Easy to slip back into limitation in 3D within multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 3:45 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We wake grateful again. We likes it. This vibration theels sooooo much better than grumping now that it is familiar. Thank Us.
Sometimes: We still revert to grumping. It is habit and normal: NOT natural. It is sooooo familiar and common that We used to really believe that it was natural. We had a lot of bassackward beliefs. We still hold on to some/many. “That’s just the way it is” remains a lot stronger than We would prefer. What a lie. We swallow it because We are the Ones telling it.
We just remembered that last night We were way deep in multiD and multiworlds before Our “Vortex” finished. We were more in waking dream and it thelt really great. We quickly got to full dream and visited lots of worlds with lots of new friends and some old friends too.
We ARE remembering the theeling of a small yet major success the other day. Our head still tries to deny it. It IS important and yet the theeling and the vibration are far more important than the success. Even though it is a major success that We have looked for a long time: still the theeling and/of the vibration is the mostest important part. We wanna vibrate higher vibrations more and therefore create Our reality from those vibrations rather than from negative, victim and defeatist vibrations. We ARE never defeated and We look forward to convincing Our head of that. Our heart knows. Our heart is taking the lead more and more.
We still live in limitation 3d where many/most feel defeated and believe that We ARE victims of a hard, harsh, cruel world and beans that ARE more powerful than Us. We still believe those lies even though We are starting to believe AND experience the truth of who We really ARE.
Thank Us.
At work: We often still see the evidance (that We created) of being victims and defeated. We remind OurSelves that even though there is evidance: We created the evidance. It IS Our choice of what We live and believe. We often notice (now) that other messengers use the same words that We do. Evidance that WE ARE creating Our evidance. We used to use this as proof of Our powerlessness saying that see what We look for. We use Our power to prove that We are powerless. How cunning is that?
We ARE sooooo much more than ever believed possible.
Thank Us.
We ARE theeling and experiencing the vibration(s) of success and being powerful. Yes: it IS scary at first. As it becomes familiar We likes it.
Another great morning with the kids. Several gradeschoolers did not ride. We had a lot of fun with the Ones that did.
The chaos with other routes seems to be worse in the PM than AM now.
We have more route changes starting next Tuesday. So far the only change for Us is a new noon kid. Of course We do not get any more time to do it. (As soon as We typed that We are reminded that We create All this.)
Thank Us. Do We wanna choose happy and grateful or grumpy? What vibration do We choose to live?
It is sooooo easy to slip back into old thinking and behavior when out and about with the muggles. We do Our best and that is the best We can do. Sometimes We hold Our light and sometimes We play in the dark. We Allways know (now) that We DO have a choice. We create what and where We live. We CAN vibrate higher or We can play in the mud. We are NEVER again a victim.
Pony hopping again/still.
All of Our noon kids ride. “They” are fun and We just keep on working with “them” to keep the volume down. Our driver has a harder time walking with “them” into school than We do. He wants a very ordered and structured line and walk in. These are military kids. “They” get plenty of order and structure. We can not just let “them” run free. We can be a bit lenient.
We get to hottub on Our second break. Not much time for anything else. We park in a bus parking area since employee parking is full of buses. We still let OurSelves get frustrated with that.
We have Our regular highschoolers. One does NOT seem to be in a good mood today. Who knows what goes on in these kids’ lives? We ARE glad that We no longer have to go through that stage.
Our afternoon gradeschoolers are “their” normal Selves. “They” do seem to be getting more comfortable with Us. A couple went home sick so We have a small group. One who rarely rides is riding today. Does not talk much yet We can tell “they” are very alert and aware.
Our driver is in a grumping mood because of Our short hours. We are reminded that even though We cling to old beliefs of money coming only from Our job We know that Our hours are NOT what controls Our money. Our vibration controls and limits it IF there are limits. However: it is still sooooo easy to fall back into old limiting beliefs and behaviors. Limitation and victim mindset(s) are sooooo prevalent in the world that We have created and projected.
We go straight home. At home We wanna play in multiD and multiworlds before dinner. We finish “What Happened to Monday” with dinner.
Now: We let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream.
Good night AND thank You for playing.
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