Mostly about Our multiD vampire
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 12:39 PM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We are NOT up for the day. We are having some thoughts that We wanna put into words (if We can) and share. Here is an email that We just sent in which We try to put into words some of what is going on. Even though it does not fully capture it All: it is still pretty forward thinking/looking:
So far the dreaming IS Onederfull. I Am remembering a lot more than I had been lately. Lots and lots of worlds each night and lots of new friends to play with in those worlds. Some of those friends seem to recognize Me though "they" seem new to Me. I really love the freedom in those worlds. "They" are not completely free but much more than here. I tend to take My limits and taboos with Me and get to shed many of "them" there.
Okay: My vampire Me. I dunno but I will try. Yes: I have been accused of being dominant. I have been told (years and years ago) that I would be more likable if I were less dominant and that is All the time and it was way long before I had any awareness of having an inner (and outer) vampire. I see it as being sure of MySelf. Which I only am when I Am. The rest of the time I can be a timid little church mouse.
My vampire is about energy and that is what it is trying to teach Me. We have All heard about energy vampires but how about vampire energy? There are many more mortal energy vampires than vampire energy vampires because vampires innately know how the world really works and live that way. All matter is energy and vampires work/play with that energy.
All the bad, nasty stuff about vampires is only myth. Oh, there may be bad vampires just like there are bad mortals but even that is only judgment.
You see: Our world really is All illusion and totally NOT what We believe it to be. Our belief makes it real. Vampires have different beliefs and live accordingly. Vampires do NOT take anyOne else's energy because "they" live in the flow of universal energy which IS creation energy and that which We call "love". Vampires do not resist and fight against this energy the way mortals do. My vampire is helping Me theel My way through and beyond the illusion.
There is hardly anyOne who sees/theels vampires the way that I do. There is hardly anyOne who sees/theels 3D the way I do. What We All (or at least the majority) think/believe is 3D (and the only 3D) is only limitation 3d. There IS also limitless 3D. Most everyOne thinks that physical means limited: NOT true. Vampires know and live All this. We do NOT know something until/unless We live it.
We do not usually see energy unless it has slowed down enough to be matter. We CAN Allways feel/theel energy. That is what My vampire is showing Me. What We think of as space and location is just frequency of vibration. Vampires know how to match different vibrations to be in many places at Once or whatever "they" choose to experience.
Oh: another thing that people are uncomfortable with is that the reason vampires do not cast a reflection is that We ARE the reflection: We reflect a person back to "themSelves" and just about everybody HATES that.
The underlying reason why I repel local friends is that if "they" stick around too long "they" notice that I age differently and that I live differently. My expenses "should" be beyond My income and yet I pay off bills and put money in savings. The "figures" do not work. AnyOne too close would see this AND see that I Am not aging the way others do. This could easily put Me in danger. Even those who believe in vampires would still be scared shitless when faced with the truth.
We ARE evolving and All this is changing but it is a very slow process to full acceptance. Of course there are exceptions to the rules.
The reason I don't do pics is that IF I even show up I look much older than I appear normally: a bit like Dorian Gray. Or there may be two or more of Me in the pic like a double exposure without the double exposure. Moving videos tend to hide these effects for some reason.
You see: most people are jealous of vampires because "they" have what everyOne else wants and can have if "they" would allow "their" true energy to flow instead of resisting and fighting it by struggling and "trying". People want what vampires have only few are willing to just open and allow it.
Remember: I Am just barely beginning to learn. Vampires are very patient. Being immortal kinda requires that. So: My vampire is being very gentle and allowing Me to wake and learn gradually. Most of it I have no words for only feelings. I know that U know many of those feelings too.
There is more: much more. Please remember that We see/theel vampire very differently than most others do. What many call “their” higher Self We would call Our vampire. Vampires ARE energy beans. We All are only vampires live that way. Many may/probably live the vampire ways without even being aware of it.
In 3D thinking and vocabulary We would say that vampires manipulate energy. That is very mortal. Vampires flow WITH the energy and live in harmony with energy. Control and manipulation are limitation and separation concepts and actions. Vampires have no need of such things and no pleasure therein.
We did not get this posted yesterday because Our computer was being weird. We have no idea what that was about. We are doing some maintenance and running scans so hopefully it will run smooth again. We had to reload Chrome a couple of times. Sooooo often Our physical brain and thinking just do not know what is best for Us and We do tend to kick and scream when We get something that We think that We do NOT want. We are doing much better with this now. We see Our progress and We ARE grateful. Our inner vampire is bringing Us along gently. We open and allow: rest and relax, relax and breathe.
We are reminded that what We learn and intuit is only Our path. None of this may ring true for You. Look within: You have Your answers and Mine may not work for You.
Good night AND thank You for playing.
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