MultiD: some We likes and some snot
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:14 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. Celebrate. Dance to the music.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
Some very interesting, fun and exciting worlds. We slept and dreamt well until around 1 AM We woke and are having difficulty getting back to dream. Words can not fully/adequately describe the world(s) that We woke from.
We are on the bus like in Our waking world. The kids are playing some kind of role playing game: We are the actors in the game. Something changed so that everyOne should have died and that is not the way the game usually goes. We were concerned and then (without Our help or interference) something else changed and everyOne lived. It was very cool. Once again Our fears were/are ungrounded, unfounded and unnecessary. There is more to it. Our words make it sound kinda lame and it was anything but lame.
Maybe now We can get back to dream. We ARE excited about the world(s) We dream of. It gives Us more hope for Our waking life. We real-eyes that is only Our head that fears and worries about what Our waking life/day will be like. It is habit and limitation thinking and beliefs. We ARE grateful that We are expanding Our thinking and beliefs.
We are clearly walking in multiD and multiworlds today. We likes it. We did not wanna get up when Our alarm went off. We reset it just in case and only stayed in bed another five minutes. We envisioned OurSelves taking Our time and allowing OurSelves to be mostly in multiD before starting typing and so We do. We ARE learning how to do this.
We pony hop Our kids, send “them” love and ask: “How may We serve You?”.
In the world outside Our door (so far) it is freezing. We do Oneder how driving will be and are grateful it is not raining too. We are aware that We are slipping in multiworlds and We open, allow and set it All free with love. Our head still tries to worry about Our morning kids. We have experienced enough to know that We do create and affect what happens. We also still doubt. Old habits and All that. We pony hop. We send love and We practice being grateful for whatever We create. We remember that “bad” is Our judgment and rejection of what We create. There sure is a lot to learn about living multidimensionally.
Our head keeps trying to worry and plan Our day. We keep reminding OurSelves that We really do create Our reality and it is only Our memories and beliefs (limiting beliefs) that keep Us stuck in limitation and separation. We are creating and transitioning to (a) world(s) of unconditional love IF We allow it. Thank Us. Gratitude is a key. Act as if until it is working for Us. Or better yet: until We ARE aware of it working in Our lives for the best for Us.
“Once Upon a Time” and Our heart keep telling/reminding Us to trust OurSelf. That is sooooo very hard because Our head keeps telling Us what a failure We are. It IS a lie and since We are telling it: We believe it. We forgive Us. We accept Us. We act as if. Thank Us unconditionally.
We are slip, sliding in and through many worlds today. Some We like and some not so much.
Our morning kids are in between well behaved, cooperative and acting up/out. Our newest rider is riding today and does fairly well. “They” are clearly a kid that follows the lead/mood of the pack (the older kids). The other kindergartner who has been having some difficulties does not ride. We are happy with some of the students and not with others. We are having trouble being grateful for the behavior and taking responsibility. We pony hop. We do love All the kids even when “they” act up. We do NOT like having to get down on “them”. Some are borderline bullying. Even if not bullying “they” are often mean to the others.
We practice being grateful and “acting as if”.
We do some shopping on Our first break and have lunch. Our truck starts making “BAD” noises on the way back to the barn. This One gets to Us. We try to panic. We know that this IS for the best for Us. Whatever happens IS for the best for Us. We practice being grateful and We “act as if”. We pony hop.
As We start Our noon run: Our driver asks Us how Our break was and We say that something happened to Our truck, something with the front axle and We are kinda absorbed with/in that. Our kids are playful and We get lost in being with “them” and do not dwell on Our truck. After We drop the kids at school: then We start thinking Our truck again and wonder what We should do? We get it that We are pondering options and possibilities and NOT making plans. We do NOT know what We should/will do and We are okay with that. Admitting that We do not know is a big step for Us and since We began it has really helped.
We decide to go ahead and drive across town to the pool and We hope that the hottub is open. We are not liking the world(s) where Our truck is making bad noises and the kids are mean to each other. We wonder if We should leave Our Nook at home for a while and We know that that is NOT the option We choose: at least not yet. We turn on Our cell phone thinking We might call Our friend who worked on Our truck last year. We choose to wait before taking any action or thinking that We are making any decisions. On the way to the pool Our truck noises change. At One intersection it makes a VERY loud clunk and the noise stops. We have lots of thoughts about this and gratitude. Our head tries to plan again. We do NOT know what We will do. We will see what comes and how the truck does as We proceed through Our day. It seems to be fine the rest of the way to the pool.
