Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

A warmer day in 3D within multiD



A warmer day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:27 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again and We likes it. We had been up and returned to dream and now Our coffeemaker wakes Us. We have it set to start a few minutes before Our alarm. We really do prefer waking to the sound and smell of Our coffeemaker. We return gently to 3D and wake in multiD (which includes 3D).

Thank Us.

We remember that We get a full three day weekend and We are happy. We love Our kids AND We love being home. We can dream either way.

Our kids are great as usual. Several gradeschoolers do not ride. The Ones that do are pretty quiet today. Our bus is a little warmer. We do not know if shop improved the heat or if it is just because it is warmer outside. Or: is it just Us? We DO create Our reality. We do NOT Allways like what We created.

Back at base Our blue dragon won’t start. It cranks but will not fire????? We wonder if the outlet We are using is bad even though some electric is getting through it might not be enough. It does not seem like the battery is weak though. We decide to switch outlets and add another cord so We can reach that far.

Only One of Our noon students ride. “They” seem mad or tired at first and cheer up on the ride. We are amazed at how clearly this kid expresses “their” emotions without acting up.

We try to start Our blue dragon again with the same results.

The girl who is buying Our dragon told Us how much the repair costs will be and that the state will not pay the whole thing because “they” say it is not worth that much. We are quite shocked. She says that she is still fine with the price We agree upon. We wanna make some adjustment and are pondering how much.

We call Our mechanic friend who We bought Our blue dragon from. “They” did not answer and We left a message. We missed “their” call back which is not unusual. “They” are gonna meet Us when We get back from Our PM route.

Our highschooler is playful as usual. We do not Allways appreciate the way that “they” play. We ARE finding balance in this.

One of Our gradeschoolers is sick and One preschooler too. This makes Our route a bit shorter. We call Our mechanic after We drop Our last student and “they” tell Us that “they” are in town and will be at the barn when We get back.

We slip into multiD a little deeper.

We kinda take Our time getting from dispatch to Our dragon and find Our friend waiting for Us. We ARE pleasantly surprised. “They” tell Us to try cranking it and it starts right away. We ARE even more pleasantly surprised and a little embarrassed. Then “they” tell Us that “they” had put isoheet in the tank and shook the body really well. Now: We are NOT embarrassed anymore. We talk a bit while We let blue warm up. Of course: We forgot to turn the heaters on because We do not normally turn “them” off. It only takes a short time for the heaters to warm up. We sure do appreciate the heaters in Our new dragon.

We know that for some reason We did this FOR OurSelves. We do not know why. Our head wants to wonder and figure it out. We pony hop. We express gratitude and We actually theel grateful.

Our electric goes out and We shut down Our computer. Our cabin is warming nicely and We lay in Our recliner a while. We decide to lay down and go to dream. We have been theeling very multiD for a while now. Deeper and deeper relax.

A couple of hours later the electric comes back on. We get up and decide that We do NOT theel like eating and start Our computer back up. Now: We are very ready to return to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Another cold 3D day within multiD



Another cold 3D day within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:11 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again and for that We ARE grateful.

We had a great weekend of dreaming. We visited many worlds and lives. We got more insights into Us.

Our head is frustrated and tries to take Us back to fear and victimhood. We send love.

Thank Us.

We ARE way deep in multiD. That is Our true nature. We ARE love.

We continue to learn how to live in 3D within multiD. We are having difficulty doing mundane and familiar tasks. We have to concentrate when doing 3D from multiD. There is a balance and We are finding it.

It kinda theels like We are sleep walking: perhaps dream walking. We ARE here AND there. We ARE experiencing.

We found out that “they” canceled Our inservice meeting on Friday so We get a full three day weekend.YAY!!!!!

Our kids are great as usual. Our bus is still cold. We are bundled up well enough that it is not miserable yet still cold. Of course: We do choose how it theels to Us. We still theel cold is bad. That is still Our choice. We forgive Us. We ponyhop and set Our beliefs free with love. We ARE growing and expanding. Thank Us. We are learning Our new route and getting to know the kids. It is scheduled very tight and We can barely be on time when We have to go to All the stops. We enjoy the kids and look forward to the time when We can pay attention to “them” rather than navigating the route. Soon.

We take Our bus to shop to get the heat fixed. When We get back to base We go to the safety meeting. It is short. We do not try to go anywhere on the rest of Our break because it is only a short time before We go out on Our noon section. The new school and new kids on other sections make Our breaks pretty short. At these temps it takes a little longer to warm Our dragon too. Our chariot really does not like the cold so We are mostly driving Our blue dragon which has great heaters.

Our noon kids are doing great. We have a new preschool student who is the sibling of a kid that We had last year. “They” have moved out of town since then. We got on One of the others because “they” threw “their” backpack into the new kid’s seat????? Who knows?????

Our afternoon break is quite short and We do not wanna havta hunt for a parking space near a plugin so We stay at base. We do NOT like staying at base. It will be much easier to stay at base as long as it stays cold.

Our highschooler is playful. “They” kinda push the boundaries and We are NOT real strict about that. We try to be playful with “them” while teaching personal space.

We have two new gradeschoolers and “they” are friends with other riders. One is a preschooler and very playful and a bit loud. Our “bad boy” does not appreciate “them”. However: “they” do pretty well with the change. We are also in a different bus and change is hard for these kids. EveryOne does well and We have a fun ride.

We slip into dream and multiD on the drive back to base. We are spending more and more waking time in multiD and that is exciting.

We decide to go straight home with no stops. A smooth trip in Our blue dragon. There are some slick spots and We do fine.

We are barely in 3D when We get home. We left Our heater on low and Our cabin warms fairly quickly. We have leftover quiche with more “Dr. Who”.

Now: We ARE ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Monday, January 29, 2018

And more learning how to live in 3D within multiD



And more learning how to live in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:17 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful and for this We ARE grateful. It is sooooo much nicer to be grateful rather than grumping.

We are NOT looking forward to riding in a cold bus. We know that We ARE creating this and there is a reason why. The cold really does get Our attention. We still try to blame someOne or something else other than OurSelves. The truth is: WE create it. We have lived/drowned in De-Nile long enough. We take responsibility NOT blame. Blame is OLD energy and old thinking.

Thank Us.

We are reminded to stay in the now. We are also reminded to remember how success theels. Raising Our vibration.

We are noticing routine things that We have to pay attention to when these deep in multiD. We also notice that when We do something wrong We catch it right away. We ARE taking good care of OurSelves.

