Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The real world

The real world
Wizard's Log Star-date: 08:15:01 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) Our mind did not want to get up but Our body said it was ready. We may go back to dream soon. Yippee!!!!!!!!!
We visited a lot of lives and worlds last night. We are unsure of the last life. We can not tell if We were protecting Our children or restricting “them”. Perhaps “they” are the same thing. As We were pondering this We get it that thinking “they” can be hurt or harmed is a limiting belief. It imposes limits on OurSelf and Our children within. Sure, We can argue this and We have created lots of proof of harm and being hurt but is it real? Or is it just False Evidence Appearing Real? We theel it is the latter.
There has been a lot coming up about Our limiting and restricting and restraining Our children within which are Our subconscious. This goes very deep. Very, very deep. We have created entire worlds just to exhibit “bad” and terrible possibilities and prevent OurSelf (which includes Our children within) from experiencing those possibilities. We even created death and a very strong belief in it. Our children know that no such things exist and “they” want to be free to play NOT protected from Our (and “their”) imagination. Our imagination IS real but when We project fear it gets All messed up.
Yesterday We wanted to express what We are experiencing but the words got stuck in Our fingers. It relates to what We are typoing (We started to change that but We choose to leave it) this morning. We have restrained and restricted Our children within Us, Our subconscious and “they” are acting up because of it. No One-der many run away from home. We ARE sorry, please forgive Us. We love You unconditionally and We thank You for being part of Us.
Our pony hopping IS working. We ARE changing. Through the combination of Our waking and dreaming We ARE learning a lot about OurSelf AND Our world. We had a line (a real-I-sation) come to Us in Our dreaming: “the real world is a beautiful place but We have projected much fear and ugliness onto it”. This is very true. The real world exists All around Us but We rarely see or experience it because of Our projections which hide and bury the freedom and beauty that surrounds Us. We get it that Our process is revealing a lot to Us and that if We had shortcut it We would have missed a lot. We know it would be easy to shortcut especially if We had a lot of money. Now We can remove that limitation and allow OurSelf to experience abundance and still learn and grow. We can live free and still learn and grow. Thinking that We will stop is the fruit of Our subconscious limiting belief that if We try, We will fail.
There is much going on within Us, too much to express and do in Our current state of consciousness. We hope this will expand soon. We just got another term from Our deeper Self (perhaps Our superconscious?): Our multipath(s).
We find that We are multitasking this morning. Our head is afraid that We will miss something but Our heart knows that We will remember everything We need.
As We try to do stuff We find that We truly are NOT centered and focused within limitation 3D. This used to frustrate Us but now We are grateful. We can tell that We need to go back to dreaming soon.
Our restricting and restraining OurSelf (especially Our children within) keeps coming up. We are pony hopping it and doing some tapping on it. We are easing up on OurSelf but We do NOT know how to stop restraining and restricting OurSelf except to continue pony hopping and tapping and creating a mantra for setting Me free.
We are reminded that everything that We see and experience IS old beliefs and old memories replaying in a loop. This is why We find patterns in Our life and lives. We are sorry. Please forgive OurSelf and set these memories free with love. All of this is pony hopping at work and it certainly is working. We ARE in process and learning to live as love. Learning to integrate OurSelf with the divine. We love OurSelf unconditionally and We thank OurSelf (especially Our children within Us).

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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