Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, October 31, 2014

More walking in multiD

More walking in multiD
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:33:01 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
The only thing that We remember clearly from last night is that We did a lot of pony hopping and forgiving OurSelves. Everytime We woke during the night We were pony hopping, forgiving OurSelves, adding love and saying: “I love You”s. Our heart and Our children within are also reminding Us to stay in the now. Staying in the now does seem to be vitally important: especially now. Right now We are reminded that We are also onboard ship at Our communication center. We continue to be incredibly thirsty. It is Allmost like One of those alternate lives that affect are in a desert right now.
Our head is trying to think, plan, figure everything out and even worry to keep Us in the old and familiar limitation and separation. Our heart, Our children within are trying to calm Our head, keep it in the now and assist Our transition further into multiD and love. We ARE love. We just need to learn how to live as love IN the physical. That is still the new part.
The cold is a major issue right now. We have judged it as bad. That is a very deep belief. We keep reminding OurSelves that is only a belief and NOT a fact. We ARE sorry for Our old and limiting thoughts and beliefs. We forgive OurSelves. We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us. We wanted to experience All this and now We want to experience Our transition. We are reminded that the world around Us is Our projection and the proof that We created to support Our limitation beliefs. What appears as proof positive IS Our creation and projection. We forgive OurSelves.
There is an important role for Our head to play: Once it relaxes and activates the dormant parts of Our brain and DNA. Right now the important part is to sit back and relax. No Oneder most of Our trance inductions begin with: “Sit back and relax” and end with: “You can return here anytime You want”. We can return anywhere, anytime We want. We ARE masters at this game but We forgot that and then denied it. We forgot real good.
Another reminder is to view Our life as an adventure: even the cold. (Can You tell that We are facing Our fears?) As a child We loved to play in the cold and snow. It was NOT life threatening as We believe it is here and now. We are amazed at how changing Our attitude changes the experience. We know that changing Our attitude can change how We feel about an experience but We were NOT aware that We could change the actual experience. Maybe We knew it but We did NOT believe it. We are experiencing several examples of this. A little hard to explain but trust Us on this One. What We thought was written in stone is only Our belief and projection and We are learning this experientially. Some lessons need repeating. This insight (changing attitude changes the actual experience) is the One We were trying to remember to type about yesterday. It keeps repeating until We integrate it. First We have to get familiar enough to remember it. Baby steps. We can pretty much handle those.
We are sorry for Our old beliefs and projections (and this onion goes very deep) AND We forgive OurSelves. We set Our judgments free with love. We are also reminded that most (if not All) of Our thoughts are limitation. When We notice a limitation thought We tend to counter it but even that (the new thought AND the action of countering) are limitation. When We set it All free with love then (and only then) We are moving into living, thinking and acting in/with/as love. This is the new way of living. We set it All free with love AND We forgive OurSelves. Thank You (especially to Our children within).
And yet another reminder is that We need to change. Often We think that things, people, places and circumstances need to change. This negates that We created and projected All these AND because of that We love “them”. So: if We try to destroy, cast “them” away, abandon “them” or change “them” (in any typical limitation 3D manner) then We counteract this a hard as We can. We actually battle with Our inner Selves (usually Our children within are holding on for dear life and fighting back). This brings Us to: why is that Our (judged) negative alternate lives seem to affect Us more than Our preferred and optimal alternate lives do. We know that it is Our rejection, judgment and resisdance. There is probably more to it too.
We are definitely in multiD today. It kinda caught Us off guard. We were doing something or maybe it was something else when We popped back to wherever We were and really had no clue who, where or what We are or what We might possibly be doing. It was quite cool and it did appear We were in a fairly safe place and no One else seemed to notice.
We are doing lots of pony hopping, adding love and forgiving OurSelves and it really does seem to be working. We find Our head continuing to try to think and plan and keep Us in the old, familiar limitation but We are going within, deeper and deeper within, more and more.
Once again the kids are doing great and We are enjoying being with “them” and paying attention to “them”. The new preschooler (whom dad had to bring on the bus yesterday) got on by himSelf (with a little prompting from Us) and went to his starseat and climbed in without any help or prompting. It really is fun to watch these kids.
We do not know if some of the kids took Us into dream and multiD or if We just went by OurSelves. We theel that We got All Our 3D errands done but it really does not matter to Us. We are playing and that is All that really matters.
It appears certain that Our highschooler takes Us into dream and multiD because We can rarely get “them” home without going into dream even though We are still present in 3D. We are aware of what is going on around Us but We are also wide angle focused in other Ds.
Our two afternoon preschoolers did not ride today so We got done a bit early and yet We are Once again late getting dinner ready. We did have some groceries to put away but We even left some for later. Time is part of Our current experience and expansion.
We have started watching the series: “The Tomorrow People” on NetFlix. In ways it is just another “People with super powers” story. That is a good thing to be planting in Our head (collectively and personally) but there are a few improvements. The biggy is that these people with natural powers and abilities can not kill but the normal humans can kill. We like this new aspect.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

More multiD and forgiving OurSelves

More multiD and forgiving OurSelves
Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:15:37 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
More new worlds and more new friends AND some whose behavior We really do not like. So: what do We do about that? Our first reaction (Our human default mode) is to do something physical to try and force “them” to change. Immediately We get it that this world had a plethora of people who are hateful and harmful (with or without being aware of this). Not only that but also: there are an infinite number of worlds where there are people who are hateful and harmful. Yes: this is All Our projections but it is kinda like Our projections have taken on a life of “their” own.
The only answer is to add love and send love to All these people AND All these worlds and to go back to the beginning, the original separation from which these worlds and people evolved and add love. It may not bring instant gratification but it works. That is what We are doing and this goes deeper and deeper. We are finding more and more reason to be diligent in this part of Our process.
We ARE sorry. We forgive OurSelves across All time, dimensions, space and reality. From the beginning of creation/separation until now. May this cleanse and transform All life and worlds into love. We do not have to fully understand in order to do this. More shall be revealed. We add love and We send love and We set it All free with love. The choice to accept or reject this love is individual and must be made be each and every One of Us, All of Our aspects and versions and projections. We love Us and We thank Us.
That is what Our night was about and We continue this morning.
It does feel like winter got here while We were dreaming. The temperature is between -5 and +5 (F) depending on which side of the street You are on. Regardless it is cold. We are trying to remember that cold is not bad. Bad is a judgment and NOT a fact.
We met One of Our new students and it is “their” very first day. “They” did very well but were hesitant about getting on the bus at first so We had dad bring “them” on. At school “they” get right out of “their” starseat and We helped “them” with “their” back pack. “They” walked to the front and used the handrail and waited for the others to get off the bus and held Our hand walking in to school. These things may not seem remarkable but remember “they” just turned three and are special needs.
We keep pony hopping, setting it All free with love and forgiving OurSelves. We theel it is working well. We may not see a lot of outer change but We strongly feel the inner change.
It is clearly another multiD day. We like that. The temperature has warmed up a bit (on some sides of the streets). We keep reminding OurSelves that what We feel is the result of Our judgments and it is Our projection NOT a fact. “Cold is bad” is a belief NOT a fact. We are sorry for these limiting beliefs and We forgive OurSelves. We repeat that a lot. Lots of pony hopping. Good thing We have lots of ponies.
There is something that We keep remembering and then forgetting. Good that We know it is filed away. Our children within are helping Us and “they” know All the keys. We keep losing Our keys and “they” keep pointing “them” out to Us. Thank You.
When We returned home: somehow it is taking Us a lot longer to get ready for dinner than usual. Part of it is that it is also taking a little longer to warm Our cabin up. We are reminded that time is also Our creation and projection.
One thing that We keep remembering is that We have not “actually” done anything that We need forgiveness for BUT We HAVE judged OurSelves and held many grudges and resentments against OurSelves for things the We did and didn't do. We only need forgiveness from OurSelf but that is a big time need: not for anything that We actually, physically did but for judging, blaming and resenting OurSelves. We ARE sorry AND We forgive OurSelves.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Adding love