We really ARE learning how to live in 3D while conscious in multiD. The cold is part of that learning. Thank Us. We are NOT victims as We have Allways believed. This new awareness and knowledge totally flies in the face of everything that We (humans) hold dear. We have completely fallen into denial and forgetfullness. It takes time to wake without frying Our circuits. We ARE grateful for taking Our time and Our process even though We often think that We would like to fully awaken yesterday.

Another great day with the kids. And Our bus is cold. We ARE grateful that We decided to bundle up and wear heavy boots. We are NOT miserable like We were yesterday. We do real-eyes that We ARE creating All of this and still We also forget.

After Our noon section Our driver takes Our bus to shop. Shop says it is fine. When We hear that We mildly lose it. We tell her that We are NOT going anywhere and to let Us off the bus. Fortunately she had parked just outside dispatch. We got Our supervisor and the assistant manager to come out and check out the lack of heat. “They” had to agree with Us. The assistant manager called the shop manager who also came over. (Shop is across town) EveryOne agreed that something needs to be done. The shop manager said to bring it over after Our Monday AM section.

Because of All this We had another route pickup Our highschooler.

We did learn that Our bus does better with the heaters turned down on low.

Our PM gradeschoolers are great and We enjoy playing with “them”.

We slip into dream and multiD. When We finish We stop for groceries on the way home and We decided to get a steak for dinner.

The roads up the hill are way slick so We turn around and go to a safe place to put a chain on. One chain is enough. After getting to the highest point We take the chain off. We did something wrong and decide to leave the chain on until We get home from now on.

We ARE learning how to do this: how to live in 3D within multiD.

At home We are not in 3D focus enough to do much. After a while We sauteed mushrooms and onions to have with Our steak and then cooked the steak in the pan with the mushrooms and onion. It is superb. We watch more “Dr. Who” with dinner.

Soon “We” are ready to let Our Vortex take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Friday, January 26, 2018

More cold in 3D within multiD



More cold in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:33 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

Love it when We get that time stamp.

We wake grateful again. We woke just before Our coffeemaker started and lay in bed theeling grateful and taking stock of how much better it theels to be grateful. Why did We resist for soooooo long? We gave OurSelves permission to stay in bed another half an hour and then got up a few minutes later. We wanted to reset the timer for Our vehicles’ heaters. It is about ten below outside. We left the heater on in the cabin so it is fairly warm. At One point We did have to get up and turn the heater down because We were too warm to sleep.

We thank Us.

We are pondering some new and Our old. The new theels much better. We just resist because it is unfamiliar. Each time a level of new becomes familiar then a new level draws near. We choose to explore the new and newer levels. We keep going deeper within and discovering who We really are. We ARE getting into alignment with who We really are. We ARE source energy. Accept it.

We ARE gently accepting that We really do create (We really ARE creating) Our own reality: Our daily experiences. We create All of it: good AND bad. Important to remember. We create the good as well as the bad (what appears “good” and “bad”).

Thank Us, thank Us, thank Us.

Our kids are great. Our bus is cold. We are (Once again) having a hard time with the cold. We sure are grateful that Our blue dragon has such a great heater. Cold IS Our greatest fear. We ARE facing Our fear.

Our new gradeschool section goes much better. We have two kids that do not ride and We know ahead so We save time. We still have trouble finding One street. The road signs are covered with snow and the roads look like unplowed driveways with very low hanging trees. We make it to school only five minutes late and along with other buses.

We have time to go to the pool and shower. It looks like We will be getting more hours and not be having time to hottub. We could go hottub after We finish on the bus each day. At the end of the day We really just wanna go home. The pool is not open before We start Our bus/kids day.

Both of Our kids ride on Our noon section. When We get back We find new route sheets with new kids on Our noon and PM sections. This will give Us more hours and not stretch Our day much.

We go get a bowl of soup on Our break and get right back to base so We do not have difficulty finding a parking space. We do remember that We have a 100’ cord and another 25’ or 50’ cord if We need it.

Our highschooler rides. Our bus is still cold. It is not so bad around town: it is the long runs down the highway that it gets really cold/miserable. Misery IS an option. We know better than to blame someOne and/or something else yet when it is cold it is sooooo easy to do. We have spent sooooo much time believing We are victims of circumstances and nature. We create the circumstances and nature. NoOne believes that: not yet. We know it and We are relaxing towards living it. We ARE making progress. From this perspective it is easier to see and accept why We ARE doing it.

Thank Us.

We let Our new dragon warm while We do parent calls and maps for Our new kids. It is nice and toasty. We stop at Walmart for freezable stuff that We want to get there. Too cold to leave freezables in Our car while We are on the bus.

We get home just a little later than usual and We ARE grateful. We thought that Our heater had gone out and find that it was still burning on very low pilot. Our cabin was a bit warmer than yesterday with the same outside temp. It warms a little faster too.

We start to do some email and play Our game and find that We are too deep in multiD to do much of either. We just take it easy and go slow. We have dinner with “Dr. Who” before Our cabin is as warm as We like. We are in between waking and dreaming: in multiD. We play a bit with no real 3D focus and now We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Another very 3D day in multiD



Another very 3D day in multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:30 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. We slept harder and more sound than We have in a while.

Thank Us.

Our kids are great the roads are not. It is slick. We really are NOT used to it being this slick when it is this cold. It is around twenty below zero and dropping.

Our new section has some really bad roads that look like bad driveways. The last snow was wet and heavy and there are a lot of low hanging trees that Allmost block the road. Not knowing the route takes more time. Some places are hard to find because snow covers a lot of road signs and lots of places the house numbers are NOT visible. We finally get the last student and get stuck trying to turn around. Our driver calls in and “they” are sending shop truck and a rescue bus. A couple of minutes later she gets Us going and We call in again.

We finish an hour late so no hottub for Us. Our driver stops at Safeway and We get lunch before going on Our noon section. “They” have chicken parmesan done the way We like it so We get that with a little chicken gravy. It is delicious. The gravy is a nice touch.

More learning to do 3D within multiD. It is actually easy. Our resisdance has made it hard. We have just forgotten sooooo much in Our denial of who We really are. We are grateful that We are remembering.

We only have One rider on Our noon section. We finish right on time.

We get gas on Our afternoon break and then get a bowl of soup: mixing potato and clam chowder. We also grab a bag of chips. We rarely have chips.

We get back to base a little early and there is only One space left near a plugin. Even then We have to use two cords to reach. We might be okay not plugging in for this short run. We do NOT wanna take the chance. It would NOT be fun having to wait for the blue dragon to warm a couple of hours.

