Ponyhopping progress in 3D within multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 4:09 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We wake grateful again. We likes waking grateful. We ARE still ponyhopping. Let this heal and cleanse Our memories and transform “them” into unconditional love. That/this is how We create a world of love. It is actually more becoming aware of (a) world(s) of love that We have Allready created in infinity and eternity.
Thank Us.
Well: the kids were great. We had a subdriver and We got Us quite lost. We have been paying attention to the kids not the roads. OOPS. Who wooda thunk that there are two Rambling roads and the One with the street sign is the wrong One? So: of course We were clueless and could NOT figure out what happened to Our landmarks????
Then there is the housing complex where "they" changed the street names after "they" made the maps.
Even Our excitable kid did great which is odd with All the wrong turns. Dad confirmed that hitting is "their" way of saying "hi".
After that school We only had the two gradeschoolers who are Allways great and just play "their" electronic games (or Our electronic game).
It is cool and rainy today: not freezing.
Now it is Wifi with lunch. Then the bank to get money to stash and then hottub. YAY hottub.
We have the same subdriver and “they” also drove yesterday afternoon. We are getting along well. He seems to think he will be driving Our route again tomorrow. We do not know what is going on with Our driver.
Our afternoon went nice. One kid that had not ridden this week rode and had an anime picture to show Us. “They” have a strong speech impediment so it is hard to understand “them”. “They” did tell Us the names of the two characters.
Our gradeschoolers are great as usual. We finally saw the kid who has not ridden since We got on this route. “They” did not ride so We only got to “see” “them” not really meet “them”. We make better time because We remember the faster way than We took yesterday. We ARE paying more attention to the roads/route now.
Our loud middleschooler did not ride so that is a nice relief. We still send love. Nice thing about unconditional love: We do NOT have to like someOne or something to love “them” unconditionally. Two kids want to sit One other kid. This gets One of Our autistic kids wound up and “they” do well with it after a bit. We are a bit early to Our first stop because of the One not riding. We get to test “them” NOT needing to be met. That goes fine and We watch “them” get inside the house.
After the next kid gets dropped off We let the autistic kid move to sit with the kid “they” had wanted to sit with originally. It is okay with the One. The One is deep into playing a game so it is a little frustrating for the autistic kid. It All goes well. The autistic kid did not ride yesterday so that is a new route for Our subdriver.
After Our last drop Our subdriver tells Us that “they” heard that We are gonna have the rebid on the 25th. We have no clue if that is fact or rumor.
We are fairly deep in multiD when We get home. That can make doing 3D stuff kinda interesting. Our intuition does seem to work and guide Us in this state. We have made small mistakes and not forgotten anything major.
We use the fan behind Our heater to warm Our cabin faster. The temp does seem to be dropping outside. We have dinner with a new show: “Journey Quest”. It is a comedy fantasy and kinda fun and cute.
Now: We are gonna let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream. Night, night.
Good night AND thank You for playing.
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