Adding love
Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:45:28 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
The worlds We visited (last night) were alternate and parallel worlds and lives that are the results of making different decisions in Our waking life. We did a lot of pony hopping and forgiving OurSelves. We add love to every world, life and experience. We theel that this is healing Our (supposed) passed AND Our present. Up until recently Our conscious mind was barely aware (or completely unaware) of these alternate and ongoing lives. However: Our unconscious has Allways been aware of “them” AND affected by “them”. Our unconscious also affects Our waking life to a much greater extent than We were ever aware. This new awareness of those alternate and ongoing lives is very I opening.
The healing of these other, ongoing lives must happen in order for Our waking life to heal. This healing is from wounds that We cause OurSelf in this life and these other lives. A life without unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness is painful at best. The beliefs in limitation and separation are strong and are reinforced daily: especially by these alternate lives. There must also be alternate lives where We chose love a long time ago, but those lives are not as nearby and similar to Our waking life and therefore not as easily accessible. We are sorry. We forgive OurSelves. We love Us AND We thank Us.
We went to Our inservice training and there were good parts and not so much parts. The thing is that We get it that when We see something wrong (real or imagined does not matter, both are actually the same and the distinction is part of limitation) Our first reaction (is it instinct?) Our default response is to try to “fix” it from the outside without really doing any inside work. Our waking, limitation world is fraught with this. History holds countless stories of people trying to “fix” it from the outside and force change upon (supposed) wrong doers. We try to “fix” what may not be (or totally is not) broken.
This took/takes Us deep into OurSelves. We went to the pool but the hot tub was not open yet so We showered and went on Our way. We did some grocery shopping and checked Our post office box on the way home. We were completely functional in 3D but much more focused within in multidimensionality. We really do not remember much except processing and integrating this information.
Upon returning home We put away the groceries that needed to be frozen and/or refrigerated and went back to full dream. All that We really remember about the afternoon and evening is adding and sending love to All experiences, situations, incidents, worlds and lives that come to Our attention.
We love You.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Another day deep in multidimensionality

Another day deep in multidimensionality
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:11:14 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Lots of worlds and lots of new friends and more old, familiar friends than usual. Oh: and lots of fun. We are experiencing enemies becoming great friends. We are transforming many alternate and parallel worlds with love and forgiveness. First loving OurSelves unconditionally and forgiving OurSelves unconditionally. It is a great way to live.
There are visions of soldiers planting “their” weapons in the ground and “they” sprout and turn into flowers and food bearing plants. Then the larger weapons and vehicles turn into growing structures. We get the message that this is “their” true nature. “They” are not actually changing but Our perspective and visual filters are changing so that We begin to see what is really All around Us and not the projections of Our fear that We have Allways seen.
As We wake: Our world and surroundings look the same but We can feel the change. We ARE evolving and Our world is also evolving slowly and gently. We really have no idea what All is in store for Us. We know that Our ideas are limited and the possibilities are limitless.
This morning We want to go for water and heating oil but first We MUST play. We must play and practice loving and forgiving OurSelves. Our children within are a priority. “They” must be cared for and given the attention that “they” deserve and desire.
We are going deeper within. Into the multiverse and multidimensionality. We recognize how We have held OurSelves trapped in limitation and separation by resisting this experience of going within. Resisdance is what We have taught and been taught for eons. We have believed that this experience is bad and harmful and a sign of dis-ease. It is quite the opposite. There are sooooo many things that We turned bassackwards in order to play limitation and separation. We did good and now it is time to do even better. We open to love. We set it All free with love. We allow love.
Dear children within: We theel Your presence. We wish to honor You and pay attention to You. Please forgive Us as We forgive OurSelves. We love You unconditionally and We love Us unconditionally. You ARE Us. We thank You. We are sorry for how We mistreated You. We are sorry for any real and/or imagined harm that We have done to OurSelves and to You. We forgive OurSelves. We love You and We thank You.
We forgive OurSelves for All that We have denied OurSelves.
We are imaginating worlds that evolved from separating with love and care rather than evolving from fear, hate and greed the way Our predominate memory goes. It is a fun way to live.
Our trip to get water and heating oil was another experience in being functional in 3D while focused in multidimensionality. We had more insights and intuits but “they” got filed away for future reference. We theel that it is the experience that matters. We did pony hop and forgive OurSelves on the drive.
Again it seems that We fell deep into multidimensionality and returned to full dream several times. Even while awake in multidimensionality We did not feel able to type about what We are experiencing. Much of what We are experiencing is just too new to type about yet. It is becoming familiar, slowly and gradually.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Further into multidimensionality