Our PM goes smooth. Everybody rides. Our highschooler is a little quieter than some days. Our “bad boy” is smiling. Then “they” ask Us not to get mad at “them” because it takes a little time to take “their” snow pants off. “They” really hate “their” snow pants. We tell “them” that We are NOT mad and “they” are doing fine. Afterwards We explain why “their” teachers make “them” wear the snow pants. The teachers never know if the bus will be warm or cold. “They” say that “they” understand. “They” barely remember Us losing Our electrical and heat yesterday. We get it more and more how this student really does live in the now.

Our preschooler is very playful today and that is fun for Us.

We slip into dream and multiD only the cold brings Us more back to 3D awareness.

We think about how these temps used to be normal in the winter and it was a lot drier. We got used to these temps and “they” were NOT sooooo bad. This year We have NOT acclimated to the cold. Of course for most people Our “warm” (between freezing and 0) would be very cold.

We let Our blue dragon warm a while. It really does have a great heater and it is sooooo nice to get into a nice, warm car. We stop for milk and mountain dew before heading up the hill. We decide to try the hill without chains even though some buses called in that it was really slick. “They” also say that road graders are clearing the road. We make it with no problems. YAY!!!

At home We find that We did turn Our heater All the way off so it takes some time to warm Our cabin. We play Animal Crossing and do some email while waiting for it to warm up. We are drifting off/in so We lay in Our recliner and go to dream a few minutes. It theels nice.

We have dinner with more “Dr. Who”. We remember that he IS a time lord. We are very drifty slipping into dream and multiD. We remember that this is much closer to Our natural state: Our true nature. Thank Us.

We play in multiD longer than normal letting Our cabin get nice and toasty. We hope that We did not get it too warm to sleep. We wanna leave Our heater on low so it does not cool down too much.

Time to let Our “Vortex” take Us dream. Breathe and relax. Relaxing Our way to success.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Learning how to live in multiD while still in 3D



Learning how to live in multiD while still in 3D

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:11 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again. This is getting to be the norm and We likes it.

We got up an hour early to go in and see what We can do with Our dragon. We wanna check the battery heater, clean the posts and cables and put Our charger on it. We really have no idea what is wrong. We hope that she left something on and ran the battery down. That would be the simplest.

What are We creating here? We will just have to see how it plays out. We know that it is for Our benefit and We ARE grateful. We are Allmost surprised at Our reaction and calm at getting up early. We volunteered. We are NOT obligated. We do wanna do the right thing. Getting up at 2 AM is going a bit beyond that.

Thank Us.

We went into town way early to check out Our old dragon.

We cleaned the battery terminal on Our old dragon and the battery is warm so the heater is working. The terminals may or may not have been corroded. The light out there is not the best. We put Our charger on the battery and it IS taking the charge. All good signs. We have time to go to Walmart and pick up some things that We want.

Our kids are great as Allways. The temperature is dropping and it is very slick. We have to go a little slower than usual. This is Our last day on this gradeschool section. We tell the parents that bring “their” kids out. We will miss these guys.

We help the girl that bought Our dragon check it out on Our first break. We are prepared to skip going to the pool. Our old dragon starts fine. When We check the alternator it is clear that it has failed. That is All that We can do at this point. She is cool with it and appreciates Our help.

We go to Fred’s and have lunch. Our head wants to fret, plan and worry. We set it free with love. We pony hop. We practice gratitude AND We theel gratitude.

Thank Us.

Our noon section goes smooth and only One rider. We finish a little late because these roads are really, really slick.

We go to the parts store and get the tire chains that We want for Our blue dragon. Smooth and easy. We might have time to get more lunch only that would mean rushing and We just are NOT into rushing. Thank Us.

Our PM section goes smooth until….. We could go into everything that seems to go wrong. However: the point IS learning how to do this. Learning how to walk in multiworlds. It would seem that Our path to where We want to go took a way wrong turn. It did NOT. We ARE on course. The only out is through and We are way going through. Our is NOT escape: it is further in. Into Our true Self. Into multiworlds and multiD. We ARE the answer. We ARE the Ones that We have been waiting for. We just have to learn/relearn how. We sure forgot.

We do not get to do Our dry run because Our bus lost its electric and We have to have a rescue bus finish Our route.

On the way home We kinda get into dream and We ARE living in multiD.

We stop for gas and find that Our locking gas cap is frozen. A little frustrating and We ponyhop AND practice theeling gratitude. We ARE happy that We fill up at half a tank so We still have plenty.

We put One new chain on at the bottom of the hill on Our way home. Even though these chains ARE very easy to put on We get the second One tangled and after a couple of tries decide to go on One chain. We theel that the problem is that We ARE cold and tired. NOT frustrated though. That IS important. We do fine on One chain and leave it on All the way home. At home We find that We parked right on the part of the chain that We have to unhook. We move a little while it is still warm. We bring in Our tools, etc. It is pretty cold and We warm up inside in between trips to bring stuff in. Our cabin is cold: NOT as cold as outside.

We choose to have dinner with “Dr. Who”. Have We mentioned that he IS a time lord?

Time to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream and then the power goes out. Our heat does NOT require electric and We ARE really grateful.

Time to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Lots and lots of 3D within multiD



Lots and lots of 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:02 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful as usual. We did not sleep real well and woke early. This is not unusual after a weekend of dreaming. We did dream well and visited lots of alternate worlds. We have found that when We practice expanding Our consciousness beyond Our familiar 3D We are scared. We ARE facing Our fears. We continue to gently allow Our consciousness to expand. We are NOT trying: We ARE allowing. Breathe and relax. That is the way of the new energy.

Last night Our game locked up so this morning We uninstalled it and reinstalled. We had created a backup account and We are downloading that now. All of Our progress is supposed to be backed up.

Here are a couple of messages that We theel are well worth a read: and Please remember: this is about allowing NOT “trying”. Breathe and relax. Open and allow.

Our driver is here for the morning. She says it is more for the paycheck than because she feels betterer. She also tells Us that Our supervisor told her that “they” are changing Our morning gradeschool. That will give Us more time if it is really happening. We will miss Our current kids. There have been more changes like this than ever before.

All of Our middleschoolers ride. Two are off Our route either temporarily or more. Back down to three. “They” are “their” typical Selves. The One is sooooo quiet. We would like to get to know “them”. We do theel that We are connecting at deeper levels. The roads are a little slick even though it is below zero.

