Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

The kids were never waiting for Us



The kids were never waiting for Us

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 12:58 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

Okay: let’s see if We can get this into words. We have been sleeping and dreaming in short spells tonight. We do not know why and We do know that it IS part of Our process. We just woke from a very interesting world:

We are on the schoolbus in a world similar to Our waking world and also very different. Something happened and One student went ahead of the pack and We were worried that this would become a regular thing. Somewhere (in dream) We real-eyesed that this could actually never happen since We load that group at school and not unload “them”. We were very worried about something that could never happen. Then a song came on the radio (which was not even on):

“Spring was never waiting for Us girl. It ran One step ahead as We followed in the dance” and We real-eyesed that in this (dream) world We are living this song. Only it is not a romantic love song. The words could/should have been: “The kids were never waiting for Us folks. ‘They’ ran One step ahead as We followed in the dance.” Tears well up as We listen to the Donna Summer version.

This is only One of many worlds/lives that We are visiting tonight and it seems like it is an important One. We got up just to type about it and get the links. Of course: We fell into different You Tubes of “MacArthur Park”.

Once again: We find OurSelves walking (sitting at Our computer) through multiworlds even though it All looks the same. There is a lot in the dream world that We woke from. One thing that really stands out and grabs Us by the throat is how We were/are worrying about something that could never actually happen and We do that a lot. And: the kids were never waiting for Us folks. “They” ran One step ahead while We followed in the dance. Ain’t that the god’s own truth?????

Yeah: We are more than just here. Much, much more.

We open, allow and set it All free with love.

In another world/life/reality that We visited We are working in, running, own a restaurant that has an enchanted over. We use magik there. It is a frustrating world when We forget that We have magik and forget to use it. Hmmmmm??????? Sounds familiar.

We are probably up for the day now as We are going to town to visit Our local friends.

We just read a couple of messages about staying in the present and even getting lost in the moment. We real-eyes that this is something that We have been doing and that it IS making a difference for Us.

More vertigo as We wake and walk in multiD and multiworlds. We are noticing some things: We have three florescent lights going out and both Our dragon and chariot have power steering leaks. What are the odds? Are We grateful? Not fully and that is a key.

This morning One of the messages We read is this: “People often believe that because something happened, and because it is a fact or true, that it should be focused upon, and therefore kept vibrationally active. And so, many people keep many things active that do not serve them.

If we were standing in your physical shoes we would not keep something active in our vibration just because it had happened. We would only keep things active that we want to repeat in our life experience."


We know that this too is a huge key. Our head hates staying in the now, the present and the moment. Our head wants to plan, worry and keep Us stuck in the old, familiar (and seemingly safe) limitation and separation. It wants to keep what happened in limitation and separation vibrationally active. Plus: We love limitation and separation. It IS Our creation and We love it dearly. We still tend to think that in order to live in multiD, to live AS love We must give up, abandon and/or destroy limitation and separation. We have plenty of orphans, castaways and rejects: We do NOT need any more. We embrace and integrate Our limitation and separation creation(s). That is what WE ARE doing.

We can have both and more. We can be multidimensional (We Allready ARE actually) and live in 3D: even limitation and separation 3d. That does NOT make any sense to Our head and We know that it IS true!!!!!!! We love Us AND Our creation(s) unconditionally. We CAN be here AND there. We ARE here AND there.

Now: it is time to get ready and go to town. Catch You later.

Throughout Our day We are reminded of “act as if”. We real-eyes that sometimes when We are practicing gratitude that “act as if” is exactly what We are doing.

We had a nice visit with Our local friends. First: We played cards and ate chips and dip. Then: We had hot dogs and sauerkraut and played more cards. At some point “they” got into the drama of world wide weather and We just zoned out for that. Mostly: the conversation was positive: at least the part We were there for.

At home: We are still stuffed from the snacks and dinner. We watch “Once Upon a Time” and play a bit in multiD. Our focus is All over the place. After a while We barely have room for the blueberry pie that We brought home from Our friends. It IS Onederfull. Lots and lots of blueberries.

After a while We are ready to dream and dream We shall.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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