Further into multidimensionality
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:31:50 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
More new worlds and more new friends. This just goes on and on. In several worlds that We visited We are working with children in ways quite similar to Our waking world. In One We are on trains and another on planes. We theel this is the second time We have been on planes with the kids but We do not theel it is the same world. There are many new, instant friends in each world and Our new friend from the night before is making “their” presence felt this morning. We likes that.
Our head is trying to keep Us in limitation but that grows weaker every day. Our heart and imagination and multiD grow stronger and stronger. We open, set free with love and allow. This attitude helps remove the limits from Our possibilities. Our head tries to plan but We set it free with love. This is in no way abandoning or destroying Our head. We do real-eyes that abandoning and trying to destroy is Our old m.o. and Our pattern but We ARE changing. We are giving Our head a well deserved break and allowing it to activate the unused parts and pisces of Our brain and DNA. That is its new function: to think in multidimensionality. We have no idea what that is like because We have never done that or We have totally forgotten it. That does make it a little frightening but We are certain it will be grand.
We are getting some insight about how We try to limit and control everything by keeping it familiar and planning. We think this keeps it safer. This is part of the limitation and separation game. We set it free with love and We allow. This involves allowing the unfamiliar and even the strange. The strange is NOT evil and bad like We have believed, taught and been taught. As part of the game, in order to keep Us in the game We made everything unfamiliar and strange to be evil monsters. Even monsters are Our creation. We love how scary and frightening “they” are but We went a little too far and fell in. Nothing wrong with that either unless We want there to be. We love All the horror and drama and so We do NOT try to destroy or abandon it. We set it free with love and it can roam and play in free will.
We love it All. We had to explore the way We did in order to fully experience it. Now: We choose to explore from a different angle and perspective. We forgive OurSelf. We did nothing wrong.
In Our waking world most of Our projections choose to continue to blame and give away “their” power. We too still do this to some extent. However: We are owning this and taking responsibility and taking back Our power. We forgive OurSelves. The rich and powerful are only roles in a very complex game. We have been role-playing for sooooo long that We thought We are the roles that We play. We are sooooo much more but We forgot and We forgot really good. That was needed for the complete experience. Now: We are remembering and We forgiven OurSelves for Our perceived wrongs, for Our blame and judgments. We judged and blamed OurSelves and projected that onto Our holographic world and that was reflected back at Us. It seemed to hurt and harm Us and All of Our projections. We really are masters at this game and masters of forgetting and denying Our power. Very complex and enticing. We have played well, We designed the game well. We can continue if We choose or We can change levels of the game. It is All within anyway. If We choose to move along We can return any time that We want. Being aware of that option is very important. This is no longer a One size fits All world. All options and choices and decisions are open and available. That is why We need Our brain to think in multidimensionality: otherwise it simply can n not conceive of the immense opportunities that await Us. Otherwise it will believe in monsters in the dark, lurking in Our closets in Our mind and under Our bed which should be Our safe place. We ARE masters at creating this game.
We real-eyes (now) that this weekend is not only about going deep into multidimensionality: it is also about being functional in 3D while being in multiD. While learning to NOT fall back into ONLY limitation 3D. It is like juggling on a high wire. It is very possible and it takes practice.
Pony hopping and Our children within keep coming to mind and this is a very good thing. We love You. We forgive OurSelves. We love Us unconditionally AND We forgive Us unconditionally.
As We are aware of being, living and functioning in 3D: We are also aware of multidimensionality and multiworlds All around Us and coexisting in this same time and place. Another important step that We wish to repeat and rehearse. We allow this to become a familiar way of being.
Much of what We try to do (in Our head and in Our physical world) is to bring order to chaos. This is limitation. We have taught and been taught and believed that chaos is “bad”. Another trick to keep Us in limitation and separation. Chaos does tend to be unknown but it is NOT bad. Chaos is the ultimate freedom and We fear that too.
As We venture more and more into multidimensionality and the multiverse, We are less able to form words. How to put words to limitless when words are limited.
We ARE having a delightful time. We find OurSelves very thirsty and less interested in solid food. So: We drink more and more liquids (water and juice mostly) and eat less. Nothing wrong with that. It may be a trend or it may be temporary.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Devoting Our time to exploring multidimensionality

Devoting Our time to exploring multidimensionality
Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:34:48 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
More worlds and more new friends. The only details We remember clearly are some of the friends who seemed to join Us in Our visits to several worlds and even into waking in “their” energy form. In the last world We visited “they” are shapeshifters (perhaps We are too) and shifted into animal form. We are exploring a house that also can shift its form. Kinda like the staircases in the school in “Harry Potter”.
We are happy to be starting Our weekend exploring multiD and the multiverse. It may seem familiar but We know that adventure awaits and Our new friends (some might even call “them” imaginary friends) are nice enough to be joining Us. Often these visions fade quickly upon waking but today We are clear. We are even excited and We do not often do excitement.
The reason for making instant friends with people We meet in Our dream lives has to do with accepting OurSelf. We are surprised by this instant friendship because We are sooooo used to rejection in Our waking world. We are now aware that this is Our judgment and rejection of OurSelf projected onto the world. We have been calling the world a view screen and that is not completely accurate because it is a holographic image that We are projecting. Scientists are discovering that Our world, Our uni-verse is a hologram but few have yet to real-eyes that We are the projector(s).
This projection of Our judgment and rejection of OurSelf also connects to Our belies about power and money and victims and abuse and slavery and on and on. That is why Our current forgiveness of OurSelves (in All Our forms, aspects and versions) is sooooo important. It is a key. We have found this door with the help of Our children within. We are learning how to love OurSelves. We are learning how to live as love within this holographic world that We call the physical realm. It is All very confusing as each layer of the onion is peeled. If We accept it as possible then it becomes much more clear and understandable. If We try to figure it out then it remains a bottomless mud puddle.
We love You.
We remember being thirsty All day yesterday and this continued throughout the night. We do theel that there is a connection between going multidimensional and this thirst. It may be related to the transition and transformation of Our body as We upgrade and activate Our dormant parts of Our brain and DNA. We get the idea that allowing that these new concepts and possibilities ARE possible is the key to activating these dormant parts of OurSelf. And again: it is All Our projection.
What We call autism is people exploring multidimensionality AND remaining in 3D. It is also part of Our judgment and rejection of OurSelves. It is another way that We have trapped OurSelf in limitation 3D by judging it as a bad thing. Even if We do not believe it is bad We have made it very hard for the friends and families of autists and We have certainly judged and rejected those who try to change and mainstream autists and those too are some of Our children within. We have reeked much havoc and judgment in Our world.
The experience and awareness of being in multidimensionality and the multiverse is quite an interesting sensation. As We go deeper the sensation becomes stronger and more delightful unless We resist as We have done for eonity.
We returned to dream several times and We were far enough into multidimensionality that We did not even try to type anything most of the day. We are having fun and our exploring is new enough that We really do not have many words. We know that a few days of this will bring Us closer to living as love in a physical body.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Sometimes hard to type about multidimensionality

