A warm, fun 3D day within multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:21 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We wake grateful and begin ponyhopping right away.
As much as We have not gotten caught up (in Our head) about One new minivan and selling Our dragon: We have kinda gotten caught up in it. It is definite progress with room for improvement.
Thank Us.
We ARE delighted with Our progress, Our ease and where We are at on Our journey. We want to set it All free. We want to continue to expand and evolve. Thank Us. We love Us unconditionally.
Another great morning. Only two middleschoolers ride. It is Our loudest two who do not really get along. “They” do fine. The One did not charge “their” 3DS so “they” wanna play with Our Nook again. The two get along fine too and share Our Nook. We arrive a few minutes early and Once again that is hard for “them”. “They” have sooooo much energy. It is hard to sit on the bus and wait. Buses are NOT for sitting and waiting. Buses are for moving.
It is a little cooler than yesterday and still warm.
Our gradeschoolers are quiet as usual. The last One does not ride and Our driver thought that would be the case after the overmedication yesterday.
We go to the pool on Our morning break since that is the only break that We have time to get across town and back. We have time to get lunch afterwards. We stop at Safeway because We like “their” food better and really want a change. “Their” Wifi is still not working.
Both of Our noon kids ride. One had a rough day and wants to sit alone. As usual “they” both want the same Spiderman. “They” accept the sharing and manage to do okay. The One who gets the favorite Spiderman sits in the back and (of course) puts Spiderman in “their” backpack hoping to take it home.
We go to Sam’s Club on Our second break and then go to get gas. We have time for both since We do not take time to eat.
Our PM highschooler rides. “They” saw Our driver at the store yesterday evening. “They” ask why We were not at the store too. We tell “them” that We usually go home. We usually do Our shopping during Our break.
It is warming up outside.
Neither of Our PM preschoolers ride so We only have two riders. Our “bad boy” is very wound up in a good way. Still a bit too active. Since it is just the two and We ARE getting to know both We allow the behavior and just remind “them” to settle down a bit. “They” are imaginating. “They” tell Us about a friend that is VERY naughty and that the friend is pretend. In “their” playing the imaginary friend is very real. We go along. We do not get into it because “their” is too much violence for Us. As We pass McDonald’s the friend is throwing hamburgers at Us. We can get into that and catch burgers and eat “them”. That does not last long. We get the impression that this kid does not have anyOne to play with and is probably a loner by behavior more than by choice.
We do get to dream on the drive back to base. We finish early and that is fine because We wanna check Our mail on the way home.
At home: We order a set/pack of four earmuffs for only $4 more than the single pair We got last year. We think/hope that “they” are the same as the Ones that We love yesterday. “They” look the same and the description is the same just a different brand.
We also play Our game a while. It locks up at first and takes a little time to get to play. It does not hold Our attention for long which is a good thing.
We have dinner with another new movie about time travel.
Now it is time to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.
Good night AND thank You for playing.
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