Imagine a world (and then imagine every world) where the first thing We ask a stranger is: “What do You like to play best?”

This IS what We ARE doing

This IS what We ARE doing
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING (Picture found on Facebook, artist unknown)


"Whatever You believe (truly believe) will work for You ...................... is working for You."

"If You ever Oneder what it is that You truly believe, look at what You have in Your life"
(I have been saying this about Our beliefs for years AND it is becoming more real to Me every day.)


"A belief is just a habit of thought."


If You would like to support My work, My writing and sharing, My PayPal account is:

I greatly appreciate any and All contributions.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Great payback in 3D within multiD



Great payback in 3D within multiD

Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:52 AM and/or NOW

Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.

Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.

We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.

We wake grateful again. Thank Us. We got up a little early. We wanted to order more CBD oil and send love to All those in Our daily life: especially the kids. Our head is trying to tell Us that sending love is just NOT enough. That is old thinking, mindset, behavior and lies. “Lies. All lies I tell You.”

Love IS the answer. Just because We made it seem less, weak and feeble does NOT make it so. We hid Our power and the power of love. We gave away Our power and the power of love. It is time to accept the truth: Love is the most powerful force in the world (in any and All worlds). We ARE energy beans. That energy IS love.

Thank Us.

We send love to Our kids and everyOne involved in Our daily lives. We do not need to plan and wriggle Our way out of circumstances. We do NOT need to “try” and control others and circumstances. We want a world of love. That starts with Us. We send love and that is the beginning of living IN a world OF love.

Thank Us.

And yet another message about what We ARE living and typing.

What a great morning!!!!

We get a late start because Our bus is in shop and “they” are short of standby buses. Then the bus “they” give Us will not start. We called All of Our highschool parents so it is not bad. One kid who is nonverbal is teaching Us what “they” like and dislike by “their” behavior. The seatbelts are a little different on this bus and “they” let Us know that “they” do not like these. Yesterday (or the life before) “they” showed Us that “they” do NOT like the seatbelt twisted. This IS common. The problem is that some are installed wrong and there is no avoiding a twisted belt. The trick is to hide the twist. Some students find it anyway.

A couple of gradeschoolers do not ride and the first One told dispatch when “they” called that We were quite late so that put Us on time. Of course: with that section noOne is used to Us being ontime so We had to wait at several stops. Our “badboy” was Allmost ready even though We were much earlier than usual. “They” are smiling as “they” come out and get on the bus. “They” go right to a seat in the back and buckle up without Us saying anything. The only other student on the bus does NOT understand why We want “them” in the front and the other in the back. We do Our best to explain and tell “them” We will ask a teacher to explain better. A clear explanation would/might violate All of the privacy rules We have to follow.

Most of Our other students ride and have a pretty good time. We ARE still working with these kids to get “them” to be nice to each other.

At school We talk to a teacher about explaining the seating to the One student. She is happy to help. She asks how Our “badboy” did and We get to tell her “GREAT”. That theels sooooo good. We are sooooo grateful and happy. That IS the theeling of higher vibes. Our ponyhopping and sending love IS working.

We have a short break because of early outs. The pool is closed until later for staff training. We theel that We will have time to go shower if We do not hottub. Bummer. Oh well. We still have the higher vibes going. We really ARE jazzed.

Our highschoolers are happy to have a three day weekend. One has a Lego figure and drops One piece after sitting down. We both look for the piece and can not find it. We tell “them” that We will keep looking and “they” are satisfied with that.

We only have One gradeschooler ride because of early outs. “They” are quite upset because “they” lost a book that “their” friend had loaned “them” for the weekend. “They” recount “their” day step by step trying to figure out where “they” left the book. “They” tell Us that “they” spend most of “their” time sitting in “their” room reading and now “they” have no book to read. That is sad.

One middleschooler goes out of control (with “their” aid) getting on the bus. We do NOT know what happened. “They” are hitting and cussing. We do NOT let any other kids board and several aids get on the bus. “They” take Our most severely autistic kid back into school to wait. We call dispatch to get approval to send other students home on another bus that knows where “they” live. Our supervisor approves this and the other driver is willing. We talk to the teachers and “they” do NOT want to do that because of other issues with those kids and other students. We are staying off the bus. With her personal problems Our driver is pretty upset and does NOT think to get off the bus. It does NOT even dawn on Us that she does not know that with the teachers onboard she could off.

Our supervisor calls just after the teachers got the One kid calmed and We start getting the other kids on. We tell her that the school does NOT want Us to send any students on the other bus. She had called school district and got the approval since it was for the safety of the other students. The teachers are bringing the last kid out of the school so We board “them” and proceed.

The One kid is still a little agitated. We let another kid play “their” game a bit louder than usual to compensate. We ARE able to keep the One kid mostly calm. “They” do not talk clearly and “they” are trying to tell/ask Us something. “They” are frustrated. “They” show the frustration without acting out because “they” know that We ARE trying to understand.

We finish around on time because Our last kid did not ride and that balances the time it took at school.

Back at base We talk to Our supervisor a bit and she lets Us know that she and her boss and school district are very happy with the way that We handled it. She also told Us that she called school district back to let “them” know that the teachers would not let Us split the riders up onto the other bus. All along We had said “IF” “they” can not get the student calmed down and “they” did get “them” calmed down which kinda surprised Us.

Our driver thinks the upset was because the kid was scared that the bus would break down again and the teachers apparently did not get it even though We had told “them” that We broke down yesterday.

This event kinda counter-balanced Our morning. However: We were able to keep this kid calm which is also about Our ponyhopping and sending love. We forget that in the heat of the moment when the kid is acting up and even afterwards. Of course: Our head does still like throwing rocks at Us.

We are pretty deep in multiD and stop for groceries. We do not know what We want for dinner: only that We do NOT really want what We had planned. We get some salami (because that sounds good) and frozen manicotti in addition to the groceries that We had planned to get. We real-eyes that We ARE hungry so We have some salami on the drive home.

At home: We are hungry AND deep in multiD so We have dinner (sooner than usual) with some more “Endeavor”. A little playing in multiD afterwards and soon We ARE quite ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream. We still have to get up early for the inservice meeting.

Good night AND thank You for playing.

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