Sometimes hard to type about multidimensionality
Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:42:33 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We dreamt in again. We were quite surprised when Our alarm went off and yet We feel better than We usually do when that happens. Maybe We are getting it that We can remain in multiD while awake. We enjoy multiD even though sometimes what We find there is not pleasant. It is still multiD and NOT limitation.
There were many lives and worlds last night and even those that would normally seem unpleasant felt positive and pleasant. We met lots of new friends and Once again noticed how in those lives and worlds We are instant friends with many that We meet. The connection is amazing. As the participant We are not surprised, it is and feels perfectly normal. Only as the observer does it seem odd the instantly be friends with people We meet.
We ARE changing and therefore Our world is changing even if it seems very slow and gradual and subtle. The images We get (while awake) of multiD and the multiverse seem a lot like cartoons. There is a good reason for this, well maybe not good. We ARE reminded of good and bad being judgments and nothing more. That is a part of Our process and Our relationship to the cold. We are growing into being in tune and harmony with nature and getting it that Our judgment of cold being bad IS only a judgment and NOT a fact. It is a slow process. We ARE making progress and it is having an affect.
Another multiD morning and lots of insights and intuits. We really thought that We would something to type but alas.... Like water through a sieve. Well, We do know that it is All filed away for future reference.
The kids are very happy about the four day weekend as are We.
The day remains multidimensional. We are functional in 3D if We are careful but We are certainly NOT finely focused there. It is easy to pay close attention to the kids because “they” too are walking in multidimensionality. “They” tend to slip out of limitation more easily (and not Allways noticeably) while keeping “their” bodies in 3D. We are unclear how much of Our 3D is still limitation. We theel that the limitation is Our frame of mind rather than a permanent aspect or version of any world. This is easier to grasp and grok if We remember that All worlds that We experience ARE Our projection.
We wandered multidimensional until time to return to full dream. We notice that We have been extremely thirsty All day. Is that a result of Our explorings?

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Our process goes deeper

Our process goes deeper
Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:23:45 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We did dream in some again this morning. We decided to practice staying in dream and multiD AND being up and out of bed. We seem to be getting better at it and it is becoming Our normal. Imagine that: Our natural state becoming Our normal state. It is slow and gradual and that is okay.
There are more worlds and lives that We visited and more new friends. We remember that whenever We woke during the night We were having a good time. Apparently more new information because We do not remember much. We were on another school bus in One world and Our kids seem to be hanging around this morning. We can feel that something has shifted. We are certain that it is more about Us shifting than Our outer world. We know that Our shifts are changing how We experience Our world.
The feeling and awareness of being in the world but not of the world is growing stronger and stronger. We just relate to much of what goes on in limitation 3D anymore. It is part of multiD but only a small part and certainly not the only part like We used to think. We theel more and more other Ds in Our waking life. We have chosen to spend the weekend staying home exploring and playing. We will probably go to town on Monday for tasks and hot tub and Tuesday We have an in service meeting.
The presence of Our children within is All-most palpable. We appreciate “their” presence and assistance. We forgive OurSelves for Our perceived harms and wrongdoings. We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us. We set it All free with love. We open and allow. This is All very important.
As We drift in multiD and function in 3D We do have to pay close attention to what We are doing. Much less mindless doing things by rote. That is hard to get used to but We ARE adjusting.
We are reminded that when We think other people are wrong: “they” are actually showing Us a glimpse of “their” other worlds. If We pay attention these sharings could be another major I opener.
Several things have come to mind this morning as We dream and allow and process and ride around with the kids. Our new gradeschoolers are pretty quiet but “they” seem to be getting more comfortable and relaxed with Us.
Okay: there is more to this idea/concept of other people who seem to be wrong and even lieing are just in another world. Some slip and slide around in many worlds and others seem to have One other world besides this One. Some are aware of what is happening but most do not seem to be.
Then there is the forgiveness which really does seem to be helping Us. There is just sooooo much that We have blamed on OurSelves and others. There are sooooo many perceived wrongs and harms that We have done to OurSelf and other aspects/versions of OurSelves. Our children within do seem to carry the brunt of this but these other ongoing lives (most which We thought were passed, over and done) really have a lot of affect on Us. Pony hopping, setting “them” free with love, adding love and care and forgiveness are helping a lot.
It never seizes to amaze Us how much there is to this process, OurSelves and the multiverse. It is also amazing how much Our thinking and beliefs have changed and how much limitation and separation thinking We still cling to. It is very familiar still but limitlessness is growing familiar too.
We are really looking forward to Our play date this weekend. What types of fun can We come up with? We do have good ideas for play type food and snacks.
Our driver wrote a complimentary note for the older brother because yesterday he complained that he never gets a note. The teacher gives the younger brother a good note every to take home every day that he does well. We were quite surprised that Our driver did this because she pretends indifference and even dislike of the kids. Even she is changing and that is a good thing.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

We forgive OurSelves

We forgive OurSelves
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:55:19 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We remember that We visited more worlds that are affecting Us in Our waking life. We did a lot of pony hopping and adding “I love You”s. We have added: “I forgive Me” to Our pony hopping mantra. This theels very important. These other/alternate/parallel worlds and lives affect Us and We affect “them”. We experience Our beliefs in those lives and in Our waking life. There is much more to All this than We had ever imagined.
We are sorry for Our old beliefs and limitations and projections. We forgive OurSelf. We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us.
Our experiences are Our beliefs and projections of those beliefs. These beliefs can and do come from Our waking life AND Our alternate and parallel lives. Most of this is unconscious. We never had a clue how much Our subconscious affects Us. All of this needs to be healed but there is no work or program that We need to do or follow. We just need to add love. We pony hop and forgive OurSelf and set it All free with love. No fuss, no muss.
We are finding that We project Our beliefs onto the multiverse as well as Our waking world. Where do these beliefs come from? Perhaps We conjure “them” up, ideas that We wish to explore from many angles and so We project “them” onto worlds and step into those worlds to explore and experience these ideas and We turn ideas into beliefs.
During the night We remember finding many things that We have done (whether real or imagined) and decisions that We have made which We are still mad at OurSelf about. This is a very interesting concept since it is All Our projections. Anyway: We pony hop and add love and “I love Me”s and “I forgive Me”s to All of these. There is much insight coming in and We are processing it.
We continue to receive insights and intuits this morning. The kids are great and We are sure “they” are assisting Our process. The multiworld girl continues to slip from One world to the next, never missing a beat. We are noticing the (seeming) contradictions less but it is NOT because “they” are any less. We just notice less as We slip more and more into muliD.
The words about Our process and insights have All been typed before. However this goes deeper and expands into alternate, parallel and other lives, worlds and realities. Our current experiences about how these other lives and realities affect Us in Our waking life are quite profound (to Us at least).
We accept Our responsibility but We had no idea about All the stuff that is being carried in Our unconscious and how it is ongoing and affects Us in Our waking life. Who wooda thunk it? There is just sooooo much more than We ever thought.
We pony hop it All. We add love and We repeat: “I love Me” and “I forgive Me”. We have not actually done anything that needs forgiveness but We believe that We have. We find that We are holding grudges against OurSelves for many passed (perceived) wrongdoings. This is NOT about blaming anyOne, not even OurSelf. But We have blamed OurSelf even if We did not know We did. So: We need to forgive OurSelves.
Since All time is now...... these passed harms and fouls are ongoing. Nothing is buried, destroyed or abandoned. The experiences and memories are ongoing and so are the affects. Pony hop and pony hop. We add love to the experiences, lives, worlds and realities as “they” come up. Lots of love and forgiveness for OurSelf and others. We really do recognize that it is OurSelf that We most need to forgive. Releasing others from blame is easier that releasing Our own Self.
So: the process continues and goes deeper and expands into more worlds, lives and realities. We are forgiving OurSelves.
There is more We would like to share but the words just are not adequate (or will not come out Our fingers). Perhaps We are too lost in the multiverse to formulate words?????
The change in Our thinking and beliefs that We are seeking is truly happening. We ARE having Our complete psychic change and We likes it. There is a lot of adjustment going on and it is easy to fall back to Our old defaults but We make progress. We ARE grateful. We are enjoying Our kids on the bus and several are opening up to share “their” experiences and adventures in the multiverse and living in multiworlds. As We change “they” sense it and open up. How cool is that? And how much is there before but We missed it with Our closed minds?
Try as We might: it seems that We just can not get to dream early when We get home. We could let everything go and just go straight to dream but it seems that when We get home We want to do the things We do. We really do get a lot of full, solid dream time at night and then a lot of light dream time on the bus. When We are in light dream and walking around in a light trance We really, really, really want to go deep into full dream. However: We are not as resent-full about Our job interfering with Our dreaming as last year.
We continue to pony hop and add love to All the other simultaneous worlds and lives that come to mind and that is a lot. We Are sorry. We forgive Us. We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

