Learning experiences living in 3D within multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:51 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We decided to dream in just a bit and then take Our time drifting and playing in multiD. We ARE clearly in 3D while mostly in multiD. Here AND there. Learning how to do this.
We ARE choosing to finish the cycle of projection, blame, rejection and suffering that We have rerun over and over and over. WE did this. We accept this. We forgive Us. We love Us AND We thank Us. For this WE ARE responsible. No blame. Choices. We are making new choices. Thank Us.
Another great day with the kids: not so much with the A-dults. Of course: We created All of it. Lots of ponyhopping.
Our first kid did not ride. Our second kid plays on Our Nook so quietly (as does the first when “they” ride). The next is wide awake and lively and talkative. The thing with this One is that “they” are hard to understand and Allways have lots of question and are not afraid to repeat and repeat “their” questions. When the next kid gets on and wants to read the other seems to find even more questions to annoy the reader with. That was probably Us and Our older sister from what We have been told. EveryOne wants attention.
We are a little late to Our gradeschool because that is the way it is scheduled. We do make it at bell so it is not too bad. We are torn about how to handle that. We keep theeling to just keep Our mouth shut. We theel that it will All work itSelf out.
We get to hottub on Our break. We wait until a little later than usual since We have a longer break. This means that the seniors have left and the others have the jets running full blast. We like it more better that way.
We do some shopping and have lunch afterwards.
Our driver did NOT look at the early out route sheets and checkin times. She got everyOne in a panic because she was there for Our regular checkin and We were not. NoOne looked at the checkin sheets. When We find out We are kinda happy. When We tell her why We think that district did that she asks: “So YOU did this?” We lost about an hour and We theel that her question shows that she blames Us for losing time on Our regular route. She just does NOT get it and We remember that WE created All this. Blaming is NOT the answer. We ask forgiveness. We love her and We thank her. That is hard for Us in these instances. Sooooo much easier to blame like We Allways have. We really do wanna change/evolve the pattern. We ARE doing Our best to evolve and make new choices.
Our highschooler is in an ornery mood and We move away to avoid “their” throwing snow on Us. It is cold, wet snow and quite unpleasant for Us. The mood (Our mood) is also affected by how We are theeling about Our driver. Please forgive Us.
We have extra time before Our gradeschool because the highschools get out two hours early and gradeschools only and hour and a half early. The Safeway in North Pole is the only store that has mizithra cheese and that is where Our PM gradeschool is. We get Our mizithra and some small servings of different pasta salads. We do not wanna stop eating the pasta salads even when We are full. It is a taste treat. It is old behavior from old thinking that We will never get more or even enough.
Our “bad boy” is acting up. “They” calm and then flip back into loud, defiant and out of control. We have no idea what is going on. We have the teacher get on twice. We tell her that “they” have been doing much better the last couple of weeks. She tells Us that there are changes going on. Changes ARE hard. She ends up taking the student off the bus. It is clear that “they” are not gonna calm enough for the driver to drive safely. We get the theeling that the kid wanted to be taken off?????
It is a short section with only One rider. Our driver takes her time.
It has snowed quite a bit and is still snowing fairly heavy. There are quite a few wrecks with no bus wrecks only stuck buses. We drive straight home. We thought about putting on a chain to go down Our drive. The wind is blowing and making it kinda miserable outside so We choose to NOT chain up. We slide a bit coming down Our drive and land at Our cabin okay and get parked out of the way of the snowplow. We figure that We will take Our chariot tomorrow whether Our plow guy comes tonight or not.
We play Animal Crossing extra long since We got home sooooo early. We listen to Our “Vortex” and head to dream early. We do not theel like having dinner. A little later Our plow guy comes. Since We were not full into dream We get up. We have slept through the noise before. We have no idea how. We musta really been far away. We stay up playing in multiD until he finishes Our drive and Our neighbors. The sounds would keep Us outta dream anyway.
When Our plowguy is finished We are well ready to dream.
Goodnight AND thank You for playing.
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