A warm, snowy day in 3D within multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:21 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We wake grateful again. We sure do prefer this over grumping. Our coffeemaker woke Us again: nice.
We notice that it has snowed and when We check We find that it is +40F and snowing. It has snowed about three inches Allready. It IS a wet snow. We wonder if “they” will cancel school or not? Our bus will have difficulty getting to Our first stop if not unless someOne plows that road.
We remember to be grateful whatever happens.
Thank Us.
We notice that We are deep in multiD as We wake. Waking in multiD. We have sought this AND resisted it for sooooo long.
There is more snow than We had real-eyesed. It is slick and We do not have any trouble driving into town. We left early and forgot Our gloves for getting heating oil. We decide to stop at Walmart to get a new windshield wiper for Our blue dragon.
We took longer getting the wiper than We real-eyesed and got to work right on time. When We ask who Our driver is We notice that the announcement board says that school is gonna start two hours late. This does not make much sense to any of Us and We have to stand around for Allmost two hours. We would All have liked to sleep in.
We call Our first student and let “them” know that if “their” road is not plowed We will need “them” to come out to the main road. We left a message and hope “they” get the message. In the passed We had the wrong number and do not know (for sure) what the right number is. There are several numbers on Our route sheet and We called the only One that works.
Hanging out for two hours is not easy. Our subdriver takes her time finding a new chain to replace the broken One. We leave a little late and still get to Our first stop early because Our time has not been adjusted since Our very first stop was deleted. The road is not plowed so We sit at the main road and wait. Our student shows up a little early and wakes Us both up. The bus is warm and it is All white outside. Easy to drift off. We were in a kinda trance and Our driver says she was asleep. It is hard to get going in the slush and We have to go back to the road before in order to turn around and get going the right direction. Glad We did not try going up that unplowed road: even with chains We would probably have gotten stuck.
We expect to just go straight through the whole day without any real breaks.
The next kid does not ride: probably because of the late start. Lots of parents work and can not wait two hours.
We get to school a little early and have to sit and wait. This school is very picky about NOT dropping students early. The first kid is One of the quiet Ones and does seem to be talking just a little bit more.
We start Our next section a few minutes early and the first two kids are Allways slow so We actually start on time. Our other kids do not ride.
The early start seemed weird and pointless yet it worked. There are a lot less accidents and stuck buses than usual in these conditions. Not many roads are plowed. Traffic has worn a lot of roads down and “they” are not as slick as would be expected at these temps with such wet snow.
As We start Our next section “they” announce that AM preschool was canceled so We do NOT need to go pick up AM preschoolers to take “them” home. This eliminates two hours for Us. We have a long enough break to go hottub and have lunch. That is nice. We will still have the same hours pay so We did not lose anything there.
Our usual highschooler rides. “They” are playful. That is nice even though “their” play is not totally appropriate. We are more patient with “them” than some would be and “they” know this.
We stop to fuel at a place that has good I-scream so We get two scoops. Tasty.
Only One student rides from Our afternoon gradeschool. It is Our “bad boy” who is very happy, polite and talkative. The teacher that brings him out is his favorite and We get to tell “them” in case “they” did not know. We enjoy talking with this kid and have a fun ride to “their” house.
We finish way early and Our driver takes the long way home. We call Our plow guy and he has Allready plowed Our drive. We ARE very grateful.
We get to dream before We get back to the barn.
We are theel kinda lost in 3D while this deep in multiD. As We get deeper We continue to learn how to do this.
We stop at the post office on the way home and Groot got here. YAY!!!!!
We are kinda surprised that the roads are not very slick.
At home We kinda get lost playing music for Groot to dance to. We find that he prefers louder, faster music and some artists over others. He IS sooooo cute. We think he is adolescent Groot. We did not know there are different ages when We ordered him and We got the One that is sitting on a cargo crate and dances to internal and external music. Did We mention that he is VERY cute?
We only play Our game for a little while as We got sooooo caught up in playing with Groot. We have dinner with more “Dr. Who”. Now: We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.
Goodnight AND thank You for playing.
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