More multi experiences and feelings

More multi experiences and feelings
Wizard's Log Star-date: 04:36:00 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We allowed OurSelf to dream in an hour and We really theel like We could use another full day of dreaming. We remind OurSelf that We can dream a lot during the day.
Again We pony hopped and added love to many worlds during the night. We really feel the need to heal All of Our worlds and lives and the way that We know how to do that is to pony hop “them”. We do NOT need to analyze and figure “them” out. We need to love, to forgive and be forgiven. The last world We visited (before We woke) We are working at a rather large day care center and Our coworkers are smoking pot. We got a really bad attitude about this and One of the administrators agreed that We needed to go home.
That is a very mild world compared to some.
It would be very nice to stay home and give this Our full attention but We do not theel that is Our best option. We have a four day weekend coming up and We may spend that time mostly in dream and processing the insights We are getting about these alternate/parallel lives and how “they” affect Us. The important thing is to pony hop and add love and “I love You”s. We theel like is a bunch We would like to write about this process but the ideas are in Our mind but not coming out of Our fingers.
Throughout the night We said a lot of “I love You”s and “I love Me”s. This theels like the most important thing that We can do.
It theels important to take everything off Our to do list for this coming weekend. We can do that.
Once again We had things to do on Our breaks and We were just too multid to type. We are having lots of multiD experiences and We are doing a lot of pony hopping and repeating: “I love Me”s and “I forgive Me”s. We are clearly living in multiworlds and this is a much bigger thing than We real-I-said.
For some reason: when We got home it is taking longer to have dinner than usual and We really want to get busy dreaming.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Healing alternate worlds

Healing alternate worlds
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:35:55 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
In One of the worlds that We visited We are a servant to some rich guy who does NOT treat Us well. He was throwing a party for a bunch of his rich friends and only One person there treated Us nicely. We were and are certain that this is a life that affects Our unconscious beliefs about money. We did a lot of pony hopping on it.
In another We are setting OurSelf and others free and it is a bit overwhelming for most of Us. Complete and total freedom coming on instantly is just too much to handle. We need this current transition that We are in. Perhaps Once enough of Us have gone through this transition then the masses will have an easier time. Complete freedom includes much more than We can even imagine at this point. To transform in an instant is a bit like having a bucket of ice water thrown over Us only worse and the results are much longer lasting. We are grateful for Our slow and gentle process. When We look at how far We have come it does seem so slow.
Our head is trying to take Us back to limitation 3D. It is not comfortable in multidimensionality yet. We are sorry. We forgive OurSelf. We love Us and We thank Us. Our head will not be destroyed or abandoned in multidimensionality. We love it just like the rest of Us. Our head does NOT want to learn new skills and thinking. We do understand and actually Once the dormant part of Our brain is turned on it will not be at All like learning in 3D has been. Everything that We need IS Allready within Us. Rest and relax is the name of this new game. Even that frightens Our head but Our heart is calm and reassuring.
We repeat and keep adding: “I love You”.
It comes to mind that We are repeating and rehearsing going into multidimensionality so that it is becoming familiar and Our head gets comfortable with it. It looks like comfortable is a long way away but We never know. We also real-eyes that the signs and events that We have set Our expectations on are false and unstable. We still need to just be open, set the old free with love and allow.
Part (maybe a huge part) of what We often feel on work day mornings is that We have been experiencing being expanded and very much in multiD and now We seem to be trying/needing to squeeze OurSelves back into limitation 3D. This is a choice and even though it is a familiar choice it is NOT the only choice. The thing is that We are just learning how to be multidimensional AND live and function in limitation 3D. This does NOT require only being and living in limitation 3D but We are not familiar with being in many Ds. We are growing familiar but are yet to become familiar with living in multidimensionality.
Our expectations of what living in multidimensionality is like limit Our possibilities. That is why We must open, set free with love and allow. Our children within seem to be trying to get Our attention and assist Us as usual. Now days We do NOT ignore or deny or abandon “them”.
Even after All that We have experienced and been through: We find that We are still afraid of going multidimensional. Or at least any more multidimensional than We are Allready are. We are sorry. We forgive OurSelf. We love Us and We thank Us.
Another great multidimensional morning for Us. Our driver was having a bad morning and We pony hop her. We met Our two new gradeschoolers and “they” are both very nice. Our new preschooler did not ride but We know him from last year. Our new section went smooth which is not Allways the case.
We did a lot of processing on fear(s) and how last night's dream affected Us. Those are alternate and ongoing worlds and therefore the emotions from there have an ongoing effect. We were unaware of this before. We know that memories and unconscious beliefs affect Us but We had not considered ongoing alternate lives and “their” effects. So: We pony hop some more.
The worlds We visited last night support Our negative judgments and opinions of the rich and powerful. This is ongoing and constant support of negative emotion. This explains a lot. As much We do not like being in the frame of mind that We were in this morning: We do appreciate the insight.
We are finding and experiencing the place of the neutral observer as We pony hop, add love and “I love You”s to All the worlds, lives and experiences that We are aware of. If there is a way We are also doing the same with worlds, lives and experiences that We are not aware of.
This is new to Us, this place of the neutral observer. It feels a bit strange to not attach any emotion to how We feel and experience.
We continued to pony hop and add love to Our lives, worlds and experiences (mainly from last night) and processing Our insights. This theels very important: something major. We interacted with the kids on the bus and had a good time but We are mostly aware of Our need to heal and add love to Our other worlds and lives. That is Our current focus.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Monday, October 20, 2014

