Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Some insights/outsights

Some insights/outsights
Wizard's Log Star-date: 03:01:47 AM
Good morning. We wake to play another day. (All-though admittedly, some days do NOT feel like play) A VERY interesting night. Apparently We just do not like getting up around 3 AM. We know that for many people 3 AM is an important dream time. It does seem like it was easier when We were getting up at midnight (to be at work at 3 AM) than it is getting up at 3 to be at work at 6 AM. Now, it seems that midnight would be too early, too many hours before time to leave and not enough sleep and 4 AM would not give Us enough time for Us before it is time to leave.
Anyway: We experienced a bit of limitlessness and as much as this thrilled Us We understand that Our consciousness just is NOT ready. It was quite overwhelming. This in no way means that We will stop seeking limitlessness!!!!! We still want it, maybe even more having tasted it. We just need to evolve and expand to be able to handle it. It is just too much, too much of everything non-stop for Our processing abilities. We were wiped out in mere seconds. It may be something that will change with experience though. It really is awesome if overwhelming. We were even partially awake for the experience, it was not totally in full dream state. It was lots of everything happening All at Once and All the time and then more and more and more. That is the best explanation We can give at this time.
After that We visited several limited worlds that have more freedom. We do not remember any particular friends in limitlessness, there were simply too many and too much going on. We do remember specific individual friends (from the freer limited worlds) and playing with “them”. We had a very good time. Even in this it did seem like We were more awake than usual in these visits.
We are learning and preparing for even more expansion and freedom. These dream and waking experiences did answer some of the questions from Our ponderings yesterday. We do want to experience more limited realities as We prepare for and transition into limitlessness.
Very interesting: We have not read Suzanne Lie's postings for a while and today's (actually yesterday's) entry hits Our current real-I-say-sons right on target. Perhaps with a few variations but that does NOT make either of Us wrong. We are exploring from a slightly different vantage point and reading hers is I opening for Us. We used to reject anything that did not correlate exactly with what We were experiencing or intuiting. That is NOT exactly being All inclusive and accepting and connected. We are growing.
Her explanation sheds some more light on Our work and discomfort dilemma: It is a memory and pattern and program replaying. We can clean it. We are sorry for this memory within Us that is replaying as being bound/enslaved to (stuck in) a work schedule that We do NOT like (even though We do love the work that We are doing). Please forgive OurSelf and set this free across All time, dimensions, space and reality returning Us to Our natural state, to easy world and filling Us with love. We do love Us unconditionally AND We thank Us. We also did some tapping on this. The world We are actively imaginating is free of work and schedules and commitments. We ARE free to play and even be naughty if We want.
It was very nice to get to see and be with All the kids again today (if only We did not have to get out of bed to do it). We really do enjoy what We do and We also learn from these kids about Us AND “them”.
We also got some more insight into Our discomfort. We do not mean to be complaining or saying We are unhappy. In fact, it really is quite the opposite. We have never had it better and many others would be (and are) jealous. However: We know there is more AND We know that We ARE more and We would like to experience that. Yes, sometimes We feel disappointed in OurSelf and where We are on Our journey and how little We are using Our natural abilities. But then when We look at how far We have come and such and We are less disappointed yet We still know there is more and We want it. That (of course) is a driving force in Our life.
Now, We are going out of 3D focus again and that is what We want but it is NOT what We are familiar with yet.
We are watching the movie: “The Secret of Nicola Tesla” on Netflix. We are getting several insights: The reason autists get lost in watching running water (and the patterns in carpet etc.) is because “they” see the energy in it. Something that is invisible to Us but that would also hold Us spellbound IF We could see it too. Another is about the lies and beliefs We hold about good guys and bad guys. Those who appreciate Tesla tend to villainize Thomas Edison while U.S. history and Our education system deify Edison (and often defy any actual accomplishment by Tesla). This is (at least) a part of how We have convinced OurSelf that is bad and even evil to be rich and powerful. It matters not what the truth is. Our lives are not ruled or even affected by truth (if there even is such a thing) but rather by Our beliefs. We can and will All-ways create proof of Our beliefs making “them” THE truth (of the moment). Because We ARE that powerful and capable and then We will deny it to Our death beds (or at least that used to be Our M.O.).
The belief that being rich and powerful is deeply embedded in each and every person who lives in the middle class or poverty. The mindset, the thinking of these people is a loop of memories (true or false but still memories) playing over and over and over. For these people (OurSelf included) live in victim consciousness and that is Our story and We are (or hopefully were) sticking to it. But, it is a lie to keep Us locked into the game of limitation and separation AND locked into pretending to be what We are not. Again: We need a complete psychic change. We have a vision of this but no better words at this time.
We theel that Tesla was what We now call a high functioning autist. We are going to dream with that theeling.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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