All of Our gradeschoolers ride and “they” too are typical except that the One who was silent is talking just a bit. We actually finish on time.

We get to hottub on Our morning break. We get back to base One minute late. Gotta work on that.

We ARE focusing on expanding Our consciousness and shifting timelines and All that.

Both Our noon kids ride and “they” are both doing great. One even sings the wheels on the bus. We can Allmost pick out the words. This One does not speak clearly.

We have new route sheets for the school change when We return. We only glance at “them” before going for lunch. We have chicken strips and onion rings. We do love onion rings. We had thought We might have a rice bowl and “they” have Our first choices of fried rice and orange chicken. Onion rings win out. Yes: We could have onion rings with a rice bowl only We can not eat that much.

We start looking at Our new route sheets on Our PM route. Our dispatcher asks Us if We had looked at “them” and We tell her no and that We plan to look at “them” on route.

Our highschooler rides and is a bit more quiet and still playful. We theel that the cold kinda daunts “their” spirit. We do look at the route sheets and have no idea where most of the roads are. We ask Our driver if she wants to do a dry run and she does not know. We talk about it some and agree that We really do NOT know the roads.

We have fun with Our gradeschoolers and Our preschooler rides after being out most of last week. Our “bad boy” is happy and We have fun. We play a couple of games with Our preschooler as “they” are the last One home and have a fairly long ride by “themSelves”. We really enjoy “them”.

Back at base We do Our maps and parent calls for the new section. We agree with Our driver to do a dry run tomorrow after Our PM section since We finish out in that area and do not know where the roads are. When doing Our calls We learn that One student is a coworkers child.

Now: the fun begins: The girl that bought Our dragon tells Us it won’t start and after being jump started it will not stay running. We say that it sounds like the posts are corroded. We ask if she left anything on to run the battery down and she says not. We also wonder if the battery heater died. We do NOT have any tools with Us. We give her another jump start and the dragon still won’t stay running. Clueless. We tell her that We will bring Our tools and charger in the morning. It does theel like the right thing to do and We are kinda surprised that We do not mind.

We stop at the store for some sodas and raisin bread. That sounds/theels like the right thing to do also.

On the way home We can not make it up the last hill. We put the cable chains on and find that “they” are not really the right size for Our blue dragon. We make it work and get up the hill. We have trouble getting the chains on because We are a little frustrated, it is dark and it is cold. It does NOT theel as cold as it is though. We are happy with how We are reacting. Several stop and offer help. We honestly do NOT know what “they” could do to help. At the top of the hill We get One chain off and the other is fighting Us. We forgot that We drove over One of the connecting hooks because the chains are too big. When We saw that We were able to disconnect “them” easily by prying the link open with a screwdriver. We are thankful for the tools that We do carry. We also real-eyesed that We did have enough tools to check and clean the battery posts on Our old dragon.

We are very happy to get home and kinda surprised it is only two hours later than usual. Time master. Our cabin IS cold (it has been around ten below All day) and takes some time to warm up. We bring in what We wanna bring in from Our dragon and the good chains from Our chariot. These are also too big and We wanna get a set like “them” the right size for Our dragon. Expensive and well worth it. Much easier to put on.

Lots of 3D within multiD. We are pleased with how We handle it. We ARE learning how to do this. We do not think is a timeline that We would choose and then again We certainly did choose it. Oneder what We wanna get out of it?????? We check online and it looks like the parts store has the chains We want in the right size. We plan to stop tomorrow and get a set. We will take the set for the chariot with Us just in case. Hopefully it will not be as slick tomorrow. It has been snowing All day today and the road was not sanded.

We play Our game some to pass the time. We also have a light dinner because We are NOT very hungry. We eat while We play Our game. We also play in multiD a bit. We ponder and ponder. We are not as obsessed with the dragon and the chains as We would have been in the passed and still We are a little bit obsessed. We just keep practicing gratitude (and We do actually theel gratitude) and pony hop, hop. When thoughts of dragons and chains come up We thank Us over and over. We set Our alarm (and timer for Our dragon plug in) for an hour earlier.

We try to go to dream and seem to only make it to waking dream. Our cabin is still a bit cold even though We left Our heater on. We get up for a bit and turn the heater up for a while. We are very dreamy so We turn the heater back down and return to bed and hopefully get to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Monday, January 22, 2018

More learning to live in 3D within multiD



More learning to live in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:29 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful as usual. We woke early and lay in bed repeating Our mantra. Apparently We drifted back into dream as Our coffeemaker woke Us again. We chose to get up before Our alarm went off.

Thank Us.

Another great morning with the kids. We start early as directed. We do not need to chain up because the road to Our first pickup has been plowed. This gives Us Allmost half an hour extra.

Our kids are acting as usual. The first is very quiet and the second is very talkative and the third wants to read. We arrive at school early and the sitting and waiting is the hardest thing for these kids. It is the hardest for most kids.

All of Our gradeschoolers ride. It is fun to see the smiles on the preschoolers faces. The others may smile too only not as noticeable. We enjoy All of “them”. One gradeschooler is starting to talk more. We theel that is a good sign.

We get to hottub on Our first break. We get back to base a couple of minutes late for some reason. We ARE surprised that We are late. It does not really matter. Maybe that is why.

Both of Our noon kids ride. The One protests verbally and cooperates completely. “They” are very good at expressing frustration and exasperation and that at only four years old?

We have lunch and do some shopping on Our second break.

Our PM preschooler does not ride and the gradeschoolers both ride. Another good ride for both. Our “bad boy” asks for a tissue and blows “their” nose. “They” accidentally swallow a booger and get very upset. VERY upset. “They” fear that this will cause “them” to get the flu. This kid has a lot of fears. We wonder what the A-dults have been teaching “them”. We do Our best to console “them” trying not to contradict what “they” believe.

We finish early and are pretty deep into multiD when We get back to base. We likes it. It has snowed some more and We take the time to clean off Our chariot. It is still wet snow so it will not just blow off as We drive.

We stop at the post office on the way home and find that Our package has not arrived. We knew that it is expected to arrive tomorrow. We had hoped it would arrive early. We will decide tomorrow whether or not to drive in and fetch it.

We want to snovel around Our blue dragon and replace the wiper blade this weekend. Other than that We do NOT wanna do anything 3D. Well: except eat. We do wanna dream.