And yet more multidimensionality

And yet more multidimensionality
Wizard's Log Star-date: 06:37:53 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Once again We were All over the place last night (quite literally) and met lots of new friends. Our maternal grandfather is still alive in One of those worlds and he was quite amazed at some of the things that We did. No surprise there as he had been a black smith in the horse and buggy days in this world. We do not remember much else and that is okay because We do know/remember that it was new and as it becomes familiar We will remember more. It does seem that the new is coming faster and faster with less breaks to absorb and process.
We are reminded of being aware of being both the experiencer and the observer. We theel this was during the night but with time becoming more and more fluid, and Our waking experiences becoming more and more multidimensional: We can not be sure when or where We noticed this. Allowing this is an important part of Our process.
This morning We thought We were going to get water and heating oil. It does not feel like that is the direction We are going. Setting those old plans and needs free and playing in multiD feels much more appealing right now. Who knows what the day will bring? We are open, setting free with love and allowing. We like this.
We returned to dream and had a good time. We do not remember what We did but We are smiling. Our head is trying to take control and Our heart is gently setting Us free with love. We real-eyes that We are changing Our thinking and beliefs. We are also changing Our actions AND We must do both in order to live free and experience multidimensionality. We must add love to Our thinking, beliefs and actions. Love is truly the key. We love Us and We forgive Us.
The experience and awareness is what We are missing. We Allready do everything that We desire but We have blocked it from Our awareness so that We are not aware of doing and experiencing anything but limitation. We open. We set free with love AND We allow.
As We practice being here and being somewhat functional in 3d while also being other there(s) We are gaining more insights into this awareness. Right now it is about NOT trying to zoom in, worry, plan and limit OurSelf the way We used to. We have been mentioning this for a while because it IS a slow and gentle process. We are NOT eradicating or abandoning Our old ways but rather expanding and adding to “them”. Since We are allowing “them” to remain with Us: it is easy to slip back into “only” “them”. This is a real learning experience: how to be both, how to be everything, how to live as love AND remain in the physical.
And yet again: We are reminded to remain open. We continue to see how much We refrain and limit OurSelves, how much pressure We put on OurSelves. All pressure actually comes from within but since We have it All bassackwards We think that pressure comes from without.
This is another day of going back to dream and allowing OurSelves to drift in multidimensionality. We are having fun with it and allowing. We are also getting a few small things done around the cabin.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Wizard's Log Star-date: 07:00:15 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
There are a lot of people from Our waking world in the worlds We visited last night. It would seem that those worlds are transitioning a little faster than Our waking world. Perhaps We are slipping into a freer and more loving projection. We certainly feel and experience slip, sliding around in multiworlds in Our waking.
The person who pissed Us off yesterday comes to mind and We are reminded that “they” too are a wounded, frightened child. We are really glad that We did NOT respond in any of the ways We imagined. It is funny that even We did pony hop immediately and We did remember that she is a version of Us, a frightened child lashing out to protect itSelf: We did not think about responding as We would to a scared, hurting five year old. Obviously We ARE a work in progress and We are okay with that. We ARE sorry AND We forgive OurSelf. We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us.
We also notice that many experiences that We used to want to have in waking: (We wanted to bring those experiences into waking from Our dreams and experience “them” in Our waking life.) but now We are happy to keep “them” in Our dream worlds and lives because there is much better communication and cooperation in those worlds (at least in the Ones that We are aware of). Those worlds are free of time or at least less constrained and restrained and more societal freedoms and less judgments as well.
It is clear to Us that We ARE transitioning into free and less limited lives and worlds and yet Our limitation 3D reality remains strong too. That is part of the experience that We have chosen. We are truly beginning to be aware of and experience being here AND there. What We used to fear (still do a little) is now Our experience and it is NOT the way We feared it would be. Our mind is not normal but it is becoming natural. We are not quite going crazy but We ARE going multidimensional. We theel that We are having small tastes and experiences of what autist experience.
There has been a lot of change within Us this last year. You may have noticed that We mention: “playing in multidimensionality” from time to time whereas a year ago We were not aware of doing so. Even six months ago We were not aware of this. It may seem a small, minor change but it is truly a slightly open door to much, much more. A doorway, a portal to living as love in the physical.
Wowza: We just had another time warp experience. How to explain these in limitation 3D language? We read a reminder on Our calender from a few weeks in Our future but as We searched for previous versions (of this repeating reminder) and then came back to Our current calender the reminder appeared last Saturday not two weeks in the future. We love it even though it really did catch Us off guard. “Slip, sliding away”.
And so: We are playing in multidimensionality and starting to make a rhubarb pie in 3D (or not). We feel some dreaming coming on either before or after We finish Our pie. We do have some 3D stuff We want to do but it will get done (or not) when it gets done (or not).
We went back to dreaming. We do not remember what We did there but know that We had fun.
We went to town to visit Our friends and it seems like “they” are even more out in multidimensionality than We are. That is very exciting to see. Of course We are mostly in multidimensionality and multiworlds so what We see and experience is becoming different. Again: Our waking world is becoming more like a dream.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Short work day with lots of multidimensionality

