Ponyhopping works in 3D within multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:37 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We wake grateful and ponyhopping again. We have been ponyhopping All night and that IS a good thing. We love You. Healing Our world One “We love You” at a time. Expanding Our thoughts, beliefs and concepts with love and gratitude.
Love IS the answer. Thank Us.
It snowed last night. It may still be snowing?
Our head wants to think, plan and worry about Our kids that act up. That IS old energy, thinking, mindset and behavior. We want to progress. We want to set the old memories free with love. We keep replaying the old tapes, the old memories and looping back around in the old shit over and over and over and over again. Please forgive Us. Please forgive OurSelves. We ARE forgiving OurSelves.
Thank Us.
Remember theeling higher vibrations and that helps Us find better theeling thoughts.
Our morning went very smooth. We can theel and We experience the affects of sending love, pony hopping and theeling higher vibrations.
Our excitable highschooler is much calmer today. Not perfect: We do NOT seek perfection. We seek progress. We love You and We thank You.
Only two gradeschoolers rode and "they" have Allways done well. "They" were not Allways nice to the other kids and had made progress at that too.
The weather is wet and snow in many places. It is raining hard where it is not snowing. A few spots have ice under the snow and/or water. If it gets any colder then driving will be treacherous. We did fine until We got behind a very slow car for over ten miles. No problems just slow.
We ARE enjoying sending love, ponyhopping and theeling higher vibrations.
We are having lunch and Wifi and then We will do a little grocery shopping before We go hottub. We may even read a bit first since this is a day when the hottub opens late.
We do have route sheets for early outs on Friday and will look at those and do parent contacts on route as much as We can.
It was very nice to hottub.
Back at base We find that Our driver is out for the afternoon. We have One of the drivers from Louisiana. We have to give directions AND pay attention to the kids. It goes fine. We do miss a couple of turns because We were paying attention to the kids. Our posthighschoolers do great. One is a little slow getting on the bus (probably) because of the new driver. “They” do fine Once “they” get on and get seated.
Our gradeschoolers do great too. We are inside to pickup Our kid in a wheelchair when “they” bring Our preschoolers out. Our sub driver does fine getting “them” buckled in. Those that talk do talk about the snow. The forecast said it would snow yet first snow is Allways an event here.
We have most of Our middleschoolers and “they” do well. The One loud kid is still loud only not as bad as yesterday. “They” are not calling anyOne names. “They” yell at Us (personally) to shutup. We react calmly. We have “them” give directions to “their” house. We theel this makes “them” theel good. At “their” stop “they” are actually nice to everyOne. We thank “them” for being nice. “They” respond positively.
After the next stop (Our last stop in town) We let One kid change seats so the two with a long ride can sit together and play “their” games. One is using Our Nook. After the next kid gets home We move back to the back to pay attention to Our last kid. This is the overmedicated kid from summer school. “They” are not nearly as medicated. When “they” see Us watching “they” have a really sweet smile on “their” face. Sometimes “they” like for Us to watch “them” and sometimes not. “Really sweet” is not how We would normally describe this middleschooler. It theels good to experience the results (in many kids) of Our ponyhopping, love and attention.
We go way deep into dream and multiD on the drive back to base. We nearly One turn (actually the driver is starting to turn where We need to go straight and then do just miss the turn onto the main highway. It is an easy turn around and back to the highway entrance.
We come somewhat back to 3D and drive home safely (happy to be in multiD). The roads are mostly clear of snow. Our drive is mostly clear also.
We use the fan behind Our heater to warm Our cabin quickly and then have dinner with more “Endeavour”. Now: We are very ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to multiD.
Good night AND thank You for playing.
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