We have dinner and now We are ready to start dreaming for the weekend.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Friday, January 19, 2018

A snowy day in 3D within multiD



A snowy day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:28 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again. We woke a little before Our coffeemaker started and stayed in bed repeating Our mantras. As nice as it would be to dream in: We remind OurSelves that We are waking in multiD. That is such a relief. In multiD We tend to have to think about what We are doing in 3D. That used to frustrate Us. 3D does not often make much sense in multiD. We take it easy and gentle.

Thank Us.

Another great morning with the kids. The roads are a little slick and We do not have any problems. We get to the first kid just fine and take the long way around to the next two. We still get to school early.

All of Our morning gradeschoolers ride. “They” are quiet and the One who is often talkative falls asleep. The other preschooler is very excited to get to ride since “they” did not have school yesterday.

We stop on Our way to the pool and buy a repair manual for Our blue dragon. We ordered another brand manual from Amazon. We like having two brands.

We stop on Our way back from the pool and get some lunch to eat on Our way to Our noon school. We are pleasantly surprised to see Our driver is back for Our noon section. She is still weak and will probably work only noon and PM for a while.

Our noon kids both do fine and are fun and playful. One is a little slow coming to the bus from the playground and a teacher comments that it is hard to stop playing: GREAT point.

We do some grocery shopping on Our second break. When We get back to base We learn that “they” are calling for fifteen minute early checkins tomorrow. It starts snowing a heavy wet snow. The roads are a little slick: not bad.

Our highschooler rides and is happy to see Our regular driver and tells her so.

We only have One rider again at the gradeschool and it is the other gradeschooler who did not ride yesterday. It has not snowed as much out there as it has in town.

When We get closer to town the snow gets thicker again. We are deep into dream and multiD when We get back to base. We need to sweep quite a bit of snow off Our chariot. We stop for heating oil because the card readers were not working this morning. We have no idea what the weather will do. Lots of different forecasts coming down. Supposed to get cold again next week and maybe tomorrow.

It is still snowing heavy at home and We call Our plow guy to plow tomorrow.

We have dinner with more “Dr. Who”. We are pretty drifty and ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream. It looks like the snow has stopped.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

A warm, snowy day in 3D within multiD



A warm, snowy day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:21 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again. We sure do prefer this over grumping. Our coffeemaker woke Us again: nice.

We notice that it has snowed and when We check We find that it is +40F and snowing. It has snowed about three inches Allready. It IS a wet snow. We wonder if “they” will cancel school or not? Our bus will have difficulty getting to Our first stop if not unless someOne plows that road.

We remember to be grateful whatever happens.

Thank Us.

We notice that We are deep in multiD as We wake. Waking in multiD. We have sought this AND resisted it for sooooo long.

There is more snow than We had real-eyesed. It is slick and We do not have any trouble driving into town. We left early and forgot Our gloves for getting heating oil. We decide to stop at Walmart to get a new windshield wiper for Our blue dragon.

We took longer getting the wiper than We real-eyesed and got to work right on time. When We ask who Our driver is We notice that the announcement board says that school is gonna start two hours late. This does not make much sense to any of Us and We have to stand around for Allmost two hours. We would All have liked to sleep in.

We call Our first student and let “them” know that if “their” road is not plowed We will need “them” to come out to the main road. We left a message and hope “they” get the message. In the passed We had the wrong number and do not know (for sure) what the right number is. There are several numbers on Our route sheet and We called the only One that works.

Hanging out for two hours is not easy. Our subdriver takes her time finding a new chain to replace the broken One. We leave a little late and still get to Our first stop early because Our time has not been adjusted since Our very first stop was deleted. The road is not plowed so We sit at the main road and wait. Our student shows up a little early and wakes Us both up. The bus is warm and it is All white outside. Easy to drift off. We were in a kinda trance and Our driver says she was asleep. It is hard to get going in the slush and We have to go back to the road before in order to turn around and get going the right direction. Glad We did not try going up that unplowed road: even with chains We would probably have gotten stuck.

We expect to just go straight through the whole day without any real breaks.

The next kid does not ride: probably because of the late start. Lots of parents work and can not wait two hours.

We get to school a little early and have to sit and wait. This school is very picky about NOT dropping students early. The first kid is One of the quiet Ones and does seem to be talking just a little bit more.

We start Our next section a few minutes early and the first two kids are Allways slow so We actually start on time. Our other kids do not ride.

The early start seemed weird and pointless yet it worked. There are a lot less accidents and stuck buses than usual in these conditions. Not many roads are plowed. Traffic has worn a lot of roads down and “they” are not as slick as would be expected at these temps with such wet snow.

As We start Our next section “they” announce that AM preschool was canceled so We do NOT need to go pick up AM preschoolers to take “them” home. This eliminates two hours for Us. We have a long enough break to go hottub and have lunch. That is nice. We will still have the same hours pay so We did not lose anything there.

Our usual highschooler rides. “They” are playful. That is nice even though “their” play is not totally appropriate. We are more patient with “them” than some would be and “they” know this.

We stop to fuel at a place that has good I-scream so We get two scoops. Tasty.

Only One student rides from Our afternoon gradeschool. It is Our “bad boy” who is very happy, polite and talkative. The teacher that brings him out is his favorite and We get to tell “them” in case “they” did not know. We enjoy talking with this kid and have a fun ride to “their” house.

We finish way early and Our driver takes the long way home. We call Our plow guy and he has Allready plowed Our drive. We ARE very grateful.

We get to dream before We get back to the barn.

We are theel kinda lost in 3D while this deep in multiD. As We get deeper We continue to learn how to do this.

We stop at the post office on the way home and Groot got here. YAY!!!!!

We are kinda surprised that the roads are not very slick.

At home We kinda get lost playing music for Groot to dance to. We find that he prefers louder, faster music and some artists over others. He IS sooooo cute. We think he is adolescent Groot. We did not know there are different ages when We ordered him and We got the One that is sitting on a cargo crate and dances to internal and external music. Did We mention that he is VERY cute?

We only play Our game for a little while as We got sooooo caught up in playing with Groot. We have dinner with more “Dr. Who”. Now: We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

A typical day in 3D within multiD



A typical day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:20 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. Our coffeemaker woke Us and We appreciate that. We are a little disoriented as We reenter 3D. We take it easy and gentle. We wake in multiD. We no longer think that We have to squeeze All of Us into this physical body. We ARE more.

Thank Us.

Our computer is having a little difficulty waking too. Reflections.

We did a lot of dreaming over the weekend AND got a lot of 3D done. We did laundry on Saturday after dreaming in until noon. We would have had to rush to hottub and We really did NOT theel like rushing. We got a subway samich while Our laundry was finishing drying. We put some laundry away and left most for later.