Short work day with lots of multidimensionality
Wizard's Log Star-date: 02:38:15 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Again We visited more new worlds and met more new friends. There is a new friend from Our waking life who is present in Our dream life also. In One life (last night) We were working for someOne and “they” gave Us three million dollars from some illegal activity. There were several choices of how to react and We got to experience some of the different worlds that spun off as a result of making the different choices. Of course this is confusing to Our head but it feels totally natural to Our heart. An interesting conundrum.
We are sorry for Our limited thinking and beliefs, projections and behaviors. We forgive OurSelves. We love Us and We thank Us. We add love to All Our lives, worlds and experiences. Our head is still a little baffled about experiencing different worlds that result from making different choices. We have believed in this (at some level) for some time but to experience it, to actually live and be aware of living in these different worlds simultaneously is hard for Our head to grasp.
As We go about Our morning these choices and experiences of living in multidimensionality and multiworlds seem so clear that We Oneder how We could have missed it All these years. It is because We chose to miss it, to block it out and deny it in order to fully experience limitation and separation. We add love. That does not annihilate previous experiences it creates new experiences. We get to choose which spin off(s) to explore. We have Allways chosen. As We expand and allow: We become aware of these choices.
There are several insights coming in and of course We have forgotten most of “them”. It is easy to do because “they” are so foreign and contrary to Our old, default, familiar beliefs. We do real-eyes that some people have done what We are doing (most that We know of are mental health patients and autists) but few have navigated multidimensionality and multiworlds AND functioned successfully in limitation 3D. That is new as far as We know and it is Our party. As We ponder Our forgotten insights Our head (even though it rejects “them”) tries to tell Us that We will suffer greatly for this forgetting. However: We know that We will keep repeating the messages (in dream and waking) until “they” become familiar and We can consciously accept “them”.
Another multidimensional morning. It really is like living in a dream, even if it does not All seem pleasant. Another frightened version of Us (Our children within) pissed Us off again. We ARE sorry but We do want to be honest. We are sorry. We forgive OurSelf. We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us.
We have early outs today so We have a long morning break (kinda like Our two normal breaks combined) and should get done very early this afternoon.
They” (yes the mighty, ominous “they”) changed Our route starting next week so We will not have Our car seat boy any more and We will be getting three new students. Actually One is a very autistic boy that We had last year from his first day riding the bus until the end of the year. There are some real similarities between him and Our car seat boy. He made a lot of progress last year so it will be interesting to see him again.
Drifting in multidimensionality kinda makes this
All seem surreal. Except when someOne tells Us to be more strict with Our students. Some people do NOT want “them” to be kids. What part of Us projects that????? We ARE sorry. We forgive Us (All versions?? but some more than others???) We love Us unconditionally and We thank Us. We do Oneder what memories are replaying in this.
There is probably a message in All this.
There was only One student riding on Our last section so We got to interact more with him than usual. He asked Us to sit next to him. His voice annoys most people but since We have gotten him to talk not yell it is not nearly as annoying. We think he talks in a monotone but it is NOT the usual dull, flat, low monotone. It is higher pitched with a few inflections so more like a duotone. Whatever it is it really is annoying when he talks loud. Many students talk loud, nearly yelling. We theel it is because “they” think that is the only way people hear “them” since so often “they” do not get the attention “they” need.
It was very interesting that he qualified his exaggerations today as “made up world”. We have not caught that when there are other students on the bus. Apparently he too lives in multiworlds and can distinguish between other worlds and this world whereas the morning multiworld girl does not seem to distinguish but slips and slides freely between her different worlds never noticing that she has changed worlds. At least these are Our impressions of the two children's experiences. The afternoon boy certainly seems to have a lot of made up worlds. He makes that distinction but it does seem like those are every bit as real to him as this world. This is delightful for Us to see and experience with the students.
We got home about three hours earlier than normal so We did Our normal routine AND played in multidimensionality a while and then went to full dream before dinner and watching more “Merlin”. We do not know what We did in dream but We woke happy. We treated Our children within to a coney dog and potato chips and I-scream with a banana. It does seem like kid's foods are Our best way to acknowledge Our children within but We are also reminded to pay attention throughout the day. We also find OurSelf pony hopping many experiences and adding love.
We LOVE You.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Friday, October 17, 2014

More multidimensionality and multiworlds experiences

More multidimensionality and multiworlds experiences
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:57:14 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
More new worlds and more new friends and very few clear memories. In the life We woke from We work at some large business which is having some huge promotion. It seemed like a car dealership but that is not quite it.
Our waking world continues to slip and slide like in a dream. The kids change and share “their” world(s) with Us. “They” seem unaware of being/walking in multilives or perhaps “they” are sooooo used to it that the slip, sliding in unremarkable????? Can living in multilives and multiworlds simultaneously ever become mundane?
Once again We are aware of having choices where to focus Our attention. We can choose limitation or multiD. Limitation is still Our default life and thinking but multid is growing stronger in Our waking awareness. We are setting Our default, limitation planning and thinking free with love. We sit here viewing choices and We set those free and choose to follow inspiration. In the passed We have studied future choices and made decisions and turned “them” into mandates. We have allowed Our memories to rule Our current life. We have found things We like to do and ways to do those and other things and turned those into mandates. We have sent away Our freedom. We have given away Our power.
Now: We are taking back Our power with love and learning to live free. It is so foreign as to be frightening.
Again this morning We are experiencing being in multidimensionality and multiworlds. It is getting easier to be in and with this but it still is not actually easy and certainly NOT Our default behavior. We set Our old behavior and thinking free. We remind Our head/brain that it has a new function: to think and see and feel and process multidimensionally. That is big task and requires the use of much more of Our dormant brain and DNA. We are not certain if this takes All of Our dormant facilities and abilities and theel that these is much more to come.
As We allow OurSelves to slip and slide around in multidimensionality, multiworlds and multilives: We theel that as We continue being aware of and allowing this the ease and experiences will increase exponentially. Resisdance keeps Us stuck. Allowing sets Us free. Freedom is new and We must allow this too. Even still as We experience this being in multidimensionality and multiworlds We have to remind OurSelves what is going on and remember to be okay with it and allow it. We set Our resisdance and fears free with love. We welcome Our new way of thinking and believing. What a process this is.
Our default is to try to plan and control Our life, Our future, everything really. This keeps Us stuck in limitation. We are setting that free with love. We do this by saying so mentally, sometimes out loud and by allowing. We love All of Us AND We thank Us.
Another interesting and multiD morning. We really were NOT present (except physically) until Our multiworlds girl got on. She is lively, energetic and loud and did that serve to get Our 3D attention. She is sooooo familiar with living in multidimensionality and multiworlds that she can be there AND alert in 3D. We have yet to master that but We ARE learning.
Our carseat boy is a lot of fun to observe. He is very alert and really seems to like the new care provider at his daycare. The boy that rides with him may be starting to want to be more independent. These kids really do change from day to day so it takes time to see if new behavior is a trend or Once in a while.
Slipping more and more out of 3D focus and into multiD focus which is a lot like a camera zooming out. Our head does still try to plan and think in limitation terms but that too is changing. We are grateful.
We are at the store and Our WiFi connection is too weak to send email.?????? We went to the library and were able to send emails.
The afternoon continues to be an adventure in walking in multiworlds. We are recognizing how We have Allways done this but thought others behaviors and Our experiences were just erratic. Now: We get it that We are slipping and sliding in many worlds and do not real-eyes that because the different worlds look sooooo much like each other. Kinda like an ongoing game of: “Who's on first?”

