to report IF
We can find the right words. Words can be hard because this is sooooo
opposite and contrary to how Our world is set up. We keep having more
and more memories come up to be owned and released with love. We keep
seeing and experiencing more and more behaviors that irritate Us.
Ours and (seemingly) others too. The more We take responsibility the
easier it is to take more responsibility.
Our gradeschooler did much better today, a combination
of things working together but the big thing is taking Our
responsibility for his behavior and allowing love to heal and
forgive. Without the love it would be of little worth and/or value.
We keep working with him and pony hopping over him.
With All the stuff that comes up (memories, thoughts,
beliefs, programs, behavior) We do not have to do a bunch of work, or
techniques or torture, We just own and love it and set it free. We
theel that the different stuff showing up is for Us to choose to own
it or deny what We are. It shows Us how deep and far back this goes.
Words are not quite working but this is the gist of it.
The thing is that We know that as much as is showing up,
it is only the tip of the iceberg. We keep hopping. We take
responsibility. We love Us and We love You. We love You, please
forgive Us. We thank You.
We are reminded that what restricts Us and holds Us back
(seemingly anyway) is Us. There have been a lot of promises etc. that
seem to have not come to pass. But it really is up to Us. We get it
that this also applies to how We wake each morning. It is Us that
keeps Us locked in limitation. It is love that sets Us free.
We do Oneder what a world of freedom, equality,
connection and limitlessness will be like. We certainly have no way
to figure it out, We have no frame of reference. So, We will allow.
Today, there have been a lot of problems show up.
Some/many seem unrelated to Us but if We are aware of “them”
“they” are Ours to take responsibility for. We are sorry for All
the thoughts, beliefs, fears, memories, and programs within Us that
show up as problems in Our life and world. Please forgive Us, please
forgive OurSelf. We love You unconditionally and We love Us
unconditionally. We thank You and We thank Us.