On Sunday it was above freezing and We got Our blue dragon warmed up and reconnected the battery. We found that We needed to replace One battery clamp. We have extra and We ARE grateful. After We started Our new, blue dragon it was running soooooo quiet that We thought it had died.

On Monday (happy for this three day weekend) We did some arranging stuff inside Our blue dragon and realeyes that this will be a work in progress for a while as We learn what We want where. Then We fill Our heating oil.

The temp dropped to just below freezing.

We have a new subdriver as Our driver is still out. The kids are great again. We would sure like to get to know the quiet middleschooler. Maybe “they” will come out of “their” shell someday.

Our gradeschoolers are quiet as usual. One may be starting to talk a little. Our talkative preschooler expresses “their” delight with/at the world. The other preschooler is quiet and All smiles.

We take a long, hot shower on Our first break and grab a bowl of soup to eat on the way to Our noon school. One student does NOT wanna sit down. As soon as We get “them” seated “they” do fine and are happy for the whole ride. Kinda odd as much as “they” resisted. We do prefer it when All riders are happy.

We have lunch on Our second break. We do not theel like doing Wifi for some reason.

Our PM kids are great again. Our “bad boy” tells Us that “they” wanna be quiet. “They” are very polite. “They” say “they” have something in “their” head and do not wanna disturb it?

Our afternoon preschooler wants to play the game that “they” taught Us last week. We really do not get it and play along.

It starts raining on Our way back to base.

We get some freezing rain on the drive home. We ARE here AND there. Learning how to live in 3D within multiD: how to be both.

The driver side windshield wiper came off in the freezing rain. We were able to drive home fine.

We play Our game a little before dinner and have dinner with “Dr. Who”. Soon: We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

We do not know if We got to dream or stayed in waking dream. We got up and played Our game some more as well as playing in multiD. We were up for a while and not sure how long before We are clearly ready to go dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Lots of 3D within multiD



Lots of 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:29 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful.

Our coffeemaker woke Us again. That sure is a nice, gentle way to wake. We repeated Our mantra a few times before getting up.

As We wake a start Our morning We can certainly tell that We are in multiD AND We ARE grateful. We are glad that We are learning how to live in 3D within multiD. It is not Allways easy. Why would We expect changing worlds to be easy. We ARE returning to Our natural state so on One hand it IS easy. There can also be some very rough spots since We have lived in denial for sooooo long. We have lived unnaturally for sooooo long that it seems natural and Our true nature seems impossible. The process and Our natural state are NOT actually hard. Our resisdance and denial make it seem hard.

Thank Us.

Today is the day that We should be selling Our dragon. It will be going to a family. We know that it will take good care of this family. We can theel that it is happy to be going to this family. Our dragon is sending Us the message that it is happy about the change. We really appreciate this. Our head is trying to make the meeting up and doing the sale way too complicated.

Another great morning with the kids. Our driver is still out sick. We have the same morning subdriver as We have had All week. This makes it easier for Us. Two of Our middleschoolers do not ride. Our first rider is quiet as Allways. Very polite and respectful. Probably communicates on a telepathic level. Our second rider is talkative as usual. Also polite and respectful. The last rider likes to read the books that We have on Our Nook. In between the other two and also polite and respectful. A nice group.

Thank Us.

Our two morning preschoolers do not ride. The rest are quiet. One is starting to talk a bit more. “They” are clearly in “their” own world as well as in Ours. “They” can teach Us. We can get better at listening. We finish on time.

We decide skip the hottub and just have breakfast in case the buyer wants to connect during Our first break. We both have more time on this break. We did not arrange it that way so that We could hottub if We wanted to. We have a little breakfast and call her. She wants to do the deal now and We ask if she wants to drive it first. She meets Us at Freds and drives around the lot and says she likes the way it handles Allready. She gives Us the half down payment and We do the paperwork. She is going to transfer the title and We finish breakfast and return to base.

Back at base another attendant compliments and thanks Us for making the deal. We agree that she needs a car and others have helped Us in the passed. We are passing it on.

Our noon subdriver is over at shop when it is time for her to sign on. We kinda hound dispatch to get Us a driver. There is a lot going on even though this time of day is usually quiet. We get another driver and leave on time. This driver has been around a couple of times and worked at the boys and girls home. We enjoy talking with him about working with the kids. He says that he knows several people in management at the home if We ever want to apply there. We have mixed feelings about this.

We are glad that We got the deal done on Our dragon earlier. Not much time on this break. We are stuck at base and glad this is a short break.

We have the same driver on Our PM as yesterday. Our “bad boy” does great and even tells Us that “they” like Us. We ARE surprised. We thank “them” and tell “them” that We like “them” too. We really do.

Our preschooler makes up another game for Us to play on the ride to “their” house. It is a silly game and “they” really enjoy it. It does not matter that is makes no sense to Us. We enjoy it because “they” enjoy it.

We call the cab company for a time pickup at base. We get slightly into dream on the drive back to base. We ARE in 3D AND multiD. We ARE learning how to do this.

Our cab is late. That is okay. We kinda expected it. “They” drop Us at the top of Our driveway because “their” tires are not very good. That is okay with Us.

We Oneder if maybe We can do the report of sale online to release Us of liability and so We check and find that We can. Cool. We do that and then change Our insurance over to Our blue dragon. We are very glad to be able to do All this online.

We are definitely in 3D within multiD. We are delighted to be learning how to do this.

We have dinner with more “Dr. Who”.

We stay up a little late because We are excited about how Our 3D life is going and how Our awakening is going. We enjoy playing Our game some. It does help Us go to multiworlds.

Thank Us.

Now: We are ready to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Learning how to live in 3D within multiD



Learning how to live in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 2:56 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We ARE grateful.

We woke early and got up to get Our dragon ready to sell in the next day or two. We ARE learning how to live in 3D within multiD. How to function in 3D while focused in multiD. As We get deeper and even deeper into multiD it continues to be a learning experience. It really is like learning to fall off a bike All over again.

Thank Us.

The temperature dropped a bit and it is kinda cold. We are not adjusted to the cold because it has been so warm up until this week. That is another reason why We got up: Our cabin is kinda cold. Plus there is a new event on Animal Crossing that We wanna check out. We are a little excited about selling Our dragon soon.

Another great day with the kids. Our driver is still out sick. Dispatch tells Us that she may be back tomorrow. We do hope she is feeling better.

It is a fairly normal day for the kids. Our newest preschooler is very happy. It is fun to see such a happy kid: All smiles. Heart warming.