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Aware of alternate worlds and memories

Aware of alternate worlds and memories
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:42:03 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
We do not remember what We did during the night. Our first waking thought was something about integrating and then: “I love You”. We are aware of adding love to everything We experienced. Sometimes it is easier than others but We are doing it regardless if it is easy or not. It is becoming Our default reaction. We are also pony hopping a lot.
The awareness of creating Our life, Our world and Our experiences is growing stronger. We feel it. We can sense alternate worlds that spin off from every choice and decision. Yesterday's experiences were a real opening for Us. Again it is hard to put this to words. How to explain and describe being aware of creating each experience We have even when it is not pleasant? How to describe how it feels? We really do not have words. We know that We are changing and expanding and becoming much more aware. We are pony hopping and adding love. We love You. We are sorry for mistreating You and OurSelf and Our children within. We forgive OurSelf. We love Us and We thank Us.
As We ponder Our current experiences and feelings We notice that time constraints also feel different. We know that “they” are not real and that time is fluid and malleable but Our beliefs constrain Us. We are definitely having experiential changes.
We are more aware and having more experience of living in multiworlds and multidimensionality. We are aware of having and making choices about what version of limitation 3D We focus on and experience. There ARE many versions and some are more difficult than others. We are aware (and reminded) that not All the other versions are as pleasant as Our familiar, waking world. Sometimes it is very easy to loose sight of that and think that this world is All nasty and bad. It snot.
Yesterday (even while feeling the difficult world) We were aware that We had gotten up in trying to fix and plan Our day, Our experiences and that had probably gotten Us into and nearly stuck in a difficult and unfriendly version of limitation 3D. Our familiar version is transforming and transitioning. Some versions are resisting more and experiencing more friction because of this. Slip, sliding around. We are reminded to set it free with love: whatever “it” is. We are also reminded to be mind-full/aware of Our children within. We ARE sorry mistreating “them” AND Us. We forgive OurSelf. We love All of Us unconditionally and We thank Us.
As We play in multidimensionality (this morning) We feel a thrill, a rush and We are reminded not to interpret this as pressure. The rush is a flood of pleasurable feelings NOT a time restraint.
We were busy during Our breaks and when We had free time We were too multidimensionally focused to feel like typing. It seemed that everyOne had changed personalities like changing clothes. We new We were in a nearby world and that hardly anyOne else was aware of the sliding around in different worlds. We had the memory of some of Our other worlds but We did NOT demand to return. We did not demand that everything remain “business as usual” and the same as Our memories. We allowed the shift and change. That is progress.
We review Our day and allow OurSelves to be in multiworlds. Progress. We are aware of memories of different worlds and We allow those memories to be just that: memories and not controllers.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

More and intense multidimensional experiences

More and intense multidimensional experiences
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:32:41 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day.
Last night was about transition. The worlds and lives We visited are transitioning. Another mental post-it-note. We woke from a dream about music and magik. The music was weaving in and out creating and accompanying magik. That is about change too. It is about Us waking in a transforming world. Our waking world is no longer static and constant. What We perceive as solid and permanent is actually shifting and changing like a river or an ocean beach.
That which We used to cling to as solid and secure is actually a myth.
There are many thoughts and insights floating through but Our mind is kinda like a sieve. That is part of the thoughts and insights. We are remembering how it used to bad to be spacey and drifting about in dreams and day dreams. That is part of how We kept OurSelves trapped in limitation and separation. Now: We appreciate and enjoy being in those states. We enjoy it AND We are learning to function and be consciously aware of being in other worlds and dimensions.
The term “dragon healer” is coming to mind. We have long known that We a healer of hearts and minds. These are just Our thoughts drifting through. Our thoughts create realities.
Our mornings are becoming more and more about walking in multiworlds and experiencing being multidimensional AND functioning (doing some things) in 3D. It still looks like the familiar limitation 3D BUT by being aware of other Ds and worlds and lives going on simultaneously 3D is no longer limitation 3D (unless We choose to experience that). Sitting and playing at/in Our communication center We get the theeling of being a type of director of Our life and experiences. We pick and choose what camera(s) to use to project what views onto Our view screen. We used to think of this view screen as the world and We only allowed One view to appear at a time. That is All changing and We are choosing what views/scenes to project and these are now becoming multiviews. Part of this is simply allowing and giving permission. Our family within has much more to offer than Our waking head does (at this juncture).
As more and more of Our dormant brain and DNA come online then Our head will also have much more to offer. That is Our brain's purpose (or part of it) that We can perceive at this point: thinking, perceiving and understanding multidimensionally. This also changes Our perception and experience of time. Time is fluid as is space. Solid matter is also fluid and/or gaseous if We allow it. We ARE that powerful. Scary sometimes.
And yet another great morning in multiD with the kids. The new girl continues to slip around in many worlds and tell Us about what is going on for her. She is (apparently) unaware that most other people are not aware of living in multiworlds. For her it is the most natural and normal of things.
Our carseat boy continues to teach and amaze Us. To casually look at him One would think he is not present at All, yet he understands everything We say to him as long as We use his name (and maybe even if not). Whether or not he chooses to honor Our requests can be another matter. For instance: today he slipped his arms out of the starseat straps and We said ( quietly not loud from across the aisle) “stay in the straps” and immediately he put his arms back in the straps. Sometimes the trip from Our instructions to following “them” is via the stars.
There have been (and are) several occurrences where We find OurSelf in One world One minute and a nearby (but different) world the next. We have not (yet) learned to keep Our mouth shut about this. We voice Our confusion when the facts(?????) change right before Our eyes. Maybe this is a good thing????? We find OurSelf admitting to making a lot of mistakes or misunderstandings.
The younger brother from Our afternoon route uses hand signals to say: stop, no, enough, too much. We found OurSelf doing the same when Our supervisor was going on and on with way too many details. We had to chuckle and she missed it Alltogether.
We are adding love to everywhere and everything that We experience in dream and waking. Love changes everything.
The afternoon is rather odd. It seems there is something up with Our driver and We got angry with her or more precisely: some of her actions and words. We are trying to remember that she too is a frightened child. It is usually fear that evokes such actions and words from her. We are doing a lot of pony hopping. We fear that We took Our anger with her out on others. We know that We were not as patient with Our students as We normally are. We did not want to pay attention to Our students. We wanted to blame Our driver and have a mental fight. Strange behavior for Us.
Then when We went to get a soda and pay with Our debit card it was declined and the second time came up: “card fraud”. It is like We slipped into a different reality where weird, fearful and angry things happen even more easily. We were not really worried or concerned even though Our head is trying to imagine scary and harmful scenarios unfolding. We know that this is an opportunity for Us to pony hop, add love and forgive and that is exactly what We are doing.
When We got home We called Our bank and found out that Our card had been blocked because of an alert from Visa about the Home Depot and other merchants credit system whatever. “They” are sending Us a new card and We can get a temporary at Our bank if We need.
It really feels like now that We are home everything is much less threatening and not at All what it felt like when experienced. We can see/feel it All in a different light and from a different perspective. We are certain that this is being aware of living in multidimensionality and multiworlds. Hard to explain any better. It is new to Us and Our language is NOT intended to describe such things.
Nothing is what it seems at limitation 3D level. Nothing is how We have Allways thought and believed it to be. There is more and that makes it different and much less threatening. These are some of the things that We are feeling.

Good night AND thank You for playing.