Insights, intuits and experiences in 3D within multiD
Wizard’s Log Stardate: 8:09 AM and/or NOW
Good morning. We wake to play another day. Reminder to Self: Celebrate!!!!! Only the divine exists. The divine is All there is, All that is AND I Am that “divine”. WE ARE. Celebrate.
Today: We choose to vibrate love: unconditional love. We choose to project and reflect unconditional love. We choose love.
We Allready ARE All that We aspire to be and much, much more. We are ‘tending to be less and We ‘tend very good. It is time to accept and own that We ARE unconditional love and everything that We desire flows from here.
We are up early for a vacation day. We wake grateful and theeling how success theels. Thank Us.
We wanna get an early start playing with Our projects outside. It seems like the rains have mostly dried up. We wanna get Our back privacy wall propped up more better and We wanna do it on a day when Our neighbors are not out there. We do like Our privacy. We wanna finish Our painting, get the second hand rail up and finish connecting the powersteering for Our dragon. The cool thing is that We do not care how much We get done. If We do not finish before school starts We are fine with that. We are NOT pressuring OurSelves. We theel that if We play some and then return to dream that will be just fine. This theels sooooo different to Us.
Theeling successful instead of theeling a victim and failing is very liberating. We also hope to get more decorating done. We theel that that has helped Us a lot. It helps Us visualize beyond Our perceived limits.
We continue to practice theeling successful and theeling how it theels to be done. We do this instead of living in planning and theeling how it theels to be “doing”. We have spent Our entire planning, worrying and imaging how hard it will be to do the things that are before Us…One boss Once told Us that We put too much on Our plate and that We need to take bites not the whole plate. That IS part of it. Another part is theeling the task done. We have Allways focused on slogging Our way up some huge mountain rather than theeling OurSelves standing on the mountain top looking out at the beautiful vista below.
Thank Us.
We ARE addicted to the adrenaline rush of overwhelming odds and challenges. We ARE addicted to limitation and separation. It is time to set Our addictions free and play a different game: a different level of the game.
Thank Us.
Now it is raining again and We focus on theeling successful rather than theeling defeated: a BIG difference. Thank Us.
It is an interesting theeling to seem blocked and yet theel success and having completed Our projects. Theeling before the event. We have Allways thought that We had to accomplish BEFORE theeling success. Another thing that We have bassackwards. We really have it All bassackwards. We also recognize that All that We want “to do” is NOT really important. We used to think it was life threatening. We forgive Us. We wanted to experience and We experience We did. Now: We are ready to experience more. We set Us free with love.
In the passed (and even in the present) We tried to imagine what success would look like. Nothing wrong with that and certainly more beneficial than imaging how defeat and failure look. The thing is that anything We can conjure is still limited: very limited. What We can do is remember what passed and current success theels like. That theeling IS the vibration of success. It is NOT something minor and frivolous to be poo pooed away as “nice” and yet meaningless. It IS the/a key to the next level. We try to avoid using “higher” and “lower” because those imply better and worse. Those ARE limitation and separation concepts. Limitation and separation is still Our default mindset and mentality so We avoid feeding that whenever possible. Theelings and emotions are NOT something for the weak. Much the opposite: “they” are the tools of the strong and fearless. “They” ARE the tools of the pioneers which is exactly why Our limitation society has made “them” seem trivial and worthless.
It is still raining off and on and We are taking Our time getting up and about. Relaxing Our way to success. We have started cooking some cranberries to make a cranraspberry pie.
The cranberries are cooked enough and We added the raspberries and cornstarch. Now: We are gonna let it cool before putting in the pieshell and baking. We are only waiting because We theel like going back to dream a bit.
There are some things that We can do outside as long as it is not raining and some We can even do in the rain. There are other things that We want stuff to dry before the doing. We DO want to theel inspired and that the energies (Our spiritual/multiD energy) is/are supporting doing whatever in the current now. We are being gentle, taking it easy and relaxed. Relaxing Our way to success and theeling how it theels to be successful.
We had nice waking dreams. We seemed to remain in Our familiar waking world only We are changed and changing. Our world seems to remain limited for the time while We grow less and less limited and separate. We theel OurSelves drifting in multiD. This theels great now that We know what is happening. We used to hate and resist it: before We knew.
We decided to get up gently and get ready to bake Our pie. We theel that We will also go out and finish the painting and play at some other stuff outside soon. Subject to change as Our theelings change. We are NOT in any rush.
Here is another timely message speaking of what We are living. It sheds more light on some of Our experiences.
Our pie is baking and We are slowly and gently getting some things ready for playing outside.
WOW!!! All of a sudden the sky has cleared and gone from gray overcast to clear, bright blue skies, sunshine and a few fluffy clouds. Nice!
We are taking a break. We ARE getting Our back privacy tied and propped up. It means climbing through wet forest so We are taking it slow and easy.
Thank Us.
Another break. Breaks are good for the soul.
We accidentally messed up Our paragraph formatting and can not seem to figure out how to fix it.
We theel that We got Our privacy wall supported adequately. Winter will tell. It is definitely betterer than it was. We also got corks in All of Our glass bottles out there so that (hopefully) “they” won’t break.
Okay: We did cut and paste and that did not work. Then We did a copy, delete and then paste and that seemed to work.
We theel We may be ready to play with Our dragon. Add power steering fluid then connect the other end so that (hopefully) the line will bleed. Then We will reconnect the battery and get Our dragon running leaving the One end a bit loose to bleed the system the rest of the way. We also wanna check the front tires because “they” look like “they” may be low or it may just be the way that it is sitting for Allmost a year.
Not quite done with Our break though.
The power steering line is All connected and no visible leaks. Our dragon started right up and seems to be running great. We have not taken it out on the road yet: only a back and forth in the drive. We have not put the air cleaner back on yet. That is probably next after this break.
We put the air cleaner back on and drove around the block (so to speak) and everything seems fine. YAY!!!!!
We can really theel how it theels to accomplish something and be a success. Now: We wanna theel that more and more often. We wanna learn to live in that vibration.
Also: We did put Our dragon back on Our insurance policy. Gotta be legal.
We ARE theeling the theeling of success. Funny how it seems to hold better when We are remembering how it theels than in the actual moment of some/any physical success. It IS physical AND it IS more.
We sauteed mushrooms and onions to have with a piece of steak that We had thawed. Very good. We have started watching “ARQ”. We had watched at least part of it before.
Now We are ready to let Our “Vortex” take Us to dream: still theeling successful. (Act as if)
Good night AND thank You for playing.
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