Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Lots and lots of 3D within multiD



Lots and lots of 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:02 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful as usual. We did not sleep real well and woke early. This is not unusual after a weekend of dreaming. We did dream well and visited lots of alternate worlds. We have found that when We practice expanding Our consciousness beyond Our familiar 3D We are scared. We ARE facing Our fears. We continue to gently allow Our consciousness to expand. We are NOT trying: We ARE allowing. Breathe and relax. That is the way of the new energy.

Last night Our game locked up so this morning We uninstalled it and reinstalled. We had created a backup account and We are downloading that now. All of Our progress is supposed to be backed up.

Here are a couple of messages that We theel are well worth a read: and Please remember: this is about allowing NOT “trying”. Breathe and relax. Open and allow.

Our driver is here for the morning. She says it is more for the paycheck than because she feels betterer. She also tells Us that Our supervisor told her that “they” are changing Our morning gradeschool. That will give Us more time if it is really happening. We will miss Our current kids. There have been more changes like this than ever before.

All of Our middleschoolers ride. Two are off Our route either temporarily or more. Back down to three. “They” are “their” typical Selves. The One is sooooo quiet. We would like to get to know “them”. We do theel that We are connecting at deeper levels. The roads are a little slick even though it is below zero.

All of Our gradeschoolers ride and “they” too are typical except that the One who was silent is talking just a bit. We actually finish on time.

We get to hottub on Our morning break. We get back to base One minute late. Gotta work on that.

We ARE focusing on expanding Our consciousness and shifting timelines and All that.

Both Our noon kids ride and “they” are both doing great. One even sings the wheels on the bus. We can Allmost pick out the words. This One does not speak clearly.

We have new route sheets for the school change when We return. We only glance at “them” before going for lunch. We have chicken strips and onion rings. We do love onion rings. We had thought We might have a rice bowl and “they” have Our first choices of fried rice and orange chicken. Onion rings win out. Yes: We could have onion rings with a rice bowl only We can not eat that much.

We start looking at Our new route sheets on Our PM route. Our dispatcher asks Us if We had looked at “them” and We tell her no and that We plan to look at “them” on route.

Our highschooler rides and is a bit more quiet and still playful. We theel that the cold kinda daunts “their” spirit. We do look at the route sheets and have no idea where most of the roads are. We ask Our driver if she wants to do a dry run and she does not know. We talk about it some and agree that We really do NOT know the roads.

We have fun with Our gradeschoolers and Our preschooler rides after being out most of last week. Our “bad boy” is happy and We have fun. We play a couple of games with Our preschooler as “they” are the last One home and have a fairly long ride by “themSelves”. We really enjoy “them”.

Back at base We do Our maps and parent calls for the new section. We agree with Our driver to do a dry run tomorrow after Our PM section since We finish out in that area and do not know where the roads are. When doing Our calls We learn that One student is a coworkers child.

Now: the fun begins: The girl that bought Our dragon tells Us it won’t start and after being jump started it will not stay running. We say that it sounds like the posts are corroded. We ask if she left anything on to run the battery down and she says not. We also wonder if the battery heater died. We do NOT have any tools with Us. We give her another jump start and the dragon still won’t stay running. Clueless. We tell her that We will bring Our tools and charger in the morning. It does theel like the right thing to do and We are kinda surprised that We do not mind.

We stop at the store for some sodas and raisin bread. That sounds/theels like the right thing to do also.

On the way home We can not make it up the last hill. We put the cable chains on and find that “they” are not really the right size for Our blue dragon. We make it work and get up the hill. We have trouble getting the chains on because We are a little frustrated, it is dark and it is cold. It does NOT theel as cold as it is though. We are happy with how We are reacting. Several stop and offer help. We honestly do NOT know what “they” could do to help. At the top of the hill We get One chain off and the other is fighting Us. We forgot that We drove over One of the connecting hooks because the chains are too big. When We saw that We were able to disconnect “them” easily by prying the link open with a screwdriver. We are thankful for the tools that We do carry. We also real-eyesed that We did have enough tools to check and clean the battery posts on Our old dragon.

We are very happy to get home and kinda surprised it is only two hours later than usual. Time master. Our cabin IS cold (it has been around ten below All day) and takes some time to warm up. We bring in what We wanna bring in from Our dragon and the good chains from Our chariot. These are also too big and We wanna get a set like “them” the right size for Our dragon. Expensive and well worth it. Much easier to put on.

Lots of 3D within multiD. We are pleased with how We handle it. We ARE learning how to do this. We do not think is a timeline that We would choose and then again We certainly did choose it. Oneder what We wanna get out of it?????? We check online and it looks like the parts store has the chains We want in the right size. We plan to stop tomorrow and get a set. We will take the set for the chariot with Us just in case. Hopefully it will not be as slick tomorrow. It has been snowing All day today and the road was not sanded.

We play Our game some to pass the time. We also have a light dinner because We are NOT very hungry. We eat while We play Our game. We also play in multiD a bit. We ponder and ponder. We are not as obsessed with the dragon and the chains as We would have been in the passed and still We are a little bit obsessed. We just keep practicing gratitude (and We do actually theel gratitude) and pony hop, hop. When thoughts of dragons and chains come up We thank Us over and over. We set Our alarm (and timer for Our dragon plug in) for an hour earlier.

We try to go to dream and seem to only make it to waking dream. Our cabin is still a bit cold even though We left Our heater on. We get up for a bit and turn the heater up for a while. We are very dreamy so We turn the heater back down and return to bed and hopefully get to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

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