Theeling success and accomplishment in 3D within multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 1:07 PM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We ARE grateful again/still. We continue practicing theeling successful and We ARE grateful.
We may play with Our projects some later and We may return to dream first. We can theel how it theels to be done: to accomplish things. We are theeling how real, full joy theels. These are pleasant and uplifting theelings. We have been headed here for some time. The timing had to be right and there must have been something that We needed to experience first. Who knows?
We ARE grateful. Thank Us.
We know that theeling accomplishment and success is actually more productive than “doing” in the physical. However: Our head does NOT (yet) know this. Our head tried to show Us multiple scenarios where We fail. We know that We will NOT fail. That is old energy, old thinking and old beliefs. We forgive Us. We love Us AND We thank Us.
Doing through non-doing. We have talked about that before: many times. We ARE learning how to do this. We theel success.
We thank Us.
And what is success for Us? We are NOT certain in the physical sense. All of Our goals and expectations are limited and success (to Us) will be limitless and at least less limited on Our way to limitless. Living vibrationally is certainly part of Our success. Knowing that We ARE truly free: free of need is also part. Will Our 3D life look and theel different? Well” certainly to some extent when it is no longer limited. What has Allways been here may remain and then there will be more. Beyond Our boundaries and limits lies eternity and infinity. Our physical world must look different when it does not end at the horizon. Maybe no horizon?
What will life be like when We fully get it (and live it) that Our life and world (as We know “them”) are merely a hologram: a projection of Our limiting beliefs? It will not suddenly change. We are pretty certain of that. The shift is gradual for Us so as not to blow Our circuits.
Allready: what was Allways important and vital (to Us) is no longer as pressing and threatening. We are no longer victims even though We easily revert to victim mentality. That has been Our mindset for sooooo long and it is sooooo strong in this environment that it is easy to slip back. The good news is that We are now theeling the difference and choosing to theel successful and accomplished. We theel being the creator of Our reality. We still see Our physical world and All that used to worry, bother and threaten Us. We just no longer theel as worried, bothered and threatened. We ARE growing free of need. It is a gentle and gradual process and growth.
Thank Us.
We got some more decorating done. We got most of Our painting done: maybe One more coat on One support post for a cover that Allways gets bent over with snow. We got One handrail done. We may leave the other for tomorrow???? We are taking a break regardless. Breaks are good for Us. Learning to take breaks and take it easy on Us is even more good for Us.
Thank Us.
Oh: We also played a bit with the powersteering line for Our dragon. The fitting was not turning freely and We getting it more freer. So: at least two messages here: alignment and free. We open and allow. We ARE getting exactly what We need.
YAY!!!!! Our mechanic called and is on his way out here!!!! We ARE glad that We stopped after the first handrail AND that We got the fitting loose on the line.
Theeling the excitement of being done: of success.
Thank Us a lot.
The power steering line is connected!!!! We just need to connect the other end (just a hose and hose clamp that is easy to get to) and put the stuff back on that We took off to get to the line. Should be easy. We will probably do that tomorrow. Gonna take another break for the evening.
We really theel the theeling of being done, being successful. We knew inside that Our mechanic would show up and get it done. It was only Our head that was scared. We forgive Us. We love Us AND We thank Us.
We have dinner with more “Colony”. We are very excited and theeling how it theels to have this accomplished and it does NOT matter that We used another physical body to do it. We succeeded. We did check in with Our heart over the weeks and knew everything was/is fine and on schedule. It was only Our head that was in fear and doubt. Thank Us.
We tried laying down a few times and are too excited to sleep. We keep theeling the theeling of success and that is way more important than sleep. We go to waking dream and then get back up to play in multiD, to theel the theeling of being done and accomplishment and to watch more “Colony” and read Our book.
Now: We know (from experience) what it is to raise Our vibration and to theel a better theeling thought.
Let Us dream.
Good night AND thank You for playing.
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