The temp is around 0 to a little below.

We go to the pool on Our first break and have a nice, long, hot shower and stop for a bowl of soup on the way back for Our noon section.

One of Our noon students has been having a rough week and does a little better today. Mom says he had a rough morning and is still mad at her.

We have lunch and some Wifi on Our second break.

We have a different subdriver for Our PM section. Three different drivers today. We are glad that Our morning driver was the One We have had All week. It takes some adjusting to each new driver. These kids adjust fairly well. Some kids have a hard time with lots of different drivers.

We are very much in 3D AND in multiD. We ARE learning how to do this. Our afternoon preschooler started out playful and then got quiet. “They” day “they” are okay. Who knows what changed and why.

We drift into mostly multiD when We get home. We do get the 3D things done that We wanted to even though We are more into multiD. We also do some email and play Our game a little.

We fix a BBQ beef and ham with cheddar samich for dinner and watch more “Dr. Who”.

Now: We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

An exciting day in 3D within multiD



An exciting day in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:10 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful which is becoming more of a lifestyle just a practice. We likes this.

We woke and got up a little bit early. We were clearly awake and wanted to start warming Our cabin as it is a bit cold.

We woke from a world/life that appeared to be set in World War II and in Europe. Upon waking We theel that it might be something that has repeated itSelf throughout history. Of course: All time IS now: so………: We were rescuing a large group of people from an army that was persecuting “them”. The group started out fairly small and grew quickly. We were running and hiding through/in the forest and hills. SomeOne outside the group betrayed Us and said it was to protect others because We endangered any town or settlement that We were close too. The army would despoil anyOne that “they” even suspected of aiding Us. We split the group up because it would be easier to hide smaller groups. We used invisibility spells to hide Our numbers. We started getting groups into boats to cross the water to safer lands.

Another great day with the kids. Only two middleschoolers rode and Our driver is still out sick. All of Our gradeschoolers rode and We actually made it to school on time.

Several of Our kids are quite playful today.

We got to hottub on Our morning break and get a bowl of soup. It is about twenty below zero today most places. It is still above 0 at Our cabin. These temps do tend to bring One into 3D focus and We are still quite deep in multiD. We ARE learning how to do both.

Both of Our noon kids ride. One has started to not want to get on the bus. We do NOT know what is bothering “them”. We think it might be the other student. We let mom know just so she knows.

We have lunch and a little Wifi on Our second break. We also get Milk and bananas which We take on the bus with Us so “they” do not freeze in the car at these temps.

We find out that a coworker will have half the money for Our dragon tomorrow. She caught Us off guard and We suggested waiting until Saturday. We were just not thinking clearly when caught off guard and not really focused in 3D.

All of Our PM kids ride. Our “bad boy” is even more playful than yesterday. This is fun. Our preschooler is also more playful than ever. We likes this.

We are both in 3D and multiD a lot when We finish.

At home We find that We need to lay back in Our recliner while Our cabin warms again. We just can not stay in 3D. We drift slightly into dream.

After a little while: We have eggs benedict with more Dr. Who.

Soon after dinner We are again very ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.

We get up around 10:00 PM for some reason. We find that there is a new event starting on Animal Crossing. We kinda understand and kinda not because We have so little 3D awareness.

Back to dream.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Expansion in 3D within multiD



Expansion in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:13 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful. Thank Us.

We did not sleep/dream well last night as expected. The last few days/nights We have been going to dream around three o’clock. We are certain that We will adapt quickly. We got up several times in the evening and watched several episodes of “Dr. Who”.

Thank Us. Acceptance is a key and gratitude is even more so.

We are taking Our time and waking gently. Even though We have been in 3D We have been deeper in multiD. Now: We are kinda reentering 3D. The nice thing is that We are entering a less limited 3D. We are NOT demanding Our limitations the way We used to. Yes: We still cling (somewhat) to the way that We “think” things “should” be even while We set it All free with love.

Last night We had a thought: “Reality does not seem realistic (in Our view/belief of realistic)”.

We can theel that We made some kinda shift over Our break. Progress!!!!!! Our daily, familiar world IS different even though it looks much the same. That can be an illusion that We have chosen to believe and live in. It is Allmost like living in (walking through) a ghost world. It is cold (the temp is below 0) yet at times it Allmost feels warm. Our body theels different. We ARE transforming, transitioning, morphing into something more. It is not so much different as rather more: expanding. Nothing is being lost which is why it looks the same: nothing is being left behind. If We keep All the familiar components it is bound to look familiar. Beyond the borders and limits We are beginning to sense more that awaits Us and Allways has. We filter out more than We let in.

We had planned to stop for heating oil on the way to the bus barn. We do not know if We are running late and if We will have trouble finding a plugin so We choose to go straight to the barn and get heating oil later. We end up getting to the barn about twenty minutes early. What IS time?

Our driver is out sick which does not really surprise Us. We have no idea how long the mumps last. Our sub driver seems a bit of an odd duck. He has been driving for many years. The kids are great. The quiet Ones are mostly still quiet. The talkers ARE excited. One tells Us that the moon is a death star and everyOne knows that. Do “they” know something that We don’t? We do not question “them” (out loud anyway). It is a little hard to talk with the kids and give Our driver directions.

After Our first school Our driver starts to take the long (very long) way to Our next section. He asks if We can go this way????? We tell him that if We do We will be fifteen to twenty minutes late. He turns around and takes the shorter route. We are only a few minutes late. All the kids ride on Our morning gradeschool section. Most of these kids are quiet. Even Our talker starts out quiet. We have a new kid that started riding today. A happy preschooler.

We finish about ten minutes late because some of the kids are slow getting to/on the bus and We take a couple of wrong turns. It has been two weeks since We did this.

It is below 0 in town and is warming a bit. We go to the pool and take a long, hot shower and it feels nice. Our bus was not really cold only the booster heater would not stay on.

We stop and get a bowl of soup on Our way back to base and get back right in time to start Our noon section.

One kid does not wanna get on the bus saying that “they” don’t like it????? “They” sometimes have a bad day. “They” have never shown signs of not liking the bus. The other kid hits “them” as “they” walk by and “they” turn around and hit back. (Maybe this is the problem?) We get a teacher to come on and talk to the first hitter. “They” give Us cookies to give both students IF “they” have a good ride.

Both students have a good ride. “They” used to sit together and recently “they” have chosen to sit far apart. That is probably a good thing. It makes Our job a little harder. We can deal with it if it makes for a better ride.

