Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, October 10, 2014

3D AND multiD

3D AND multiD
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:56:07 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
This morning Our alarm woke Us, which has not happened in quite a while. So: Our first thought was: “WTF?” followed by: “I love You”.
We visited many worlds and met many new friends again. The worlds that We remember were similar to this world in many ways. In One We were flying the students places instead of being on a school bus. We ARE experiencing more and more multiD. We wake with feelings and ideas about multiD and multiworlds. Limitation is still Our default but multiworlds and multiD are gaining strength in Our belief system and mindset. We are getting it that We create Our own reality. Many say that but it is becoming experiential for Us. It is becoming real. It is still hard to fully believe and accept but it is getting easier and more normal. We are NOT victims as We have Allways thought.
There is much happening that shows Us (if We allow) that it really IS Us manifesting All the events and circumstances, the beauty and the ugly that We see, perceive and experience. This morning We can feel that We are at Our communication center on board ship AND We are in Our cabin in Alaska. Are those the same or separate worlds merging? Yes?
It is very clear to Us that We are in multiworlds this morning. Subtle differences that We might miss or explain away if We were not paying attention. We are quite aware that We have spent lifetimes explaining away the very things that will bring Us back to freedom, back to Our natural Selves. That was part of the game and NO One to blame not even OurSelves. We are sorry that We fell totally into the game and could not find Our way out for so long but that is the only way We could fully experience it. Now We have done that and been there and it is time to play by Our new rules, Our less limited and then limitless rules. That will be quite an experience to live in limitation world(s) while being limitless. Our head really can not grok that. We do not have to logicly grok it. We can feel it and experience it.
Setting it All free with love.
It is coming to Us that We have resisted experiencing being in Our power (Our natural state) because We do not really want to take responsibility. We want to experience suffering and victimhood just a little bit more. It is like hitting the snooze button but We are also deciding to wake. We are vacillating and that is NOT comfortable. Keeping One foot in the water and One on land can really stretch the muscles when the tide is going out.
Even though We know it: We are still not sure/convinced that We CAN experience the physical world and limitation 3D AND be multidimensional and limitless. The only form of the physical that We know of is limitation 3D. Perhaps there ARE other forms????? Can the physical be less limited and even limitless???? Is that what We are experiencing in dream that We can not remember because We really do NOT believe it is possible???? Not yet anyway. Our newest student is clearly living in multiworlds and slips and slides around in “them” while remaining also in Our limitation reality. We would label her delusional but it IS real to her and she is sharing it with any who will be open and experience it with her. We no longer label her delusional. We are open to and receiving her gift.
We are sorry for Our old, limiting thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, projections, actions and reactions. We ARE forgiving OurSelf. We love Us and Our projections unconditionally and We thank Us. Everything is leading Us to awakening and enlightenment even when it looks like that is the One place that We are NOT going.
The experiences of being in multiworlds and being multidimensional and being the creator of Our reality and physical experiences continue today.
The student who exhibits living in multiworlds continues to teach Us and Our driver is even connecting with “them” and open to this concept. That surprised Us.
Our carseat boy also continues to teach Us about his world(s). Some days he is more present in Our world and some days more in other world(s).
The sun is out pretty bright this morning and We are enjoying it.
It seems that We have time to type but We really do not have many 3D thoughts today.
There was a disagreement between the two brothers and a fit of anger and We chose to get an administrator to talk to the older brother before We left school. We felt badly but throwing things in anger, on the bus just does NOT fly with Us. We have talked to him about this several times Allready. We did a lot of pony hopping. We ARE sorry for whatever it is in Us that is causing his anger. It was nice that We still got done with Our route at the usual time since Our student did not ride.
There were several times during Our day that We remembered that it is whatever is within Us that is causing the problems that We see in Our world. This IS changing Our outlook and Our reactions. We ARE changing.
Once We got home We find that We are still or again multidimensional. We are Allways multidimensional but being aware of it is another matter.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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