Lots of 3D while relaxing in multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 6:39 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We are up early to go get water. We got up earlier thinking that We were awake. Apparently We were in waking dream state instead. After being up a short time Our dreams called Us back and We answered. We thought that We lay in bed awake until We saw how much time had passed. No way were We awake the whole time. We were also having fun with more new friends in a world that is a little different from Our waking world.
We are having interesting experiences both in waking and dream this morning and We ARE enjoying both. Again it is hard to describe because Our limitation language was never meant to convey multiD and limitlessness. It is kinda like a mix of waking and dreaming. We theel this will become more common as We open and allow multiD into Our waking more and more.
Thank Us. We really do love Us unconditionally. The more grateful We are the more We find to be grateful for. It All starts within. Waiting for without to make Us better is a waste of time and energy. Practice gratitude. That’s Our advice. Of course: We don’t give advice.
Hmmmm: Maybe We do not wanna go for water after All. Our chariot started and then died: not unusual. What is unusual is that it will not start again. We put the battery charger (with jump starter) on it and that seems to help though still not starting. Our head wants to worry and fret. We know that We ARE getting what We need and We ARE creating this. We theel it may be a matter of timing and (in 3D) We rarely know exactly what that is about. It could be missing something or waiting to encounter something at a different time????? Or: maybe We are challenging OurSelves?
Whatever it is: Thank Us.
We left the charger on awhile and cleaned the terminals. Seems to help only still not enough. We are leaving the charger on and put some heet in the gas and letting that sit a while. It feels like the battery heater is dead so We dug out a small spare that We have kept around. It is not really the right One and will still be better than none.
We are kinda doing okay with this and setting it free with love and other pony hopping. We are also feeling a bit more fear and anxiety than We might like. We are NOT beating OurSelves up over that even though Our head wants to throw stones as usual. Our next idea/thought is to try starting fluid if these step do not work. We will probably put the other battery heater on in a little while. We are playing, typing, reading and warming back up right now.
We let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream for a while.
Something worked and Our chariot started kinda begrudgingly. It took giving it gas a while to keep it running and now it is running on its own. Thank Us and thank it.
We are theeling to go to town and get a new battery heater since the temps are supposed to drop again today. We theel that We did this to let Us know that the battery heater is dead. Very glad it did not happen on a bus day. We are also gonna put another can of Heet in before We go to town.
We went to town and got the new battery heater. Pretty painless really. We kinda wanted to do more while in town but could not think of anything since the pool had Allready closed for the day. We thought about eating only We are not hungry. We ARE in multiD and still experiencing 3D.
At home We relaxed a bit before putting the new heater in. It went easier than expected. It started out with dropping a tool where We could not reach and We had to get out Our magnet to retrieve it. After that it went smooth. We ARE grateful for All the tools that We have. It turns out that the old heater may not be dead and We are keeping it for the future. It is easier to check “them” when it is warmer outside. We ARE glad that We decided to go get the new One.
We really have a lot to be grateful for with this. For One it is Allways to be grateful than to grump. We appreciate this happening on the weekend and not being late to the bus and having to do repairs (of any type) an a bus day. We never know what We may have saved OurSelves from when these things happen.
The sun is warming things up though it is not quite as warm as the thermo in the sun says it is.
Time to play in multiD until time for dinner.
It did dawn on Us a few times that We might wake early tomorrow and go for water then. It can also wait until Our spring break and it is supposed to be warmer that week.
We would like to describe what We are experiencing and Oneder how to do that. It/this is Our “real” (supposedly) waking life and it seems/theels surreal. Like living/walking in/through a fog. Like All is still AND swirling around Us. It IS being here AND there at the same time. We are living a double (or more) exposure.
We have Allways been taught that what We are experiencing can not really happen. It IS happening. Imagine that. Imagination comes to life. We ARE living a dream. We have mentioned before having very clear memories of doing something that We never did in this waking life (and these are not from passed lives: “they” are concurrent lives). Now: We theel and experience these lives simultaneously. Could a weird movie even portray this?
More and more We ARE experiencing being multidimensional.
We decided to start watching “Author: JT Leroy” with dinner (poached eggs on English muffin w/bernaise sauce). It is kinda hard to follow as “their” life probably is/was. SomeOne who is living multiD and apparently unaware.
A bit of playing in multiD and We are ready to let Our “Vortex” carry Us to dream.
Good night AND thank You for playing.
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