The hottub is still closed and We take a nice, long, hot shower. We do not call anyOne about Our truck. We are NOT in panic mode. We never really went into panic mode. At first We started to panic and We remember(ed) that everything IS working together for the best for Us. We do NOT have to like to be grateful for it. That/this IS new for Us. For years We have known that We did not have to like it to accept it: but like it??????? We ARE learning how to live in multiD and multiworlds. We are NOT going to like everything: at least not when We first encounter anything. Or even after several encounters of what We have judged and labeled “bad”.
We enjoy relaxing at the pool.
Our truck does fine on the drive back to the bus barn. Our afternoon kids are good AND bad. Some are well behaved and play well and the last two are pushing the limits. We really do not like having to get down on the kids. If We let “them” run free “they” get really, really loud and wound up. “They” are playing quite rough and We are afraid that “they” may accidentally hurt each other. We keep calming “them” down.
While We are getting the wheelchairs off the bus the last two go wild. We stop what We are doing and tell “them” that tomorrow We ARE going to talk to “their” teachers. This gets “them” back in “their” seats and One begins to cry. We finish with the wheel chairs and the crying escalates. We tell “them” that We will not move the bus (take “them” home) until the crying stops. This is kinda hard to explain. We do NOT like it. The child is crying (having a tantrum) over a situation that “they” caused and “they” know it. We are pony hopping and remembering that even this is for Our best.
We explain to Our driver what has gone on while she was outside operating the wheelchair lift. When the crying begins to escalate again she tells the child that if “they” do not get it under control SHE will talk to “their” mom. The crying turns to whimpers and We are able to proceed. We are NOT happy. We practice gratitude and “acting as if”. Our head is having a hay day with this like a god with a bone. Our head keeps rehearsing/replaying the whole thing and We keep setting it free with love and practicing gratitude and “acting as if”. We ARE making progress and learning how to do this.
We slip into multiD and dream on the drive back to the barn. Our head keeps trying to rerun the squirrel cage. We keep setting it free with love and pony hopping and practicing gratitude and “acting as if”. Then Our head tries to worry and plan about Our truck. We keep setting it free with love. We know that Our old ways, habits and behaviors are NOT the answer and never have been. Band aids at best.
We are very aware of slipping through many worlds and liking some and NOT liking others. We have even been in likable and non-likable at the same time. Multiworlds and lots to learn. We ARE grateful that Our truck seems to have gotten better on the drive across town during Our break. That is NOT “acting as if”. It is heartfelt. We ARE grateful. We are grateful for All of it just some is felt more than others.
Our truck does great on the drive home. The incidents with the morning and afternoon kids keeps coming up and We keep pony hopping, setting it All free with love, practicing gratitude and “acting as if”. Our head tries to worry and plan about Our truck and We know that We just have to wait and see how the drive home goes and that no matter what decision We make will change when We get home. At least We have learned that much over the years. Planning a decision NEVER works for Us. Whatever We decide is probably THE One thing that We will NOT do.
As We start down Our driveway We put Our truck in four wheel drive and it still does great. We ARE so releaved and grateful. This is genuine gratitude and not acting as if. It is easy to be grateful for what We like. The trick is learning to be grateful for what We do not like also because We really do want it All and NOT just what We like. Really can not have it All and NOT have it All.
We decide not to get Our dragon ready to drive tomorrow as We thought that We might. It really seems like Our truck is All better. We try to figure it out and come up with a reasonable explanation. We are choosing to take credit and be grateful for whatever happened. We do like the world(s) where Our truck is doing fine betterer than the world(s) and We practicing being grateful for both. We are learning to not only have what We like: We are learning to like what We have. This IS a huge step for Us. It certainly does seem to be working. Our head says that it will NOT work with the kids (or anything else for that matter).
That is old, limiting beliefs. That is old energy, old pair-a-dime and part of limitation and separation. We pony hop and set it All free with love. We are able to relax and have dinner with “Once Upon a Time” without throwing too many rocks at OurSelves. We play in multiD just a little bit before going to dream. Our head is volleying between beating Us up and forecasting gloom and doom and giving Us a break. We ARE grateful AND We continue practicing gratitude for what We do NOT like. This behavior IS new to Us.
Good night AND thank You for playing.