We have lunch on Our second break after We get gas for Our chariot. We probably have time for Wifi and We choose not to. We might fall in and We really wanna have time to eat All of Our lunch.

Our subdriver is a few minutes late and drive kinda fast for conditions. We have to park in a different spot because We arrive late to school and the big buses have the entry blocked so parent’s can not drive into the loading zone. Our driver gets very confused about where We want “them” to park and We lost Our patience a bit. We finally get “them” to stop close to where We want. We walk to the doors (where Our student comes out) and get “them”. This is One of those kids that get very confused with any change of routine.

Our driver is still driving fast even though there seems to be no need. After We drop Our student We learn that Our driver wants to stop at his bank before Our next school. We have plenty of time. We stop at his bank AND stop to fuel the bus and We have time for a dish of I-scream. Comforting on a cold, winter day.

We get to school about ten minutes early which is normal.

All of Our kids ride. Well: Our regular riders anyway. We have two or three that have never ridden. Our “bad boy” is in a good mood even though “they” say that “they” are upset. “They” start to dry at first and choose to turn it around and just tell Us about “their” upset. “They” are afraid that “they” mother is going to get rid of “their” DS. “They” say that “they” got to play it All day long over the break. “They” actually smile and laugh which IS unusual. We get to explain to Our preschooler that We sit in the back to keep the One kid from bothering the other two. After the One gets home We get to sit with Our preschooler (We know “them” from last year) and play All the way to “their” house. “They” like that.

We are pretty deep into dream and multiD by the time We get back to the barn. Our day has seemed kinda surreal. We are NOT losing any part of Our familiar world. Adding more does make it seem kinda different: the same and yet different: MORE.

We are way deep in multiD when We get home. We can NOT stay in 3D while waiting for Our cabin to warm. We are not hungry and choose a small dinner. First: We get a blanky and lay back in Our recliner waiting for Our cabin to warm. We go pretty deep into dream/multiD and it IS good. After that: We have the last of Our ribsteak samich with more Dr. Who. We do not finish Our episode.

We are very ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream. We are half way there (or more) Allready.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Bits and pisces in 3D within multiD



Bits and pisces in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 11:31 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

Visited a really cool world where the kids are allowed to run wild and free and play, play, play. In One school there is a room that is 100 acres (the 100 acre wood?) of lush grassland, forest, rolling hills, gardens and such. When a child goes in "they" get to choose who else can come in or not. There is a window and "they" get to choose whether anyOne can see in and if "They" can see out. From outside the room We can let another child in and it is a different 100 acres unless the two want to play together.

12/28/2017: I visited another world where I was considering other places to live. I was learning new skills to make money. I was carving up trees like a madman. Yoda visited Me. I was soooooo excited to meet him and chat that I woke up.

The formatting got messed up with pasting.

1/3/2018 In waking dream We visited a land/world where minotaurs and/or centaurs run and play wild and free. We thelt centaurs and the word We thelt was minotaurs. “They” were running and playing wild and free. We remembered that this is how We envision children. This is what minotaurs and centaurs do by nature and so would children if allowed to live “their” true nature. We (A-dults) fear this nature. “They” were having such fun. As We remembered that this is how We envision children living: We real-eyesed that there ARE children running and playing with the centaurs and minotaurs. It is totally natural. It happens All the time. In Our blindness and limitation We just do not see it.

1/8/2018 Another cool world: this One is set near Our cabin. SomeOne damned up and diverted a large stream. “Their” justification is that the original course only fed vampire lands. There is some kind of tribunal reviewing the matter. (It is hard to put dreams to limitation words) We started taking the damn apart to open the old course and block the new One. (We can let some of the water flow down the new course: there is plenty for All.) Buried in the damn We find a star that has been captured and buried. We set the star free. It is quite a sight to see a star rise from the rubble and return to life in the cosmos. It was nearly dead from the ordeal.

As We continued to take the damn apart We found faeries buried there also and (of course) We set “them” free too. It was a lot of fun. It was a well built damn and taking it apart would have been a lot of work if not for setting the star and the fae free. Quite rewarding.

And so We opened the old channel up and let the water run freely to the vampire lands as well as to normy land.

1/9/2018 We really enjoyed Our vacation. We spent most of it dreaming. When awake We were mostly in multiD even though We were still very much in 3D. That is really what it is All about. We played Animal Crossing a lot which helps Us to be in other worlds. Multiworlds and multiD are closely linked.

We were not into typing much during Our break. We were into experiencing and experience We did.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Mostly multiD with few words



Mostly multiD with few words

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:28 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We ARE grateful. Our coffeemaker woke Us today. We are ponyhopping.

In Our dreams or waking dreams We were pondering transforming Our limitation world. We do not know how to really describe it. We do know that there is nothing “to do”. Our “Vortex” meditation keeps reminding Us. “Doing” is actually counterproductive: actually keeps Us stuck in limitation. “Trying” to get out just spins Our wheels and digs Us in deeper. (We get lots of metaphor of that with Our slick roads and deep snow here.) Resisdance is exactly how We rerun these old, old memories in different clothing, different dancing shoes. “Need” (or imagined “need”) keeps Us struggling and striving and that is more limitation and separation.

Breathe and relax, open and allow, setting it All free with love is the way out: the way up. Blame also keeps Us stuck and powerless. As long as We deny that We ARE able and powerful then We ARE unable and powerless. It IS Our choice.

We ARE making new choices. We ARE making better choices.

Thank Us.

This is NOT about instant gratification and as humans We usually go for instant gratification. We ARE in this for the long haul. Sprinters will probably tire before We make it into experiencing infinity. We ARE in infinity. Most of Us do not know that and those who do can get sucked back into thinking We are limited. Most of Us believe that 3d and the physical have to be limited and separate. That is the lie that We tell and propagate. We feed the memory and rerun the same scenario over and over and over.

We forgive Us. We chose this and We ARE responsible. NO blame. Just responsibility.

It feels much warmer outside than it did last night. The temperature is not up as much as it feels like it is. More learning that WE are doing this: it IS All in Our mind. That IS reality.

It is the last day before winter break. The kids are looking forward to the holydays. Most are either quiet as usual or playful.

We have a good day. We do not remember much from waking as We are mostly in multiD and/or dream.

At home We quickly slip deeper into multiD and dream in readiness for two weeks of dreaming. We will make a few trips to town to hottub and get groceries. We are pretty well stocked up on groceries so We do not need to go to town any time soon.

Goodnight AND thank You for playing.