A day doing 3D while mostly in multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:44 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We wake grateful again. We did havta remind OurSelves that We get to wake in multiD today. We left Our heater on low and We do not sleep as well in the warmer temp. We may have traveled more and woken from multiworlds more or something. We are definitely more in multiworlds and multiD this morning and sure wanting to stay there. Glad We can.
Our head is trying to tell Us to resist and rebel this theeling of drifting in multiD while waking. Why? Sure it is still kinda unfamiliar and there ARE sooooo many worlds to explore. Grumping will NOT get Us to those worlds. Breathing, relaxing and bean grateful WILL get Us there: it will get Us everywhere!!!!!!
Another message about what We are living and typoing.
We are reminded AND We remind OurSelves that We are beginning to experience being aware of being here AND there which is what We have been seeking for sooooo long.
That is really how Our day is going: here AND there with mostly there. Most of Our kids ride and We really do enjoy “them” All. It is sooooo nice when the One highschooler wants Us to buckle “them” in so “they” can bop Us on the head (very gently) and then give Us a hug. When the other (who does not like to talk much) says anything We theel like “they” get it that We care.
Our gradeschoolers mostly sleep. It has been a long week for “them” with All the weather and Us running late. It is cold this morning too. One who barely talks said it is cold on the bus. “They” Allways get a big grin when “they” come out of the house and first see Us.
Our single kid has lots of questions and We enjoy that. We ARE bonding and that theels good. Yesterday We saw “them” with “their” teacher and after a while the teacher said “they” had reached “their” question limit. The student told “them” that We are “their” bus attendant and “they” can ask Us as many questions as “they” want. We told “them” that “they” also need to listen to “their” teacher. Another time that We see how much this kid does NOT like being told what to do.
We have time for email and lunch on Our first break. We do not take time to do much else. We notice that We are here much. In fact: it was day before yesterday that We saw the kid with “their” teacher. Time does not mean as much anymore.
We ARE enjoying being here AND there especially with it more there than here. There is more expanded and free. We really are chafing against the bit of limitation and separation.
One of Our noon students does NOT wanna go to school and throws a tantrum. We theel that school is just too restrictive for “them”. We are sad for “them” and “their” parent. Neither know how to do this being advanced in limitation stuff. The parent seems mostly to want to conform and the child wants to fly free. The parent is VERY frustrated with the child’s behavior.
The other students play or sleep on the ride.
We get to hottub on Our afternoon break. Again: We continue to notice how We ARE functioning fine in 3D while really mostly way deep in multiD. We sure like it there. It has Allways been here waiting for Us. “Here” just ain’t what it used to be or more than that: it ain’t what We used to think it was.
Most of Our PM kids ride and We have fun with “them” as usual. Some sleep and some play and some are talkative and some are quiet. We think that the new kid tried to tell Us something and We got distracted by the others. We tried to really focus on “them” after some others got home. We think that “they” responded positively.
We slip into dream on the ride back to town and again We notice how much We are NOT tightly focused into limitation 3D. We are here and functional while ALSO there experiencing a little more than We used to. It IS a gradual process and that IS a good thing even though We might think that We wanna rush.
We do the afterschool shuttle and noOne is riding so We go fuel and than back to the barn a little later than usual. Doing the shuttle is probably gonna be Our norm now.
At home: We warm up dinner (the last of Our steak soup and a peanut butter and jam samich) and play in multiD rather than watching any shows. We notice that We did not do much pony hopping or using Our mantras today. At first We are kinda disappointed until We real-eyes it is because We are mostly in multiD and expansion and unity rather than wallowing in limitation and separation. Pony hopping and Our mantras ARE having “their” affect and it is good.
Soon: We are ready for Our “Vortex” to take Us to dream.
Good night AND thank You for playing.
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